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# Filename: KVstore.h
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail:
# Last Modified: 2015-10-23 14:23
# Description:
#include "../Util/Util.h"
#include "tree/Tree.h"
class KVstore
static const int READ_WRITE_MODE = 1;
static const int CREATE_MODE = 2;
/* include IN-neighbor & OUT-neighbor */
int getEntityDegree(int _entity_id);
int getEntityInDegree(int _entity_id);
int getEntityOutDegree(int _entity_id);
/* there are two situation when we need to update tuples list: s2o o2s sp2o op2s s2po o2ps
* 1. insert triple
* 2. remove triple
int updateTupleslist_insert(int _sub_id, int _pre_id, int _obj_id);
void updateTupleslist_remove(int _sub_id, int _pre_id, int _obj_id);
/* insert <_x_id, _y_id> into _xylist(keep _xylist(<x,y>) in ascending order) */
bool insert_xy(int*& _xylist, int& _list_len,int _x_id, int _y_id);
/* insert _x_id into _xlist(keep _xlist in ascending order) */
bool insert_x(int*& _xlist, int& _list_len, int _x_id);
/* remove _x_id from _xlist */
bool remove_x(int*& _xlist, int& _list_len, int _x_id);
/* remove <_x_id, _y_id> from _xylist */
bool remove_xy(int*& _xylist, int& _list_len,int _x_id, int _y_id);
/* for entity2id */
bool open_entity2id(const int _mode);
int getIDByEntity(const std::string _entity);
bool setIDByEntity(const std::string _entity, int _id);
/* for id2entity */
bool open_id2entity(const int _mode);
std::string getEntityByID(int _id);
bool setEntityByID(int _id, std::string _entity);
/* for predicate2id */
bool open_predicate2id(const int _mode);
int getIDByPredicate(const std::string _predicate);
bool setIDByPredicate(const std::string _predicate, int _id);
/* for id2predicate */
bool open_id2predicate(const int _mode);
std::string getPredicateByID(int _id);
bool setPredicateByID(const int _id, std::string _predicate);
/* for id2literal */
bool open_id2literal(const int _mode);
std::string getLiteralByID(int _id);
bool setLiteralByID(const int _id, std::string _literal);
/* for literal2id */
bool open_literal2id(const int _mode);
int getIDByLiteral(std::string _literal);
bool setIDByLiteral(const std::string _literal, int _id);
/* for subID 2 objIDlist */
bool open_subid2objidlist(const int _mode);
bool getobjIDlistBysubID(int _subid, int*& _objidlist, int& _list_len);
bool setobjIDlistBysubID(int _subid, const int* _objidlist, int _list_len);
/* for objID 2 subIDlist */
bool open_objid2subidlist(const int _mode);
bool getsubIDlistByobjID(int _objid, int*& _subidlist, int& _list_len);
bool setsubIDlistByobjID(int _objid, const int* _subidlist, int _list_len);
/* for subID&preID 2 objIDlist */
bool open_subIDpreID2objIDlist(const int _mode);
bool getobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(int _subid, int _preid, int*& _objidlist, int& _list_len);
bool setobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(int _subid, int _preid, const int* _objidlist, int _list_len);
/* for objID&preID 2 subIDlist */
bool open_objIDpreID2subIDlist(const int _mode);
bool getsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(int _objid, int _preid, int*& _subidlist, int& _list_len);
bool setsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(int _objid, int _preid, const int* _subidlist, int _list_len);
/* for subID 2 preID&objIDlist */
bool open_subID2preIDobjIDlist(const int _mode);
bool getpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(int _subid, int*& _preid_objidlist, int& _list_len);
bool setpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(int _subid, const int* _preid_objidlist, int _list_len);
/* for objID 2 preID&subIDlist */
bool open_objID2preIDsubIDlist(const int _mode);
bool getpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(int _objid, int*& _preid_subidlist, int& _list_len);
bool setpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(int _objid, const int* _preid_subidlist, int _list_len);
* _store_path denotes where to store the data
KVstore(std::string _store_path = ".");
void flush();
void release();
void open();
std::string store_path;
* map entity to its id, and id to the entity
* s_entity2id is relative store file name
Tree* entity2id;
Tree* id2entity;
static std::string s_entity2id;
static std::string s_id2entity;
Tree* predicate2id;
Tree* id2predicate;
static std::string s_predicate2id;
static std::string s_id2predicate;
Tree* literal2id;
Tree* id2literal;
static std::string s_literal2id;
static std::string s_id2literal;
Tree* subID2objIDlist;
Tree* objID2subIDlist;
static std::string s_sID2oIDlist;
static std::string s_oID2sIDlist;
/* lack exist in update tuple */
Tree* subIDpreID2objIDlist;
Tree* objIDpreID2subIDlist;
static std::string s_sIDpID2oIDlist;
static std::string s_oIDpID2sIDlist;
Tree* subID2preIDobjIDlist;
Tree* objID2preIDsubIDlist;
static std::string s_sID2pIDoIDlist;
static std::string s_oID2pIDsIDlist;
void flush(Tree* _p_btree);
void release(Tree* _p_btree);
bool setValueByKey(Tree* _p_btree, const char* _key, int _klen, const char* _val, int _vlen);
bool getValueByKey(Tree* _p_btree, const char* _key, int _klen, char*& _val, int& _vlen);
int getIDByStr(Tree* _p_btree, const char* _key, int _klen);
bool removeKey(Tree* _p_btree, const char* _key, int _klen);
/* Open a btree according the mode */
/* CREATE_MODE: build a new btree and delete if exist */
/* READ_WRITE_MODE: open a btree, btree must exist */
bool open(Tree* & _p_btree, const std::string _tree_name, const int _mode);