252 lines
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252 lines
11 KiB
(function ($) {
var formatData = function (data) {
delete data._nodes;
delete data._parent;
delete data._level;
delete data._last;
return data;
DataEntity = function (options) {
this.options = options;
DataEntity.prototype = {
load: function (value) {
for (name in this.options) {
var ctl = $(this.options[name]);
if (ctl.attr('data-toggle') === "dropdown") {
else if (ctl.attr('data-toggle') === 'toggle') {
ctl.bootstrapToggle(value[name] ? 'on' : 'off');
else ctl.val(value[name]);
reset: function () {
for (name in this.options) {
var ctl = $(this.options[name]);
var dv = ctl.attr("data-default-val");
if (dv === undefined) dv = "";
if (ctl.attr('data-toggle') === "dropdown") {
else if (ctl.attr('data-toggle') === 'toggle') {
ctl.bootstrapToggle(dv === "true" ? 'on' : 'off');
else ctl.val(dv);
get: function () {
var target = {};
for (name in this.options) {
var ctl = $(this.options[name]);
var dv = ctl.attr('data-default-val');
if (ctl.attr('data-toggle') === 'toggle') {
target[name] = ctl.prop('checked');
else if (dv !== undefined && ctl.val() === "") target[name] = dv;
else target[name] = ctl.val();
if (target[name] === "true" || target[name] === "True") target[name] = true;
if (target[name] === "false" || target[name] === "False") target[name] = false;
return target;
DataTable = function (options) {
var that = this;
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, DataTable.settings, options);
this.dataEntity = new DataEntity(options.map);
// handler click event
for (var name in this.options.click) {
$(name).on('click', { handler: this.options.click[name] }, function (e) {
e.data.handler.call(that, this);
// handler extra click event
for (var cId in this.options.events) {
$(cId).on('click', { handler: this.options.events[cId] }, function (e) {
var options = that.options;
var row = {};
if (options.bootstrapTable && options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) {
var arrselections = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getSelections');
if (arrselections.length === 0) {
lgbSwal({ title: '请选择要编辑的数据', type: "warning" });
else if (arrselections.length > 1) {
lgbSwal({ title: '请选择一个要编辑的数据', type: "warning" });
else {
row = arrselections[0];
e.data.handler.call(this, row);
DataTable.settings = {
url: undefined,
bootstrapTable: 'table',
modal: '#dialogNew',
click: {
'#btn_query': function (element) {
if (this.options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) $(this.options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('refresh');
handlerCallback.call(this, null, element, { oper: 'query' });
'#btn_add': function (element) {
if (this.options.modal.constructor === String) $(this.options.modal).modal("show");
if (this.options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) $(this.options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('uncheckAll');
handlerCallback.call(this, null, element, { oper: 'create' });
'#btn_edit': function (element) {
var options = this.options;
var data = {};
if (options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) {
var arrselections = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getSelections');
if (arrselections.length === 0) {
lgbSwal({ title: '请选择要编辑的数据', type: "warning" });
else if (arrselections.length > 1) {
lgbSwal({ title: '请选择一个要编辑的数据', type: "warning" });
else {
data = arrselections[0];
if (options.modal.constructor === String) $(options.modal).modal("show");
handlerCallback.call(this, null, element, { oper: 'edit', data: data });
'#btn_delete': function (element) {
var that = this;
var options = this.options;
if (options.bootstrapTable.constructor === String) {
var arrselections = $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('getSelections');
if (arrselections.length === 0) {
lgbSwal({ title: '请选择要删除的数据', type: "warning" });
else {
title: "删除数据",
text: "您确定要删除选中的所有数据吗",
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
cancelButtonClass: 'btn-secondary',
confirmButtonText: "我要删除",
confirmButtonClass: "btn-danger ml-2",
cancelButtonText: "取消"
}, function () {
$.logData.push({ url: options.url,
data: arrselections.map(function (element, index) {
return formatData($.extend({}, element));
setTimeout(function () {
var iDs = arrselections.map(function (element, index) { return element.Id; });
url: options.url, data: iDs, method: 'delete', title: '删除数据',
callback: function (result) {
if (result) $(options.bootstrapTable).bootstrapTable('refresh');
handlerCallback.call(that, null, element, { oper: 'del', success: result });
}, 100);
'#btnSubmit': function (element) {
var that = this;
var options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, { data: this.dataEntity.get() });
url: options.url, data: options.data, title: "保存数据", modal: options.modal, method: "post",
callback: function (result) {
if (result) {
handlerCallback.call(that, null, element, { oper: 'save', success: result, data: options.data });
DataTable.prototype = {
constructor: DataTable,
idEvents: function () {
var op = {
dataEntity: this.dataEntity,
table: this.options.bootstrapTable,
modal: this.options.modal,
src: this,
url: this.options.url
return {
'click .edit': function (e, value, row, index) {
$(op.table).bootstrapTable('check', index);
handlerCallback.call(op.src, null, e, { oper: 'edit', data: row });
'click .del': function (e, value, row, index) {
var displayName = "本项目";
if (row.Name) displayName = " <span class='text-danger font-weight-bold'>" + row.Name + "</span> ";
var text = "您确定要删除" + displayName + "吗?";
var data = $.extend({}, row);
data = [data];
if ($.isArray(row._nodes) && row._nodes.length > 0) {
$.each(row._nodes, function (index, element) {
data.push(formatData($.extend({}, element)));
text = "本删除项含有级联子项目</br>您确定要删除 <span class='text-danger font-weight-bold'>" + row.Name + "</span> 以及子项目吗?";
html: true,
title: "删除数据",
text: text,
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
cancelButtonClass: 'btn-secondary',
confirmButtonText: "我要删除",
confirmButtonClass: "btn-danger ml-2",
cancelButtonText: "取消"
}, function () {
$.logData.push({ url: op.url, data: data });
setTimeout(function () {
var iDs = data.map(function (element, index) {
return element.Id;
url: op.url, data: iDs, method: 'delete', title: '删除数据',
callback: function (result) {
if (result) $(op.table).bootstrapTable('refresh');
handlerCallback.call(op.src, null, e, { oper: 'del', success: result });
}, 100);
function handlerCallback(callback, element, data) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) callback.call(e, data);
if ($.isFunction(this.options.callback)) this.options.callback.call(element, data);
}(jQuery)); |