#! /bin/env bash #TODO:to add result size in a unique column! #(how about size different) #how about time n different aspects #in some system, maybe /usr/bin/ instead of /bin/ #according executables to deal with dbms #NOTICE: require that virtuoso-openlink/openrdf-sesame/apache-jena is installed and gstore(single mode) is compiled! #WARN:test gstore, jena, virtuoso with lubm, bsbm, watdiv, dbpedia #when testing sesame and others, just use bsbm and watdiv because format in lubm #i snot supported by sesame(invalid IRI), and dbpedia may be too large line1=-------------------------------------------------- line2=################################################## path=/media/data/ #db0=${path}WatDiv/ #db1=${path}LUBM/ #db2=${path}DBpedia/ #db3=${path}BSBM/ #db=($db0 $db1 $db2 $db3) #db[4]=db4 #db=(WatDiv/ LUBM/ BSBM/ DBpedia/) db=(TEST/) #BETTER: add yago2/yago3, dblp...add more queries length1=${#db[*]} #or @ instead of * #BETTER: let user indicate the executable directory #NOTICE:start the server of virtuoso before testing it gstore=~/project/devGstore/ virtuoso=~/OpenRdf/Virtuoso/virtuoso-server/ sesame=~/OpenRdf/Sesame/openrdf-sesame-4.1.1/ jena=~/OpenRdf/Jena/jena/ #NOTICE: maybe oldGstore and newGstore #NOTICE:remove debug and use -o2 not -g when testing gStore dbms_path=($gstore $jena $sesame $virtuoso) dbms_name=(gstore jena sesame virtuoso) #dbms_path=($gstore $virtuoso) #dbms_name=(gstore virtuoso) length2=${#dbms_path[*]} #or @ instead of * #the language of the current operation system Chinese=zh_CN.utf8 English=en_US.utf8 #for each db, compare, pass db and query as parameter #firstly load database, then query with unique program #output format: in each dbms, time.log/ result.log/ #use each dataset name as subfolder like lubm_10.nt/ in result.log/ #and time.log/lubm_10.nt.log, and for each query corresponding #to a dataset: result.log/lubm_10.nt/q1.sql.log #Finally, in the directory where this script is placed in, also #build result.log/ and time.log/ #result.log/lubm_10.nt.tsv time.log/lubm_10.nt.tsv size.log.tsv #below is old: #time log should be used in excel, and compare result log: #diff or grep -vFf file1 file2 #better to compare line by line using awk log1=result.log/ log2=time.log/ log3=load.log/ #clean logs in home(this script) home=`pwd` if [ -d ${home}/garbage/ ] #! as not then rm -rf ${home}/garbage/ fi mkdir ${home}/garbage/ if [ -d ${home}/${log1} ] then rm -rf ${home}/${log1} fi mkdir ${home}/${log1} if [ -d ${home}/${log2} ] then rm -rf ${home}/${log2} fi mkdir ${home}/${log2} if [ -d ${home}/${log3} ] then rm -rf ${home}/${log3} fi mkdir ${home}/${log3} #clean logs in each dbms function initial() { if [ -d $log1 ] then rm -rf $log1 fi mkdir $log1 if [ -d $log2 ] then rm -rf $log2 fi mkdir $log2 if [ -d $log3 ] then rm -rf $log3 fi mkdir $log3 } #size.tsv:the size after loaded time.tsv:time used to load tsv3=${home}/${log3}time.tsv tsv4=${home}/${log3}size.tsv dsnum=0 for i in `seq $length1` do i=`expr $i - 1` for tmpdb in `ls ${path}/${db[i]}/database/*.nt` do dsnum=`expr $dsnum + 1` if [ $dsnum -ne 1 ] then sleep 60 #for other processes #sudo echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches fi cntdb="${tmpdb##*/}" echo "$tmpdb" #in case of special characters like & tsv1=${home}/${log1}/${cntdb}.tsv #compare result tsv2=${home}/${log2}/${cntdb}.tsv #compare time echo $tsv1 echo $tsv2 #load this database into each dbms for j in `seq $length2` do j=`expr $j - 1` cd ${dbms_path[j]} name=${dbms_name[j]} echo $name #build logs structure echo "build logs structure!" if [ $dsnum -eq 1 ] then initial fi mkdir ${log1}/${cntdb} #pass the cntdb if using function #touch ${log2}/${cntdb}.log if [ ${name}x = gstorex ] #add a x in case of empty, otherwise will unary error #if [ ${j} -eq 0 ] then echo "this is for gstore!" bin/gload $cntdb $tmpdb > load.txt #awk '{if($1=="after" && $2=="build," && $3=="used"){split($4, a,"m");print "time:\t"a[1]}}' load.txt > load_${cntdb}.log awk '{if($1=="after" && $2=="build," && $3=="used"){split($4, a,"m");print "'$cntdb'""\t"a[1]}}' load.txt >> ${log3}/time.log #elif [ ${dbms[j]}x = ${virtuoso}x ] #elif [ ${dbms[j]}x = ${sesame}x ] #elif [ ${dbms[j]}x = ${jena}x ] elif [ ${name}x = jenax ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 1 ] then echo "this is for jena!" bin/tdbloader --loc "$cntdb" "$tmpdb" > load.txt 2>&1 #awk '{if(NR==1){s=$1}else{t=$1}}END{split(s,a,":");split(t,b,":");ans=0+(b[1]-a[1])*3600+(b[2]-a[2])*60+(b[3]-a[3]);printf("%s\t%d\n", "time:", ans*1000);}' load.txt > load_${cntdb}.log #NOTICE:if use more than one day, the time computed maybe <0 awk '{if(NR==1){s=$1}else{t=$1}}END{split(s,a,":");split(t,b,":");ans=0+(b[1]-a[1])*3600+(b[2]-a[2])*60+(b[3]-a[3]);printf("%s\t%d\n", "'$cntdb'", ans*1000);}' load.txt >> ${log3}/time.log #cat load.txt >> "load_${cntdb}.log" elif [ ${name}x = sesamex ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 2 ] then #NOTICE+WARN:not suitable to lubm(format: not valid IRI) echo "this is for sesame!" #write instructions into run.sql >run.sql echo -e "create native\n${cntdb}\n${cntdb}\n\n\nopen ${cntdb}" >> run.sql echo "load ${tmpdb}" >> run.sql echo -e "close\nquit" >> run.sql bin/console.sh < run.sql > load.txt awk '{if($1=="Data" && $2 == "has" && $3 == "been"){split($8, a, "(");printf("%s\t%d\n", "'$cntdb'", a[2]);}}' load.txt >> ${log3}/time.log elif [ ${name}x = virtuosox ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 3 ] then echo "this is for virtuoso!" #maybe write instructions into run.sql #>run.sql #echo "ld_dir('${path}/${db[i]}/database/', '${cntdb}', '${cntdb}');" >> run.sql #echo "rdf_loader_run();" >> run.sql #echo "checkpoint;" >> run.sql >load.txt bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="ld_dir('${path}/${db[i]}/database/', '${cntdb}', '${cntdb}');" | awk '{if($1=="Done."){print $3}}' >> load.txt bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="rdf_loader_run();" | awk '{if($1=="Done."){print $3}}' >> load.txt bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" | awk '{if($1=="Done."){print $3}}' >> load.txt awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{sum+=$0}END{printf("%s\t%d\n", "'$cntdb'", sum);}' load.txt >> ${log3}/time.log fi #ls -l sums the actual size, unit is k echo "now to sum the database size!" #NOTICE:the unit is KB #ls -lR "$cntdb" | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{if($1=="total"){sum=sum+$2}}END{print "size:\t"sum}' >> load_${cntdb}.log #if [ ${j} -eq 3 ] #virtuoso if [ ${name}x = virtuosox ] then #NOTICE:this db also includes the initial data #realDB="../database/virtuoso.db" realDB="database/virtuoso.db" #the original size of virtuoso db is 39845888B, not so accurate ls -l "$realDB" | awk '{sum=$5/1000-39846;print "'$cntdb'""\t"sum}' >> ${log3}/size.log else if [ ${name}x = gstorex -o ${name}x = jenax ] #if [ ${j} -lt 2 ] then realDB="$cntdb" elif [ ${name}x = sesamex ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 2 ] then #NOTICE:not quoted the string! realDB=~/.aduna/openrdf-sesame-console/repositories/ realDB=${realDB}${cntdb} fi lang=`echo $LANG` if [ $lang = $English ] then ls -lR "$realDB" | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{if($1=="total"){sum=sum+$2}}END{print "'$cntdb'""\t"sum}' >> ${log3}/size.log elif [ $lang = $Chinese ] then ls -lR "$realDB" | awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{if($1=="总用量"){sum=sum+$2}}END{print "'$cntdb'""\t"sum}' >> ${log3}/size.log else echo "the language of the operation system is not supported!" fi fi timelog=${log2}/${cntdb}.log touch $timelog #NOTICE:we remove all duplicates to compare, due to different dbms preferences #For example, sesame and virtuoso will not include any duplicates for query in `ls ${path}/${db[i]}/query/*.sql` do #NOTICE:we expect there are no duplicates in sesame and virtuoso echo $query #build logs structure anslog=${log1}/${cntdb}/${query##*/}.log #touch $anslog #needed because the result maybe empty >${anslog} if [ ${name}x = gstorex ] #add a x in case of empty (need a space from ]) #if [ ${j} -eq 0 ] then echo "this is for gstore!" #NOTICE:we do not add the start time in gquery.cpp, and we expect other dbms will also deal it this way. bin/gquery "$cntdb" $query > ans.txt awk -F ':' 'BEGIN{query="'$query'"}{if($1=="Total time used"){split($2, a, "m");split(a[1],b," ");}}END{print query"\t"b[1]}' ans.txt >> $timelog #grep "Total time used:" ans.txt | grep -o "[0-9]*ms" >> ${log2}/${cntdb}.log awk -F ':' 'BEGIN{flag=0;old="[empty result]"}{if(flag==1 && $0 ~/^?/){flag=2}else if(flag==2){if($0 ~/^$/){flag=3}else if($0 != old){print $0;old=$0}}else if(flag == 0 && $1 ~/^final result/){flag=1}}' ans.txt > $anslog #awk 'BEGIN{flag=0}{if(flag==1){print $0}if($1 ~/^final$/){flag=1}}' ans.txt > ${log1}/${cntdb}/${query}.log elif [ ${name}x = jenax ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 1 ] then echo "this is for jena!" #NOTICE: for program output in stderr(no cache), deal like this #./tdbquery --repeat 1,1 --time --results TSV --loc "$cntdb" --query $query > ans.txt 2>&1 bin/tdbquery --time --results TSV --loc "$cntdb" --query $query > ans.txt 2>&1 #NOTICE: redirect in awk, and jena #use old var to remove duplicates(expect duplicates to be all together) #awk 'BEGIN{old=""}{if(NR>1){if($1 ~/Time:/ && $3 ~/sec/){time=$2*1000;print "'$query'""\t"time >> "'$timelog'"}else if(!($0 ~/^$/) && $0 != old){print $0 >> "'$anslog'";old=$0}}}' ans.txt awk 'BEGIN{old=""}{if(NR>1){if($1 ~/Time:/ && $3 ~/sec/){time=$2*1000;print "'$query'""\t"time >> "'$timelog'"}else if(!($0 ~/^?/) && $0 != old){print $0 >> "'$anslog'";old=$0}}}' ans.txt elif [ ${name}x = sesamex ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 2 ] then echo "this is for sesame!" #write instructions into run.sql >run.sql echo "open ${cntdb}" >> run.sql #pre="sparql " str=`cat ${query}` ins="sparql "${str} #echo "${pre}${str}" >> run.sql echo ${ins} >> run.sql echo -e "close\nquit" >> run.sql bin/console.sh < run.sql > ans.txt #awk 'BEGIN{flag=0;}{ #if($0 ~/^+/){flag++} #else if(flag==2){ #if($NF=="|"){end=NF-1}else{end=NF} #for(i=2;i<=end;++i){split($i, s, "|");printf("%s", s[1]) >> "'$anslog'"; #if(i> "'$anslog'";}} #printf("\n") >> "'$anslog'";} #else if(flag==3){flag++;split($3, s, "("); #print "'$query'""\t"s[2] >> "'$timelog'"}}' ans.txt awk -F '|' 'BEGIN{flag=0;}{ if($0 ~/^+/){flag++;} else if(flag==2){ for(i=2;i> "'$anslog'";} printf("%s", s[j]) >> "'$anslog'"; if(i> "'$anslog'";} } printf("\n") >> "'$anslog'"; } else if(flag==3){flag++;split($0, a, " ");split(a[3], b, "(");print "'$query'""\t"b[2] >> "'$timelog'"} }' ans.txt #cat > wcgdscdc.txt elif [ ${name}x = virtuosox ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 3 ] then echo "this is for virtuoso!" ins=`cat ${query}` ins="sparql "${ins} echo $ins > tmp.txt str=`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i){if($i=="WHERE" || $i=="where"){printf("from <%s> %s ", "'$cntdb'", $i)}else{printf("%s ", $i)}}}' tmp.txt` rm -f tmp.txt bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="${str};" > ans.txt #awk 'BEGIN{flag=0}{if($0 ~/^____/){flag=1}else if(flag==1 && $0 ~/^$/){flag=2}else if(flag==2){if($0 ~/^$/){flag=3}else{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i){if($i ~/^http:/){str="<"$i">";}else{str="\""$i"\"";}printf("%s", str) >> "'$anslog'";if(i> "'$anslog'";}printf("\n") >> "'$anslog'";}}else if(flag==3){split($0, s, " ");print "'$query'""\t"s[4] >> "'$timelog'";}}' ans.txt awk -F ' [ \t]+' 'BEGIN{flag=0}{if($0 ~/^____/){flag=1}else if(flag==1 && $0 ~/^$/){flag=2}else if(flag==2){if($0 ~/^$/){flag=3}else{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i){printf("%s", $i) >> "'$anslog'";if(i> "'$anslog'";}printf("\n") >> "'$anslog'";}}else if(flag==3){split($0, s, " ");print "'$query'""\t"s[4] >> "'$timelog'";}}' ans.txt fi #NOTICE:the same record should be placed together before sorting! #sort according to the path order echo "now to sort anslog!" mv $anslog ${anslog}.bak #use own defined select-sort function #this function can also delete duplicates #BETTER: must use external-sorting when too large # awk -F '\t' '{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i)arr[NR]=$0} # END{ # nr=sortArr(arr,NR,NF); # for(i=1;i<=nr;++i){print arr[i]}} # function sortArr(arr, nr, nf){ # for(p=1;ps2[k]) { return 2 } # else { continue; } } # return 0 }' ${anslog}.bak > ${anslog} #-k1n -k2r ... sort -t $'\t' -u ${anslog}.bak > ${anslog} rm -f ${anslog}.bak done echo "now to sort timelog!" mv $timelog ${timelog}.bak awk -F '\t' '{print $1"\t"$2 | "sort -k1"}' ${timelog}.bak > ${timelog} rm -f ${timelog}.bak #remove the db when finished echo "now to remove the cntdb!" if [ ${name}x = gstorex -o ${name}x = jenax ] #if [ ${j} -lt 2 ] then rm -rf "$cntdb" elif [ ${name}x = sesamex ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 2 ] then >run.sql echo "drop ${cntdb}" >> run.sql echo "yes" >> run.sql echo "quit" >> run.sql bin/console.sh < run.sql rm -f run.sql elif [ ${name}x = virtuosox ] #elif [ ${j} -eq 3 ] then bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="sparql clear graph <${cntdb}>;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="checkpoint;" bin/isql 1111 dba dba exec="delete from db.dba.load_list;" fi #BETTER:remove *.txt in each dbms path #rm -f *.txt #compare time and construct the TSV table if [ ${j} -eq 0 ] then echo "this is the first dbms!" awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN{ print "Time\t""'${dbms_name[j]}'" } { num=split($1,str,"/"); print str[num]"\t"$2 }' ${timelog} > ${tsv2} else echo "this is not the first dbms!" mv ${tsv2} ${tsv2}.bak awk -F '\t' '{ if(NR==FNR) { num=split($1,str,"/"); map[str[num]]=$2 } else { if(FNR==1) { print $0"\t""'${dbms_name[j]}'" } else { print $0"\t"map[$1] } }}' ${timelog} ${tsv2}.bak > ${tsv2} rm -f ${tsv2}.bak fi done #compare the result and construct the TSV table echo "now to compare the results!" cd ${home} tvar1=`expr $length2 - 1` tvar2=`expr $length2 - 2` for p in `seq 0 $tvar2` do tvar3=`expr $p + 1` for q in `seq $tvar3 $tvar1` do echo $p,$q >compare.txt for query in `ls ${path}/${db[i]}/query/*.sql` do echo "compare: " $query tmplog=${log1}/${cntdb}/${query##*/}.log if [ ${dbms_name[p]}x = virtuosox -o ${dbms_name[q]}x = virtuosox ] #if [ $p -eq 3 -o $q -eq 3 ] then #WARN+NOTICE:the output in virtuoso is without '<>' or '""', so it is hard to compare! #url begins with "http://" is entities, but some others may also be, even like "FullProfessor0" in LUBM #So we print all 'Y' when encounter results from virtuoso #Another way is that we can remove all <> or "" and sort again, when comparing virtuoso and others #WARN:there seems to be other questions with the query result of virtuoso! if [ ${dbms_name[p]}x = virtuosox ] then x=$p y=$q else x=$q y=$p fi awk -F '\t' '{ for(i=1; i<=NF; ++i){ sub("^[<\"]", "", $i); sub("[>\"]$", "", $i); printf("%s", $i); if(i change.txt.bak sort -t $'\t' -u change.txt.bak > change.txt diff ${dbms_path[x]}/${tmplog} change.txt #cat > tmp.txt #awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN{flag=0}{ #if(NR==FNR){map[NR]=$0} #else if(flag==0){ # num1=split(map[FNR],str1,"\t"); # num2=split($0,str2,"\t"); # if(num1 != num2){ # flag=1; # } # else{ # for(i=1;i<=num;++i){ # if(str1[i]!=str2[i]){ # flag=1;break}}}}} # END{print "'${query##*/}'""\tY"}' ${dbms_path[p]}/${tmplog} ${dbms_path[q]}/${tmplog} >> compare.txt else diff ${dbms_path[p]}/${tmplog} ${dbms_path[q]}/${tmplog} #NOTICE:the col num is almost all ok for query results #WARN:what if row num is different? #awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN{flag=0}{ #if(NR==FNR){map[NR]=$0} #else if(flag==0){ # num1=split(map[FNR],str1,"\t"); # num2=split($0,str2,"\t"); # if(num1 != num2){ # flag=1; # } # else{ # for(i=1;i<=num1;++i){ # if(str1[i]!=str2[i]){ # flag=1;break}}}}} # END{ # if(flag==0){print "'${query##*/}'""\tY"} # else{print "'${query##*/}'""\tN"}}' ${dbms_path[p]}/${tmplog} ${dbms_path[q]}/${tmplog} >> compare.txt fi if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e ${query##*/}"\tN" >> compare.txt else echo -e ${query##*/}"\tY" >> compare.txt fi done echo "all queries done!" name=${dbms_name[p]}_${dbms_name[q]} if [ $p -eq 0 ] && [ $q -eq 1 ] then awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN{print "Result\t""'$name'"}{print $0}' compare.txt > ${tsv1} else mv ${tsv1} ${tsv1}.bak awk -F '\t' '{ if(NR==FNR) { map[$1]=$2 } else { if(FNR==1) { print $0"\t""'$name'" } else { print $0"\t"map[$1] } }}' compare.txt ${tsv1}.bak > ${tsv1} rm -f ${tsv1}.bak fi done done done done #build the load.log/ in home(this script) echo "now to build the load.log!" for j in `seq $length2` do j=`expr $j - 1` cd ${dbms_path[j]} if [ $j -eq 0 ] then echo "this is the first dbms!" awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN{print "dataset\\dbms\t""'${dbms_name[j]}'"}{print $0}' ${log3}/time.log > $tsv3 awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN{print "dataset\\dbms\t""'${dbms_name[j]}'"}{print $0}' ${log3}/size.log > $tsv4 else echo "this is not the first dbms!" mv ${tsv3} ${tsv3}.bak awk -F '\t' '{ if(NR==FNR) { map[$1]=$2 } else { if(FNR==1) { print $0"\t""'${dbms_name[j]}'" } else { print $0"\t"map[$1] } }}' ${log3}/time.log ${tsv3}.bak > ${tsv3} rm -f ${tsv3}.bak mv ${tsv4} ${tsv4}.bak awk -F '\t' '{ if(NR==FNR) { map[$1]=$2 } else { if(FNR==1) { print $0"\t""'${dbms_name[j]}'" } else { print $0"\t"map[$1] } }}' ${log3}/size.log ${tsv4}.bak > ${tsv4} rm -f ${tsv4}.bak fi done echo "this is the end of full test!" echo "please visit the result.log/, time.log/ and load.log/" echo "you can use excel to load the .tsv files"