
1477 lines
43 KiB

#include "PathQueryHandler.h"
using namespace std;
PathQueryHandler::PathQueryHandler(CSR *_csr)
if (_csr)
csr = _csr;
csr = new CSR[2];
cacheMaxSize = 10000;
int PathQueryHandler::getVertNum()
set<int> vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < csr[1].pre_num; i++)
vertices.insert(csr[1].adjacency_list[i].begin(), csr[1].adjacency_list[i].end());
return vertices.size();
int PathQueryHandler::getEdgeNum()
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < csr[1].pre_num; i++)
ret += csr[1].adjacency_list[i].size();
return ret;
int PathQueryHandler::getInIndexByID(int vid, int pred)
if (csr[1].vid2id[pred].find(vid) != csr[1].vid2id[pred].end())
return csr[1].vid2id[pred][vid];
return -1;
int PathQueryHandler::getInSize(int vid, int pred)
int vIndex = getInIndexByID(vid, pred);
if (vIndex == -1) // This vertex does not participate in this pred's relations
return 0;
else if (vIndex == csr[1].offset_list[pred].size() - 1)
return csr[1].adjacency_list[pred].size() - csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex];
return csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex + 1] - csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex];
int PathQueryHandler::getInVertID(int vid, int pred, int pos)
if (pos >= getInSize(vid, pred))
return -1;
int offset = csr[1].offset_list[pred][getInIndexByID(vid, pred)];
return csr[1].adjacency_list[pred][offset + pos];
int PathQueryHandler::getInVertID(int vid, int pos)
if (distinctInEdges.find(vid) == distinctInEdges.end())
getTotalInSize(vid, true); // Load into cache
if (pos < distinctInEdges[vid].size())
return *next(distinctInEdges[vid].begin(), pos);
return -1;
int PathQueryHandler::getSetInSize(int vid, const std::vector<int> &pred_set)
int ret = 0;
for (int pred : pred_set)
ret += getInSize(vid, pred);
return ret;
int PathQueryHandler::getTotalInSize(int vid, bool distinct)
int ret = 0;
if (!distinct)
for (int i = 0; i < csr[1].pre_num; i++)
ret += getInSize(vid, i);
if (distinctInEdges.find(vid) == distinctInEdges.end())
if (distinctInEdges.size() == cacheMaxSize)
int replacement = rand() % cacheMaxSize;
distinctInEdges.erase(next(distinctInEdges.begin(), replacement));
// cout << "distinctInEdges replaced entry " << replacement << endl;
distinctInEdges[vid] = set<int>();
for (int pred = 0; pred < csr[1].pre_num; pred++)
int vIndex = getInIndexByID(vid, pred);
if (vIndex == -1) // This vertex does not participate in this pred's relations
else if (vIndex == csr[1].offset_list[pred].size() - 1 \
&& csr[1].adjacency_list[pred].size() > csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex])
distinctInEdges[vid].insert(next(csr[1].adjacency_list[pred].begin(), csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex]), \
else if (csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex + 1] > csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex])
distinctInEdges[vid].insert(next(csr[1].adjacency_list[pred].begin(), csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex]), \
next(csr[1].adjacency_list[pred].begin(), csr[1].offset_list[pred][vIndex + 1]));
ret = distinctInEdges[vid].size();
return ret;
int PathQueryHandler::getOutIndexByID(int vid, int pred)
if (csr[0].vid2id[pred].find(vid) != csr[0].vid2id[pred].end())
return csr[0].vid2id[pred][vid];
return -1;
int PathQueryHandler::getOutSize(int vid, int pred)
int vIndex = getOutIndexByID(vid, pred);
if (vIndex == -1) // This vertex does not participate in this pred's relations
return 0;
else if (vIndex == csr[0].offset_list[pred].size() - 1)
return csr[0].adjacency_list[pred].size() - csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex];
return csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex + 1] - csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex];
int PathQueryHandler::getOutVertID(int vid, int pred, int pos)
if (pos >= getOutSize(vid, pred))
return -1;
int offset = csr[0].offset_list[pred][getOutIndexByID(vid, pred)];
return csr[0].adjacency_list[pred][offset + pos];
int PathQueryHandler::getOutVertID(int vid, int pos)
if (distinctOutEdges.find(vid) == distinctOutEdges.end())
getTotalOutSize(vid, true); // Load into cache
if (pos < distinctOutEdges[vid].size())
return *next(distinctOutEdges[vid].begin(), pos);
return -1;
int PathQueryHandler::getSetOutSize(int vid, const std::vector<int> &pred_set)
int ret = 0;
for (int pred : pred_set)
ret += getOutSize(vid, pred);
return ret;
int PathQueryHandler::getTotalOutSize(int vid, bool distinct)
int ret = 0;
if (!distinct)
for (int i = 0; i < csr[1].pre_num; i++)
ret += getOutSize(vid, i);
if (distinctOutEdges.find(vid) == distinctOutEdges.end())
if (distinctOutEdges.size() == cacheMaxSize)
int replacement = rand() % cacheMaxSize;
distinctOutEdges.erase(next(distinctOutEdges.begin(), replacement));
// cout << "distinctInEdges replaced entry " << replacement << endl;
distinctOutEdges[vid] = set<int>();
for (int pred = 0; pred < csr[1].pre_num; pred++)
int vIndex = getOutIndexByID(vid, pred);
if (vIndex == -1) // This vertex does not participate in this pred's relations
else if (vIndex == csr[0].offset_list[pred].size() - 1 \
&& csr[0].adjacency_list[pred].size() > csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex])
distinctOutEdges[vid].insert(next(csr[0].adjacency_list[pred].begin(), csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex]), \
else if (csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex + 1] > csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex])
distinctOutEdges[vid].insert(next(csr[0].adjacency_list[pred].begin(), csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex]), \
next(csr[0].adjacency_list[pred].begin(), csr[0].offset_list[pred][vIndex + 1]));
ret = distinctOutEdges[vid].size();
return ret;
void PathQueryHandler::inputGraph(string filename)
// ifstream infile(filename.c_str());
ifstream infile(filename);
int n, numLabel;
infile >> n >> numLabel;
int **indegree = new int*[numLabel];
int **outdegree = new int*[numLabel];
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
indegree[i] = new int[n];
memset(indegree[i], 0, n * sizeof(int));
outdegree[i] = new int[n];
memset(outdegree[i], 0, n * sizeof(int));
int from, to, label;
while (infile >> from >> to >> label)
int ***inAdjList = new int **[numLabel];
int ***outAdjList = new int **[numLabel];
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
inAdjList[i] = new int *[n];
outAdjList[i] = new int *[n];
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
inAdjList[i][j] = new int[indegree[i][j]];
outAdjList[i][j] = new int[outdegree[i][j]];
int **pointer_in = new int *[numLabel];
int **pointer_out = new int *[numLabel];
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
pointer_in[i] = new int[n];
memset(pointer_in[i], 0, n * sizeof(int));
pointer_out[i] = new int[n];
memset(pointer_out[i], 0, n * sizeof(int));
infile >> n >> numLabel;
while (infile >> from >> to >> label)
outAdjList[label][from][pointer_out[label][from]] = to;
inAdjList[label][to][pointer_in[label][to]] = from;
int *pointer_outAdj = new int[numLabel];
int *pointer_inAdj = new int[numLabel];
memset(pointer_outAdj, 0, numLabel * sizeof(int));
memset(pointer_inAdj, 0, numLabel * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
csr[0].vid2id[i][j] = j;
for (int k = 0; k < outdegree[i][j]; k++)
csr[1].vid2id[i][j] = j;
for (int k = 0; k < indegree[i][j]; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
delete[] indegree[i];
delete[] outdegree[i];
delete[] indegree;
delete[] outdegree;
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
delete[] inAdjList[i][j];
delete[] outAdjList[i][j];
delete[] inAdjList[i];
delete[] outAdjList[i];
delete[] inAdjList;
delete[] outAdjList;
for (int i = 0; i < numLabel; i++)
delete[] pointer_in[i];
delete[] pointer_out[i];
delete[] pointer_in;
delete[] pointer_out;
delete[] pointer_outAdj;
delete[] pointer_inAdj;
void PathQueryHandler::printCSR()
cout << "----------OUT----------" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "----------IN----------" << endl;
@param u the vertex u's id.
@param v the vertex v's id.
@param flag whether has passed the vertex v.
@param q the node now dfs starts from.
@param vis the nodes have been visited during this dfs.
@param route route[i] stores the route from u to i.
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param pred_set the set of edge labels allowed.
@param finished whether have found the simple circle: if true, return at once.
@param ans store the final circle with u and v: if none, ans is empty.
In fact, it is more like a recall than a DFS.
void PathQueryHandler::dfs(map<int, vector<int> > &route, map<int, bool> &vis,
int q, int v, const vector<int> pred_set, vector<int> &ans, bool &finished)
if(finished) return;
int num_of_pred = pred_set.size();
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int num_out = getOutSize(q, pred_set[i]);
for(int j = 0; j < num_out; ++j)
int temp = getOutVertID(q, pred_set[i], j);
if(vis.find(temp) != vis.end() && vis[temp] == 1) continue;
vis[temp] = 1;
route[temp] = route[q];
if(temp == v)
finished = 1;
ans = route[temp];
if(finished) return;
dfs(route, vis, temp, v, pred_set, ans, finished); //get the childnode dfs.
if(finished) return;
//vis[temp] = 0;
//if(temp == v && flag == 1) flag = 0; //need to recover the sign.
//if(directed) continue;
//if directed == 0, need to consider the traverse edge.
int num_in = getInSize(q, pred_set[i]);
if(finished) return;
for(int j = 0; j < num_in; ++j)
int temp = getInVertID(q, pred_set[i], j);
if(vis.find(temp) != vis.end() && vis[temp] == 1) continue;
vis[temp] = 1;
route[temp] = route[q];
if(temp == v)
finished = 1;
ans = route[temp];
if(finished) return;
dfs(route, vis, temp, v, pred_set, ans, finished);
if(finished) return;
If there exists one or more SIMPLE CYCLES with all edge labels in pred_set
and containing both the vertices u and v, return one of them; otherwise
return an empty vector.
@param uid the vertex u's ID.
@param vid the vertex v's ID.
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param pred_set the set of edge labels allowed.
@return a vector of vertex IDs representing the SIMPLE CYCLE, shaped like
[v0, pred0, v1, pred1, ..., vk, predk], where v0 = u, and predi labels the
edge from vi to vi+1 (predk labels the edge from vk to v0); empty if no
such SIMPLE CYCLE exists.
/*vector<int> PathQueryHandler::simpleCycle(int uid, int vid, bool directed,
const vector<int> &pred_set)
vector<int> ans;
map<int, vector<int> > route;
map<int, bool> vis;
vis[uid] = 1;
bool flag = false;
if(uid == vid) flag = true;
bool finished = false;
dfs(route, vis, uid, flag, uid, vid, pred_set, ans, finished, directed);
return ans;
If there exists one or more CYCLES with all edge labels in pred_set
and containing both the vertices u and v, return one of them; otherwise
return an empty vector.
@param uid the vertex u's ID.
@param vid the vertex v's ID.
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param pred_set the set of edge labels allowed.
@return a vector of vertex IDs representing the CYCLE, shaped like
[v0, pred0, v1, pred1, ..., vk, predk, v0], where v0 = u, and predi labels the
edge from vi to vi+1 (predk labels the edge from vk to v0); empty if no
such CYCLE exists.
std::vector<int> PathQueryHandler::cycle(int uid, int vid, bool directed,
const std::vector<int> &pred_set)
vector<int> ans;
vector<int> ans1, ans2;
ans1 = shortestPath(uid, vid, true, pred_set);
ans2 = shortestPath(vid, uid, true, pred_set);
if(ans1.size() == 0 || ans2.size() == 0) return ans;
for(int i = 1; i < ans2.size() - 1; ++i)
return ans1;
else //use BFS to get the smallest cycle. since every edge is undirected, just need to find the route from u to v.
// int num_of_pred = pred_set.size();
// queue<int> q;
// q.push(uid);
// map<int, int> dis;
// dis[uid] = 0;
// bool finished = 0;
// while(!q.empty() && !finished)
// {
// int temp = q.front();
// q.pop();
// for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
// {
// int x = pred_set[i];
// int num_out = getOutSize(temp, x);
// for(int j = 0; j < num_out; ++j)
// {
// int t = getOutVertID(temp, x, j); //get the node
// if(dis.find(t) != dis.end())
// continue;
// q.push(t);
// dis[t] = dis[temp] + 1;
// if(t == vid)
// {
// finished = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// if(finished) break;
// int num_in = getInSize(temp, x);
// for(int j = 0; j < num_in; ++j)
// {
// int t = getInVertID(temp, x, j);
// if(dis.find(t) != dis.end())
// continue;
// q.push(t);
// dis[t] = dis[temp] + 1;
// if(t == vid)
// {
// finished = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// if(finished) break;
// }
// }
// if(!finished) return ans;
// stack<int> s;
// s.push(vid);
// while(1)
// {
// int temp =;
// if(temp == uid) break;
// int flag0 = 0;
// for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
// {
// int x = pred_set[i];
// int num_in = getInSize(temp, x);
// for(int j = 0; j < num_in; ++j)
// {
// int t = getInVertID(temp, x, j);
// if(dis.find(t) != dis.end() && dis[t] == dis[temp] - 1)
// {
// s.push(x);
// s.push(t);
// flag0 = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// if(flag0) break;
// int num_out = getOutSize(temp, x);
// for(int j = 0; j < num_out; ++j)
// {
// int t = getOutVertID(temp, x, j);
// if(dis.find(t) != dis.end() && dis[t] == dis[temp] - 1)
// {
// s.push(x);
// s.push(t);
// flag0 = 1;
// break;
// }
// }
// if(flag0) break;
// }
// }
// while(!s.empty())
// {
// ans.push_back(;
// s.pop();
// }
ans = shortestPath0(uid, vid, false, pred_set);
int lens = ans.size();
for(int i = lens - 2; i > 0; --i)
return ans;
Compute and return the shortest path between vertices u and v, with the
constraint that all edges in the path are labeled by labels in pred_set.
@param uid the vertex u's ID.
@param vid the vertex v's ID.
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param pred_set the set of edge labels allowed.
@return a vector of vertex IDs representing the shortest path, shaped like
[v0, pred0, v1, pred1, ..., vk, predk, vk+1], where v0 = u, vk+1 = v,
and predi labels the edge from vi to vi+1.
use the map route_u[q] to store the route from u to q.
use the map route_v[q] to store the route from v to q.
vector<int> PathQueryHandler::shortestPath0(int uid, int vid, bool directed, const vector<int> &pred_set)//cost more space and more time?
//cout << "BFS1" << endl;
map<int, vector<int> > route_u, route_v;
queue<int> q_u, q_v;
int num_of_pred = pred_set.size();
bool flag = 0; // sign whether v has been found
map<int, int>::iterator it;
int meet_node = 0;
while(flag == 0 && (!q_u.empty() || !q_v.empty()))
queue<int> new_q_u;
while(!q_u.empty() && flag == 0)
int temp_u = q_u.front();
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int x = pred_set[i];
int num = getOutSize(temp_u, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getOutVertID(temp_u, x, j);
if(route_v.find(t) != route_v.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
route_u[t] = route_u[temp_u];
} //get the meet_node
if(route_u.find(t) != route_u.end()) continue; //have already visited the node
route_u[t] = route_u[temp_u];
if(flag) break;
if(directed) continue;
//undirected: need to visit the in-neighbours
num = getInSize(temp_u, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getInVertID(temp_u, x, j);
if(route_v.find(t) != route_v.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
route_u[t] = route_u[temp_u];
} //get the meet_node
if(route_u.find(t) != route_u.end()) continue; //have already visited the node
route_u[t] = route_u[temp_u];
if(flag) break;
q_u = new_q_u; //update the queue;
queue<int> new_q_v;
while(!q_v.empty() && flag == 0)
int temp_v = q_v.front();
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int x = pred_set[i];
int num = getInSize(temp_v, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getInVertID(temp_v, x, j);
if(route_u.find(t) != route_u.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
route_v[t] = route_v[temp_v];
if(route_v.find(t) != route_v.end()) continue;
route_v[t] = route_v[temp_v];
if(flag) break;
if(directed) continue;
num = getOutSize(temp_v, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getOutVertID(temp_v, x, j);
if(route_u.find(t) != route_u.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
route_v[t] = route_v[temp_v];
if(route_v.find(t) != route_v.end()) continue;
route_v[t] = route_v[temp_v];
if(flag) break;
q_v = new_q_v;
vector<int> ans;
if(flag == 0) return ans; //no route from u to v.
ans = route_u[meet_node];
if(route_v.find(meet_node) != route_v.end())
int lens = route_v[meet_node].size();
for(int i = 0; i < lens; ++i)
ans.push_back(route_v[meet_node][lens - 1 - i]);
}//make up the route with route_u and route_v.
return ans;
Compute and return the shortest path between vertices u and v, with the
constraint that all edges in the path are labeled by labels in pred_set.
@param uid the vertex u's ID.
@param vid the vertex v's ID.
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param pred_set the set of edge labels allowed.
@return a vector of vertex IDs representing the shortest path, shaped like
[v0, pred0, v1, pred1, ..., vk, predk, vk+1], where v0 = u, vk+1 = v,
and predi labels the edge from vi to vi+1.
cost more time.
use dis_u, dis_v to record the distance from u,v to any node.
use bbfs to get the meet node.
get the route through searching the distance and meet node.
vector<int> PathQueryHandler::shortestPath(int uid, int vid, bool directed, const vector<int> &pred_set) //cost less space and less time.
//cout << "BFS2" << endl;
map<int, int> dis_u, dis_v;//store the distance to u and v
queue<int> q_u, q_v;
int num_of_pred = pred_set.size();
dis_u[uid] = 0;
dis_v[vid] = 0;
bool flag = 0;
map<int, int>::iterator it;
int meet_node = 0;
while(flag == 0 && (!q_u.empty() || !q_v.empty()))
queue<int> new_q_u;
while(!q_u.empty() && flag == 0)
int temp_u = q_u.front();
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int x = pred_set[i];
int num = getOutSize(temp_u, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getOutVertID(temp_u, x, j); //get the node
if(dis_v.find(t) != dis_v.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
dis_u[t] = dis_u[temp_u] + 1;
} //get the meet node
if(dis_u.find(t) != dis_u.end()) continue; //has visited before
dis_u[t] = dis_u[temp_u] + 1;
if(flag) break;
if(directed) continue;
num = getInSize(temp_u, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getInVertID(temp_u, x, j); //get the node
if(dis_v.find(t) != dis_v.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
dis_u[t] = dis_u[temp_u] + 1;
} //get the meet node
if(dis_u.find(t) != dis_u.end()) continue; //has visited before
dis_u[t] = dis_u[temp_u] + 1;
if(flag) break;
q_u = new_q_u;
queue<int> new_q_v;
while(!q_v.empty() && flag == 0)
int temp_v = q_v.front();
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int x = pred_set[i];
int num = getInSize(temp_v, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getInVertID(temp_v, x, j);
if(dis_u.find(t) != dis_u.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
dis_v[t] = dis_v[temp_v] + 1;
if(dis_v.find(t) != dis_v.end()) continue; // Already in
dis_v[t] = dis_v[temp_v] + 1;
if(flag) break;
if(directed) continue;
num = getOutSize(temp_v, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getOutVertID(temp_v, x, j);
if(dis_u.find(t) != dis_u.end())
flag = 1;
meet_node = t;
dis_v[t] = dis_v[temp_v] + 1;
if(dis_v.find(t) != dis_v.end()) continue; // Already in
dis_v[t] = dis_v[temp_v] + 1;
if(flag) break;
q_v = new_q_v;
//get the route through the distance.
vector<int> empty_ans;
if(flag == 0) return empty_ans; // no route from u to v
stack<int> s;
//cout << "*************you are wrong!!!**********" << endl;
int temp =;
if(temp == vid) break;
int flag0 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int x = pred_set[i];
int num = getOutSize(temp, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getOutVertID(temp, x, j);
if(dis_v.find(t) != dis_v.end() && dis_v[t] == dis_v[temp] - 1)
flag0 = 1;
if(flag0) break;
if(directed) continue;
num = getInSize(temp, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getInVertID(temp, x, j);
if(dis_v.find(t) != dis_v.end() && dis_v[t] == dis_v[temp] - 1)
flag0 = 1;
if(flag0) break;
}//get the route from meet_node to v.
stack<int> s_new;
int temp =;
//cout << "s_new empty" << endl;
int temp =;
if(temp == uid) break;
int flag0 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < num_of_pred; ++i)
int x = pred_set[i];
int num = getInSize(temp, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getInVertID(temp, x, j);
if(dis_u.find(t) != dis_u.end() && dis_u[t] == dis_u[temp] - 1)
flag0 = 1;
if(flag0) break;
if(directed) continue;
num = getOutSize(temp, x);
for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
int t = getOutVertID(temp, x, j);
if(dis_u.find(t) != dis_u.end() && dis_u[t] == dis_u[temp] - 1)
flag0 = 1;
if(flag0) break;
}//get the route from u to meet_node.
int lens = s_new.size();
vector<int> ans(lens);
for(int i = 0; i < lens; ++i)
ans[i] =;
return ans;
Determine if v is reachable from u within k hops via edges labeled by labels
in pred_set.
@param uid the vertex u's ID.
@param vid the vertex v's ID.
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param k the hop constraint.
@param pred_set the set of edge labels allowed.
@return true if v is reachable from u within k hops, false otherwise.
bool PathQueryHandler::kHopReachable(int uid, int vid, bool directed, int k, const std::vector<int> &pred_set)
if (uid == vid)
return true;
int uOutTotal = 0, vInTotal = 0;
for (int pred : pred_set)
uOutTotal += getOutSize(uid, pred);
vInTotal += getInSize(vid, pred);
uOutTotal += getInSize(uid, pred);
vInTotal += getOutSize(vid, pred);
if (uOutTotal == 0 || vInTotal == 0)
return false;
//partial push
double rmax_fwd = 0.001, rmax_bwd = 0.001;
queue< pair<int,int> > candidatePush1;
queue< pair<int,int> > candidatePush1_next;
queue< pair<int,int> > candidatePush2;
queue< pair<int,int> > candidatePush2_next;
candidatePush1.push( pair<int,int>(uid,0) );
candidatePush2.push( pair<int,int>(vid,0) );
map<int, int> residue1, residue2, l1, l2, f1, f2;
residue1[uid] = 1;
residue2[vid] = 1;
l1[uid] = 0;
l2[vid] = 0;
//full push
queue< int > fwdQ;
queue< int > fwdQ_next;
queue< int > bwdQ;
queue< int > bwdQ_next;
int fullL1 = 0;
int fullL2 = 0;
f1[uid] = 0;
f2[vid] = 0;
double theta = 1, c_fora = 0.1, alpha = 0.2;
double init_rmax = 100.0 / pow(getEdgeNum(), 3.0 / 4.0) / c_fora;
int batchSize = 10;
int push_bs = theta * batchSize, bfs_bs = batchSize;
int op_cnt;
fullL1 = 1;
fullL2 = 1;
while (fullL1 <= k && fullL2 <= k && \
(!fwdQ.empty() || !fwdQ_next.empty()) && (!bwdQ.empty() || !bwdQ_next.empty()))
op_cnt = 0;
while ((!candidatePush1.empty() || !candidatePush1_next.empty()) && op_cnt < push_bs \
&& rmax_fwd > init_rmax)
if (candidatePush1.empty())
swap(candidatePush1, candidatePush1_next);
rmax_fwd /= 2;
int curNode = candidatePush1.front().first;
int level = candidatePush1.front().second;
if (level <= k)
if (!directed)
if( residue1[curNode] / getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set) >= rmax_fwd )
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (l1.find(adj) == l1.end())
l1[adj] = level+1;
if (l2.find(adj) != l2.end() && l1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f2.find(adj) != f2.end() && l1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
residue1[adj] = (1-alpha)*residue1[curNode]/getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set); // Should be equivalent to +=
if(residue1[adj]/getSetOutSize(adj, pred_set) >= rmax_fwd )
candidatePush1.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
candidatePush1_next.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
residue1[curNode] = 0;
candidatePush1_next.push( pair<int,int>(curNode,level) );
if( residue1[curNode] / (getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set) + getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set)) \
>= rmax_fwd )
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (l1.find(adj) == l1.end())
l1[adj] = level+1;
if (l2.find(adj) != l2.end() && l1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f2.find(adj) != f2.end() && l1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
residue1[adj] = (1-alpha)*residue1[curNode] / \
(getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set) + getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set)); // Should be equivalent to +=
if(residue1[adj] / (getSetOutSize(adj, pred_set) + getSetInSize(adj, pred_set)) >= rmax_fwd)
candidatePush1.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
candidatePush1_next.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int adj = getInVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (l1.find(adj) == l1.end())
l1[adj] = level+1;
if (l2.find(adj) != l2.end() && l1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f2.find(adj) != f2.end() && l1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
residue1[adj] = (1-alpha)*residue1[curNode] / \
(getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set) + getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set)); // Should be equivalent to +=
if(residue1[adj]/(getSetOutSize(adj, pred_set) + getSetInSize(adj, pred_set)) >= rmax_fwd )
candidatePush1.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
candidatePush1_next.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
residue1[curNode] = 0;
candidatePush1_next.push( pair<int,int>(curNode,level) );
op_cnt = 0;
// clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_at);
while ((!fwdQ.empty() || !fwdQ_next.empty()) && op_cnt < bfs_bs && fullL1 <= k)
if (fwdQ.empty())
swap(fwdQ, fwdQ_next);
int curNode = fwdQ.front();
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if(f1.find(adj) == f1.end())
f1[adj] = fullL1;
if (l2.find(adj) != l2.end() && f1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f2.find(adj) != f2.end() && f1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if(directed) continue;
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if(f1.find(adj) == f1.end())
f1[adj] = fullL1;
if (l2.find(adj) != l2.end() && f1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f2.find(adj) != f2.end() && f1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
// clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end_at);
// elapsed = timeDiff(start_at, end_at);
// printf("fullL1 = %d, time = %lf ms\n", fullL1, elapsed);
op_cnt = 0;
while ((!candidatePush2.empty() || !candidatePush2_next.empty()) && op_cnt < push_bs \
&& rmax_bwd > init_rmax)
if (candidatePush2.empty())
swap(candidatePush2, candidatePush2_next);
rmax_bwd /= 2;
int curNode = candidatePush2.front().first;
int level = candidatePush2.front().second;
if (level <= k)
if (!directed)
if( residue2[curNode] / getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set) >= rmax_bwd )
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int adj = getInVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (l2.find(adj) == l2.end())
l2[adj] = level+1;
if (l1.find(adj) != l1.end() && l1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f1.find(adj) != f1.end() && f1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
residue2[adj] = (1-alpha)*residue1[curNode]/getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set); // Should be equivalent to +=
if(residue2[adj]/getSetInSize(adj, pred_set) >= rmax_fwd )
candidatePush2.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
candidatePush2_next.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
residue2[curNode] = 0;
candidatePush2_next.push( pair<int,int>(curNode,level) );
if( residue2[curNode] / (getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set) + getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set)) \
>= rmax_bwd )
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int adj = getInVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (l2.find(adj) == l2.end())
l2[adj] = level+1;
if (l1.find(adj) != l1.end() && l1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f1.find(adj) != f1.end() && f1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
residue2[adj] = (1-alpha)*residue1[curNode] / \
(getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set) + getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set)); // Should be equivalent to +=
if(residue2[adj] / (getSetInSize(adj, pred_set) + getSetOutSize(adj, pred_set)) >= rmax_fwd )
candidatePush2.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
candidatePush2_next.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (l2.find(adj) == l2.end())
l2[adj] = level+1;
if (l1.find(adj) != l1.end() && l1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f1.find(adj) != f1.end() && f1[adj] + l2[adj] <= k)
return true;
residue2[adj] = (1-alpha)*residue1[curNode] / \
(getSetInSize(curNode, pred_set) + getSetOutSize(curNode, pred_set)); // Should be equivalent to +=
if(residue2[adj] / (getSetInSize(adj, pred_set) + getSetOutSize(adj, pred_set)) >= rmax_fwd )
candidatePush2.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
candidatePush2_next.push( pair<int,int>(adj,level+1) );
residue2[curNode] = 0;
candidatePush2_next.push( pair<int,int>(curNode,level) );
op_cnt = 0;
// clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start_at);
while ((!bwdQ.empty() || !bwdQ_next.empty()) && op_cnt < bfs_bs && fullL2 <= k)
if (bwdQ.empty())
swap(bwdQ, bwdQ_next);
int curNode = bwdQ.front();
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if(f2.find(adj) == f2.end())
f2[adj] = fullL2;
if (l1.find(adj) != l1.end() && l1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f1.find(adj) != f1.end() && f1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if(directed) continue;
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int adj = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if(f2.find(adj) == f2.end())
f2[adj] = fullL2;
if (l1.find(adj) != l1.end() && l1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
if (f1.find(adj) != f1.end() && f1[adj] + f2[adj] <= k)
return true;
return false;
bool PathQueryHandler::kHopReachableTest(int uid, int vid, bool directed, int k, const std::vector<int> &pred_set)
if (uid == vid)
return true;
int uOutTotal = 0, vInTotal = 0;
for (int pred : pred_set)
uOutTotal += getOutSize(uid, pred);
vInTotal += getInSize(vid, pred);
uOutTotal += getInSize(uid, pred);
vInTotal += getOutSize(vid, pred);
if (uOutTotal == 0 || vInTotal == 0)
return false;
int level = 0;
queue< int > fwdQ;
queue< int > fwdQ_next;
queue< int > bwdQ;
queue< int > bwdQ_next;
map<int, int> fSetMark;
map<int, int> bSetMark;
fSetMark[uid] = 0;
bSetMark[vid] = 0;
while (level < k)
while (!fwdQ.empty())
int curNode = fwdQ.front();
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int outNode = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (fSetMark.find(outNode) == fSetMark.end())
fSetMark[outNode] = level;
if(directed) continue;
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int inNode = getInVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (fSetMark.find(inNode) == fSetMark.end())
fSetMark[inNode] = level;
while (!bwdQ.empty())
int curNode = bwdQ.front();
for (int pred : pred_set)
int num_in = getInSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_in; i++)
int inNode = getInVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (bSetMark.find(inNode) == bSetMark.end())
bSetMark[inNode] = level;
if (fSetMark.find(inNode) != \
fSetMark.end() && fSetMark[inNode] + bSetMark[inNode] <= k)
return true;
if(directed) continue;
int num_out = getOutSize(curNode, pred);
for (int i = 0; i < num_out; i++)
int outNode = getOutVertID(curNode, pred, i);
if (bSetMark.find(outNode) == bSetMark.end())
bSetMark[outNode] = level;
if (fSetMark.find(outNode) != \
fSetMark.end() && fSetMark[outNode] + bSetMark[outNode] <= k)
return true;
if (fwdQ_next.empty() || bwdQ_next.empty())
return false;
swap(fwdQ_next, fwdQ);
swap(bwdQ_next, bwdQ);
return false;
Generate an equal number of positive and negative queries for a given query type,
and storing them in the queries vector.
Note: Treat pred_set as full (allow all possible predicates) for now.
Note: To deal with the problem that all vertex IDs cannot be accessed at once for
graphs with multiple predicates, you may employ a two-level strategy when picking
srcID and dstID: first randomly pick a predicate, then randomly pick a vertexID in
that predicate's id2vid list.
@param queryType the type of queries (0 for cycle, 1 for shortestPath).
@param directed if false, treat all edges in the graph as bidirectional.
@param numQueries the number of positive (negative) queries to generate.
@param queries vector to store the generated queries. Each element will be ((srcID, dstID), result).
Result for cycle will be 0 for non-existence of cycles and 1 for existence. Result for shortestPath
will be the length of the shortest path; negative queries for this category will be UNREACHABLE pairs,
where result will be -1.
// void PathQueryHandler::generateQueries(int queryType, bool directed, int numQueries, vector<pair<int, int>, int>& queries)
// {
// }