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The data model is directed graph with labels, and each vertex corresponds to a subject or object. Given a SPARQL\footnote{\href{https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/}{https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/}} query(only select...where clause is well supported now), gStore will transfer it to a directed graph with labels first. Then the query problem will be equivalent to a subgraph matching problem. An index called VSTree is used in gStore to speed up the matching process. For each variable in the SPARQL query, gStore acquires its candidates through VSTree, and finally a join process is performed to get the final result. \\ We compare the performance of gStore with apache-jena\footnote{\href{http://jena.apache.org/}{http://jena.apache.org/}}, openrdf-sesame\footnote{\href{http://www.rdf4j.org/}{http://www.rdf4j.org/}} and virtuoso-openlinksw\footnote{\href{http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/}{http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/}} on several RDF datasets. The items needing to be considered include the time to build database, the size of database and the time to answer each SPARQL query. In addition, we will give a special explanation if the query results of each database do not match. (we will not consider the memory and disk cost except for special cases) \\ \clearpage \section{Environment Setup} The experiment is finished on a Linux server, whose configuration is as follows: \\ \begin{table}[!hbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \toprule Server & CentOS7 \\ IP & \\ \midrule memory & 128G \\ disk & 4T \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{environment} \end{table} %MORE:SSD and GPU The versions of all database management systems used here are all open source. Latest versions are choosed: \\ \begin{table}[!hbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \toprule DBMS & VERSION \\ \midrule gStore & 0.5.0 \\ apache-jena & 3.0.1 \\ virtuoso-openlinksw & 7.2 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{dbms series} \end{table} We should not include the time to load database indexes(called offline time) when comparing the time to answer SPARQL queries. And we need to empty the buffer and cache of operation system when the experiment for each database management system is over. \\ Besides, the time to answer a query shouldn't be too long. We will kill the running program if the time consumed is larger than 30 minutes, and set the running time as 1800000ms. \\ The datasets used include WatDiv\footnote{\href{http://dsg.uwaterloo.ca/watdiv/}{http://dsg.uwaterloo.ca/watdiv/}}, LUBM\footnote{\href{http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/}{http://swat.cse.lehigh.edu/projects/lubm/}}, BSBM\footnote{\href{https://sourceforge.net/projects/bsbmtools/files/bsbmtools/}{https://sourceforge.net/projects/bsbmtools/files/bsbmtools/}} and DBpedia\footnote{\href{http://wiki.dbpedia.org/}{http://wiki.dbpedia.org/}}. DBpedia are the background data of wikipedia, while the others are generated by programs. SPARQL queries are generated by programs or copied from other essays. In addition, we now plus the Freebase dataset now, which has 2 billions of triples. \\ All datasets and queries we used are listed in this document, to provide a more thorough understanding of the experiment. \\ \\ Below is for the WatDiv datasets, and the corresponding queries are placed in \hyperref[watdiv]{WatDiv Queries}. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{60pt}>{\centering}p{80pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}} \toprule Dataset & Size(B) & Triple & Predicate & Entity & Literal \\ \midrule watdiv10M & 15,743,004,966 & 109,795,918 & 86 & 5,212,745 & 5,077,247 \\ watdiv100M & 15,743,004,966 & 109,795,918 & 86 & 5,212,745 & 5,077,247 \\ watdiv200M & 31,712,545,025 & 219,714,495 & 86 & 10,424,745 & 9,976,964 \\ watdiv300M & 47,676,280,476 & 329,584,783 & 86 & 15,636,745 & 14,748,846 \\ watdiv500M & 72,326,509,429 & 500,000,000 & 76 & 26,060,745 & 23,964,574 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{WatDiv series} \end{table} Below is for the LUBM datasets, and the corresponding queries are placed in \hyperref[lubm]{LUBM Queries}. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{60pt}>{\centering}p{80pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}} \toprule Dataset & Size(B) & Triple & Predicate & Entity & Literal \\ \midrule lubm10M & 1,927,738,602 & 10,828,077 & 18 & 1,843,219 & 897,867 \\ lubm100M & 19,218,529,024 & 106,909,064 & 18 & 17,473,142 & 8,930,863 \\ lubm200M & 38,596,745,736 & 213,874,370 & 18 & 34,874,223 & 17,873,739 \\ lubm300M & 57,993,036,169 & 320,711,327 & 18 & 52,254,606 & 26,804,722 \\ lubm500M & 85,171,063,439 & 500,000,000 & 18 & 81,342,489 & 41,804,418 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{LUBM series} \end{table} Below is for the DBpedia datasets, and the corresponding queries are placed in \hyperref[dbpedia]{DBpedia Queries}. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{60pt}>{\centering}p{80pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}} \toprule Dataset & Size(B) & Triple & Predicate & Entity & Literal \\ \midrule dbpedia170M & 23,844,158,944 & 170,784,508 & 57,354 & 7,123,915 & 14,971,449 \\ dbpedia1B & 172,296,924,419 & 1,111,481,066 & 124,034 & 139,493,254 & 94,130,070 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{DBpedia series} \end{table} Below is for the Freebase datasets, and the corresponding queries are placed in \hyperref[freebase]{Freebase Queries}. Notice that we only use freebase2B(which is a subset of freebase2.5B, only includes the English part) in this test, because Jena and Virtuoso can not run the whole freebase datset due to format limitations. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{60pt}>{\centering}p{80pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}} \toprule Dataset & Size(B) & Triple & Predicate & Entity & Literal \\ \midrule freebase2.5B & 342,043,935,578 & 2,530,199,503 & 770,349 & 178,312,621 & 278,393,451 \\ freebase2B & 265,454,428,960 & 2,011,593,512 & 770,302 & 178,311,048 & 257,388,303 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Freebase series} \end{table} Below is for the BSBM datasets, and the corresponding queries are placed in \hyperref[bsbm]{BSBM Queries}. \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{60pt}>{\centering}p{80pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}} \toprule Dataset & Size(B) & Triple & Predicate & Entity & Literal \\ \midrule bsbm10M & 2,738,760,016 & 10,538,484 & 40 & 11,566,839 & 1,312,881 \\ bsbm100M & 27,349,978,858 & 104,115,556 & 40 & 15,522,017 & 9,168,781 \\ bsbm200M & 54,788,814,738 & 208,134,846 & 40 & 31,042,129 & 17,225,761 \\ bsbm300M & 82,239,133,084 & -1 & -1 & -1 & -1 \\ bsbm500M & 137,445,999,355 & -1 & -1 & -1 & -1 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{BSBM series} \end{table} \clearpage \section{Experiment Result} All results are saved in load.log/, result.log/ and time.log/, and the format is TSV. Table \ref{table:loading} shows the index size and loading time of the datasets for different systems. %NOTICE: dbpedia1B and freebase2B's information are new, but none of others. (they are still for gStore v0.4.0) %However, time of queries are all for new version, i.e. v0.5.0. \begin{table}[htp] \small \begin{threeparttable} \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c||c|c|c|} \hline & \multicolumn{3}{c||}{Index Size(KB)}& \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Loading Time(ms)}\\ \hline \hline Datasets & gStore & Jena & Virtuoso & gStore & Jena & Virtuoso \\ \hline dbpedia170M & 25,549,812 & 23,151,404 & 18,173,919 & 4,516,359 & 28,567,000 & 38,580,197 \\ \hline dbpedia1B & 151,000,000 & 139,000,000 & 131,000,000 & 24,063,940 & 65,203,130 & 20,727,418 \\ \hline freebase2B & 167,000,000 & 43,000,000 & 96,000,000 & 36,000,000 & 50,017,000 & 18,000,000 \\ \hline bsbm10M & 3,900,000 & 2,100,000 & 2,200,000 & 1,368,388 & 154,000 & 414,145 \\ \hline bsbm100M & 38,000,000 & 20,000,000 & 16,000,000 & 1,368,388 & 1,699,000 & 4,670,565 \\ \hline bsbm200M & 71,000,000 & 40,000,000 & 32,000,000 & 1,368,388 & 3,452,000 & 23,405,765 \\ \hline bsbm300M & 243,000,000 & 60,000,000 & 333,000,000 & 87,702,486 & 5,448,000 & 42,047,477 \\ \hline bsbm500M & 185,000,000 & 78,000,000 & 57,564,700 & 170,688,614 & 8,722,000 & 68,692,273 \\ \hline lubm10M &2,858,700 &1,689,040 & 7,300,186 & 248,535 & 105,000 & 206,905 \\ \hline lubm100M & 28,821,768 & 16,758,868 & 5,853,150 & 2,549,092 & 1,105,000 & 2,571,964 \\ \hline lubm200M & 35,359,384 & 33,571,816 & 13,816,000 & 3,125,224 & 2,642,000 & 7,145,964 \\ \hline lubm300M & 42,566,460 & 50,229,800 & 16,315,800 & 4,033,126 & 4,098,000 & 11,600,040 \\ \hline lubm500M & 55,000,000 & 89,000,000 & 45,000,000 & 5,348,766 & 6,220,000 & 27,832,966 \\ \hline watdiv10M & 1,438,176 & 1,246,276 & 8,275,360 & 228,388 & 171,000 & 107,611 \\ \hline watdiv100M & 1,416,572 & 12,731,144 & 5,989,466 & 3,253,273 & 2,133,000 & 3,401,298 \\ \hline watdiv200M & 28,899,484 & 25,441,824 & 14,516,500 & 10,746,940 & 4,350,000 & 8,705,439 \\ \hline watdiv300M & 43,276,644 & 37,950,448 & 17,593,000 & 6,595,351 & 6,453,000 & 16,817,187 \\ \hline watdiv500M & 64,000,000 & 57,000,000 & 26,925,300 & 19,638,536 & 9,881,000 & 34,325,820 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{threeparttable} \caption{Offline Performance} \label{table:loading} \end{table} The performance of different database management systems is shown in Figures \ref{fig:dbpediaPerformance}, \ref{fig:bsbmPerformance1} and \ref{fig:bsbmPerformance2} and \ref{fig:bsbmPerformance3}, \ref{fig:lubmPerformance1} and \ref{fig:lubmPerformance2} and \ref{fig:lubmPerformance3}, \ref{fig:watdivPerformance1} and \ref{fig:watdivPerformance2} and \ref{fig:watdivPerformance3}, \ref{fig:freebasePerformance}. \begin{comment} Notice that storage buffer size is set to 8G when testing lubm500M, while 4G for other cases. The block size is set to 64K when testing lubm500M, while 4K in other cases. The query results for lubm500M are all empty, so the time is very fast and we can not tell which system is better. \end{comment} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[dbpedia170M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{dbpedia170M_comparison} } \label{fig:dbpedia170MPerformance}% } \\ \subfigure[dbpedia1B]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{dbpedia1B_comparison} } \label{fig:dbpedia1BPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over dbpedia170M and dbpedia1B}% \label{fig:dbpediaPerformance} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[bsbm10M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{bsbm10M_comparison} } \label{fig:bsbm10MPerformance}% } \\ \subfigure[bsbm100M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{bsbm100M_comparison} } \label{fig:bsbm100MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over BSBM 10M and 100M}% \label{fig:bsbmPerformance1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[bsbm200M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{bsbm200M_comparison} } \label{fig:bsbm200MPerformance}% }% \\ \subfigure[bsbm300M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{bsbm300M_comparison} } \label{fig:bsbm300MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over BSBM 200M and 300M}% \label{fig:bsbmPerformance2} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[bsbm500M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{bsbm500M_comparison} } \label{fig:bsbm500MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over BSBM 500M}% \label{fig:bsbmPerformance3} \end{figure} %\clearpage \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[lubm10M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{lubm10M_comparison} } \label{fig:lubm10MPerformance}% } \\ \subfigure[lubm100M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{lubm100M_comparison} } \label{fig:lubm100MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over LUBM 10M and 100M}% \label{fig:lubmPerformance1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[lubm200M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{lubm200M_comparison} } \label{fig:lubm200MPerformance}% }% \\ \subfigure[lubm300M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{lubm300M_comparison} } \label{fig:lubm300MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over LUBM 200M and 300M}% \label{fig:lubmPerformance2} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[lubm500M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{lubm500M_comparison} } \label{fig:lubm500MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over LUBM 500M}% \label{fig:lubmPerformance3} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[watdiv10M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{watdiv10M_comparison} } \label{fig:watdiv10MPerformance}% }% \\ \subfigure[watdiv100M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{watdiv100M_comparison} } \label{fig:watdiv100MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over WatDiv 10M and 100M}% \label{fig:watdivPerformance1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[watdiv200M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{watdiv200M_comparison} } \label{fig:watdiv200MPerformance}% }% \\ \subfigure[watdiv300M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{watdiv300M_comparison} } \label{fig:watdiv300MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over WatDiv 200M and 300M}% \label{fig:watdivPerformance2} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[watdiv500M]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{watdiv500M_comparison} } \label{fig:watdiv500MPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over WatDiv 500M}% \label{fig:watdivPerformance3} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t]% \subfigure[freebase2B]{% \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{ \input{freebase2B_comparison} } \label{fig:freebase2BPerformance}% }% \caption{Query Performance over Freebase 2B}% \label{fig:freebasePerformance} \end{figure} \clearpage \section{Modification} We provide insertion and deletion in gStore v0.5.0. You can either insert/delete from a given RDF file, or just run sparql queries to insert/delete something. If you want to modify something, you need to delete it and reinsert. The cost of insertion and deletion are recorded in table \ref{table:modify}, where the time unit is ms. We first build the database from lubm500M dataset, and then remove the first 30000 triples of the dataset from teh database. Finally, we add the removed triples again to acquire a complete database.(The answers of queries are all right.) %TODO:100-3000 triples per second? %TODO:the time of insert and delete is not precise \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{60pt}} \toprule Dataset & build & insert & delete \\ \midrule lubm500M & 5,348,766 & 3,500,000 & 3,700,000 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Insertion and Deletion} \label{table:modify} \end{table} \begin{comment} However, bugs do exist in insertion/deletion. When testing on lubm66M, the answer of q1.sql and q2.sql are not all right if the operation order is: build, delete, insert, query. More precisely, a few results are lost, though the proportion is really small. We do not care about the efficiency of insert/delete, but the correctness is a must, which means we will try to fix this bug as quickly as possible. \end{comment} \clearpage \section{Conclusion} \emph{This section is not tested and updated in gStore v0.5.0.} gStore can go well with RDF datasets which are in N-Triples format and TTL format, while the other database management systems may come across some questions. In addition, gStore outperforms other systems on many SPARQL queries. What is more, gStore is highly extensively because it uses graph model instead of relational model. \\ However, there are also some shortcomings for gStore: \begin{enumerate} \item RDF datasets in XML format are not supported \item the disk cost is high \item gStore is sometimes slower \end{enumerate} Besides, gStore v0.5.0 does not generate solutions for satellites which are not selected. This will speed up the query answering process, while not keeping so many duplicates in the result set. For example, in below query, let's assume that ?s has only one unique answer, but ?o1 and ?o2 both have 10,000 answers. In previous versions of gStore, there are 100,000,000 records in the result set because we have to find the answer of ?s and generate the solutions for ?o1 and ?o2, even if only ?s is selected in the sparql query. However, in the v0.5.0, we find the answer of ?s and return directly. In this case, there won't be so many duplicates in the result set as before, but this is ok. \begin{lstlisting} select ?s where { ?s ?o1 . ?s ?o2 . } \end{lstlisting} Out of question, the performance of gStore can be improved a lot later. The future work is listed below: \begin{enumerate} \item fix the problem in insertion/deletion \item support datasets of 1 billion triples in a single machine(only 500 million now) \item add unit testing for the whole system(only black-box testing now) \item do code level optimization(for example, large loop in Join module) \item speed up the table join process using pipeline \end{enumerate} \clearpage \section{Appendix} %\begin{comment} %\begin{lstlisting}[language={[ANSI]C},numbers=left,numberstyle=\tiny,keywordstyle=\color{blue!70},commentstyle=\color{red!50!green!50!blue!50},frame=shadowbox, rulesepcolor=\color{red!20!green!20!blue!20}] % int main(int argc, char ** argv) % { % % printf("Hello world! \n"); % return 0; % } %\end{lstlisting} \subsection{WatDiv queries}\label{watdiv} These queries come from \cite{DBLP:journals/vldb/PengZO0Z16}. \subsubsection{C1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v4 ?v6 ?v7 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v4 ?v5 . ?v4 ?v6 . ?v7 ?v6 . ?v7 ?v8 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{C2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v3 ?v4 ?v8 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v2 . ?v2 ?v3 . ?v4 ?v5 . ?v4 ?v6 . ?v4 ?v7 . ?v7 ?v3 . ?v3 ?v8 . ?v8 ?v9 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{C3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v0 ?v5 . ?v0 ?v6 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 WHERE { ?v0 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v3 ?v4 . ?v3 ?v5 . ?v3 ?v0 . ?v3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 ?v7 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v0 ?v5 . ?v1 ?v6 . ?v1 ?v7 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 . ?v4 ?v5 . ?v5 ?v6 . ?v5 ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 ?v7 ?v8 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v2 ?v0 . ?v0 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v0 ?v8 . ?v7 ?v0 . ?v1 ?v5 . ?v1 ?v6 . ?v1 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v1 ?v5 . ?v1 ?v6 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v2 ?v3 WHERE { ?v0 . ?v2 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v1 ?v2 WHERE { ?v1 . ?v2 . ?v2 ?v1 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v1 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v2 where { ?v0 . ?v0 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v3 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v1 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 ?v7 ?v8 ?v9 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v0 ?v5 . ?v0 ?v6 . ?v0 ?v7 . ?v0 ?v8 . ?v0 ?v9 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v1 ?v3 WHERE { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] SELECT ?v0 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 WHERE { ?v0 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v2 ?v3 where { ?v0 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v3 ?v0 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v2 ?v3 where { ?v0 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S6.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S7.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsection{LUBM queries}\label{lubm} %TODO;bib This queries come from two places. $q1 \sim q7$ come from \cite{Atre2010Matrix} and \cite{DBLP:journals/vldb/PengZO0Z16}. $q8 \sim q21$ come from \cite{Guo2005LUBM} and \cite{Zou2014gStore}. \subsubsection{q1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?x where { ?x . ?y . ?z . ?x ?z. ?z ?y. ?x ?y. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?x where { ?x . ?x ?y. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?x where { ?x . ?y . ?z . ?x ?z. ?z ?y. ?x ?y. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] elect ?x ?y1 ?y2 ?y3 where { ?x . ?x . ?x ?y1. ?x ?y2. ?x ?y3. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?x where { ?x . ?x . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q6.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?x ?y where { ?y . ?y . ?x ?y. ?x . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q7.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?x ?y ?z where { ?x . ?y . ?z . ?x ?y. ?x ?z. ?y ?z. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q8.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q9.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X ?Y ?Z where { ?X . ?Y . ?Z . ?X ?Z. ?Z ?Y. ?X ?Y. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q10.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q11.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?Y1 ?Y2 ?Y3 where { ?X . ?X . ?X ?Y1. ?X ?Y2. ?X ?Y3. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q12.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q13.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q14.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] elect ?X ?Y where { ?X . ?Y . ?X ?Y. ?Y. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q15.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . ?Y . ?X ?Y. ?Y . ?X ?Z. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q16.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X ?Y ?Z where { ?X . ?Z . ?X ?Y. ?Y ?Z. ?X ?Z. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q17.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q18.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q19.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X ?Y where { ?Y . ?X ?Y. ?Y . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q20.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X. } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q21.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?X where { ?X . } \end{lstlisting} \subsection{DBpedia queries}\label{dbpedia} %TODO:add bib, change these queries to formal ones These queries are written by us, imitating queries in other benchmarks. \subsubsection{q0.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 where { ?v0 . ?v0 . ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 where { ?v0 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v2 where { ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v2 where { ?v0 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 where { ?v0 ?v2 . ?v1 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q6.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 ?v7 ?v8 ?v9 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v3 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v0 ?v5 . ?v6 ?v7 . ?v6 ?v8 . ?v6 ?v5 . ?v6 ?v3 . ?v6 ?v9 . } \end{lstlisting} \clearpage \subsection{BSBM queries}\label{bsbm} These queries is written by us. \subsubsection{q0.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 where { ?v0 "6"^^ . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 where { ?v0 ?v1 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v1 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 where { ?v0 ?v2 . ?v1 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v3 ?v1 . ?v3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q6.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v3 ?v4 . ?v4 . ?v3 ?v1 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q7.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 . ?v0 ?v4 . ?v2 ?v3 . ?v2 "2008-04-16"^^ . ?v2 ?v4 } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q8.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 where { ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v3 ?v4 . ?v3 ?v1 . ?v5 ?v6 . ?v5 ?v2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{q9.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?v0 ?v1 ?v2 ?v3 ?v4 ?v5 ?v6 ?v7 ?v8 where { ?v0 "2000-07-17"^^ . ?v0 ?v1 . ?v0 ?v2 . ?v0 ?v8 . ?v3 . ?v3 ?v1 . ?v3 ?v4 . ?v3 ?v7 . ?v5 ?v2 . ?v5 ?v6 . ?v5 ?v7 . } \end{lstlisting} %\end{comment} \clearpage \subsection{Freebase queries}\label{freebase} These queries is written by us. \subsubsection{C1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?s2 where { ?s ?o . ?s ?s2 . ?s2 ?o . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{C2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?o ?s2 where { ?s ?o . ?s . ?s ?o2 . ?s ?s2 . ?s2 ?o2 . ?s2 ?o3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{C3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?o ?s2 where { ?s ?o . ?s . ?s ?o2 . ?s ?s2 . ?s2 ?o2 . ?s2 . ?s2 ?s3 . ?s3 ?o3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s where { ?s ?o . ?s . ?s ?s2 . ?s2 "true" . ?s2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s where { ?s ?o . ?s . ?s ?s2 . ?s2 ?o2 . ?s2 ?o3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{F3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?o ?s2 where { ?s ?o . ?s ?o4 . ?s ?s2 . ?s2 ?o2 . ?s2 ?o3 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s where { ?s "footballdb ID"@en . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?o where { ?s ?o . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?o where { ?s ?o . ?o "footballdb ID"@en . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L4.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?s2 where { ?s ?o . ?o ?s2 . ?s2 "true" . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{L5.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?s2 where { ?s ?o . ?o ?s2 . ?s2 ?o2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S1.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s where { ?s "footballdb ID"@en . ?s . ?s "true" . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S2.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?o where { ?s ?o . ?s . ?s ?o2 . } \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{S3.sql} \begin{lstlisting}[language=SQL] select ?s ?o where { ?s ?o . ?s ?o2 . ?s ?o3 . } \end{lstlisting} \bibliographystyle{abbrv} %\addtolength{\itemsep}{-1.5ex} \bibliography{gstore} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Reference} \end{document}