139 lines
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139 lines
3.6 KiB
# Filename: grestore.cpp
# Author: zhe zhang
# Mail: zhezhang99@gmail.com
# Last Modified: 2019.7.22
# Description: restore a database by copy its backup files to root location
#include "../Util/Util.h"
#include "../Database/Database.h"
using namespace std;
#define DEFALUT_BACKUP_PATH "./backups"
int copy(string src_path, string dest_path)
//check the source path
cout << "Source Path Error, Please Check It Again!" << endl;
return 1;
//check the destnation path
cout << "Destnation Path Error, Please Check It Again!" << endl;
return -1;
string sys_cmd;
sys_cmd = "cp -r " + src_path + ' ' + dest_path ;
return 0;// success
main(int argc, char * argv[])
Util util;
string db_name, backup_path, db_path, path;
if(argc < 2)
//output help info here
cout << "the usage of grestore: " << endl;
cout << "./bin/restore your_database_name your_backup_path" << endl;
cout << "the path should include your database folder name!" << endl;
return 0;
db_name = string(argv[1]);
if(argc > 2)
backup_path = string(argv[2]);
cout << "gbackup..." << endl;
cout << "argc: " << argc << "\t";
cout << "DB_name:" << db_name << "\t";
cout << "Backup_path: " << backup_path << "\t";
cout << endl;
int len = db_name.length();
if(db_name.length() > 3 && db_name.substr(len-3, 3) == ".db")
cout<<"your database name can not end with .db"<<endl;
return -1;
if (db_name == "system")
cout<< "Your database's name can not be system."<<endl;
return -1;
if(backup_path[0] == '/') backup_path = '.' + backup_path;
if(backup_path[backup_path.length() - 1] == '/') backup_path = backup_path.substr(0, backup_path.length()-1);
cout << "Backup Path Error, Restore Failed" << endl;
return 0;
Database system_db("system");
string sparql = "ASK WHERE{<" + db_name + "> <database_status> \"already_built\".}";
ResultSet ask_rs;
FILE* ask_ofp = stdout;
system_db.query(sparql, ask_rs, ask_ofp);
if (ask_rs.answer[0][0] == "false")
cout << "The database does not exist. Rebuild" << endl;
string time = Util::get_backup_time(backup_path, db_name);
if(time.size() == 0){
cout << "Backup Path Does not Match DataBase Name, Restore Failed" << endl;
return 0;
string sparql = "INSERT DATA {<" + db_name + "> <database_status> \"already_built\"." + "<" + db_name + "> <built_by> <root>."
+ "<" + db_name + "> <built_time> \"" + time + "\".}";
ResultSet _rs;
FILE* ofp = stdout;
string msg;
int ret = system_db.query(sparql, _rs, ofp);
if (ret >= 0)
msg = "update num : " + Util::int2string(ret);
else {
//update error
cout << "Rebuild Error, Restore Failed" << endl;
return 0;
cout << msg << endl;
int ret = copy(backup_path, DEFALUT_BUILD_PATH);
if(ret == 1){
cout << "Backup Path Error, Restore Failed!" << endl;
//TODO update the in system.db
string time = Util::get_date_time();
cout << "Time:" + time << endl;
cout << "DB:" + db_name + " Restore done!" << endl;
db_path = db_name + ".db";
string sys_cmd = "rm -rf " + db_path;
path = Util::get_folder_name(backup_path, db_name);
sys_cmd = "mv " + path + ' ' + db_path;
return 0;
} |