2019-09-02 23:13:57 +08:00
function installDB() {
2019-05-29 17:54:58 +08:00
write-host "init sqlserver database..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
2019-09-28 11:12:46 +08:00
$startPath = "$($env:appveyor_build_folder)\db\SqlServer"
2019-09-28 21:20:47 +08:00
$sqlInstance = "(local)\SQL2017"
2019-05-28 09:43:49 +08:00
$outFile = join-path $startPath "output.log"
$sqlFile = join-path $startPath "Install.sql"
$initFile = join-path $startPath "InitData.sql"
sqlcmd -S "$sqlInstance" -U sa -P Password12! -i "$sqlFile" -i "$initFile" -o "$outFile"
2019-09-28 21:20:47 +08:00
#write-host "init mysql database..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
#$mysql = '"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql.exe"'
#$cmd = $mysql + ' -e "create database BootstrapAdmin;" -uroot'
#cmd.exe /c $cmd
2019-05-28 09:43:49 +08:00
2019-09-28 21:20:47 +08:00
#$startPath = "$($env:appveyor_build_folder)\db\MySQL"
#$para = ' -hlocalhost -uroot -DBootstrapAdmin < '
#$sqlFile = join-path $startPath "Install.sql"
#$cmd = $mysql + $para + $sqlFile
#cmd.exe /c $cmd
2019-05-28 09:43:49 +08:00
2019-09-28 21:20:47 +08:00
#$initFile = join-path $startPath "InitData.sql"
#$cmd = $mysql + $para + $initFile
#cmd.exe /c $cmd
2019-05-28 09:43:49 +08:00
2019-05-29 17:54:58 +08:00
write-host "init mongodb data..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
2019-09-28 11:12:46 +08:00
$initFolder = "$($env:appveyor_build_folder)\db\MongoDB"
2019-05-28 09:43:49 +08:00
cd $initFolder
cmd.exe /c "C:\mongodb\bin\mongo init.js"
$cmd = 'C:\mongodb\bin\mongo BootstrapAdmin --eval "printjson(db.getCollectionNames())"'
iex "& $cmd"
cd $($env:appveyor_build_folder)
2019-06-02 00:18:21 +08:00
2019-06-15 13:20:26 +08:00
function runUnitTest() {
2019-09-02 23:13:57 +08:00
write-host "dotnet test test\UnitTest" -ForegroundColor Cyan
2019-09-28 21:20:47 +08:00
dotnet test test\UnitTest --filter FullyQualifiedName!~MySql /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover /p:Include="[Bootstrap*]*" /p:ExcludeByFile="..\..\src\admin\Bootstrap.Admin\Program.cs%2c..\..\src\admin\Bootstrap.Admin\Startup.cs%2c..\..\src\admin\Bootstrap.Admin\HttpHeaderOperation.cs" /p:CoverletOutput=..\..\
2019-06-15 13:20:26 +08:00
2019-06-02 00:18:21 +08:00
function coverallUnitTest() {
write-host "install coveralls.net tools" -ForegroundColor Cyan
2019-09-02 23:13:57 +08:00
dotnet tool install coveralls.net --version 1.0.0 --tool-path ".\tools"
2019-06-15 13:20:26 +08:00
write-host "report UnitTest with Coveralls" -ForegroundColor Cyan
2019-06-02 00:18:21 +08:00
cmd.exe /c ".\tools\csmacnz.Coveralls.exe --opencover -i coverage.opencover.xml --useRelativePaths"
2019-06-15 13:20:26 +08:00
function codecovUnitTest() {
2019-09-07 01:23:30 +08:00
Set-AppveyorBuildVariable CODECOV_TOKEN $($env:CODECOV_TOKEN)
2019-06-04 10:27:13 +08:00
$codecovCmd = "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\codecov\tools\codecov.exe"
$codecov = Test-Path $codecovCmd
if (!$codecov) {
write-host "install codecov tools" -ForegroundColor Cyan
choco install codecov
2019-06-15 13:20:26 +08:00
$coverageFile = Test-Path coverage.opencover.xml
if (!$coverageFile) {
write-host "report UnitTest with Codecov" -ForegroundColor Cyan
2019-06-04 10:27:13 +08:00
cmd.exe /c "$codecovCmd -f ""coverage.opencover.xml"""
2019-06-15 13:20:26 +08:00
2019-09-28 21:20:47 +08:00
$branch = $($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH)
if ($branch -ne "dev") {