/*============================================================================= # Filename: Server.cpp # Author: Bookug Lobert # Mail: 1181955272@qq.com # Last Modified: 2015-10-25 13:47 # Description: =============================================================================*/ #include "Server.h" using namespace std; //Server::Server() //{ //this->connectionPort = Socket::DEFAULT_CONNECT_PORT; //this->connectionMaxNum = Socket::MAX_CONNECTIONS; //this->databaseMaxNum = 1; // will be updated when supporting multiple databases. //this->database = NULL; //this->db_home = Util::global_config["db_home"]; //this->db_suffix = Util::global_config["db_suffix"]; //} Server::Server(unsigned short _port) { this->connectionPort = _port; this->connectionMaxNum = Socket::MAX_CONNECTIONS; this->databaseMaxNum = 1; // will be updated when supporting multiple databases. this->database = NULL; this->db_home = Util::global_config["db_home"]; this->db_suffix = Util::global_config["db_suffix"]; this->next_backup = 0; this->scheduler_pid = 0; } Server::~Server() { delete this->database; } bool Server::createConnection() { bool flag; flag = this->socket.create(); if (!flag) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "cannot create socket. @Server::createConnection" << endl; return false; } flag = this->socket.bind(this->connectionPort); if (!flag) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "cannot bind to port " << this->connectionPort << ". @Server::createConnection" << endl; return false; } flag = this->socket.listen(); if (!flag) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "cannot listen to port" << this->connectionPort << ". @Server::createConnection" << endl; return false; } return true; } bool Server::deleteConnection() { bool flag = this->socket.close(); return flag; } bool Server::response(Socket _socket, std::string& _msg) { bool flag = _socket.send(_msg); return flag; } void Server::listen() { while (true) { Socket new_server_socket; cout << Util::getTimeString() << "Wait for input..." << endl; this->socket.accept(new_server_socket); cout << Util::getTimeString() << "accept new socket." << endl; string recv_cmd; bool recv_return = new_server_socket.recv(recv_cmd); if (!recv_return) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "receive command from client error. @Server::listen" << endl; continue; } cout << Util::getTimeString() << "received msg: " << recv_cmd << endl; Operation operation; bool parser_return = this->parser(recv_cmd, operation); cout << Util::getTimeString() << "parser_return=" << parser_return << endl; //debug if (!parser_return) { cout << Util::getTimeString() << "parser command error. @Server::listen" << endl; string ret_msg = "invalid command."; this->response(new_server_socket, ret_msg); new_server_socket.close(); continue; } string ret_msg; bool _stop = false; CommandType cmd_type = operation.getCommand(); switch (cmd_type) { case CMD_TEST: { ret_msg = "OK"; break; } case CMD_LOAD: { string db_name = operation.getParameter(0); this->loadDatabase(db_name, "", ret_msg); break; } case CMD_UNLOAD: { string db_name = operation.getParameter(0); this->unloadDatabase(db_name, "", ret_msg); break; } case CMD_IMPORT: { string db_name = operation.getParameter(0); string rdf_path = operation.getParameter(1); this->importRDF(db_name, "", rdf_path, ret_msg); break; } case CMD_DROP: { string db_name = operation.getParameter(0); this->dropDatabase(db_name, "", ret_msg); break; } case CMD_QUERY: { string query = operation.getParameter(0); pthread_t timer = Server::start_timer(); if (timer == 0) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Failed to start timer." << endl; } this->query(query, ret_msg); if (timer != 0 && !Server::stop_timer(timer)) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Failed to stop timer." << endl; } break; } case CMD_SHOW: { string para = operation.getParameter(0); if (para == "databases" || para == "all") { this->showDatabases(para, "", ret_msg); } else { ret_msg = "invalid command."; } break; } //case CMD_INSERT: //{ //string db_name = operation.getParameter(0); //string rdf_path = operation.getParameter(1); //this->insertTriple(db_name, "", rdf_path, ret_msg); //break; //} case CMD_STOP: { this->stopServer(ret_msg); _stop = true; break; } case CMD_BACKUP: { string para = operation.getParameter(0); stringstream ss(para); long time_backup; ss >> time_backup; if (this->next_backup == 0) { break; } while (this->next_backup < time_backup) { this->next_backup += Util::gserver_backup_interval; } if (this->next_backup == time_backup) { this->backup(ret_msg); } else { ret_msg = "done"; } break; } default: cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "this command is not supported by now. @Server::listen" << endl; } this->response(new_server_socket, ret_msg); new_server_socket.close(); if (_stop) { this->deleteConnection(); cout << Util::getTimeString() << "server stopped." << endl; break; } if (this->next_backup > 0) { time_t cur_time = time(NULL); if (cur_time >= this->next_backup) { string str; this->backup(str); } } } } bool Server::parser(std::string _raw_cmd, Operation& _ret_oprt) { int cmd_start_pos = 0; int raw_len = (int)_raw_cmd.size(); for (int i = 0; i < raw_len; i++) { if (_raw_cmd[i] == '\n') { _raw_cmd[i] = ' '; } } while (cmd_start_pos < raw_len && _raw_cmd[cmd_start_pos] == ' ') { cmd_start_pos++; } if (cmd_start_pos == raw_len) { return false; } int idx1 = raw_len; for (int i = cmd_start_pos; i < raw_len; i++) { if (_raw_cmd[i] == ' ') { idx1 = i; break; } } string cmd = _raw_cmd.substr(cmd_start_pos, idx1 - cmd_start_pos); int para_start_pos = idx1; while (para_start_pos < raw_len && _raw_cmd[para_start_pos] == ' ') para_start_pos++; int para_cnt; if (cmd == "test") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_TEST); para_cnt = 0; } else if (cmd == "load") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_LOAD); para_cnt = 1; } else if (cmd == "unload") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_UNLOAD); para_cnt = 1; } else if (cmd == "import") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_IMPORT); para_cnt = 2; } else if (cmd == "query") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_QUERY); para_cnt = 1; } else if (cmd == "show") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_SHOW); para_cnt = 1; } else if (cmd == "insert") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_INSERT); para_cnt = 2; } else if (cmd == "drop") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_DROP); para_cnt = 1; } else if (cmd == "stop") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_STOP); para_cnt = 0; } else if (cmd == "backup") { _ret_oprt.setCommand(CMD_BACKUP); para_cnt = 1; } else { return false; } vector paras; int cur_idx = para_start_pos; for (int i = 1; i <= para_cnt; i++) { if (cur_idx >= raw_len) { return false; } int next_idx = raw_len; if (i < para_cnt) { for (int j = cur_idx; jcur_idx; j--) if (_raw_cmd[j] != ' ') { next_idx = j + 1; break; } } paras.push_back(_raw_cmd.substr(cur_idx, next_idx - cur_idx)); cur_idx = next_idx; while (cur_idx < raw_len && _raw_cmd[cur_idx] == ' ') cur_idx++; } if (cur_idx != raw_len) { return false; } _ret_oprt.setParameter(paras); return true; } bool Server::createDatabase(std::string _db_name, std::string _ac_name, std::string& _ret_msg) { // to be implemented... return false; } bool Server::dropDatabase(std::string _db_name, std::string _ac_name, std::string& _ret_msg) { if (this->database != NULL) { _ret_msg = "please do not use this command when you are using a database."; return false; } size_t length = _db_name.length(); if (length < 3 || _db_name.substr(length - 3, 3) == ".db") { _ret_msg = "you can not only drop databases whose names end with \".db\""; return false; } string store_path = this->db_home + "/" + _db_name + this->db_suffix; std::string cmd = std::string("rm -rf ") + store_path; int ret = system(cmd.c_str()); if (ret == 0) { _ret_msg = "drop database done."; return true; } else { _ret_msg = "drop database failed."; return false; } } bool Server::loadDatabase(std::string _db_name, std::string _ac_name, std::string& _ret_msg) { if(this->database == NULL) { this->database = new Database(_db_name); } else { _ret_msg = "please unload the current db first: " + this->database->getName(); return false; } bool flag = this->database->load(); if (flag) { _ret_msg = "load database done."; } else { _ret_msg = "load database failed."; delete this->database; this->database = NULL; return false; } pid_t fpid = vfork(); // child, scheduler if (fpid == 0) { time_t cur_time = time(NULL); long time_backup = Util::read_backup_time(); long first_backup = cur_time - (cur_time - time_backup) % Util::gserver_backup_interval + Util::gserver_backup_interval; this->next_backup = first_backup; string s_port = Util::int2string(this->connectionPort); string s_next_backup = Util::int2string(first_backup); execl("bin/gserver_backup_scheduler", "gserver_backup_scheduler", s_port.c_str(), s_next_backup.c_str(), NULL); exit(0); return true; } // parent if (fpid > 0) { this->scheduler_pid = fpid; } // fork failure else if (fpid < 0) { cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Database will not be backed-up automatically." << endl; } //_ret_msg = "load database done."; return true; //return flag; } bool Server::unloadDatabase(std::string _db_name, std::string _ac_name, std::string& _ret_msg) { if (this->database == NULL || this->database->getName() != _db_name) { _ret_msg = "database:" + _db_name + " is not loaded."; return false; } delete this->database; this->database = NULL; _ret_msg = "unload database done."; this->next_backup = 0; //string cmd = "kill " + Util::int2string(this->scheduler_pid); //system(cmd.c_str()); kill(this->scheduler_pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(this->scheduler_pid, NULL, 0); this->scheduler_pid = 0; return true; } bool Server::importRDF(std::string _db_name, std::string _ac_name, std::string _rdf_path, std::string& _ret_msg) { //if (this->database != NULL && this->database->getName() != _db_name) if (this->database != NULL) { //delete this->database; //NOTICE:if there is a db loaded, we should not build directly, tell user to unload it first _ret_msg = "please unload the current db first: " + this->database->getName(); return false; } this->database = new Database(_db_name); bool flag = this->database->build(_rdf_path); delete this->database; this->database = NULL; if (flag) { _ret_msg = "import RDF file to database done."; } else { _ret_msg = "import RDF file to database failed."; } return flag; } //bool //Server::insertTriple(std::string _db_name, std::string _ac_name, std::string _rdf_path, std::string& _ret_msg) //{ //if (this->database != NULL) //{ //this->database->unload(); //delete this->database; //} //this->database = new Database(_db_name); //bool flag = this->database->insert(_rdf_path); //if (flag) //{ //_ret_msg = "insert triple file to database done."; //} //else //{ //_ret_msg = "import triple file to database failed."; //} //return flag; //} bool Server::query(const string _query, string& _ret_msg) { //cout<<"Server query()"<database == NULL) { _ret_msg = "database has not been loaded."; return false; } FILE* output = NULL; #ifdef OUTPUT_QUERY_RESULT string path = "logs/gserver_query.log"; output = fopen(path.c_str(), "w"); #endif ResultSet res_set; int query_ret = this->database->query(_query, res_set, output); if (output != NULL) { fclose(output); } bool flag = true; //cout<<"Server query ret: "<= 0) { _ret_msg = "update num: " + Util::int2string(query_ret); } else //update error { flag = false; _ret_msg = "update failed."; } } return flag; } bool Server::showDatabases(string _para, string _ac_name, string& _ret_msg) { if (_para == "all") { _ret_msg = Util::getItemsFromDir(this->db_home); return true; } if (this->database != NULL) { _ret_msg = "\n" + this->database->getName() + "\n"; } else { _ret_msg = "\n[empty]\n"; } return true; } bool Server::stopServer(string& _ret_msg) { if (this->database != NULL) { delete this->database; this->database = NULL; } _ret_msg = "server stopped."; return true; } bool Server::backup(string& _ret_msg) { this->next_backup += Util::gserver_backup_interval; if (this->database == NULL) { _ret_msg = "No database in use."; return false; } if (!this->database->backup()) { _ret_msg = "Backup failed."; return false; } _ret_msg = "done"; return true; } pthread_t Server::start_timer() { pthread_t timer_thread; if (pthread_create(&timer_thread, NULL, Server::timer, NULL) == 0) { return timer_thread; } return 0; } bool Server::stop_timer(pthread_t _timer) { return pthread_kill(_timer, SIGTERM) == 0; } void* Server::timer(void* _args) { signal(SIGTERM, Server::timer_sigterm_handler); sleep(Util::gserver_query_timeout); cerr << Util::getTimeString() << "Query out of time." << endl; abort(); } void Server::timer_sigterm_handler(int _signal_num) { pthread_exit(0); }