/*============================================================================= # Filename: Util.h # Author: Bookug Lobert # Mail: 1181955272@qq.com # Last Modified: 2015-10-16 10:43 # Description: 1. firstly written by liyouhuan, modified by zengli 2. common macros, functions, classes, etc # Notice: we only talk about sub-graph isomorphism in the essay, however, in # this system, the homomorphism is supported.(which means that multiple variables in the sparql query can point to the same node in data graph) =============================================================================*/ #ifndef _UTIL_UTIL_H #define _UTIL_UTIL_H //basic macros and types are defined here, including common headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //NOTICE:below are restricted to C++, C files should not include(maybe nested) this header! #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //NOTICE:below are libraries need to link #include //only for c++11 or greater versions #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //Below are for boost //Added for the json-example #define BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE //#include #include #include //Added for the default_resource example #include //#include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //NOTICE: hpp is different from static library(*.a) or dynamic library(*.so) //It places the implementations totally in header file, hpp = *.h + *.cpp //NOTICE: use below to forbid the warnings in third-part library //#pragma warning(push) //#pragma warning(disable:4009) //#include <***> //#pragma warning(pop) //=================================================================================================================== //if used as only-read application(like sparql endpoint) //#define ONLY_READ 1 //if use pthread and lock #define THREAD_ON 1 //if use stream module if result is too large than memory can hold #define STREAM_ON 1 //when used as C/S, if output query result in the server port: default not(you can see the result in the client) //#define OUTPUT_QUERY_RESULT 1 #define SERVER_SEND_JSON 1 //if to use readline library for console(open by default) #define READLINE_ON 1 //if to use multiple strategy for answering queries #define MULTI_INDEX 1 //#define SO2P 1 //#define USE_GROUP_INSERT 1 //#define USE_GROUP_DELETE 1 //indicate that in debug mode //#define DEBUG_JOIN //#define DEBUG_STREAM //#define DEBUG_PRECISE 1 all information //#define DEBUG_KVSTORE 1 //in KVstore //#define DEBUG_VSTREE 1 //in Database //#define DEBUG_LRUCACHE 1 //#define DEBUG_DATABASE 1 //in Database //#define DEBUG_VLIST 1 // // #ifdef DEBUG_PRECISE #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_KVSTORE #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_VSTREE #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_DATABASE #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_JOIN #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifdef DEBUG_VLIST #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #endif #ifndef DEBUG //#define DEBUG #endif #define xfree(x) free(x); x = NULL; //=================================================================================================================== //NOTICE:include Util.h and below in each main function //(the beginning position) //#ifdef DEBUG // Util util; //#endif typedef unsigned(*HashFunction)(const char*); //NOTICE:hash functions for int are not so many, so we represent int by a 4-byte stringinstead //(not totally change int to string, which is costly) //http://www.cppblog.com/aurain/archive/2010/07/06/119463.html //http://blog.csdn.net/mycomputerxiaomei/article/details/7641221 //http://kb.cnblogs.com/page/189480/ //type for the triple num //NOTICE: this should use unsigned (triple num may > 2500000000) typedef unsigned TYPE_TRIPLE_NUM; //TODO: use long if need to run 5B dataset //type for entity/literal ID typedef unsigned TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID; static const TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID INVALID_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID = UINT_MAX; //static const TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID INVALID_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID = -1; //#define INVALID_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID UINT_MAX //type for predicate ID typedef int TYPE_PREDICATE_ID; static const TYPE_PREDICATE_ID INVALID_PREDICATE_ID = -1; //static const TYPE_PREDICATE_ID INVALID_PREDICATE_ID = -1; //#define INVALID_PREDICATE_ID -1 //TODO:typedef several ID types and new a ID module //TODO:encode entity from low to high, encode literal from high to low(finally select the mid of space as border) //TODO: what is more, the Block ID in kvstore //typedef unsigned NODE_ID; //can use `man limits.h` to see more static const unsigned INVALID = UINT_MAX; //static const int INVALID = -1; //#define INVALID UINT_MAX //NOTICE: always use unsigned for query result matrix // //NOTICE: if use define, the type is none typedef struct TYPE_ID_TUPLE { TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID subid; TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID preid; TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID objid; }ID_TUPLE; //=================================================================================================================== /******** all static&universal constants and fucntions ********/ class Util { public: //static int triple_num; //static int pre_num; //static int entity_num; //static int literal_num; static const unsigned MB = 1048576; static const unsigned GB = 1073741824; //static const int TRIPLE_NUM_MAX = 1000*1000*1000; static const TYPE_TRIPLE_NUM TRIPLE_NUM_MAX = INVALID; static const char EDGE_IN = 'i'; static const char EDGE_OUT= 'o'; //In order to differentiate the sub-part and literal-part of object //let subid begin with 0, while literalid begins with LITERAL_FIRST_ID //used in Database and Join static const unsigned LITERAL_FIRST_ID = 2 * 1000*1000*1000; //static const int LITERAL_FIRST_ID = 2 * 1000*1000*1000; //initial transfer buffer size in Tree/ and Stream/ static const unsigned TRANSFER_SIZE = 1 << 20; //1M //NOTICE:the larger the faster, but need to care the memory usage(not use 1<<33, negative) //static const unsigned long long MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 0xffffffff; //max buffer size in Storage static const unsigned long long MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 30; //static const unsigned long long MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x1ffffffff; //max buffer size in Storage //NOTICE:use smaller if saving space, use larger if to be faster //static const unsigned STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << 10; //fixed size of disk-block in B+ tree storage static const unsigned STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << 12; //fixed size of disk-block in B+ tree storage //max block num in kvstore storage, blockNum*blockSize for a B+ tree file should >= 256G //static const unsigned MAX_BLOCK_NUM = 1 << 26; //DEBUG:maybe the file size will over if the data is too large //type of B+ tree static const int SS_TREE = 0; static const int SI_TREE = 1; static const int II_TREE = 2; static const int IS_TREE = 3; static std::string gserver_port_file; static std::string gserver_port_swap; static std::string gserver_log; static const int gserver_query_timeout = 10000; // Timeout of gServer's query (in seconds) static std::string backup_path; static const long gserver_backup_interval = 86400; static const long gserver_backup_time = 72000; // Default backup time (UTC) static int memUsedPercentage(); static int memoryLeft(); static int compare(const char* _str1, unsigned _len1, const char* _str2, unsigned _len2); //QUERY(how to use default args) static int string2int(std::string s); static std::string int2string(long n); //string2str: s.c_str() //str2string: string(str) static int compIIpair(int _a1, int _b1, int _a2, int _b2); static std::string showtime(); static int cmp_int(const void* _i1, const void* _i2); static int cmp_unsigned(const void* _i1, const void* _i2); static void sort(unsigned*& _id_list, unsigned _list_len); static unsigned bsearch_int_uporder(unsigned _key, const unsigned* _array, unsigned _array_num); static bool bsearch_preid_uporder(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, unsigned* _pair_idlist, unsigned _list_len); static unsigned bsearch_vec_uporder(unsigned _key, const std::vector* _vec); static std::string result_id_str(std::vector& _v, int _var_num); static bool dir_exist(const std::string _dir); static bool create_dir(const std:: string _dir); static bool create_file(const std::string _file); static long get_cur_time(); static bool save_to_file(const char*, const std::string _content); static bool isValidPort(std::string); static bool isValidIP(std::string); static std::string getTimeString(); static std::string node2string(const char* _raw_str); static long read_backup_time(); static bool is_literal_ele(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID id); static bool is_entity_ele(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID id); static bool isEntity(const std::string& _str); static bool isLiteral(const std::string& _str); static unsigned removeDuplicate(unsigned*, unsigned); static std::string getQueryFromFile(const char* _file_path); static std::string getSystemOutput(std::string cmd); static std::string getExactPath(const char* path); static std::string getItemsFromDir(std::string path); static void logging(std::string _str); static void empty_file(const char* _fname); static unsigned ceiling(unsigned _val, unsigned _base); // Below are some useful hash functions for string static unsigned simpleHash(const char *_str); static unsigned APHash(const char *_str); static unsigned BKDRHash(const char *_str); static unsigned DJBHash(const char *_str); static unsigned ELFHash(const char *_str); static unsigned DEKHash(const char* _str); static unsigned BPHash(const char* _str); static unsigned FNVHash(const char* _str); static unsigned HFLPHash(const char* _str); static unsigned HFHash(const char* _str); static unsigned JSHash(const char *_str); static unsigned PJWHash(const char *_str); static unsigned RSHash(const char *_str); static unsigned SDBMHash(const char *_str); static unsigned StrHash(const char* _str); static unsigned TianlHash(const char* _str); static const unsigned HashNum = 16; static HashFunction hash[]; static double logarithm(double _a, double _b); static void intersect(unsigned*& _id_list, unsigned& _id_list_len, const unsigned* _list1, unsigned _len1, const unsigned* _list2, unsigned _len2); static char* l_trim(char *szOutput, const char *szInput); static char* r_trim(char *szOutput, const char *szInput); static char* a_trim(char *szOutput, const char * szInput); //NOTICE: this function must be called at the beginning of executing! Util(); ~Util(); static std::string profile; //NOTICE: this function must be called out of any Database to config the basic settings //You can call it by Util util in the first of your main program //Another way is to build a GstoreApplication program, and do this configure in the initialization of the application static bool configure(); //read init.conf and set the parameters for this system static bool config_setting(); static bool config_advanced(); static bool config_debug(); //static bool gStore_mode; static std::map global_config; //static std::string db_home; //sort functions for qsort static int _spo_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b); static int _ops_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b); static int _pso_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b); //sort functions for sort on ID_TUPLE static bool spo_cmp_idtuple(const ID_TUPLE& a, const ID_TUPLE& b); static bool ops_cmp_idtuple(const ID_TUPLE& a, const ID_TUPLE& b); static bool pso_cmp_idtuple(const ID_TUPLE& a, const ID_TUPLE& b); static std::string tmp_path; // this are for debugging //to build logs-system, each class: print() in time static std::string debug_path; static FILE* debug_kvstore; static FILE* debug_database; static FILE* debug_vstree; private: static bool isValidIPV4(std::string); static bool isValidIPV6(std::string); }; //=================================================================================================================== class BlockInfo { public: unsigned num; BlockInfo* next; BlockInfo() { num = 0; next = NULL; } BlockInfo(unsigned _num) { num = _num; next = NULL; } BlockInfo(unsigned _num, BlockInfo* _bp) { num = _num; next = _bp; } }; //BETTER+TODO:if considering frequent insert/delete, there maybe too many empty positions, too wasteful! //A method is to divide as groups, set the base for each, not conflict //Reproducing the array if needed! class Buffer { public: unsigned size; std::string* buffer; Buffer(unsigned _size) { this->size = _size; this->buffer = new std::string[this->size]; //for(unsigned i = 0; i < this->size; ++i) //{ //this->buffer[i] = ""; //} } bool set(unsigned _pos, const std::string& _ele) { if(_pos >= this->size) { return false; } //BETTER:check if this position is used, and decide abort or update? this->buffer[_pos] = _ele; return true; } bool del(unsigned _pos) { if(_pos >= this->size) { return false; } this->buffer[_pos] = ""; return true; } std::string& get(unsigned _pos) const { return this->buffer[_pos]; } ~Buffer() { //for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) //{ //delete[] buffer[i]; //} delete[] buffer; } }; //NOTICE: bool used to be represented by int in C, but in C++ it only occupies a byte //But in 32-bit machine, read/write on 32-bit(4-byte) will be more efficient, so bools are compressed into 4-bytes //vector is not suggested:) //http://blog.csdn.net/liushu1231/article/details/8844631 class BoolArray { private: unsigned size; char* arr; public: BoolArray() { size = 0; arr = NULL; } BoolArray(unsigned _size) { //this->size = (_size+7)/8*8; this->size = Util::ceiling(_size, 8); this->arr = new char[this->size/8]; } void fill(unsigned _size) { if(this->arr != NULL) { //unsigned tmp = (_size+7)/8*8; unsigned tmp = Util::ceiling(_size, 8); if(tmp > this->size) { this->size= tmp; delete[] this->arr; this->arr = new char[this->size/8]; } } else { //this->size = (_size+7)/8*8; this->size = Util::ceiling(_size, 8); this->arr = new char[this->size/8]; } } //void load() //{ //} bool exist() { return this->size > 0; } unsigned getSize() { return size; } void clear() { this->size = 0; delete[] arr; arr = NULL; } ~BoolArray() { delete[] arr; } }; #endif //_UTIL_UTIL_H