(function ($) { var handlerCallback = function (callback, e, data) { if ($.isFunction(callback)) callback.call(e, data); if ($.isFunction(this.options.callback)) this.options.callback.call(e, data); } BootstrapAdmin = function (options) { var that = this; options = options || {}; options.click = $.extend({}, BootstrapAdmin.settings.click, options.click); this.options = $.extend({}, BootstrapAdmin.settings, options); this.dataEntity = options.dataEntity; if (!(this.dataEntity instanceof DataEntity) && window.console) { window.console.log('初始化参数中没有DataEntity实例'); } // handler click event for (name in this.options.click) { var ele = this.options.click[name]; var cId = ele; var event = null; if ($.isArray(ele)) { for (index in ele) { if (ele[index].id === undefined) { window.console.log('options.click.assign[{0}].{1}.id 未设置控件id', ele[index].id, name); continue; } cId = ele[index]['id']; event = ele[index]['click']; handler(cId, event); } } else handler(cId, event); } // handler modal window show event if (this.options.modal && this.options.modal.constructor === String) { $('#' + this.options.modal).on('show.bs.modal', function (e) { if (that.options.validateForm.constructor === String) { var v = $('#' + that.options.validateForm); var vf = v.validate(); vf.currentElements.each(function () { $(this).popover('destroy'); }) vf.resetForm(); v.find('div.form-group').removeClass("has-error has-success"); } }); } function handler(cid, event) { var source = $("#" + cId); source.data('click', name); if (event !== null) source.data('event', event); source.click(function () { var method = source.data('click'); BootstrapAdmin.prototype[method].call(that, this, source.data('event')); }); } }; BootstrapAdmin.VERSION = "1.0"; BootstrapAdmin.Author = "Argo Zhang"; BootstrapAdmin.Email = "argo@163.com"; BootstrapAdmin.settings = { url: undefined, bootstrapTable: 'table', validateForm: 'dataForm', modal: 'dialogNew', click: { query: 'btn_query', create: 'btn_add', edit: 'btn_edit', del: 'btn_delete', save: 'btnSubmit', assign: [] } }; BootstrapAdmin.idFormatter = function (value, row, index) { return "" + value + ""; }; BootstrapAdmin.prototype = { constructor: BootstrapAdmin, idEvents: function () { var op = { dataEntity: $.extend({}, this.options.dataEntity), table: this.options.bootstrapTable, modal: this.options.modal }; return { 'click .edit': function (e, value, row, index) { op.dataEntity.load(row); $(op.table).bootstrapTable('uncheckAll'); $(op.table).bootstrapTable('check', index); $('#' + op.modal).modal("show"); } } }, query: function (e, callback) { if (this.options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) $(this.options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('refresh'); handlerCallback.call(this, callback, e, { oper: 'query' }); }, create: function (e, callback) { if (this.dataEntity instanceof DataEntity) this.dataEntity.reset(); if (this.options.modal.constructor === String) $('#' + this.options.modal).modal("show"); if (this.options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) $(this.options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('uncheckAll'); handlerCallback.call(this, callback, e, { oper: 'create' }); }, edit: function (e, callback) { var options = this.options; var data = {}; if (options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) { var arrselections = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getSelections'); if (arrselections.length == 0) { swal('请选择要编辑的数据', "编辑操作", "warning"); return; } else if (arrselections.length > 1) { swal('请选择一个要编辑的数据', "编辑操作", "warning"); return; } else { data = arrselections[0]; if (this.dataEntity instanceof DataEntity) this.dataEntity.load(data); if (options.modal.constructor === String) $('#' + options.modal).modal("show"); } } handlerCallback.call(this, callback, e, { oper: 'edit', data: data }); }, del: function (e, callback) { var that = this; var options = this.options; if (options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) { var arrselections = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getSelections'); if (arrselections.length == 0) { swal('请选择要删除的数据', "删除操作", "warning"); return; } else { swal({ title: "您确定要删除吗?", text: "删除操作", type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: true, confirmButtonText: "是的,我要删除", confirmButtonColor: "#d9534f", cancelButtonText: "取消" }, function () { var iDs = arrselections.map(function (element, index) { return element.ID }).join(","); options.IDs = iDs; $.ajax({ url: options.url, data: { "": iDs }, type: 'DELETE', success: function (result) { if (result) { swal("成功!", "删除数据", "success"); $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('refresh'); } else swal("失败", "删除数据", "error"); handlerCallback.call(that, callback, e, { oper: 'del', success: !!result, data: iDs }); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { swal("失败", "删除数据", "error"); handlerCallback.call(that, callback, e, { oper: 'del', success: false }); } }); }); } } }, save: function (e, callback) { var that = this; var options = $.extend({ data: {} }, this.options); if (this.dataEntity instanceof DataEntity) options = $.extend(options, { data: this.dataEntity.get() }); if (options.validateForm.constructor === String && !$("#" + options.validateForm).valid()) return; $.ajax({ url: options.url, data: options.data, type: 'POST', success: function (result) { var finalData = null; var index = 0; if (result) { if (options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String && options.data.ID.constructor === String) { // 更新表格 if (options.data.ID > 0) { var allTableData = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getData'); for (index = 0; index < allTableData.length; index++) { finalData = allTableData[index]; if (finalData.ID == options.data.ID) { $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('updateRow', { index: index, row: $.extend(finalData, options.data) }); break; } } } else { $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('refresh'); finalData = options.data; } } if (options.modal.constructor === String) $('#' + options.modal).modal("hide"); swal("成功", "保存数据", "success"); } else { swal("失败", "保存数据", "error"); } handlerCallback.call(that, callback, e, { oper: 'save', success: !!result, index: index, data: finalData }); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { swal("失败", "保存数据失败", "error"); handlerCallback.call(that, callback, e, { oper: 'save', success: false }); } }); }, assign: function (e, callback) { var options = this.options; var row = {}; if (options.bootstrapTable && options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) { var arrselections = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getSelections'); if (arrselections.length == 0) { swal('请选择要编辑的数据', "编辑操作", "warning"); return; } else if (arrselections.length > 1) { swal('请选择一个要编辑的数据', "编辑操作", "warning"); return; } else { row = arrselections[0]; } } var data = options.dataEntity; if (data instanceof DataEntity) data = data.get(); if ($.isFunction(callback)) callback.call(e, row, $.extend({}, data)); if ($.isFunction(this.options.callback)) this.options.callback.call(e, { oper: 'assign', row: row, data: data }); } }; var htmlTemplate = '
'; var processData = function (options) { var data = $.extend({ data: { type: "" }, remote: true, method: "POST", Id: "", url: this.url, title: this.title, html: this.html, swal: true }, options); if (data.remote) { $.ajax({ url: data.url + data.Id, data: data.data, type: data.method, success: function (result) { success(result); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { if ($.isFunction(data.callback)) data.callback(false); } }); } else success() function success(result) { if ($.isFunction(data.callback)) { if ($.isArray(result)) { var formatData = result; if ($.isFunction(data.html)) formatData = data.html(result); data.callback(formatData); return; } } else if ($.isPlainObject(data.callback) && data.callback.modal !== undefined) { $("#" + data.callback.modal).modal('hide'); } if (data.swal) { if (result) { swal("成功", data.title, "success"); } else { swal("失败", data.title, "error"); } } if ($.isFunction(data.callback)) data.callback(result); } } // Roles Role = { url: '../api/Roles/', title: "授权角色", html: function (result) { return $.map(result, function (element, index) { return $.format(htmlTemplate, element.ID, element.RoleName, element.Checked, element.Description); }).join(''); } }; Role.getRolesByUserId = function (userId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: userId, callback: callback, data: { type: "user" } }); }; Role.getRolesByGroupId = function (groupId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: groupId, callback: callback, data: { type: "group" } }); }; Role.getRolesByMenuId = function (menuId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: menuId, callback: callback, data: { type: "menu" } }); }; Role.saveRolesByUserId = function (userId, roleIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: userId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "user", roleIds: roleIds } }); } Role.saveRolesByGroupId = function (groupId, roleIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: groupId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "group", roleIds: roleIds } }); } Role.saveRolesByMenuId = function (menuId, roleIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: menuId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "menu", roleIds: roleIds } }); }; // Users User = { url: '../api/Users/', title: "授权用户", html: function (result) { return $.map(result, function (element, index) { return $.format(htmlTemplate, element.ID, element.DisplayName, element.Checked, element.UserName); }).join(''); } } User.getUsersByRoleId = function (roleId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: roleId, callback: callback, data: { type: "role" } }); }; User.saveUsersByRoleId = function (roleId, userIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: roleId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "role", userIds: userIds } }); } User.getUsersByGroupeId = function (groupId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: groupId, callback: callback, data: { type: "group" } }); }; User.saveUsersByGroupId = function (groupId, userIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: groupId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "group", userIds: userIds } }); } // Groups Group = { url: '../api/Groups/', title: "授权部门", html: function (result) { return $.map(result, function (element, index) { return $.format(htmlTemplate, element.ID, element.GroupName, element.Checked, element.Description); }).join(''); } }; Group.getGroupsByUserId = function (userId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: userId, callback: callback, data: { type: "user" } }); }; Group.saveGroupsByUserId = function (userId, groupIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: userId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "user", groupIds: groupIds } }); }; Group.getGroupsByRoleId = function (roleId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: roleId, callback: callback, data: { type: "role" } }); }; Group.saveGroupsByRoleId = function (roleId, groupIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: roleId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "role", groupIds: groupIds } }); }; // Menus Menu = { url: '../api/Menus/', title: "授权菜单", html: function (result) { var htmlString = ""; if ($.isArray(result)) { htmlString = Menu.cascadeMenu(result) } return htmlString; } } Menu.cascadeMenu = function (menus) { var html = ""; $.each(menus, function (index, menu) { if (menu.Menus.length == 0) { html += $.format('
  • ', menu.ID, menu.Icon, menu.Name, menu.Category); } else { html = $.format('
    1. {4}
    ', menu.ID, menu.Icon, menu.Name, menu.Category, Menu.cascadeMenu(menu.Menus)); } }); return html; } Menu.getMenus = function (callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: 0, callback: callback, data: { type: "user" } }); }; Menu.getMenusByRoleId = function (roleId, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: roleId, callback: callback, data: { type: "role" } }); }; Menu.saveMenusByRoleId = function (roleId, menuIds, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: roleId, callback: callback, method: "PUT", data: { type: "role", menuIds: menuIds } }); }; //Profiles Profiles = { url: '../api/Profiles/', title: "个性化维护" } Profiles.saveWebSite = function (options) { processData.call(this, { data: options }); } // Exceptions Exceptions = { url: '../api/Exceptions/', title: "程序异常日志", html: function (result) { return result.map(function (ele) { return $.format('
    ', ele); }).join(''); } } Exceptions.getFiles = function (callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: "", callback: callback }); } Exceptions.getFileByName = function (fileName, callback) { processData.call(this, { Id: "", callback: callback, method: "PUT", swal: false, data: { "": fileName } }); } })(jQuery);