2318 lines
70 KiB
2318 lines
70 KiB
# Filename: Database.cpp
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail: 1181955272@qq.com
# Last Modified: 2015-10-23 14:22
# Description: originally written by liyouhuan, modified by zengli and chenjiaqi
#include "Database.h"
using namespace std;
this->name = "";
string store_path = ".";
this->signature_binary_file = "signature.binary";
this->six_tuples_file = "six_tuples";
this->db_info_file = "db_info_file.dat";
string kv_store_path = store_path + "/kv_store";
this->kvstore = new KVstore(kv_store_path);
string vstree_store_path = store_path + "/vs_store";
this->vstree = new VSTree(vstree_store_path);
this->encode_mode = Database::STRING_MODE;
this->is_active = false;
this->sub_num = 0;
this->pre_num = 0;
this->literal_num = 0;
this->entity_num = 0;
this->triples_num = 0;
this->join = NULL;
Database::Database(string _name)
this->name = _name;
string store_path = this->name;
this->signature_binary_file = "signature.binary";
this->six_tuples_file = "six_tuples";
this->db_info_file = "db_info_file.dat";
string kv_store_path = store_path + "/kv_store";
this->kvstore = new KVstore(kv_store_path);
string vstree_store_path = store_path + "/vs_store";
this->vstree = new VSTree(vstree_store_path);
this->encode_mode = Database::STRING_MODE;
this->is_active = false;
this->sub_num = 0;
this->pre_num = 0;
this->literal_num = 0;
this->entity_num = 0;
this->triples_num = 0;
this->join = NULL;
Database::release(FILE* fp0)
fprintf(fp0, "begin to delete DB!\n");
delete this->vstree;
fprintf(fp0, "ok to delete vstree!\n");
delete this->kvstore;
fprintf(fp0, "ok to delete kvstore!\n");
//Util::debug_database = NULL; //debug: when multiple databases
fprintf(fp0, "ok to delete DB!\n");
//Util::debug_database = NULL; //debug: when multiple databases
//DEBUG:what if loaded several times?to check if loaded?
bool flag = (this->vstree)->loadTree();
if (!flag)
cerr << "load tree error. @Database::load()" << endl;
return false;
flag = this->loadDBInfoFile();
if (!flag)
cerr << "load database info error. @Database::load()" << endl;
return false;
cout << "finish load" << endl;
return true;
delete this->vstree;
this->vstree = NULL;
delete this->kvstore;
this->kvstore = NULL;
return true;
return this->name;
Database::query(const string _query, ResultSet& _result_set, FILE* _fp)
//int sid = kvstore->getIDByEntity("<http://example/bob>");
//int oid = kvstore->getIDByLiteral("\"Bob\"");
//cout << "sid: " << sid << "\toid: " << oid << endl;
//int* list = NULL;
//int len = 0;
//kvstore->getpreIDlistBysubIDobjID(sid, oid, list, len);
//kvstore->getpreIDlistBysubID(sid, list, len);
//for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
//cout << "predicate " << list[i] << endl;
//cout << kvstore->getPredicateByID(list[i]) << endl;
//cout << "the end" << endl;
//string ret = Util::getExactPath(_query.c_str());
long tv_begin = Util::get_cur_time();
GeneralEvaluation general_evaluation(this->vstree, this->kvstore, _result_set);
//if (!general_evaluation.parseQuery(_query))
//return false;
//DBparser _parser;
//SPARQLquery _sparql_q(_query);
//_parser.sparqlParser(_query, _sparql_q);
//long tv_parse = Util::get_cur_time();
//cout << "after Parsing, used " << (tv_parse - tv_begin) << endl;
//cout << "after Parsing..." << endl << _sparql_q.triple_str() << endl;
//general_evaluation.getSPARQLQuery().encodeQuery(this->kvstore, general_evaluation.getSPARQLQueryVarset());
//cout << "sparqlSTR:\t" << _sparql_q.to_str() << endl;
//cout << "sparqlSTR:\t" << general_evaluation.getSPARQLQuery().to_str() << endl;
//long tv_encode = Util::get_cur_time();
//cout << "after Encode, used " << (tv_encode - tv_parse) << "ms." << endl;
//_result_set.select_var_num = _sparql_q.getQueryVarNum();
//long tv_retrieve = Util::get_cur_time();
//cout << "after Retrieve, used " << (tv_retrieve - tv_encode) << "ms." << endl;
//this->join = new Join(kvstore);
//delete this->join;
//long tv_join = Util::get_cur_time();
//cout << "after Join, used " << (tv_join - tv_retrieve) << "ms." << endl;
//this->getFinalResult(_sparql_q, _result_set);
//long tv_final = Util::get_cur_time();
//cout << "after finalResult, used " << (tv_final - tv_join) << "ms." << endl;
//cout << "Total time used: " << (tv_final - tv_begin) << "ms." << endl;
cout << "final result is : " << endl;
#ifndef STREAM_ON
cout << _result_set.to_str() << endl;
//cout<<endl; //empty the buffer;print an empty line
fprintf(_fp, "\n");
fflush(_fp); //to empty the output buffer in C (fflush(stdin) not work in GCC)
fprintf(stderr, "the query function exits!\n");
return true;
//NOTICE: not used now!
Database::insert(const string& _insert_rdf_file)
bool flag = this->load();
if (!flag)
return false;
cout << "finish loading" << endl;
long tv_load = Util::get_cur_time();
ifstream _fin(_insert_rdf_file.c_str());
if(!_fin) {
cerr << "fail to open : " << _insert_rdf_file << ".@insert_test" << endl;
TripleWithObjType* triple_array = new TripleWithObjType[RDFParser::TRIPLE_NUM_PER_GROUP];
//parse a file
RDFParser _parser(_fin);
int insert_triple_num = 0;
long long sum_avg_len = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
Util::logging("==> while(true)");
int parse_triple_num = 0;
_parser.parseFile(triple_array, parse_triple_num);
#ifdef DEBUG
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "finish rdfparser" << insert_triple_num << endl;
cout << _ss.str() << endl;
if(parse_triple_num == 0)
/* Process the Triple one by one */
for(int i = 0; i < parse_triple_num; i ++)
// {
// stringstream _ss;
// _ss << "insert triple: " << triple_array[i].toString() << " insert_triple_num=" << insert_triple_num << endl;
// Util::logging(_ss.str());
// }
sum_avg_len += this->insertTriple(triple_array[i]);
insert_triple_num ++;
// {
// if (insert_triple_num % 100 == 0)
// {
// sum_avg_len /= 100;
// cout <<"average update len per 100 triple: " << sum_avg_len <<endl;
// sum_avg_len = 0;
// }
// }
long tv_insert = Util::get_cur_time();
cout << "after insert, used " << (tv_insert - tv_load) << "ms." << endl;
flag = this->vstree->saveTree();
if (!flag)
return false;
flag = this->saveDBInfoFile();
if (!flag)
return false;
cout << "insert rdf triples done." << endl;
return true;
Database::remove(const string& _rdf_file)
bool flag = this->saveDBInfoFile();
if (!flag)
return false;
return true;
//TODO:modify using delete and insert
Database::build(const string& _rdf_file)
string ret = Util::getExactPath(_rdf_file.c_str());
long tv_build_begin = Util::get_cur_time();
string store_path = this->name;
string kv_store_path = store_path + "/kv_store";
string vstree_store_path = store_path + "/vs_store";
cout << "begin encode RDF from : " << ret << " ..." << endl;
//BETTER+TODO:now require that dataset size < memory
//to support really larger datasets, divide and insert into B+ tree and VStree
//(read the value, add list and set; update the signature, remove and reinsert)
//the query process is nearly the same
//QUERY:build each index in one thread to speed up, but the sorting case?
//one sorting order for several indexes
// to be switched to new encodeRDF method.
// this->encodeRDF(ret);
cout << "finish encode." << endl;
delete this->kvstore;
this->kvstore = NULL;
cout <<"sync kvstore"<<endl;
//cout<<"release kvstore"<<endl;
string _entry_file = this->getSignatureBFile();
cout << "begin build VS-Tree on " << ret << "..." << endl;
long tv_build_end = Util::get_cur_time();
cout << "after build, used " << (tv_build_end - tv_build_begin) << "ms." << endl;
cout << "finish build VS-Tree." << endl;
delete this->vstree;
this->vstree = NULL;
cout<<"sync vstree"<<endl;
string cmd = "rm -rf " + _entry_file;
cout<<"signature file removed"<<endl;
return true;
//root Path of this DB + sixTuplesFile
return this->getStorePath() + "/" + this->six_tuples_file;
/* root Path of this DB + signatureBFile */
return this->getStorePath() + "/" + this->signature_binary_file;
/* root Path of this DB + DBInfoFile */
return this->getStorePath() + "/" + this->db_info_file;
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->getDBInfoFile().c_str(), "wb");
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can not create db info file. @Database::saveDBInfoFile" << endl;
return false;
fseek(filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&this->triples_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fwrite(&this->entity_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fwrite(&this->sub_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fwrite(&this->pre_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fwrite(&this->literal_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fwrite(&this->encode_mode, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
Util::triple_num = this->triples_num;
Util::pre_num = this->pre_num;
Util::entity_num = this->entity_num;
Util::literal_num = this->literal_num;
return true;
FILE* filePtr = fopen(this->getDBInfoFile().c_str(), "rb");
if (filePtr == NULL)
cerr << "error, can not open db info file. @Database::loadDBInfoFile" << endl;
return false;
fseek(filePtr, 0, SEEK_SET);
fread(&this->triples_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fread(&this->entity_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fread(&this->sub_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fread(&this->pre_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fread(&this->literal_num, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
fread(&this->encode_mode, sizeof(int), 1, filePtr);
Util::triple_num = this->triples_num;
Util::pre_num = this->pre_num;
Util::entity_num = this->entity_num;
Util::literal_num = this->literal_num;
return true;
return this->name;
//encode relative signature data of the query graph
Database::buildSparqlSignature(SPARQLquery & _sparql_q)
vector<BasicQuery*>& _query_union = _sparql_q.getBasicQueryVec();
for(unsigned int i_bq = 0; i_bq < _query_union.size(); i_bq ++)
BasicQuery* _basic_q = _query_union[i_bq];
_basic_q->encodeBasicQuery(this->kvstore, _sparql_q.getQueryVar());
Database::calculateEntityBitSet(int _sub_id, EntityBitSet & _bitset)
int* _polist = NULL;
int _list_len = 0;
(this->kvstore)->getpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(_sub_id, _polist, _list_len);
Triple _triple;
_triple.subject = (this->kvstore)->getEntityByID(_sub_id);
for(int i = 0; i < _list_len; i += 2)
int _pre_id = _polist[i];
int _obj_id = _polist[i+1];
_triple.object = (this->kvstore)->getEntityByID(_obj_id);
if(_triple.object == "")
_triple.object = (this->kvstore)->getLiteralByID(_obj_id);
_triple.predicate = (this->kvstore)->getPredicateByID(_pre_id);
this->encodeTriple2SubEntityBitSet(_bitset, &_triple);
return true;
//encode Triple into subject SigEntry
Database::encodeTriple2SubEntityBitSet(EntityBitSet& _bitset, const Triple* _p_triple)
int _pre_id = -1;
_pre_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByPredicate(_p_triple->predicate);
//BETTER: checking whether _pre_id is -1 or not will be more reliable
Signature::encodePredicate2Entity(_pre_id, _bitset, Util::EDGE_OUT);
if(this->encode_mode == Database::ID_MODE)
else if(this->encode_mode == Database::STRING_MODE)
Signature::encodeStr2Entity( (_p_triple->object).c_str(), _bitset);
return true;
//encode Triple into object SigEntry
Database::encodeTriple2ObjEntityBitSet(EntityBitSet& _bitset, const Triple* _p_triple)
int _pre_id = -1;
_pre_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByPredicate(_p_triple->predicate);
//BETTER: checking whether _pre_id is -1 or not will be more reliable
Signature::encodePredicate2Entity(_pre_id, _bitset, Util::EDGE_IN);
if(this->encode_mode == Database::ID_MODE)
else if(this->encode_mode == Database::STRING_MODE)
Signature::encodeStr2Entity( (_p_triple->subject ).c_str(), _bitset);
return true;
//check whether the relative 3-tuples exist usually, through sp2olist
Database::exist_triple(int _sub_id, int _pre_id, int _obj_id)
int* _objidlist = NULL;
int _list_len = 0;
(this->kvstore)->getobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(_sub_id, _pre_id, _objidlist, _list_len);
bool is_exist = false;
// for(int i = 0; i < _list_len; i ++)
// {
// if(_objidlist[i] == _obj_id)
// {
// is_exist = true;
// break;
// }
// }
if (Util::bsearch_int_uporder(_obj_id, _objidlist, _list_len) != -1)
is_exist = true;
delete[] _objidlist;
return is_exist;
//NOTICE: all constants are transfered to ids in memory
//this maybe not ok when size is too large!
Database::encodeRDF_new(const string _rdf_file)
#ifdef DEBUG
//cerr<< "now to log!!!" << endl;
Util::logging("In encodeRDF_new");
//cerr<< "end log!!!" << endl;
int ** _p_id_tuples = NULL;
int _id_tuples_max = 0;
//map sub2id, pre2id, entity/literal in obj2id, store in kvstore, encode RDF data into signature
this->sub2id_pre2id_obj2id_RDFintoSignature(_rdf_file, _p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
/* map subid 2 objid_list &
* subIDpreID 2 objid_list &
* subID 2 <preIDobjID>_list */
//this->s2o_s2po_sp2o(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
/* map objid 2 subid_list &
* objIDpreID 2 subid_list &
* objID 2 <preIDsubID>_list */
//this->o2s_o2ps_op2s(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//this->s2p_s2po_sp2o(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//NOTICE:we had better compute the corresponding triple num here
this->s2p_s2o_s2po_sp2o(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//this->s2p_s2o_s2po_sp2o_sp2n(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
this->o2p_o2s_o2ps_op2s(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//this->o2p_o2s_o2ps_op2s_op2n(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
this->p2s_p2o_p2so(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//this->p2s_p2o_p2so_p2n(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//WARN:this is too costly because s-o key num is too large
//100G+ for DBpedia2014
//this->so2p_s2o(_p_id_tuples, _id_tuples_max);
//WARN:we must free the memory for id_tuples array
for(int i = 0; i < _id_tuples_max; ++i)
delete[] _p_id_tuples[i];
delete[] _p_id_tuples;
bool flag = this->saveDBInfoFile();
if (!flag)
return false;
Util::logging("finish encodeRDF_new");
return true;
Database::sub2id_pre2id_obj2id_RDFintoSignature(const string _rdf_file, int**& _p_id_tuples, int & _id_tuples_max)
int _id_tuples_size;
{ /* initial */
_id_tuples_max = 10*1000*1000;
_p_id_tuples = new int*[_id_tuples_max];
_id_tuples_size = 0;
this->sub_num = 0;
this->pre_num = 0;
this->entity_num = 0;
this->literal_num = 0;
this->triples_num = 0;
Util::logging("finish initial sub2id_pre2id_obj2id");
ifstream _fin(_rdf_file.c_str());
if(!_fin) {
cerr << "sub2id&pre2id&obj2id: Fail to open : " << _rdf_file << endl;
string _six_tuples_file = this->getSixTuplesFile();
ofstream _six_tuples_fout(_six_tuples_file.c_str());
if(! _six_tuples_fout)
cerr << "sub2id&pre2id&obj2id: Fail to open: " << _six_tuples_file << endl;
TripleWithObjType* triple_array = new TripleWithObjType[RDFParser::TRIPLE_NUM_PER_GROUP];
/* don't know the number of entity
* pre allocate entitybitset_max EntityBitSet for storing signature, double the space until the _entity_bitset is used up.
int entitybitset_max = 10000;
EntityBitSet** _entity_bitset = new EntityBitSet* [entitybitset_max];
for(int i = 0; i < entitybitset_max; i ++)
_entity_bitset[i] = new EntityBitSet();
_entity_bitset[i] -> reset();
EntityBitSet _tmp_bitset;
//parse a file
RDFParser _parser(_fin);
Util::logging("==> while(true)");
int parse_triple_num = 0;
_parser.parseFile(triple_array, parse_triple_num);
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "finish rdfparser" << this->triples_num << endl;
cout << _ss.str() << endl;
if(parse_triple_num == 0) {
/* Process the Triple one by one */
for(int i = 0; i < parse_triple_num; i ++)
this->triples_num ++;
/* if the _id_tuples exceeds, double the space */
if(_id_tuples_size == _id_tuples_max) {
int _new_tuples_len = _id_tuples_max * 2;
int** _new_id_tuples = new int*[_new_tuples_len];
memcpy(_new_id_tuples, _p_id_tuples, sizeof(int*) * _id_tuples_max);
delete[] _p_id_tuples;
_p_id_tuples = _new_id_tuples;
_id_tuples_max = _new_tuples_len;
// For subject
// (all subject is entity, some object is entity, the other is literal)
string _sub = triple_array[i].getSubject();
int _sub_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_sub);
if(_sub_id == -1)
_sub_id = this->entity_num;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByEntity(_sub, _sub_id);
(this->kvstore)->setEntityByID(_sub_id, _sub);
this->entity_num ++;
// For predicate
string _pre = triple_array[i].getPredicate();
int _pre_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByPredicate(_pre);
if(_pre_id == -1)
_pre_id = this->pre_num;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByPredicate(_pre, _pre_id);
(this->kvstore)->setPredicateByID(_pre_id, _pre);
this->pre_num ++;
// For object
string _obj = triple_array[i].getObject();
int _obj_id = -1;
// obj is entity
if (triple_array[i].isObjEntity())
_obj_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_obj);
if(_obj_id == -1)
_obj_id = this->entity_num;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByEntity(_obj, _obj_id);
(this->kvstore)->setEntityByID(_obj_id, _obj);
this->entity_num ++;
//obj is literal
if (triple_array[i].isObjLiteral())
_obj_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByLiteral(_obj);
if(_obj_id == -1)
_obj_id = Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID + (this->literal_num);
(this->kvstore)->setIDByLiteral(_obj, _obj_id);
(this->kvstore)->setLiteralByID(_obj_id, _obj);
this->literal_num ++;
//#ifdef DEBUG
//if(_obj == "\"Bob\"")
//cout << "this is id for Bob: " << _obj_id << endl;
//cout<<"literal should be bob: " << kvstore->getLiteralByID(_obj_id)<<endl;
//cout<<"id for bob: "<<kvstore->getIDByLiteral("\"Bob\"")<<endl;
// For id_tuples
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size] = new int[3];
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size][0] = _sub_id;
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size][1] = _pre_id;
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size][2] = _obj_id;
_id_tuples_size ++;
// save six tuples
_six_tuples_fout << _sub_id << '\t'
<< _pre_id << '\t'
<< _obj_id << '\t'
<< _sub << '\t'
<< _pre << '\t'
<< _obj << endl;
//_entity_bitset is used up, double the space
if (this->entity_num >= entitybitset_max)
EntityBitSet** _new_entity_bitset = new EntityBitSet* [entitybitset_max * 2];
memcpy(_new_entity_bitset, _entity_bitset, sizeof(EntityBitSet*) * entitybitset_max);
delete[] _entity_bitset;
_entity_bitset = _new_entity_bitset;
for(int i = entitybitset_max; i < entitybitset_max * 2; i ++)
_entity_bitset[i] = new EntityBitSet();
_entity_bitset[i] -> reset();
entitybitset_max *= 2;
Signature::encodePredicate2Entity(_pre_id, _tmp_bitset, Util::EDGE_OUT);
Signature::encodeStr2Entity(_obj.c_str(), _tmp_bitset);
*_entity_bitset[_sub_id] |= _tmp_bitset;
Signature::encodePredicate2Entity(_pre_id, _tmp_bitset, Util::EDGE_IN);
Signature::encodeStr2Entity(_sub.c_str(), _tmp_bitset);
*_entity_bitset[_obj_id] |= _tmp_bitset;
Util::logging("==> end while(true)");
delete[] triple_array;
{ /* save all entity_signature into binary file */
string _sig_binary_file = this->getSignatureBFile();
FILE* _sig_fp = fopen(_sig_binary_file.c_str(), "wb");
if(_sig_fp == NULL) {
cerr << "Failed to open : " << _sig_binary_file << endl;
EntityBitSet _all_bitset;
for(int i = 0; i < this->entity_num; i ++)
SigEntry* _sig = new SigEntry(EntitySig(*_entity_bitset[i]), i);
fwrite(_sig, sizeof(SigEntry), 1, _sig_fp);
_all_bitset |= *_entity_bitset[i];
delete _sig;
for (int i = 0; i < entitybitset_max; i++)
delete _entity_bitset[i];
delete[] _entity_bitset;
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "finish sub2id pre2id obj2id" << endl;
_ss << "tripleNum is " << this->triples_num << endl;
_ss << "entityNum is " << this->entity_num << endl;
_ss << "preNum is " << this->pre_num << endl;
_ss << "literalNum is " << this->literal_num << endl;
cout << _ss.str() << endl;
return true;
* only after we determine the entityID(subid),
* we can determine the literalID(objid)
Database::sub2id_pre2id(const string _rdf_file, int**& _p_id_tuples, int & _id_tuples_max)
int _id_tuples_size;;
{ /* initial */
_id_tuples_max = 10*1000*1000;
_p_id_tuples = new int*[_id_tuples_max];
_id_tuples_size = 0;
this->sub_num = 0;
this->pre_num = 0;
this->triples_num = 0;
Util::logging("finish initial sub2id_pre2id");
{ /* map sub2id and pre2id */
ifstream _fin(_rdf_file.c_str());
if(!_fin) {
cerr << "sub2id&pre2id: Fail to open : " << _rdf_file << endl;
Triple* triple_array = new Triple[DBparser::TRIPLE_NUM_PER_GROUP];
DBparser _parser;
/* In while(true): For sub2id and pre2id.
* parsed all RDF triples one group by one group
* when parsed out an group RDF triples
* for each triple
* assign subject with subid, and predicate with preid
* when get all sub2id,
* we can assign object with objid in next while(true)
* so that we can differentiate subject and object by their id
* */
Util::logging("==> while(true)");
int parse_triple_num = 0;
_parser.rdfParser(_fin, triple_array, parse_triple_num);
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "finish rdfparser" << this->triples_num << endl;
cout << _ss.str() << endl;
if(parse_triple_num == 0) {
/* Process the Triple one by one */
for(int i = 0; i < parse_triple_num; i ++)
this->triples_num ++;
/* if the _id_tuples exceeds, double the space */
if(_id_tuples_size == _id_tuples_max) {
int _new_tuples_len = _id_tuples_max * 2;
int** _new_id_tuples = new int*[_new_tuples_len];
memcpy(_new_id_tuples, _p_id_tuples, sizeof(int*) * _id_tuples_max);
delete[] _p_id_tuples;
_p_id_tuples = _new_id_tuples;
_id_tuples_max = _new_tuples_len;
* For subject
* (all subject is entity, some object is entity, the other is literal)
* */
string _sub = triple_array[i].subject;
int _sub_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_sub);
if(_sub_id == -1) {
_sub_id = this->sub_num;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByEntity(_sub, _sub_id);
(this->kvstore)->setEntityByID(_sub_id, _sub);
this->sub_num ++;
* For predicate
* */
string _pre = triple_array[i].predicate;
int _pre_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByPredicate(_pre);
if(_pre_id == -1) {
_pre_id = this->pre_num;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByPredicate(_pre, _pre_id);
(this->kvstore)->setPredicateByID(_pre_id, _pre);
this->pre_num ++;
* For id_tuples
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size] = new int[3];
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size][0] = _sub_id;
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size][1] = _pre_id;
_p_id_tuples[_id_tuples_size][2] = -1;
_id_tuples_size ++;
}/* end while(true) for sub2id and pre2id */
delete[] triple_array;
{ /* final process */
this->entity_num = this->sub_num;
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "finish sub2id pre2id" << endl;
_ss << "tripleNum is " << this->triples_num << endl;
_ss << "subNum is " << this->sub_num << endl;
_ss << "preNum is " << this->pre_num << endl;
cout << _ss.str() << endl;
return true;
//NOTICE: below are the the new ones
Database::s2p_s2o_s2po_sp2o(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
//Database::s2p_s2o_s2po_sp2o_sp2n(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
qsort(_p_id_tuples, this->triples_num, sizeof(int*), Database:: _spo_cmp);
int* _oidlist_s = NULL;
int* _pidlist_s = NULL;
int* _oidlist_sp = NULL;
int* _pidoidlist_s = NULL;
int _oidlist_s_len = 0;
int _pidlist_s_len = 0;
int _oidlist_sp_len = 0;
int _pidoidlist_s_len = 0;
// only _oidlist_s will be assigned with space, _oidlist_sp is always a part of _oidlist_s, just a pointer is enough
int _pidlist_max = 0;
int _pidoidlist_max = 0;
int _oidlist_max = 0;
//true means next sub is a different one from the previous one
bool _sub_change = true;
//true means next <sub,pre> is different from the previous pair
bool _sub_pre_change = true;
//true means next pre is different from the previous one
bool _pre_change = true;
Util::logging("finish s2p_sp2o_s2po initial");
for(int i = 0; i < this->triples_num;i++)
if (i + 1 == this->triples_num || (_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][0] || _p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][1] || _p_id_tuples[i][2] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][2]))
//cout<<"this is the "<<i<<"th loop"<<endl;
//cout<<"subject changed!"<<endl;
//QUERY:pidlist and oidlist maybe different size, not always use 1000 as start?
_pidlist_max = 1000;
_pidlist_s = new int[_pidlist_max];
_pidlist_s_len = 0;
//_pidoidlist_max = 1000 * 2;
//_pidoidlist_s = new int[_pidoidlist_max];
//_pidoidlist_s_len = 0;
//NOTICE:when debug, can change 1000 to 10 to discover problem
_oidlist_max = 1000;
_oidlist_s = new int[_oidlist_max];
_oidlist_sp = _oidlist_s;
_oidlist_s_len = 0;
_oidlist_sp_len = 0;
/* pidoidlist */
_pidoidlist_max = 1000 * 2;
_pidoidlist_s = new int[_pidoidlist_max];
_pidoidlist_s_len = 0;
//_oidlist_max = 1000;
//_oidlist_sp = new int[_oidlist_max];
//_oidlist_sp_len = 0;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_pidlist_s_len == _pidlist_max)
_pidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_pidlist_s = new int[_pidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_pidlist_s, _pidlist_s, sizeof(int) * _pidlist_s_len);
delete[] _pidlist_s;
_pidlist_s = _new_pidlist_s;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_oidlist_s_len == _oidlist_max)
//cout<<"s2o need to enlarge"<<endl;
_oidlist_max *= 10;
int * _new_oidlist_s = new int[_oidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_oidlist_s, _oidlist_s, sizeof(int) * _oidlist_s_len);
/* (_oidlist_sp-_oidlist_s) is the offset of _oidlist_sp */
_oidlist_sp = _new_oidlist_s + (_oidlist_sp-_oidlist_s);
delete[] _oidlist_s;
_oidlist_s = _new_oidlist_s;
//enalrge the space when needed
//if(_oidlist_sp_len == _oidlist_max)
// _oidlist_max *= 10;
// int* _new_oidlist_sp = new int[_oidlist_max];
// memcpy(_new_oidlist_sp, _oidlist_sp, sizeof(int) * _oidlist_sp_len);
// delete[] _oidlist_sp;
// _oidlist_sp = _new_oidlist_sp;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_pidoidlist_s_len == _pidoidlist_max)
_pidoidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_pidoidlist_s = new int[_pidoidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_pidoidlist_s, _pidoidlist_s, sizeof(int) * _pidoidlist_s_len);
delete[] _pidoidlist_s;
_pidoidlist_s = _new_pidoidlist_s;
int _sub_id = _p_id_tuples[i][0];
int _pre_id = _p_id_tuples[i][1];
int _obj_id = _p_id_tuples[i][2];
// {
// stringstream _ss;
// _ss << _sub_id << "\t" << _pre_id << "\t" << _obj_id << endl;
// Util::logging(_ss.str());
// }
_oidlist_s[_oidlist_s_len] = _obj_id;
_oidlist_sp = _oidlist_s + _oidlist_s_len;
_oidlist_s_len ++;
_oidlist_sp_len ++;
//add objid to list
//_oidlist_sp[_oidlist_sp_len++] = _obj_id;
//WARN:this is wrong!
//add <preid, objid> to list
_pidoidlist_s[_pidoidlist_s_len] = _pre_id;
_pidoidlist_s[_pidoidlist_s_len+1] = _obj_id;
_pidoidlist_s_len += 2;
//whether sub in new triple changes or not
_sub_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][0]);
//whether pre in new triple changes or not
_pre_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][1]);
//whether <sub,pre> in new triple changes or not
_sub_pre_change = _sub_change || _pre_change;
//add preid to list
_pidlist_s[_pidlist_s_len++] = _pre_id;
//map subid&preid 2 triple num
//(this->kvstore)->setNumBysubIDpreID(_sub_id, _pre_id, _oidlist_sp_len);
//map subid&preid 2 objidlist
(this->kvstore)->setobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(_sub_id, _pre_id, _oidlist_sp, _oidlist_sp_len);
//if not use s2o memory
//delete[] _oidlist_sp;
_oidlist_sp = NULL;
_oidlist_sp_len = 0;
(this->kvstore)->setpreIDlistBysubID(_sub_id, _pidlist_s, _pidlist_s_len);
delete[] _pidlist_s;
_pidlist_s = NULL;
_pidlist_s_len = 0;
//map subid 2 preid&objidlist
(this->kvstore)->setpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(_sub_id, _pidoidlist_s, _pidoidlist_s_len);
delete[] _pidoidlist_s;
_pidoidlist_s = NULL;
_pidoidlist_s_len = 0;
Util::sort(_oidlist_s, _oidlist_s_len);
_oidlist_s_len = Util::removeDuplicate(_oidlist_s, _oidlist_s_len);
(this->kvstore)->setobjIDlistBysubID(_sub_id, _oidlist_s, _oidlist_s_len);
delete[] _oidlist_s;
_oidlist_sp = _oidlist_s = NULL;
_oidlist_sp_len = _oidlist_s_len = 0;
}//end for( 0 to this->triple_num)
Util::logging("OUT s2po...");
return true;
Database::o2p_o2s_o2ps_op2s(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
//Database::o2p_o2s_o2ps_op2s_op2n(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
Util::logging("IN o2ps...");
qsort(_p_id_tuples, this->triples_num, sizeof(int**), Database::_ops_cmp);
int* _sidlist_o = NULL;
int* _sidlist_op = NULL;
int* _pidsidlist_o = NULL;
int* _pidlist_o = NULL;
int _sidlist_o_len = 0;
int _sidlist_op_len = 0;
int _pidsidlist_o_len = 0;
int _pidlist_o_len = 0;
//only _sidlist_o will be assigned with space _sidlist_op is always a part of _sidlist_o just a pointer is enough
int _sidlist_max = 0;
int _pidsidlist_max = 0;
int _pidlist_max = 0;
//true means next obj is a different one from the previous one
bool _obj_change = true;
//true means next pre is a different one from the previous one
bool _pre_change = true;
//true means next <obj,pre> is different from the previous pair
bool _obj_pre_change = true;
for(int i = 0; i < this->triples_num; i ++)
if (i + 1 == this->triples_num || (_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][0] || _p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][1] || _p_id_tuples[i][2] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][2]))
_sidlist_max = 1000;
_sidlist_o = new int[_sidlist_max];
_sidlist_op = _sidlist_o;
_sidlist_o_len = 0;
_sidlist_op_len = 0;
_pidsidlist_max = 1000 * 2;
_pidsidlist_o = new int[_pidsidlist_max];
_pidsidlist_o_len = 0;
_pidlist_max = 1000;
_pidlist_o = new int[_pidlist_max];
_pidlist_o_len = 0;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_sidlist_o_len == _sidlist_max)
_sidlist_max *= 10;
int * _new_sidlist_o = new int[_sidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_sidlist_o, _sidlist_o, sizeof(int)*_sidlist_o_len);
/* (_sidlist_op-_sidlist_o) is the offset of _sidlist_op */
_sidlist_op = _new_sidlist_o + (_sidlist_op-_sidlist_o);
delete[] _sidlist_o;
_sidlist_o = _new_sidlist_o;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_pidsidlist_o_len == _pidsidlist_max)
_pidsidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_pidsidlist_o = new int[_pidsidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_pidsidlist_o, _pidsidlist_o, sizeof(int) * _pidsidlist_o_len);
delete[] _pidsidlist_o;
_pidsidlist_o = _new_pidsidlist_o;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_pidlist_o_len == _pidlist_max)
_pidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_pidlist_o = new int[_pidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_pidlist_o, _pidlist_o, sizeof(int) * _pidlist_o_len);
delete[] _pidlist_o;
_pidlist_o = _new_pidlist_o;
int _sub_id = _p_id_tuples[i][0];
int _pre_id = _p_id_tuples[i][1];
int _obj_id = _p_id_tuples[i][2];
//add subid to list
_sidlist_o[_sidlist_o_len] = _sub_id;
//if <objid, preid> changes, _sidlist_op should be adjusted
_sidlist_op = _sidlist_o + _sidlist_o_len;
_sidlist_o_len ++;
_sidlist_op_len ++;
//add <preid, subid> to list
_pidsidlist_o[_pidsidlist_o_len] = _pre_id;
_pidsidlist_o[_pidsidlist_o_len+1] = _sub_id;;
_pidsidlist_o_len += 2;
//whether sub in new triple changes or not
_obj_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][2] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][2]);
//whether pre in new triple changes or not
_pre_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][1]);
//whether <sub,pre> in new triple changes or not
_obj_pre_change = _obj_change || _pre_change;
//add preid to list
_pidlist_o[_pidlist_o_len++] = _pre_id;
//map objid&preid 2 triple num
//(this->kvstore)->setNumByobjIDpreID(_obj_id, _pre_id, _sidlist_op_len);
//map objid&preid 2 subidlist
(this->kvstore)->setsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(_obj_id, _pre_id, _sidlist_op, _sidlist_op_len);
_sidlist_op = NULL;
_sidlist_op_len = 0;
//map objid 2 subidlist
Util::sort(_sidlist_o, _sidlist_o_len);
_sidlist_o_len = Util::removeDuplicate(_sidlist_o, _sidlist_o_len);
(this->kvstore)->setsubIDlistByobjID(_obj_id, _sidlist_o, _sidlist_o_len);
delete[] _sidlist_o;
_sidlist_o = NULL;
_sidlist_op = NULL;
_sidlist_o_len = 0;
//map objid 2 preid&subidlist
(this->kvstore)->setpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(_obj_id, _pidsidlist_o, _pidsidlist_o_len);
delete[] _pidsidlist_o;
_pidsidlist_o = NULL;
_pidsidlist_o_len = 0;
//map objid 2 preidlist
(this->kvstore)->setpreIDlistByobjID(_obj_id, _pidlist_o, _pidlist_o_len);
delete[] _pidlist_o;
_pidlist_o = NULL;
_pidlist_o_len = 0;
}//end for( 0 to this->triple_num)
Util::logging("OUT o2ps...");
return true;
Database::p2s_p2o_p2so(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
//Database::p2s_p2o_p2so_p2n(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
qsort(_p_id_tuples, this->triples_num, sizeof(int*), Database:: _pso_cmp);
int* _sidlist_p = NULL;
int* _oidlist_p = NULL;
int* _sidoidlist_p = NULL;
int _sidlist_p_len = 0;
int _oidlist_p_len = 0;
int _sidoidlist_p_len = 0;
int _sidlist_max = 0;
int _sidoidlist_max = 0;
int _oidlist_max = 0;
//true means next pre is different from the previous one
bool _pre_change = true;
bool _sub_change = true;
bool _pre_sub_change = true;
Util::logging("finish p2s_p2o_p2so initial");
for(int i = 0; i < this->triples_num;i++)
if (i + 1 == this->triples_num || (_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][0] || _p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][1] || _p_id_tuples[i][2] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][2]))
_sidlist_max = 1000;
_sidlist_p = new int[_sidlist_max];
_sidlist_p_len = 0;
_sidoidlist_max = 1000 * 2;
_sidoidlist_p = new int[_sidoidlist_max];
_sidoidlist_p_len = 0;
_oidlist_max = 1000;
_oidlist_p = new int[_oidlist_max];
_oidlist_p_len = 0;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_sidlist_p_len == _sidlist_max)
_sidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_sidlist_p = new int[_sidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_sidlist_p, _sidlist_p, sizeof(int) * _sidlist_p_len);
delete[] _sidlist_p;
_sidlist_p = _new_sidlist_p;
//enalrge the space when needed
if(_oidlist_p_len == _oidlist_max)
_oidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_oidlist_p = new int[_oidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_oidlist_p, _oidlist_p, sizeof(int) * _oidlist_p_len);
delete[] _oidlist_p;
_oidlist_p = _new_oidlist_p;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_sidoidlist_p_len == _sidoidlist_max)
_sidoidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_sidoidlist_p = new int[_sidoidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_sidoidlist_p, _sidoidlist_p, sizeof(int) * _sidoidlist_p_len);
delete[] _sidoidlist_p;
_sidoidlist_p = _new_sidoidlist_p;
int _sub_id = _p_id_tuples[i][0];
int _pre_id = _p_id_tuples[i][1];
int _obj_id = _p_id_tuples[i][2];
// {
// stringstream _ss;
// _ss << _sub_id << "\t" << _pre_id << "\t" << _obj_id << endl;
// Util::logging(_ss.str());
// }
//add objid to list
_oidlist_p[_oidlist_p_len++] = _obj_id;
//add <subid, objid> to list
_sidoidlist_p[_sidoidlist_p_len] = _sub_id;
_sidoidlist_p[_sidoidlist_p_len+1] = _obj_id;
_sidoidlist_p_len += 2;
//whether sub in new triple changes or not
_pre_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][1]);
_sub_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][0]);
_pre_sub_change = _pre_change || _sub_change;
//add subid to list
_sidlist_p[_sidlist_p_len++] = _sub_id;
//map preid 2 subidlist
(this->kvstore)->setsubIDlistBypreID(_pre_id, _sidlist_p, _sidlist_p_len);
delete[] _sidlist_p;
_sidlist_p = NULL;
_sidlist_p_len = 0;
//map preid 2 objidlist
Util::sort(_oidlist_p, _oidlist_p_len);
_oidlist_p_len = Util::removeDuplicate(_oidlist_p, _oidlist_p_len);
(this->kvstore)->setobjIDlistBypreID(_pre_id, _oidlist_p, _oidlist_p_len);
delete[] _oidlist_p;
_oidlist_p = NULL;
_oidlist_p_len = 0;
//map preid 2 triple num
//(this->kvstore)->setNumBypreID(_pre_id, _sidoidlist_p_len/2);
//map preid 2 subid&objidlist
(this->kvstore)->setsubIDobjIDlistBypreID(_pre_id, _sidoidlist_p, _sidoidlist_p_len);
delete[] _sidoidlist_p;
_sidoidlist_p = NULL;
_sidoidlist_p_len = 0;
}//end for( 0 to this->triple_num)
Util::logging("OUT p2so...");
return true;
Database::so2p_s2o(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max)
qsort(_p_id_tuples, this->triples_num, sizeof(int*), Database:: _sop_cmp);
int* _pidlist_so = NULL;
int* _oidlist_s = NULL;
int _pidlist_so_len = 0;
int _oidlist_s_len = 0;
int _pidlist_max = 0;
int _oidlist_max = 0;
//true means next sub is a different one from the previous one
bool _sub_change = true;
//true means next <sub,obj> is different from the previous pair
bool _sub_obj_change = true;
//true means next pre is different from the previous one
bool _obj_change = true;
bool _pre_change = true;
bool _sub_obj_pre_change = true;
Util::logging("finish so2p_s2o initial");
for(int i = 0; i < this->triples_num;i++)
if (i + 1 == this->triples_num || (_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][0] || _p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][1] || _p_id_tuples[i][2] != _p_id_tuples[i + 1][2]))
_oidlist_max = 1000 * 2;
_oidlist_s = new int[_oidlist_max];
_oidlist_s_len = 0;
_pidlist_max = 1000;
_pidlist_so = new int[_pidlist_max];
_pidlist_so_len = 0;
//enlarge the space when needed
if(_pidlist_so_len == _pidlist_max)
_pidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_pidlist_so = new int[_pidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_pidlist_so, _pidlist_so, sizeof(int) * _pidlist_so_len);
delete[] _pidlist_so;
_pidlist_so = _new_pidlist_so;
//enalrge the space when needed
if(_oidlist_s_len == _oidlist_max)
_oidlist_max *= 10;
int* _new_oidlist_s = new int[_oidlist_max];
memcpy(_new_oidlist_s, _oidlist_s, sizeof(int) * _oidlist_s_len);
delete[] _oidlist_s;
_oidlist_s = _new_oidlist_s;
int _sub_id = _p_id_tuples[i][0];
int _pre_id = _p_id_tuples[i][1];
int _obj_id = _p_id_tuples[i][2];
#ifdef DEBUG
//cout << kvstore->getEntityByID(_sub_id) << endl;
//cout << kvstore->getPredicateByID(_pre_id) << endl;
//if(_obj_id < Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID)
//whether sub in new triple changes or not
_sub_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][0] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][0]);
//whether pre in new triple changes or not
_obj_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][2] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][2]);
_pre_change = (i+1 == this->triples_num) ||
(_p_id_tuples[i][1] != _p_id_tuples[i+1][1]);
//whether <sub,pre> in new triple changes or not
_sub_obj_change = _sub_change || _obj_change;
_sub_obj_pre_change = _sub_obj_change || _pre_change;
//cout << "add pre to so2p" << endl;
//add preid to list
_pidlist_so[_pidlist_so_len++] = _pre_id;
//cout<<"add obj to s2o" << endl;
//add objid to list
_oidlist_s[_oidlist_s_len++] = _obj_id;
//cout<<"set so2p list"<<endl;
//cout<<"objid: "<<_obj_id<<endl;
(this->kvstore)->setpreIDlistBysubIDobjID(_sub_id, _obj_id, _pidlist_so, _pidlist_so_len);
delete[] _pidlist_so;
_pidlist_so = NULL;
_pidlist_so_len = 0;
//cout<<"set s2o list"<<endl;
(this->kvstore)->setobjIDlistBysubID(_sub_id, _oidlist_s, _oidlist_s_len);
delete[] _oidlist_s;
_oidlist_s = NULL;
_oidlist_s_len = 0;
}//end for( 0 to this->triple_num)
//int* list = NULL;
//int len = 0;
//kvstore->getpreIDlistBysubIDobjID(4, 1000000004, list, len);
//for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
//cout << "predicate " << list[i] << endl;
//cout << kvstore->getPredicateByID(list[i]) << endl;
//cout << "the end" << endl;
Util::logging("OUT so2p...");
return true;
//compare function for qsort
Database::_spo_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b)
int** _p_a = (int**)_a;
int** _p_b = (int**)_b;
{ /* compare subid first */
int _sub_id_a = (*_p_a)[0];
int _sub_id_b = (*_p_b)[0];
if(_sub_id_a != _sub_id_b)
return _sub_id_a - _sub_id_b;
{ /* then preid */
int _pre_id_a = (*_p_a)[1];
int _pre_id_b = (*_p_b)[1];
if(_pre_id_a != _pre_id_b)
return _pre_id_a - _pre_id_b;
{ /* objid at last */
int _obj_id_a = (*_p_a)[2];
int _obj_id_b = (*_p_b)[2];
if(_obj_id_a != _obj_id_b)
return _obj_id_a - _obj_id_b;
return 0;
Database::_ops_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b)
int** _p_a = (int**)_a;
int** _p_b = (int**)_b;
{ /* compare objid first */
int _obj_id_a = (*_p_a)[2];
int _obj_id_b = (*_p_b)[2];
if(_obj_id_a != _obj_id_b)
return _obj_id_a - _obj_id_b;
{ /* then preid */
int _pre_id_a = (*_p_a)[1];
int _pre_id_b = (*_p_b)[1];
if(_pre_id_a != _pre_id_b)
return _pre_id_a - _pre_id_b;
{ /* subid at last */
int _sub_id_a = (*_p_a)[0];
int _sub_id_b = (*_p_b)[0];
if(_sub_id_a != _sub_id_b)
return _sub_id_a - _sub_id_b;
return 0;
Database::_pso_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b)
int** _p_a = (int**)_a;
int** _p_b = (int**)_b;
{ /* compare preid first */
int _pre_id_a = (*_p_a)[1];
int _pre_id_b = (*_p_b)[1];
if(_pre_id_a != _pre_id_b)
return _pre_id_a - _pre_id_b;
{ /* then subid */
int _sub_id_a = (*_p_a)[0];
int _sub_id_b = (*_p_b)[0];
if(_sub_id_a != _sub_id_b)
return _sub_id_a - _sub_id_b;
{ /* objid at last */
int _obj_id_a = (*_p_a)[2];
int _obj_id_b = (*_p_b)[2];
if(_obj_id_a != _obj_id_b)
return _obj_id_a - _obj_id_b;
return 0;
Database::_sop_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b)
int** _p_a = (int**)_a;
int** _p_b = (int**)_b;
{ /* compare subid first */
int _sub_id_a = (*_p_a)[0];
int _sub_id_b = (*_p_b)[0];
if(_sub_id_a != _sub_id_b)
return _sub_id_a - _sub_id_b;
{ /* then objid */
int _obj_id_a = (*_p_a)[2];
int _obj_id_b = (*_p_b)[2];
if(_obj_id_a != _obj_id_b)
return _obj_id_a - _obj_id_b;
{ /* preid at last */
int _pre_id_a = (*_p_a)[1];
int _pre_id_b = (*_p_b)[1];
if(_pre_id_a != _pre_id_b)
return _pre_id_a - _pre_id_b;
return 0;
Database::insertTriple(const TripleWithObjType& _triple)
//long tv_kv_store_begin = Util::get_cur_time();
int _sub_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_triple.subject);
bool _is_new_sub = false;
/* if sub does not exist */
if(_sub_id == -1)
_is_new_sub = true;
_sub_id = this->entity_num ++;;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByEntity(_triple.subject, _sub_id);
(this->kvstore)->setEntityByID(_sub_id, _triple.subject);
int _pre_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByPredicate(_triple.predicate);
bool _is_new_pre = false;
if(_pre_id == -1)
_is_new_pre = true;
_pre_id = this->pre_num ++;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByPredicate(_triple.predicate, _pre_id);
(this->kvstore)->setPredicateByID(_pre_id, _triple.predicate);
/* object is either entity or literal */
int _obj_id = -1;
bool _is_new_obj = false;
bool _is_obj_entity = _triple.isObjEntity();
if (_is_obj_entity)
_obj_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_triple.object);
if (_obj_id == -1)
_is_new_obj = true;
_obj_id = this->entity_num ++;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByEntity(_triple.object, _obj_id);
(this->kvstore)->setEntityByID(_obj_id, _triple.object);
_obj_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByLiteral(_triple.object);
if (_obj_id == -1)
_is_new_obj = true;
_obj_id = Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID + this->literal_num;
this->literal_num ++;
(this->kvstore)->setIDByLiteral(_triple.object, _obj_id);
(this->kvstore)->setLiteralByID(_obj_id, _triple.object);
/* if this is not a new triple, return directly */
bool _triple_exist = false;
if(!_is_new_sub &&
!_is_new_pre &&
!_is_new_obj )
_triple_exist = this->exist_triple(_sub_id, _pre_id, _obj_id);
// {
// stringstream _ss;
// _ss << this->literal_num << endl;
// _ss <<"ids: " << _sub_id << " " << _pre_id << " " << _obj_id << " " << _triple_exist << endl;
// Util::logging(_ss.str());
// }
return 0;
this->triples_num ++;
/* update sp2o op2s s2po o2ps s2o o2s etc.*/
int updateLen = (this->kvstore)->updateTupleslist_insert(_sub_id, _pre_id, _obj_id);
//long tv_kv_store_end = Util::get_cur_time();
EntityBitSet _sub_entity_bitset;
this->encodeTriple2SubEntityBitSet(_sub_entity_bitset, &_triple);
/* if new entity then insert it, else update it. */
SigEntry _sig(_sub_id, _sub_entity_bitset);
(this->vstree)->updateEntry(_sub_id, _sub_entity_bitset);
/* if the object is an entity, then update or insert this entity's entry. */
if (_is_obj_entity)
EntityBitSet _obj_entity_bitset;
this->encodeTriple2ObjEntityBitSet(_obj_entity_bitset, &_triple);
if (_is_new_obj)
SigEntry _sig(_obj_id, _obj_entity_bitset);
(this->vstree)->updateEntry(_obj_id, _obj_entity_bitset);
//long tv_vs_store_end = Util::get_cur_time();
// {
// cout << "update kv_store, used " << (tv_kv_store_end - tv_kv_store_begin) << "ms." << endl;
// cout << "update vs_store, used " << (tv_vs_store_end - tv_kv_store_end) << "ms." << endl;
// }
return updateLen;
// need debug and test...
Database::removeTriple(const TripleWithObjType& _triple)
int _sub_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_triple.subject);
int _pre_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByPredicate(_triple.predicate);
int _obj_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByEntity(_triple.object);
if(_obj_id == -1) {
_obj_id = (this->kvstore)->getIDByLiteral(_triple.object);
if(_sub_id == -1 || _pre_id == -1 || _obj_id == -1)
return false;
bool _exist_triple = this->exist_triple(_sub_id, _pre_id, _obj_id);
if(! _exist_triple)
return false;
/* remove from sp2o op2s s2po o2ps s2o o2s
* sub2id, pre2id and obj2id will not be updated */
(this->kvstore)->updateTupleslist_remove(_sub_id, _pre_id, _obj_id);
int _sub_degree = (this->kvstore)->getEntityDegree(_sub_id);
/* if subject become an isolated point, remove its corresponding entry */
if(_sub_degree == 0)
/* else re-calculate the signature of subject & replace that in vstree */
EntityBitSet _entity_bitset;
this->calculateEntityBitSet(_sub_id, _entity_bitset);
(this->vstree)->replaceEntry(_sub_id, _entity_bitset);
return true;
Database::objIDIsEntityID(int _id)
return _id < Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID;
Database::getFinalResult(SPARQLquery& _sparql_q, ResultSet& _result_set)
// this is only selected var num
int _var_num = _sparql_q.getQueryVarNum();
vector<BasicQuery*>& query_vec = _sparql_q.getBasicQueryVec();
//sum the answer number
int _ans_num = 0;
printf("getFinalResult:before ansnum loop\n");
for(unsigned i = 0; i < query_vec.size(); i ++)
_ans_num += query_vec[i]->getResultList().size();
printf("getFinalResult:after ansnum loop\n");
_result_set.ansNum = _ans_num;
#ifndef STREAM_ON
_result_set.answer = new string*[_ans_num];
for(int i = 0; i < _result_set.ansNum; i ++)
_result_set.answer[i] = NULL;
vector<int> keys;
vector<bool> desc;
_result_set.openStream(keys, desc, 0, -1);
printf("getFinalResult:after open stream\n");
printf("getFinalResult:before main loop\n");
int tmp_ans_count = 0;
//map int ans into string ans
//union every basic result into total result
for(unsigned i = 0; i < query_vec.size(); i++)
vector<int*>& tmp_vec = query_vec[i]->getResultList();
//ensure the spo order is right, but the triple order is still reversed
//for every result group in resultlist
//for(vector<int*>::reverse_iterator itr = tmp_vec.rbegin(); itr != tmp_vec.rend(); ++itr)
for(vector<int*>::iterator itr = tmp_vec.begin(); itr != tmp_vec.end(); ++itr)
//to ensure the order so do reversely in two nested loops
#ifndef STREAM_ON
_result_set.answer[tmp_ans_count] = new string[_var_num];
printf("getFinalResult:before map loop\n");
//NOTICE: in new join method only selec_var_num columns,
//but before in shenxuchuan's join method, not like this.
//though there is all graph_var_num columns in result_list,
//we only consider the former selected vars
//map every ans_id into ans_str
for(int v = 0; v < _var_num; ++v)
int ans_id = (*itr)[v];
string ans_str;
ans_str = (this->kvstore)->getEntityByID(ans_id);
ans_str = (this->kvstore)->getLiteralByID(ans_id);
#ifndef STREAM_ON
_result_set.answer[tmp_ans_count][v] = ans_str;
printf("getFinalResult:after copy/write\n");
#ifdef STREAM_ON
return true;
Database::printIDlist(int _i, int* _list, int _len, string _log)
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "[" << _i << "] ";
for(int i = 0; i < _len; i ++) {
_ss << _list[i] << "\t";
Util::logging("=="+_log + ":");
Database::printPairList(int _i, int* _list, int _len, string _log)
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "[" << _i << "] ";
for(int i = 0; i < _len; i += 2) {
_ss << "[" << _list[i] << "," << _list[i+1] << "]\t";
Util::logging("=="+_log + ":");
int subNum = 9, preNum = 20, objNum = 90;
int* _id_list = NULL;
int _list_len = 0;
{ /* x2ylist */
for (int i = 0; i < subNum; i++)
(this->kvstore)->getobjIDlistBysubID(i, _id_list, _list_len);
if (_list_len != 0)
stringstream _ss;
this->printIDlist(i, _id_list, _list_len, "s2olist["+_ss.str()+"]");
delete[] _id_list;
/* o2slist */
(this->kvstore)->getsubIDlistByobjID(i, _id_list, _list_len);
if (_list_len != 0)
stringstream _ss;
this->printIDlist(i, _id_list, _list_len, "o(sub)2slist["+_ss.str()+"]");
delete[] _id_list;
for (int i = 0; i < objNum; i++)
int _i = Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID + i;
(this->kvstore)->getsubIDlistByobjID(_i, _id_list, _list_len);
if (_list_len != 0)
stringstream _ss;
this->printIDlist(_i, _id_list, _list_len, "o(literal)2slist["+_ss.str()+"]");
delete[] _id_list;
{ /* xy2zlist */
for (int i = 0; i < subNum; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < preNum; j++)
(this->kvstore)->getobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(i, j, _id_list,
if (_list_len != 0)
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "preid:" << j ;
this->printIDlist(i, _id_list, _list_len, "sp2olist["+_ss.str()+"]");
delete[] _id_list;
(this->kvstore)->getsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(i, j, _id_list,
if (_list_len != 0)
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "preid:" << j ;
this->printIDlist(i, _id_list, _list_len, "o(sub)p2slist["+_ss.str()+"]");
delete[] _id_list;
for (int i = 0; i < objNum; i++)
int _i = Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID + i;
for (int j = 0; j < preNum; j++)
(this->kvstore)->getsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(_i, j, _id_list,
if (_list_len != 0)
stringstream _ss;
_ss << "preid:" << j ;
this->printIDlist(_i, _id_list, _list_len,
delete[] _id_list;
{ /* x2yzlist */
for (int i = 0; i < subNum; i++)
(this->kvstore)->getpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(i, _id_list, _list_len);
if (_list_len != 0)
this->printPairList(i, _id_list, _list_len, "s2polist");
delete[] _id_list;
_list_len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < subNum; i++)
(this->kvstore)->getpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(i, _id_list, _list_len);
if (_list_len != 0)
this->printPairList(i, _id_list, _list_len, "o(sub)2pslist");
delete[] _id_list;
for (int i = 0; i < objNum; i++)
int _i = Util::LITERAL_FIRST_ID + i;
(this->kvstore)->getpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(_i, _id_list, _list_len);
if (_list_len != 0)
this->printPairList(_i, _id_list, _list_len,
delete[] _id_list;
BasicQuery* _bq = new BasicQuery("");
* <!!!> y:created <!!!_(album)>.
* <!!!> y:created <Louden_Up_Now>.
* <!!!_(album)> y:hasSuccessor <Louden_Up_Now>
* <!!!_(album)> rdf:type <wordnet_album_106591815>
* id of <!!!> is 0
* id of <!!!_(album)> is 2
* ?x1 y:created ?x2.
* ?x1 y:created <Louden_Up_Now>.
* ?x2 y:hasSuccessor <Louden_Up_Now>.
* ?x2 rdf:type <wordnet_album_106591815>
Triple _triple("?x1", "y:created", "?x2");
Triple _triple("?x1", "y:created", "<Louden_Up_Now>");
Triple _triple("?x2", "y:hasSuccessor", "<Louden_Up_Now>");
Triple _triple("?x2", "rdf:type", "<wordnet_album_106591815>");
vector<string> _v;
_bq->encodeBasicQuery(this->kvstore, _v);
SPARQLquery _q;
//BasicQuery* _bq = new BasicQuery("");
//* <!!!> y:created <!!!_(album)>.
//* <!!!> y:created <Louden_Up_Now>.
//* <!!!_(album)> y:hasSuccessor <Louden_Up_Now>
//* <!!!_(album)> rdf:type <wordnet_album_106591815>
//* id of <!!!> is 0
//* id of <!!!_(album)> is 2
//* ?x1 y:created ?x2.
//* ?x1 y:created <Louden_Up_Now>.
//* ?x2 y:hasSuccessor <Louden_Up_Now>.
//* ?x2 rdf:type <wordnet_album_106591815>
////Triple _triple("?x1", "y:created", "?x2");
//Triple _triple("?x1", "y:created", "<Louden_Up_Now>");
//Triple _triple("?x2", "y:hasSuccessor", "<Louden_Up_Now>");
//Triple _triple("?x2", "rdf:type", "<wordnet_album_106591815>");
//vector<string> _v;
//_bq->encodeBasicQuery(this->kvstore, _v);
//SPARQLquery _q;
//ResultSet _rs;
//this->getFinalResult(_q, _rs);
//cout << _rs.to_str() << endl;