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# Filename: file.h
# Author: syzz
# Mail:
# Last Modified: 2015-04-26 16:42
# Description: disk file memlayout
#include "../../Util/Util.h"
/******** manage the disk-file as Blocks-list ********/
/* All blocks of given file are viewed as an array, extended dynamicly
* The first block(0, super-block) includes the information
* about the whole file(for example, the root Node's Block),
* especially a bitset use[MAXBN] which is used to recognize which
* block is in use
* In practical, the normal block numbers from 1 to MAXBN-1,
* so 0 can be used as division.
* (normal block is made of header and data)
* When file opened, program must read this bitset and create an
* freelist(several 10Ms memory),
* and remember to write back the bitset when closing.
* We store each Tree-Node as a unit, which may contain several
* blocks, not requiring continuous.
* While the tree is not closed, better to keep root Node in
* memory all the time.
struct Header
{ //this is the header information at the
//beginning of each block, then the data
//If this the first block of a node, we must also store
* the necessary information about the node. For example,
* a bit indicates whether a leaf-node, deciding how it
* should be read. The first block's prev and the
//final block's next should be 0
//blockaddr_t prev;
blockaddr_t next; //WARN(maybe larger type!)
//unsigned short end; //valid data:0~end
struct SuperBlock //SuperNum blocks, numbered 0
unsigned height;
unsigned rootnum; //use a whole block, may store other information
//for example, nodes's num
char use[BNWD]; //exactly SuperNum-1 blocks
//numbered from 1 to MAX_BLOCK_NUM
struct Node //may use several blocks, not must continuously
unsigned flag; //only in first block, special-block
unsigned next; //each real data-block, 0 means the end
unsigned num;
unsigned childs[]; //only in IntlNodes
Bstr keys[];
Bstr values[]; //only in LeafNodes
//When stored in disk, every Node* pointer should be changed to block-address
//(a bit indicates whether a leaf!),
//and char* should be changed to the real string.
class BlockInfo
unsigned num;
BlockInfo* next;
num = 0;
next = NULL;
BlockInfo(unsigned _num, BlockInfo* _bp)
num = _num;
next = _bp;