/*================================================================================= # Filename: gserver.cpp # Author: Bookug Lobert # Mail: 1181955272@qq.com # Last Modified: 2016-02-26 19:15 # Description: first written by hanshuo, modified by zengli, improved by Wang Libo =================================================================================*/ #include "../Server/Server.h" #include "../Util/Util.h" using namespace std; //#define GSERVER_PORT_FILE "bin/.gserver_port" //#define GSERVER_PORT_SWAP "bin/.gserver_port.swap" //#define GSERVER_LOG "logs/gserver.log" bool isOnlyProcess(const char* argv0); void checkSwap(); bool startServer(bool _debug); bool stopServer(); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //#ifdef DEBUG Util util; //#endif string mode; if (argc == 1) { mode = "-h"; } else { mode = argv[1]; } if (argc > 3 || (argc == 3 && mode != "-p" && mode != "--port")) { cout << "Invalid arguments! Input \"bin/gserver -h\" for help." << endl; return -1; } else if (mode == "-h" || mode == "--help") { cout << endl; cout << "gStore Server (gServer)" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Usage:\tbin/gserver [option]" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Options:" << endl; cout << "\t-h,--help\t\tDisplay this message." << endl; cout << "\t-s,--start\t\tStart gServer." << endl; cout << "\t-t,--stop\t\tStop gServer." << endl; cout << "\t-r,--restart\t\tRestart gServer." << endl; cout << "\t-p,--port [PORT=" << Socket::DEFAULT_CONNECT_PORT << "]\tChange connection port configuration, takes effect after restart if gServer running." << endl; cout << "\t-P,--printport\t\tDisplay current connection port configuration." << endl; cout << "\t-d,--debug\t\tStart gServer in debug mode (keep gServer in the foreground)." << endl; cout << "\t-k,--kill\t\tKill existing gServer process(es), ONLY use when out of normal procedures." << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } if (mode == "-p" || mode == "--port") { unsigned short port = Socket::DEFAULT_CONNECT_PORT; if (argc == 3) { if (!Util::isValidPort(string(argv[2]))) { cerr << "Invalid port: " << argv[2] << endl; return -1; } else { stringstream ss(argv[2]); ss >> port; } } if (!isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { //ofstream out(GSERVER_PORT_SWAP, ios::out); ofstream out(Util::gserver_port_swap.c_str()); if (!out) { cerr << "Failed to change port!" << endl; return -1; } out << port; out.close(); cout << "Port will be changed to " << port << " after the current server stops or restarts." << endl; return 0; } //ofstream out(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, ios::out); ofstream out(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str()); if (!out) { cerr << "Failed to change port!" << endl; return -1; } out << port; out.close(); cout << "Port changed to " << port << '.' << endl; return 0; } else if (mode == "-s" || mode == "--start") { if (!isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { cerr << "gServer already running!" << endl; return -1; } if (startServer(false)) { sleep(1); if (isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { cerr << "Server stopped unexpectedly. Check for port conflicts!" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } else { return -1; } } else if (mode == "-t" || mode == "--stop") { if (isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { cerr << "gServer not running!" << endl; return -1; } if (stopServer()) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } else if (mode == "-r" || mode == "--restart") { if (isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { cerr << "gServer not running!" << endl; return -1; } if (!stopServer()) { return -1; } if (startServer(false)) { sleep(1); if (isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { cerr << "Server stopped unexpectedly. Check for port conflicts!" << endl; return -1; } return 0; } else { return -1; } return 0; } else if (mode == "-P" || mode == "--printport") { unsigned short port = Socket::DEFAULT_CONNECT_PORT; //ifstream in(GSERVER_PORT_FILE); ifstream in(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str()); if (in) { in >> port; in.close(); } cout << "Current connection port is " << port << '.' << endl; unsigned short portSwap = 0; //ifstream inSwap(GSERVER_PORT_SWAP); ifstream inSwap(Util::gserver_port_swap.c_str()); if (inSwap) { inSwap >> portSwap; inSwap.close(); } if (portSwap != 0) { cout << "Connection port to be changed to " << portSwap << '.' << endl; } return 0; } else if (mode == "-k" || mode == "--kill") { if (isOnlyProcess(argv[0])) { cerr << "No process to kill!" << endl; return -1; } execl("/usr/bin/killall", "killall", Util::getExactPath(argv[0]).c_str(), NULL); return 0; } else { cerr << "Invalid arguments! Type \"bin/gserver -h\" for help." << endl; return -1; } } bool isOnlyProcess(const char* argv0) { return Util::getSystemOutput("pidof " + Util::getExactPath(argv0)) == Util::int2string(getpid()); } void checkSwap() { //if (access(GSERVER_PORT_SWAP, 00) != 0) { if (access(Util::gserver_port_swap.c_str(), 00) != 0) { return; } //ifstream in(GSERVER_PORT_SWAP, ios::in); ifstream in(Util::gserver_port_swap.c_str()); if (!in) { cerr << "Failed in checkSwap(), port may not be changed." << endl; return; } unsigned short port; in >> port; in.close(); //ofstream out(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, ios::out); ofstream out(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str()); if (!out) { cerr << "Failed in checkSwap(), port may not be changed." << endl; return; } out << port; out.close(); //chmod(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, 0644); chmod(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str(), 0644); //string cmd = string("rm ") + GSERVER_PORT_SWAP; string cmd = string("rm ") + Util::gserver_port_swap; system(cmd.c_str()); } bool startServer(bool _debug) { unsigned short port = Socket::DEFAULT_CONNECT_PORT; //ifstream in(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, ios::in); ifstream in(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str()); if (!in) { //ofstream out(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, ios::out); ofstream out(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str()); if (out) { out << port; out.close(); //chmod(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, 0644); chmod(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str(), 0644); } } else { in >> port; in.close(); } if (_debug) { Server server(port); if (!server.createConnection()) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Failed to create connection at port " << port << '.' << endl; return false; } cout << Util::getTimeString() << "Server started at port " << port << '.' << endl; server.listen(); return true; } pid_t fpid = fork(); // child if (fpid == 0) { if (!Util::dir_exist("logs")) { Util::create_dir("logs"); } freopen(Util::gserver_log.c_str(), "a", stdout); freopen(Util::gserver_log.c_str(), "a", stderr); int status; while (true) { fpid = fork(); // child, main process if (fpid == 0) { Server server(port); if (!server.createConnection()) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Failed to create connection at port " << port << '.' << endl; return false; } cout << Util::getTimeString() << "Server started at port " << port << '.' << endl; server.listen(); exit(0); return true; } // parent, deamon process else if (fpid > 0) { waitpid(fpid, &status, 0); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { exit(0); return true; } cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Server stopped abnormally, restarting server..." << endl; } // fork failure else { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Failed to start server: deamon fork failure." << endl; return false; } } } // parent else if (fpid > 0) { cout << "Server started at port " << port << '.' << endl; return true; } // fork failure else { cerr << "Failed to start server at port " << port << '.' << endl; return false; } } bool stopServer() { unsigned short port = Socket::DEFAULT_CONNECT_PORT; //ifstream in(GSERVER_PORT_FILE, ios::in); ifstream in(Util::gserver_port_file.c_str()); if (in) { in >> port; in.close(); } Socket socket; if (!socket.create() || !socket.connect("", port) || !socket.send("stop")) { cerr << "Failed to stop server at port " << port << '.' << endl; return false; } string recv_msg; socket.recv(recv_msg); socket.close(); if (recv_msg != "server stopped.") { cerr << "Failed to stop server at port " << port << '.' << endl; return false; } cout << "Server stopped at port " << port << '.' << endl; checkSwap(); return true; }