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# Filename: Database.h
# Author: Bookug Lobert
# Mail:
# Last Modified: 2015-10-23 14:20
# Description:
#include "../Query/IDList.h"
#include "../Query/ResultSet.h"
#include "../Query/SPARQLquery.h"
#include "../Query/BasicQuery.h"
#include "../Triple/Triple.h"
#include "../Signature/SigEntry.h"
#include "../KVstore/KVstore.h"
#include "../VSTree/VSTree.h"
#include "../Parser/DBparser.h"
#include "../Parser/RDFParser.h"
#include "../Util/Util.h"
using namespace std;
class Database
static const bool only_sub2idpre2id = true;
static const int internal = 100*1000;
//static FILE* fp_debug;
static void log(std::string _str);
void test();
void test_build_sig();
void test_join();
void printIDlist(int _i, int* _list, int _len, std::string _log);
void printPairList(int _i, int* _list, int _len, std::string _log);
static const int TRIPLE_NUM_MAX = 1000*1000*1000;
/* In order to differentiate the sub-part and literal-part of object
* let subid begin with 0, while literalid begins with LITERAL_FIRST_ID */
static const int LITERAL_FIRST_ID = 1000*1000*1000;
/* when encode EntitySig, one way uses STRING-hash, the other one uses ID-hash
* depending on this->encode_mode */
static const int STRING_MODE = 1;
static const int ID_MODE = 2;
Database(std::string _name);
void release(FILE* fp0);
bool load();
bool unload();
bool query(const string _query, ResultSet& _result_set, FILE* _fp);
* 1. if subject of _triple doesn't exist,
* then assign a new subid, and insert a new SigEntry
* 2. assign new tuple_id to tuple, if predicate or object doesn't exist before too;
* 3. if subject exist, update SigEntry, and update spo, ops... etc. if needed
* 4.
* */
bool insert(const string& _insert_rdf_file);
bool remove(const string& _rdf_file);
bool build(const string& _rdf_file);
/* name of this DB*/
string getName();
/* root Path of this DB + sixTuplesFile */
string getSixTuplesFile();
/* root Path of this DB + signatureBFile */
string getSignatureBFile();
/* root Path of this DB + DBInfoFile */
string getDBInfoFile();
string name;
bool is_active;
int triples_num;
int entity_num;
int sub_num;
int pre_num;
int literal_num;
int encode_mode;
VSTree* vstree;
KVstore* kvstore;
/* metadata of this database: sub_num, pre_num, obj_num, literal_num, etc. */
string db_info_file;
/* six tuples: <sub pre obj sid pid oid> */
string six_tuples_file;
/* B means binary */
string signature_binary_file;
bool saveDBInfoFile();
bool loadDBInfoFile();
string getStorePath();
/* encode relative signature data of all Basic Graph Query, who union together into SPARQLquery */
void buildSparqlSignature(SPARQLquery & _sparql_q);
/* encode Triple into Subject EntityBitSet */
bool encodeTriple2SubEntityBitSet(EntityBitSet& _bitset, const Triple* _p_triple);
/* encode Triple into Object EntityBitSet */
bool encodeTriple2ObjEntityBitSet(EntityBitSet& _bitset, const Triple* _p_triple);
bool calculateEntityBitSet(int _sub_id, EntityBitSet & _bitset);
/* check whether the relative 3-tuples exist
* usually, through sp2olist */
bool exist_triple(int _sub_id, int _pre_id, int _obj_id);
* _rdf_file denotes the path of the RDF file, where stores the rdf data
* there are many step in this function, each one responds to an sub-function
* 1. map sub2id and pre2id
* 2. map literal2id and encode RDF data into signature,
* storing in binary file: this->getSignatureBFile(), the order responds to subID
* also, store six_tuples in file: this->getSixTuplesFile()
* 3. build: subID2objIDlist, <subIDpreID>2objIDlist subID2<preIDobjID>list
* 4. build: objID2subIDlist, <objIDpreID>2subIDlist objID2<preIDsubID>list
* */
//encodeRDF_new invoke new rdfParser to solve task 1 & 2 in one time scan.
bool encodeRDF(const string _rdf_file);
bool encodeRDF_new(const string _rdf_file);
int insertTriple(const TripleWithObjType& _triple);
bool removeTriple(const TripleWithObjType& _triple);
bool sub2id_pre2id_obj2id_RDFintoSignature(const string _rdf_file, int**& _p_id_tuples, int & _id_tuples_max);
bool sub2id_pre2id(const string _rdf_file, int**& _p_id_tuples, int & _id_tuples_max);
bool literal2id_RDFintoSignature(const string _rdf_file, int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max);
bool s2o_sp2o_s2po(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max);
bool o2s_op2s_o2ps(int** _p_id_tuples, int _id_tuples_max);
static int _spo_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b);
static int _ops_cmp(const void* _a, const void* _b);
bool objIDIsEntityID(int _id);
* join on the vector of CandidateList, available after retrieve from the VSTREE
* and store the resut in _result_set
* */
bool join(SPARQLquery& _sparql_query);
void filter_before_join(BasicQuery* basic_query);
void literal_edge_filter(BasicQuery* basic_query, int _var_i);
void preid_filter(BasicQuery* basic_query, int _var_i);
void only_pre_filter_after_join(BasicQuery* basic_query);
void add_literal_candidate(BasicQuery* basic_query);
bool join_basic(BasicQuery* _basic_query);
bool join(vector<int*>& _result_list, int _var_id, int _pre_id, int _var_id2, const char _edge_type,
int _var_num, bool shouldAddLiteral, IDList& _can_list);
bool select(vector<int*>& _result_list, int _var_id, int _pre_id, int _var_id2, const char _edge_type, int _var_num);
/* get the final string result_set from SPARQLquery */
bool getFinalResult(SPARQLquery& _sparql_q, ResultSet& _result_set);