423 lines
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423 lines
11 KiB
* LRUCache.cpp
* Created on: 2014-6-30
* Author: hanshuo
int LRUCache::DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 1*1000*1000;
LRUCache::LRUCache(int _capacity)
cout << "LRUCache initial..." << endl;
this->capacity = _capacity > 0 ? _capacity : LRUCache::DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
// we should guarantee the cache is big enough.
this->capacity = std::max(this->capacity, VNode::MAX_CHILD_NUM * 2000);
this->next = new int[this->capacity + 2];
this->prev = new int[this->capacity + 2];
this->keys = new int[this->capacity + 2];
this->values = new VNode*[this->capacity + 2];
this->next[LRUCache::START_INDEX] = LRUCache::END_INDEX;
this->next[LRUCache::END_INDEX] = LRUCache::NULL_INDEX;
this->prev[LRUCache::START_INDEX] = LRUCache::NULL_INDEX;
this->prev[LRUCache::END_INDEX] = LRUCache::START_INDEX;
this->size = 0;
cout << "LRUCache initial finish" << endl;
delete []this->next;
delete []this->prev;
delete []this->keys;
delete []this->values;
/* load cache's elements from an exist data file. */
bool LRUCache::loadCache(string _filePath)
this->dataFilePath = _filePath;
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->dataFilePath.c_str(),"rb");
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can not load an exist data file. @LRUCache::loadCache" << endl;
return false;
int defaultLoadSize = this->capacity / 2;
size_t vNodeSize = sizeof(VNode);
int flag = 0;
flag = fseek(filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (flag != 0)
cerr << "error,can't seek to the fileLine. @LRUCache::loadCache" << endl;
return false;
int _tmp_cycle_count = 0;
while (this->size < defaultLoadSize)
VNode* nodePtr = new VNode();
bool is_reach_EOF = feof(filePtr);
bool is_node_read = (fread((char *)nodePtr,vNodeSize,1,filePtr) == 1);
if (is_reach_EOF || !is_node_read)
int pos = LRUCache::DEFAULT_NUM + this->size;
this->setElem(pos, nodePtr->getFileLine(), nodePtr);
if (_tmp_cycle_count != nodePtr->getFileLine())
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "error file line: " << _tmp_cycle_count << " " << nodePtr->getFileLine() << " " << nodePtr->getChildNum() << endl;
_tmp_cycle_count ++;
return true;
/* create a new empty data file, the original one will be overwrite. */
bool LRUCache::createCache(string _filePath)
this->dataFilePath = _filePath;
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->dataFilePath.c_str(),"wb");
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can not create a new data file. @LRUCache::createCache" << endl;
return false;
return true;
/* set the key(node's file line) and value(node's pointer). if the key exists now, the value of this key will be overwritten. */
bool LRUCache::set(int _key, VNode * _value)
map<int,int>::iterator iter = this->key2pos.find(_key);
// if the _key is found, overwrite its mapping value.
if (iter != this->key2pos.end())
int pos = iter->second;
// if the cache is not full now, just put the key-value to the free slot.
else if (this->size < this->capacity)
int pos = LRUCache::DEFAULT_NUM + this->size;
// if the cache is full, should swap out the least recently used one to hard disk.
// write out and free the memory of the least recently used one.
int pos = this->next[LRUCache::START_INDEX];
this->writeOut(pos, this->keys[pos]);
// set the new one to the memory pool.
return false;
/* get the value(node's pointer) by key(node's file line). */
VNode* LRUCache::get(int _key)
VNode* ret = NULL;
map<int,int>::iterator iter = this->key2pos.find(_key);
if (iter != this->key2pos.end())
int pos = iter->second;
ret = this->values[pos];
// the value is not in memory now, should load it from hard disk.
else if (this->size < this->capacity)
int pos = LRUCache::DEFAULT_NUM + this->size;
if (this->readIn(pos, _key))
ret = this->values[pos];
// if the memory pool is full now, should swap out the least recently used one, and swap in the required value.
int pos = this->next[LRUCache::START_INDEX];
this->writeOut(pos, this->keys[pos]);
if (this->readIn(pos, _key))
ret = this->values[pos];
return ret;
/* update the _key's mapping _value. if the key do not exist, this operation will fail and return false. */
bool LRUCache::update(int _key, VNode* _value)
// should swap it into cache first.
VNode* valuePtr = this->get(_key);
if (valuePtr != NULL)
int pos = this->key2pos[_key];
if (this->keys[pos] != _key)
cerr << "error, the pos is wrong. @LRUCache::update" << endl;
return false;
this->values[pos] = _value;
return true;
return false;
int LRUCache::getCapacity()
return this->capacity;
int LRUCache::getRestAmount()
return this->capacity - this->size;
void LRUCache::showAmount()
this->capacity, this->size,
(double)this->size / this->capacity * 100.0);
bool LRUCache:: isFull()
return this->size == this->capacity;
/* put the new visited one to the tail */
void LRUCache::refresh(int _pos)
int prevPos,nextPos;
prevPos = this->prev[_pos];
nextPos = this->next[_pos];
this->next[prevPos] = nextPos;
this->prev[nextPos] = prevPos;
prevPos = this->prev[LRUCache::END_INDEX];
nextPos = LRUCache::END_INDEX;
this->next[prevPos] = _pos;
this->prev[nextPos] = _pos;
this->next[_pos] = LRUCache::END_INDEX;
this->prev[_pos] = prevPos;
/* free the memory of the _pos element in cache. */
void LRUCache:: freeElem(int _pos)
delete this->values[_pos];
this->keys[_pos] = LRUCache::NULL_INDEX;
// update the double linked list.
int prevPos = this->prev[_pos];
int nextPos = this->next[_pos];
this->next[prevPos] = nextPos;
this->prev[nextPos] = prevPos;
this->next[_pos] = LRUCache::NULL_INDEX;
this->prev[_pos] = LRUCache::NULL_INDEX;
this->size --;
/* set the memory of the _pos element in cache */
void LRUCache:: setElem(int _pos, int _key, VNode* _value)
this->key2pos[_key] = _pos;
this->keys[_pos] = _key;
this->values[_pos] = _value;
// put the new element to the tail of the linked list.
int prevPos = this->prev[LRUCache::END_INDEX];
int nextPos = LRUCache::END_INDEX;
this->next[prevPos] = _pos;
this->prev[nextPos] = _pos;
this->next[_pos] = LRUCache::END_INDEX;
this->prev[_pos] = prevPos;
this->size ++;
/* just write the values[_pos] to the hard disk, the VNode in memory will not be free. */
bool LRUCache::writeOut(int _pos, int _fileLine)
VNode* nodePtr = this->values[_pos];
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->dataFilePath.c_str(),"r+b");
if (nodePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, VNode do not exist. @LRUCache::writeOut" << endl;
return false;
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can't open file. @LRUCache::writeOut" << endl;
return false;
if (nodePtr->getFileLine() != _fileLine)
cerr << "error, fileLine " << _fileLine << "wrong. @LRUCache::writeOut" << endl;
int line = _fileLine == -1 ? nodePtr->getFileLine() : _fileLine;
size_t vNodeSize = sizeof(VNode);
int flag = 0;
int seekPos = (long long)line * vNodeSize;
flag = fseek(filePtr, seekPos, SEEK_SET);
if (flag != 0)
cerr << "error, can't seek to the fileLine. @LRUCache::writeOut" << endl;
return false;
fwrite((char *)nodePtr,vNodeSize,1,filePtr);
return true;
/* read the value from hard disk, and put it to the values[_pos].
* before use it, you must make sure that the _pos element in cache is free(unoccupied).*/
bool LRUCache::readIn(int _pos, int _fileLine)
VNode* nodePtr = new VNode();
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->dataFilePath.c_str(),"rb");
if (nodePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can not new a VNode. @LRUCache::readIn" << endl;
return false;
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can't open " <<
"[" << this->dataFilePath << "]" <<
". @LRUCache::readIn" << endl;
return false;
int line = _fileLine;
size_t vNodeSize = sizeof(VNode);
int flag = 0;
long long seekPos = (long long)line * vNodeSize;
flag = fseek(filePtr, seekPos, SEEK_SET);
if (flag != 0)
cerr << "error,can't seek to the fileLine. @LRUCache::readIn" << endl;
return false;
bool is_node_read = (fread((char *)nodePtr,vNodeSize,1,filePtr) == 1);
if (nodePtr == NULL || nodePtr->getFileLine() != _fileLine)
cerr << "error,node fileLine error. @LRUCache::readIn" << endl;
return true;
/* write out all the elements to hard disk. */
bool LRUCache::flush()
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->dataFilePath.c_str(),"r+b");
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can't open file. @LRUCache::flush" << endl;
return false;
int startIndex = LRUCache::DEFAULT_NUM;
int endIndex = startIndex + this->size;
size_t vNodeSize = sizeof(VNode);
for (int i=startIndex;i<endIndex;i++)
VNode* nodePtr = this->values[i];
int line = this->keys[i];
if (nodePtr->getFileLine() != line)
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "line error at !!!" << line << " " << nodePtr->getFileLine() << endl;
if (nodePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, VNode do not exist. @LRUCache::flush" << endl;
return false;
int flag = 0;
long long seekPos = (long long)line * vNodeSize;
flag = fseek(filePtr, seekPos, SEEK_SET);
if (flag != 0)
cerr << "error, can't seek to the fileLine. @LRUCache::flush" << endl;
return false;
fwrite((char *)nodePtr,vNodeSize,1,filePtr);
return true;