using Longbow; using Longbow.Cache; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Linq; namespace Bootstrap.DataAccess { /// /// /// public static class MessageHelper { private const string RetrieveMessageDataKey = "MessageHelper-RetrieveMessages"; /// /// 所有有关userName所有消息列表 /// /// /// private static IEnumerable RetrieveMessages(string userName) { var messageRet = CacheManager.GetOrAdd(RetrieveMessageDataKey, key => { string sql = "select m.*, d.Name, isnull(i.Code + u.Icon, '~/images/uploader/default.jpg'), u.DisplayName from [Messages] m left join Dicts d on m.Label = d.Code and d.Category = N'消息标签' and d.Define = 0 left join Dicts i on i.Category = N'头像地址' and i.Name = N'头像路径' and i.Define = 0 inner join Users u on m.[From] = u.UserName where [To] = @UserName or [From] = @UserName order by m.SendTime desc"; List messages = new List(); DbCommand cmd = DBAccessManager.SqlDBAccess.CreateCommand(CommandType.Text, sql); cmd.Parameters.Add(DBAccessManager.SqlDBAccess.CreateParameter("@UserName", userName)); using (DbDataReader reader = DBAccessManager.SqlDBAccess.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (reader.Read()) { messages.Add(new Message() { Id = (int)reader[0], Title = (string)reader[1], Content = (string)reader[2], From = (string)reader[3], To = (string)reader[4], SendTime = LgbConvert.ReadValue(reader[5], DateTime.MinValue), Status = (string)reader[6], Mark = (int)reader[7], IsDelete = (int)reader[8], Label = (string)reader[9], LabelName = LgbConvert.ReadValue(reader[10], string.Empty), FromIcon = (string)reader[11], FromDisplayName = (string)reader[12] }); } } return messages; }); return messageRet.OrderByDescending(n => n.SendTime); } /// /// 收件箱 /// /// public static IEnumerable Inbox(string userName) { var messageRet = RetrieveMessages(userName); return messageRet.Where(n => n.To.Equals(userName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } /// /// 发件箱 /// /// /// public static IEnumerable SendMail(string userName) { var messageRet = RetrieveMessages(userName); return messageRet.Where(n => n.From.Equals(userName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } /// /// 垃圾箱 /// /// /// public static IEnumerable Trash(string userName) { var messageRet = RetrieveMessages(userName); return messageRet.Where(n => n.IsDelete == 1); } /// /// 标旗 /// /// /// public static IEnumerable Mark(string userName) { var messageRet = RetrieveMessages(userName); return messageRet.Where(n => n.Mark == 1); } /// /// 获取Header处显示的消息列表 /// /// /// public static IEnumerable RetrieveMessagesHeader(string userName) { var messageRet = Inbox(userName); messageRet.AsParallel().ForAll(n => { var ts = DateTime.Now - n.SendTime; if (ts.TotalMinutes < 5) n.Period = "刚刚"; else if (ts.Days > 0) n.Period = string.Format("{0}天", ts.Days); else if (ts.Hours > 0) n.Period = string.Format("{0}小时", ts.Hours); else if (ts.Minutes > 0) n.Period = string.Format("{0}分钟", ts.Minutes); }); return messageRet; } } }