**This chapter lists people who inspire us or contribute to this project.** --- [zhangxiaoyang](https://github.com/zhangxiaoyang) - add python socket API(api/socket/python) --- 王定峰 fei123581321@qq.com - support python3 in socket API(api/socket/python3) --- 王力博 wlbqe@pku.edu.cn - suppress the num of B+ Tree - add backup function to gserver and ghttp - add REDO function to gserver and ghttp(in case of interrupt during a update query) - restart automatically if database server is down - kill a query answering procedure if it runs more than 1 hour --- 吕鑫 lvxin1204@163.com - provide a HTTP server for database --- 邓智源 331563360@qq.com - provide a parallelable version of B+ Tree --- 崔昊 prospace@bupt.edu.cn - provide a query-level cache for database server --- [imbajin](https://github.com/imbajin) - provide the support of docker deployment ---