278 lines
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278 lines
13 KiB
# Filename: KVstore.h
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail: 1181955272@qq.com
# Last Modified: 2018-02-09 14:23
# Description: Modified by Wang Libo
#include "../Util/Util.h"
#include "../Util/VList.h"
#include "Tree.h"
//#include "../Trie/Trie.h"
#include "IVArray/IVArray.h"
#include "ISArray/ISArray.h"
//TODO: is it needed to keep a length in Bstr?? especially for IVTree?
//add a length: sizeof bstr from 8 to 16(4 -> 8 for alignment)
//add a \0 in tail: only add 1 char
//QUERY: but to count the length each time maybe very costly?
//No, because triple num is stored in char* now!!!! we do not need to save it again
//QUERY: but to implement vlist, we need a unsigned flag
//What is more, we need to store the string in disk, how can we store it if without the length?
//unsigned type stored as chars, maybe will have '\0'
//In memory, we do not know when the oidlist ends if without the original length (butthe triple num will answer this!)
//TODO: entity_border in s2values list is not needed!!! not waste memory here
//1. s2xx
//Triple Num Pre Num Entity Num p1 offset1 p2 offset2 ... pn offsetn (olist-p1) (olist-p2) ... (olist-pn)
//2. o2xx
//Triple Num Pre Num p1 offset1 p2 offset2 ... pn offsetn (slist-p1) (slist-p2) ... (slist-pn)
//3. p2xx
//Triple Num (sid list) (oid list) (not sorted, matched with sid one by one)
class KVstore
static const int READ_WRITE_MODE = 1; //Open a B tree, which must exist
static const int CREATE_MODE = 2; //Build a new B tree and delete existing ones (if any)
KVstore(std::string _store_path = ".");
void flush();
void release();
void open();
std::string getStringByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id);
TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID getIDByString(std::string _str);
// functions to load Vlist's cache
void AddIntoSubCache(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entity_id);
void AddIntoObjCache(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entity_literal_id);
void AddIntoPreCache(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id);
unsigned getPreListSize(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id);
unsigned getSubListSize(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id);
unsigned getObjListSize(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
//including IN-neighbor & OUT-neighbor
unsigned getEntityDegree(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entity_id) const;
unsigned getEntityInDegree(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entity_id) const;
unsigned getEntityOutDegree(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entity_id) const;
unsigned getLiteralDegree(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _literal_id) const;
unsigned getPredicateDegree(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _predicate_id) const;
unsigned getSubjectPredicateDegree(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid) const;
unsigned getObjectPredicateDegree(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid) const;
//Before calling these functions, we are sure that the triples doesn't exist.
bool updateTupleslist_insert(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateTupleslist_remove(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateInsert_s2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateRemove_s2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateInsert_s2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, const std::vector<unsigned>& _pidoidlist);
bool updateRemove_s2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, const std::vector<unsigned>& _pidoidlist);
bool updateInsert_o2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateRemove_o2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateInsert_o2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, const std::vector<unsigned>& _pidsidlist);
bool updateRemove_o2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, const std::vector<unsigned>& _pidsidlist);
bool updateInsert_p2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateRemove_p2values(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _sub_id, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_id, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _obj_id);
bool updateInsert_p2values(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, const std::vector<unsigned>& _sidoidlist);
bool updateRemove_p2values(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, const std::vector<unsigned>& _sidoidlist);
//for entity2id
bool open_entity2id(int _mode);
bool close_entity2id();
bool subIDByEntity(std::string _entity);
TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID getIDByEntity(std::string _entity) const;
bool setIDByEntity(std::string _entity, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id);
//for id2entity
bool open_id2entity(int _mode);
bool close_id2entity();
bool subEntityByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id);
std::string getEntityByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id) const;
bool setEntityByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id, std::string _entity);
//for predicate2id
bool open_predicate2id(int _mode);
bool close_predicate2id();
bool subIDByPredicate(std::string _predicate);
TYPE_PREDICATE_ID getIDByPredicate(std::string _predicate) const;
bool setIDByPredicate(std::string _predicate, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _id);
//for id2predicate
bool open_id2predicate(int _mode);
bool close_id2predicate();
bool subPredicateByID(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _id);
std::string getPredicateByID(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _id) const;
bool setPredicateByID(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _id, std::string _predicate);
//for literal2id
bool open_literal2id(int _mode);
bool close_literal2id();
bool subIDByLiteral(std::string _literal);
TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID getIDByLiteral(std::string _literal) const;
bool setIDByLiteral(std::string _literal, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id);
//for id2literal
bool open_id2literal(int _mode);
bool close_id2literal();
bool subLiteralByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id);
std::string getLiteralByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id) const;
bool setLiteralByID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _id, std::string _literal);
//for subID2values
bool open_subID2values(int _mode, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entity_num = 0);
bool close_subID2values();
bool build_subID2values(ID_TUPLE* _p_id_tuples, TYPE_TRIPLE_NUM _triples_num, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID total_entity_num);
bool getpreIDlistBysubID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, unsigned*& _preidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getobjIDlistBysubID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, unsigned*& _objidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getobjIDlistBysubIDpreID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, unsigned*& _objidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getpreIDobjIDlistBysubID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subid, unsigned*& _preid_objidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
//for objID2values
bool open_objID2values(int _mode, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _entitynum = 0, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _literal_num = 0);
bool close_objID2values();
bool build_objID2values(ID_TUPLE* _p_id_tuples, TYPE_TRIPLE_NUM _triples_num, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID total_entity_num, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID total_literal_num);
bool getpreIDlistByobjID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, unsigned*& _preidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getsubIDlistByobjID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, unsigned*& _subidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getsubIDlistByobjIDpreID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, unsigned*& _subidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getpreIDsubIDlistByobjID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objid, unsigned*& _preid_subidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
//for preID2values
bool open_preID2values(int _mode, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _pre_num = 0);
bool close_preID2values();
bool build_preID2values(ID_TUPLE* _p_id_tuples, TYPE_TRIPLE_NUM _triples_num, TYPE_PREDICATE_ID total_pre_num);
bool getsubIDlistBypreID(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, unsigned*& _subidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getobjIDlistBypreID(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, unsigned*& _objidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
bool getsubIDobjIDlistBypreID(TYPE_PREDICATE_ID _preid, unsigned*& _subid_objidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
//for so2p
bool getpreIDlistBysubIDobjID(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _subID, TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID _objID, unsigned*& _preidlist, unsigned& _list_len, bool _no_duplicate = false) const;
//bool load_trie();
std::string store_path;
// std::string dictionary_store_path;
//Trie *trie;
SITree* entity2id;
//ISTree* id2entity;
ISArray* id2entity;
static std::string s_entity2id;
static std::string s_id2entity;
static unsigned short buffer_entity2id_build;
static unsigned short buffer_id2entity_build;
static unsigned short buffer_entity2id_query;
static unsigned short buffer_id2entity_query;
SITree* predicate2id;
//ISTree* id2predicate;
ISArray* id2predicate;
static std::string s_predicate2id;
static std::string s_id2predicate;
static unsigned short buffer_predicate2id_build;
static unsigned short buffer_id2predicate_build;
static unsigned short buffer_predicate2id_query;
static unsigned short buffer_id2predicate_query;
SITree* literal2id;
//ISTree* id2literal;
ISArray* id2literal;
static std::string s_literal2id;
static std::string s_id2literal;
static unsigned short buffer_literal2id_build;
static unsigned short buffer_id2literal_build;
static unsigned short buffer_literal2id_query;
static unsigned short buffer_id2literal_query;
// IVTree* subID2values;
// IVTree* objID2values;
// IVTree* preID2values;
IVArray* subID2values;
IVArray* objID2values;
IVArray* objID2values_literal;
IVArray* preID2values;
static std::string s_sID2values;
static std::string s_oID2values;
static std::string s_pID2values;
static unsigned short buffer_sID2values_build;
static unsigned short buffer_oID2values_build;
static unsigned short buffer_pID2values_build;
static unsigned short buffer_sID2values_query;
static unsigned short buffer_oID2values_query;
static unsigned short buffer_pID2values_query;
bool open(SITree* & _p_btree, std::string _tree_name, int _mode, unsigned long long _buffer_size);
//bool open(ISTree* & _p_btree, std::string _tree_name, int _mode, unsigned long long _buffer_size);
bool open(ISArray* & _array, std::string _name, int _mode, unsigned long long _buffer_size, unsigned _key_num = 0);
//bool open(IVTree* & _p_btree, std::string _tree_name, int _mode, unsigned long long _buffer_size);
bool open(IVArray* & _array, std::string _name, int _mode, unsigned long long _buffer_size, unsigned _key_num = 0);
void flush(SITree* _p_btree);
//void flush(ISTree* _p_btree);
void flush(ISArray* _array);
//void flush(IVTree* _p_btree);
void flush(IVArray* _array);
bool addValueByKey(SITree* _p_btree, char* _key, unsigned _klen, unsigned _val);
//bool addValueByKey(ISTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
bool addValueByKey(ISArray* _array, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
//bool addValueByKey(IVTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
bool addValueByKey(IVArray* _array, unsigned _key, char *_val, unsigned _vlen);
bool setValueByKey(SITree* _p_btree, char* _key, unsigned _klen, unsigned _val);
//bool setValueByKey(ISTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
bool setValueByKey(ISArray* _array, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
// bool setValueByKey(IVTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
bool setValueByKey(IVArray* _array, unsigned _key, char* _val, unsigned _vlen);
bool getValueByKey(SITree* _p_btree, const char* _key, unsigned _klen, unsigned* _val) const;
//bool getValueByKey(ISTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key, char*& _val, unsigned& _vlen) const;
bool getValueByKey(ISArray* _array, unsigned _key, char*& _val, unsigned& _vlen) const;
// bool getValueByKey(IVTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key, char*& _val, unsigned& _vlen) const;
bool getValueByKey(IVArray* _array, unsigned _key, char*& _val, unsigned& _vlen) const;
TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID getIDByStr(SITree* _p_btree, const char* _key, unsigned _klen) const;
bool removeKey(SITree* _p_btree, const char* _key, unsigned _klen);
//bool removeKey(ISTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key);
bool removeKey(ISArray* _array, unsigned _key);
// bool removeKey(IVTree* _p_btree, unsigned _key);
bool removeKey(IVArray* _array, unsigned _key);
static std::vector<unsigned> intersect(const unsigned* _list1, const unsigned* _list2, unsigned _len1, unsigned _len2);
static unsigned binarySearch(unsigned key, const unsigned* _list, unsigned _list_len, int step = 1);
static bool isEntity(TYPE_ENTITY_LITERAL_ID id);