/* * basicQuery.cpp * * Created on: 2014-6-20 * Author: liyouhuan */ #include "BasicQuery.h" #include "../Database/Database.h" /* _query is a SPARQL query string */ BasicQuery::BasicQuery(const string _query) { this->initial(); } BasicQuery::~BasicQuery() { this->clear(); } void BasicQuery::clear() { /* clear */ delete[] this->var_degree; delete[] this->var_sig; delete[] this->var_name; for(int i = 0; i < BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM; i ++) { delete[] this->edge_sig[i]; delete[] this->edge_id[i]; delete[] this->edge_nei_id[i]; delete[] this->edge_pre_id[i]; delete[] this->edge_type[i]; } delete[] this->edge_sig; delete[] this->edge_id; delete[] this->edge_nei_id; delete[] this->edge_pre_id; delete[] this->edge_type; this->var_degree = NULL; this->var_sig = NULL; this->var_name = NULL; this->edge_sig = NULL; this->edge_id = NULL; this->edge_nei_id = NULL; this->edge_pre_id = NULL; this->edge_type = NULL; } /* get the number of variables */ int BasicQuery::getVarNum() { return this->graph_var_num; } /* get the name of _var in the query graph */ std::string BasicQuery::getVarName(int _var) { return this->var_name[_var]; } /* get triples number, also sentences number */ int BasicQuery::getTripleNum() { return this->triple_vt.size(); } /* get the ID of the i-th edge of _var */ int BasicQuery::getEdgeID(int _var, int _i_th_edge) { return this->edge_id[_var][_i_th_edge]; } /* get the ID of the i-th edge neighbor of _var */ int BasicQuery::getEdgeNeighborID(int _var, int _i_th_edge) { return this->edge_nei_id[_var][_i_th_edge]; } /* get the ID of the i-th edge of _var */ int BasicQuery::getEdgePreID(int _var, int _i_th_edge) { return this->edge_pre_id[_var][_i_th_edge]; } /* get the ID of the i-th edge of _var */ char BasicQuery::getEdgeType(int _var, int _i_th_edge) { return this->edge_type[_var][_i_th_edge]; } /* get the degree of _var in the query graph */ int BasicQuery::getVarDegree(int _var) { return this->var_degree[_var]; } /* get the candidate list of _var in the query graph */ IDList& BasicQuery::getCandidateList(int _var){ return candidate_list[_var]; } int BasicQuery::getCandidateSize(int _var) { return this->candidate_list[_var].size(); } /* get the result list of _var in the query graph */ vector& BasicQuery::getResultList(){ return result_list; } const EntityBitSet& BasicQuery::getVarBitSet(int _i)const { /* check whether _i exceeds will be better */ return (this->var_sig[_i]); } /* check whether the i-th edge of _var is IN edge */ bool BasicQuery::isInEdge(int _var, int _i_th_edge)const { return this->edge_type[_var][_i_th_edge] == BasicQuery::EDGE_IN; } /* check whether the i-th edge of _var is OUT edge */ bool BasicQuery::isOutEdge(int _var, int _i_th_edge)const { return this->edge_type[_var][_i_th_edge] == BasicQuery::EDGE_OUT; } bool BasicQuery::isOneDegreeNotSelectVar(std::string& _no_sense_var) { /* begin with ? */ if(_no_sense_var.at(0) != '?') { return false; } /* freq equals 1 */ if(this->tuple2freq[_no_sense_var] != 1) { return false; } return true; } bool BasicQuery::isLiteralVariable(int _var) { int var_degree = this->getVarDegree(_var); for (int i = 0; i < var_degree; i++) { if (this->isOutEdge(_var, i)) { return false; } } return true; } bool BasicQuery::isFreeLiteralVariable(int _var) { if (!this->isLiteralVariable(_var)) { return false; } int neighbor_num = this->var_degree[_var]; for (int i = 0; i < neighbor_num; i ++) { if (this->edge_nei_id[_var][i] == -1) { return false; } } return true; } bool BasicQuery::isAddedLiteralCandidate(int _var) { return this->is_literal_candidate_added[_var]; } void BasicQuery::setAddedLiteralCandidate(int _var) { this->is_literal_candidate_added[_var] = true; } void BasicQuery::updateSubSig(int _sub_id, int _pre_id, int _obj_id, std::string _obj,int _line_id) { /* update var(sub)_signature according this triple */ bool obj_is_str = (_obj_id == -1) && (_obj.at(0) != '?'); if(obj_is_str) { Signature::encodeStr2Entity(_obj.c_str(), this->var_sig[_sub_id]); } if(_pre_id != -1) { Signature::encodePredicate2Entity(_pre_id, this->var_sig[_sub_id], BasicQuery::EDGE_OUT); } /* update var(sub)_degree & edge_id according to this triple */ int sub_degree = this->var_degree[_sub_id]; /* edge_id[var_id][i] : the ID of the i-th edge of the var */ this->edge_id[_sub_id][sub_degree] = _line_id; this->edge_nei_id[_sub_id][sub_degree] = _obj_id; this->edge_type[_sub_id][sub_degree] = BasicQuery::EDGE_OUT; this->edge_pre_id[_sub_id][sub_degree] = _pre_id; this->var_degree[_sub_id] ++; } void BasicQuery::updateObjSig(int _obj_id, int _pre_id, int _sub_id, std::string _sub,int _line_id) { /* update var(obj)_signature */ bool sub_is_str = (_sub_id == -1) && (_sub.at(0) != '?'); if(sub_is_str) { cout << "str2entity" << endl; Signature::encodeStr2Entity(_sub.c_str(), this->var_sig[_obj_id]); } if(_pre_id != -1) { cout << "pre2entity" << endl; Signature::encodePredicate2Entity(_pre_id, this->var_sig[_obj_id], BasicQuery::EDGE_IN); } /* update var(sub)_degree & edge_id according to this triple */ int obj_degree = this->var_degree[_obj_id]; /* edge_id[var_id][i] : the ID of the i-th edge of the var */ this->edge_id[_obj_id][obj_degree] = _line_id; this->edge_nei_id[_obj_id][obj_degree] = _sub_id; this->edge_type[_obj_id][obj_degree] = BasicQuery::EDGE_IN; this->edge_pre_id[_obj_id][obj_degree] = _pre_id; this->var_degree[_obj_id] ++; } /* encode relative signature data of the query graph */ void BasicQuery::encodeBasicQuery(KVstore* _p_kvstore, const std::vector& _query_var) { cout << "IN buildBasicSignature" << endl; /* initial */ this->initial(); cout << "after init" << endl; this->buildTuple2Freq(); /* * map id 2 var_name : this->var_name[] * map var_name 2 id : this->var_str2id * */ this->select_var_num = _query_var.size(); //debug std::stringstream _ss; _ss << "select_var_num=" << this->select_var_num << endl; Database::log(_ss.str()); for(int i = 0; i < (this->select_var_num); i ++) { std::string _var = _query_var[i]; this->var_str2id[_var] = i; this->var_name[i] = _var; } cout << "select variables: "; for(int i = 0; i < this->var_str2id.size(); i ++) { cout << "[" << this->var_name[i] << ", " << i << " " << this->var_str2id[this->var_name[i]] << "]\t"; } cout << endl; if(this->encode_method == BasicQuery::SELECT_VAR) { this->findVarNotInSelect(); } else { this->addInVarNotInSelect(); } /* assign the this->var_num */ this->graph_var_num = this->var_str2id.size(); cout<< "graph variables: "; for(int i = 0; i < this->var_str2id.size(); i ++) { cout << "[" << this->var_name[i] << ", " << i << " " << this->var_str2id[this->var_name[i]] << "]\t"; } cout << endl; this->candidate_list = new IDList[this->graph_var_num]; for(int i = 0; i < this->triple_vt.size(); i ++) { string& sub = this->triple_vt[i].subject; string& pre = this->triple_vt[i].predicate; string& obj = this->triple_vt[i].object; int pre_id = _p_kvstore->getIDByPredicate(pre); { std::stringstream _ss; _ss << "pre2id: " << pre << "=>" << pre_id << endl; Database::log(_ss.str()); } int sub_id = -1; int obj_id = -1; /* find var(sub) id */ map::iterator _find_sub_itr = (this->var_str2id).find(sub); if(_find_sub_itr != this->var_str2id.end()) { sub_id = _find_sub_itr->second; } /* find var(obj) id */ map::iterator _find_obj_itr = (this->var_str2id).find(obj); if(_find_obj_itr != this->var_str2id.end()) { obj_id = _find_obj_itr->second; } /* sub is either a var or a string */ bool sub_is_var = (sub_id != -1); if(sub_is_var) { this->updateSubSig(sub_id, pre_id, obj_id, obj,i); //debug { stringstream _ss; _ss << "updateSubSig:\tsub:" << sub_id << "; pre:" << pre_id << "; obj:" << obj_id; _ss << "; [" << obj << "]"; Database::log(_ss.str()); } } /* obj is either a var or a string */ bool obj_is_var = (obj_id != -1); if(obj_is_var) { this->updateObjSig(obj_id, pre_id, sub_id, sub,i); //debug { stringstream _ss; _ss << "updateObjSig:\tobj:" << obj_id << "; pre:" << pre_id << "; sub:" << sub_id; _ss << "; [" << sub << "]"; Database::log(_ss.str()); } } /* if both end points are variables */ bool two_var_edge = (sub_is_var && obj_is_var); if(two_var_edge) { if(pre_id != -1) { cout << "pre2edge" << endl; Signature::encodePredicate2Edge(pre_id, this->edge_sig[sub_id][obj_id]); // this->edge_pre_id[sub_id][obj_id] = pre_id; } } } cout << "OUT encodeBasicQuery" << endl; } /* add triple */ void BasicQuery::addTriple(const Triple& _triple) { triple_vt.push_back(_triple); } const Triple& BasicQuery::getTriple(int _i_th_triple) { return triple_vt.at(_i_th_triple); } /* private methods */ void BasicQuery::null_initial() { this->option_vs.clear(); this->triple_vt.clear(); this->var_str2id.clear(); this->var_degree = NULL; this->is_literal_candidate_added = NULL; this->edge_id = NULL; this->edge_nei_id = NULL; this->edge_pre_id = NULL; this->edge_type = NULL; this->var_sig = NULL; this->edge_sig = NULL; this->encode_method = BasicQuery::NOT_JUST_SELECT; this->candidate_list = NULL; this->graph_var_num = 0; this->select_var_num = 0; this->var_name = 0; } void BasicQuery::initial() { /* initial */ this->graph_var_num = 0; this->var_degree = new int[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->var_sig = new EntityBitSet[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->var_name = new std::string[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_sig = new EdgeBitSet*[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_id = new int*[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_nei_id = new int*[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_pre_id = new int*[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_type = new char*[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->is_literal_candidate_added = new bool[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; for(int i = 0; i < BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM; i ++) { this->var_degree[i] = 0; this->var_sig[i].reset(); this->var_name[i] = ""; this->is_literal_candidate_added[i] = false; this->edge_sig[i] = new EdgeBitSet[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_id[i] = new int[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_nei_id[i] = new int[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_pre_id[i] = new int[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; this->edge_type[i] = new char[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM]; for(int j = 0; j < BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM; j ++) { this->edge_sig[i][j].reset(); this->edge_id[i][j] = -1; this->edge_nei_id[i][j] = -1; this->edge_pre_id[i][j] = -1; this->edge_type[i][j] = '\0'; } } } /* only add those who act as bridge in query graph * so, by now we think only those not in select but occurring more than once * need to be added in var set; * */ void BasicQuery::addInVarNotInSelect() { /* all vars in this set is met before at least once */ int _v_n_i_s_next_id = this->var_str2id.size() + 0; for(int i = 0; i < this->triple_vt.size(); i ++) { string& sub = this->triple_vt[i].subject; if(sub.at(0) == '?') { map::iterator find_sub_itr = this->var_str2id.find(sub); bool not_var_yet = (find_sub_itr == this->var_str2id.end()); if(not_var_yet) { int _freq = this->tuple2freq[sub]; /* so the var str must occur more than once */ if(_freq > 1) { this->var_str2id[sub] = _v_n_i_s_next_id; this->var_name[_v_n_i_s_next_id] = sub; _v_n_i_s_next_id ++; } } } string& obj = this->triple_vt[i].object; if(obj.at(0) == '?') { map::iterator find_obj_itr = this->var_str2id.find(obj); bool not_var_yet = (find_obj_itr == this->var_str2id.end()); if(not_var_yet) { int _freq = this->tuple2freq[obj]; /* so the var str must occur more than once */ if(_freq > 1) { this->var_str2id[obj] = _v_n_i_s_next_id; this->var_name[_v_n_i_s_next_id] = obj; _v_n_i_s_next_id ++; } } } } } /* map id 2 var_name : this->var_name[] * map var_name 2 id : this->var_str2id * * invalid, because var has two type: var_in_select var_not_in_select */ void BasicQuery::findVarNotInSelect() { int _v_n_i_s_next_id = this->var_str2id.size() + 0; for(int i = 0; i < this->triple_vt.size(); i ++) { string& sub = this->triple_vt[i].subject; if(sub.at(0) == '?') { map::iterator find_sub_itr = this->var_str2id.find(sub); if(find_sub_itr == this->var_str2id.end()) { this->var_not_in_select[sub] = _v_n_i_s_next_id; this->var_name[_v_n_i_s_next_id] = sub; _v_n_i_s_next_id ++; } } string& obj = this->triple_vt[i].object; if(obj.at(0) == '?') { map::iterator find_obj_itr = this->var_str2id.find(obj); if(find_obj_itr == this->var_str2id.end()) { this->var_not_in_select[obj] = _v_n_i_s_next_id; this->var_name[_v_n_i_s_next_id] = obj; _v_n_i_s_next_id ++; } } } } void BasicQuery::buildTuple2Freq() { std::vector::iterator itr = this->triple_vt.begin(); bool not_found = false; int _freq = 0; while(itr != this->triple_vt.end()) { Triple& _t = *itr; /* sub tuple */ not_found = (this->tuple2freq.find(_t.subject) == this->tuple2freq.end()); if(not_found) { this->tuple2freq[_t.subject] = 1; } else { _freq = this->tuple2freq[_t.subject]; this->tuple2freq[_t.subject] = _freq + 1; } /* pre tuple */ not_found = (this->tuple2freq.find(_t.predicate) == this->tuple2freq.end()); if(not_found) { this->tuple2freq[_t.predicate] = 1; } else { _freq = this->tuple2freq[_t.predicate]; this->tuple2freq[_t.predicate] = _freq + 1; } /* obj tuple */ not_found = (this->tuple2freq.find(_t.object) == this->tuple2freq.end()); if(not_found) { this->tuple2freq[_t.object] = 1; } else { _freq = this->tuple2freq[_t.object]; this->tuple2freq[_t.object] = _freq + 1; } itr ++; } } void BasicQuery::print(ostream& _out_stream){ _out_stream << this->triple_str() << endl; return; } int BasicQuery::getVarID_MinCandidateList() { int min_var = -1; int min_size = Database::TRIPLE_NUM_MAX; for(int i = 0; i < this->graph_var_num; i ++) { int tmp_size = (this->candidate_list[i]).size(); if(tmp_size < min_size) { min_var = i; min_size = tmp_size; } } return min_var; } int BasicQuery::getVarID_MaxCandidateList() { int max_var = -1; int max_size = -1; for(int i = 0; i < this->graph_var_num; i ++) { int tmp_size = (this->candidate_list[i]).size(); if(tmp_size > max_size) { max_var = i; max_size = tmp_size; } } return max_var; } int BasicQuery::getVarID_FirstProcessWhenJoin() { int min_var = -1; int min_size = Database::TRIPLE_NUM_MAX; for(int i = 0; i < this->graph_var_num; i ++) { // when join variables' mapping candidate list, we should start with entity variable. // since literal variables' candidate list may not include all literals. if (this->isLiteralVariable(i)) { continue; } int tmp_size = (this->candidate_list[i]).size(); if(tmp_size < min_size) { min_var = i; min_size = tmp_size; } } if (min_var == -1) { // in this case, all variables may include literal results. // then the join-step starting with any variables is ok. return 0; } else { return min_var; } } int BasicQuery::cmp_result(const void* _a, const void* _b) { int** pa = (int**)_a; int** pb = (int**)_b; for(int i = 0; i < BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM; i ++) { if((*pa)[i] != (*pb)[i]) { return (*pa)[i] - (*pb)[i]; } } return 0; } bool BasicQuery::dupRemoval_invalidRemoval() { int result_size = this->result_list.size(); int ** p_tmp = new int*[result_size]; for(int i = 0; i < result_size; i ++) { p_tmp[i] = new int[BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM+1]; memset(p_tmp[i], 0, sizeof(int)*(BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM+1)); } cout << "before copy" << endl; std::vector::iterator tmp_itr1 = this->result_list.begin(); int p_tmp_count = 0; /* copy valid result into p_tmp */ while(tmp_itr1 != this->result_list.end()) { /* invalidRemoval */ if((*tmp_itr1)[this->graph_var_num] != -1) { /* the invalid tagging bit is at [this->graph_var_num] * while, the last result id is at [this->select_var_num-1] * before where(included) we should delete duplication * */ memcpy(p_tmp[p_tmp_count], (*tmp_itr1), sizeof(int)*(this->select_var_num)); p_tmp_count ++; } tmp_itr1 ++; } cout << "before qsort" << endl; /* sort p_tmp for future duplication removal */ qsort(p_tmp, p_tmp_count, sizeof(int**), BasicQuery::cmp_result); cout << "before label" << endl; int _cmp = -1; int dup_num = 0; for(int i = 1; i < p_tmp_count; i ++) { _cmp = BasicQuery::cmp_result( (void*)(p_tmp+(i-1)), (void*)(p_tmp+i) ); if(_cmp == 0) { /* set invalid */ p_tmp[i][BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM] = -1; dup_num ++; } } std::vector::iterator tmp_itr2 = this->result_list.begin(); cout << "dup_num: " << dup_num << endl; /* dupRemoval when re-assign valid ones back to result_list */ for(int i = 0; i < p_tmp_count; i ++) { if(p_tmp[i][BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM] != -1) { memcpy(*tmp_itr2, p_tmp[i], sizeof(int)*this->graph_var_num); tmp_itr2 ++; } } this->result_list.erase(tmp_itr2, this->result_list.end()); cout << "before delete" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < result_size; i ++) { delete[] (p_tmp[i]); } cout << "delete[] p_tmp" << endl; delete[] p_tmp; return true; } std::string BasicQuery::candidate_str() { std::stringstream _ss; _ss << "varNum: " << this->getVarNum() << endl; for(int i = 0; i < this->getVarNum(); i ++) { _ss << "[[" << i << ":" << this->getVarName(i) << "]]" << endl; _ss << "\t" << this->candidate_list[i].to_str() << endl; } return _ss.str(); } std::string BasicQuery::result_str() { std::stringstream _ss; _ss << "resultNum: " << this->result_list.size() << endl; _ss << util::result_id_str(this->result_list, this->graph_var_num) << endl; return _ss.str(); } std::string BasicQuery::triple_str() { std::stringstream _ss; _ss<<"Triple num:"<getTripleNum()<getTriple(i).toString())<triple_vt.size(); i ++) { _ss << "\t" << this->triple_vt[i].toString() << endl; } _ss << "Vars: " << endl; for(int i = 0; i < this->graph_var_num; i ++) { _ss << "\t" << i << " : [name=" << this->var_name[i] << "]"; _ss << " [degree=" << this->var_degree[i] << "]"; _ss << " [sig=" << Signature::BitSet2str(this->var_sig[i]) << "]"; _ss << endl << endl; } _ss << "Edge: " << endl; for(int i = 0; i < this->graph_var_num; i ++) { for(int j = 0; j < BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM; j ++) { if(edge_type[i][j] == '\0') continue; if(edge_type[i][j] != '\0') { _ss << "[" << i << "][" << j << "]: type=" << edge_type[i][j] << "\t"; } if(edge_nei_id[i][j] != -1) { _ss << "edge_nei_id=" << edge_nei_id[i][j] << "\t"; } _ss << endl; } _ss << endl; } for(int i = 0; i < this->graph_var_num; i ++) { for(int j = 0; j < BasicQuery::MAX_VAR_NUM; j ++) { if(edge_sig[i][j].count() != 0) { _ss << "pre_id=" << edge_pre_id[i][j] << "\t"; _ss << i << ":" << j << "\t" << edge_sig[i][j] << endl; } } _ss << endl; } Database::log(_ss.str()); //debug Database::log("OUT BasicQuery::to_str"); return _ss.str(); }