#include "RDFParser.h" /* if you want to parse a triple file, you need to create a RDFParser object * and run parseFile several times until all the triple is processed * for example: * RDFParser _RDFParser(filename); * triple_array = new Triple_with_objtype[RDFParser::RDFParser::TRIPLE_NUM_PER_GROUP]; * while (true) * { * triple_num = 0; * _RDFParser.parseFile(); * if (triple_num == 0) break; * ...... * } */ string RDFParser::parseFile(TripleWithObjType* _triple_array, int& _triple_num) { string _subject, _predicate, _object, _objectSubType; Type::Type_ID _objectType; while (_triple_num < RDFParser::TRIPLE_NUM_PER_GROUP) { try { if (!this->_TurtleParser.parse(_subject, _predicate, _object, _objectType, _objectSubType)) break; } catch (const TurtleParser::Exception& _e) { cerr << _e.message << endl; this->_TurtleParser.discardLine(); continue; } _subject = "<" + _subject + ">"; _predicate = "<" + _predicate + ">"; TripleWithObjType::ObjectType _object_type = TripleWithObjType::None; if (_objectType == Type::Type_URI) { _object = "<" + _object + ">"; _object_type = TripleWithObjType::Entity; } else { if (_objectType == Type::Type_Literal) _object = "\"" + _object + "\""; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_CustomLanguage) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"@" + _objectSubType; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_String) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"^^"; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_Integer) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"^^"; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_Decimal) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"^^"; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_Double) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"^^"; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_Boolean) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"^^"; else if (_objectType == Type::Type_CustomType) _object = "\"" + _object + "\"^^<" + _objectSubType + ">"; _object_type = TripleWithObjType::Literal; } _triple_array[_triple_num++] = TripleWithObjType(_subject, _predicate, _object, _object_type); } return ""; } /* if you want to parse a string, you need to create a RDFParser object with no parameter, if the triple has prefix, you also need to provide it. * the whole string must be processed in one time of invoking parseString, pay attention to the triples in the string won't exceed the limit of RDFParser::TRIPLE_NUM_PER_GROUP. * for example: * RDFParser _RDFParser; * _RDFParser.parseString(prefix, ..); * _RDFParser.parseString(triple string 1, ..); * _RDFParser.parseString(triple string 2, ..); * * triple string 1 & 2 will share the common prefix, if you don't want this, create a new RDFParser object. * _RDFParser.parseString(prefix + "\n" + triple string 1 + "\n" + triple string 2, ..); is also acceptable. */ string RDFParser::parseString(string _str, TripleWithObjType* _triple_array, int& _triple_num) { //clear in each time invoking this->_sin.clear(); this->_sin << _str; return parseFile(_triple_array, _triple_num); }