help: Add (configurable) to 50-move rules's help

TODO: Add to other languages.
This commit is contained in:
Calcitem 2021-06-20 00:29:38 +08:00
parent 91bb1218c3
commit 34770caf79
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
"@theme": {
"description": "Theme"
"helpContent": "The game aims to leave the opponent with fewer than three pieces or no legal moves.\n\nThe game is automatically drawn if a position occurs for the third time, or if no remove has been made in the last fifty moves.\n\nThe game proceeds in three phases:\n\n1. Placing pieces on vacant points\n2. Moving pieces to adjacent points\n3. (optional phase) Moving pieces to any vacant point when the player has been reduced to three pieces\n\nPlacing\n\nThe game begins with an empty board, which consists of a grid with twenty-four points. Players take turns placing their pieces on vacant points until each player has placed all pieces on the board. If a player can place three of his pieces in a straight line, he has a \"mill\" and may remove one of his opponent's pieces from the board.\n\nIn some variants of rules, players must remove any other pieces first before removing a piece from a formed mill.\n\nIn some variants of rules, all the points of removed pieces may not be placed again in the placing phrase.\n\nOnce all pieces have been used, players take turns moving.\n\nMoving\n\nTo move, a player moves one of his pieces along a board line to a vacant adjacent point. If he cannot do so, he has lost the game. As in the placing phase, a player who aligns three of his pieces on a board line has a mill and may remove one of his opponent\"s pieces. Any player reduces to two pieces and has no option to form new mills, and thus loses the game. A player can also lose with more than three pieces if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved.\n\nFlying\n\nIn some variants of the rules, once a player has only three pieces left, his pieces may \"fly\", \"hop\", or \"jump\" to any vacant points, not only adjacent ones.\n\n",
"helpContent": "The game aims to leave the opponent with fewer than three pieces or no legal moves.\n\nThe game is automatically drawn if a position occurs for the third time, or if no remove has been made in the last fifty (configurable) moves.\n\nThe game proceeds in three phases:\n\n1. Placing pieces on vacant points\n2. Moving pieces to adjacent points\n3. (optional phase) Moving pieces to any vacant point when the player has been reduced to three pieces\n\nPlacing\n\nThe game begins with an empty board, which consists of a grid with twenty-four points. Players take turns placing their pieces on vacant points until each player has placed all pieces on the board. If a player can place three of his pieces in a straight line, he has a \"mill\" and may remove one of his opponent's pieces from the board.\n\nIn some variants of rules, players must remove any other pieces first before removing a piece from a formed mill.\n\nIn some variants of rules, all the points of removed pieces may not be placed again in the placing phrase.\n\nOnce all pieces have been used, players take turns moving.\n\nMoving\n\nTo move, a player moves one of his pieces along a board line to a vacant adjacent point. If he cannot do so, he has lost the game. As in the placing phase, a player who aligns three of his pieces on a board line has a mill and may remove one of his opponent's pieces. Any player reduces to two pieces and has no option to form new mills, and thus loses the game. A player can also lose with more than three pieces if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved.\n\nFlying\n\nIn some variants of the rules, once a player has only three pieces left, his pieces may \"fly\", \"hop\", or \"jump\" to any vacant points, not only adjacent ones.\n\n",
"@helpContent": {
"description": "Help Content"

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
"animationDuration": "动画持续时长",
"none": "无",
"theme": "主题",
"helpContent": "直棋是一个非常古老的智力游戏,现已流传到中国各地,演变出“棋三”、“三棋”、“三三棋”、“打三棋”、“成三棋”、“下连”等多个变种。\n\n游戏目标为让对手被吃得仅剩不到三枚棋子。\n\n三次重复局面或连续五十步内无吃子则和棋。 \n\n游戏分三阶段\n\n1. 在空位上摆子;\n2. 将棋子移动到相邻空位;\n3. 当只剩三枚棋子时,可“飞子”(可选)。\n\n摆子阶段\n\n棋盘上有二十四个空点。玩家交替在空位上落子直至手中无子。若一方将自己的三枚棋子排成一排则称为形成一个“三连”便可吃掉对方的棋子然后继续行棋。\n\n某些规则变体规定只能吃掉对方不在“三连”中的子除非对方所有的子都在“三连”之中。\n\n还有些规则变体规定在摆子阶段被吃掉的子所在的空位双方都不能再在上面摆子。 \n\n当双方手中的棋子都摆完后则进入走子阶段。\n\n走子阶段\n\n玩家将自己的棋子移动到相邻的点上。若无子可走则判负。和摆子阶段类似形成“三连”时便可吃掉对方的棋子。当一方的棋子仅剩两枚则败局已定判负。若棋盘上多于三枚棋子但无子可走也会被判负。\n\n飞子阶段\n\n某些规则变体中一旦一方剩三枚棋子时便可“飞”到任意空位上无论该空位是否邻接。\n\n",
"helpContent": "直棋是一个非常古老的智力游戏,现已流传到中国各地,演变出“棋三”、“三棋”、“三三棋”、“打三棋”、“成三棋”、“下连”等多个变种。\n\n游戏目标为让对手被吃得仅剩不到三枚棋子。\n\n三次重复局面或连续五十步(可配置)内无吃子,则和棋。 \n\n游戏分三阶段\n\n1. 在空位上摆子;\n2. 将棋子移动到相邻空位;\n3. 当只剩三枚棋子时,可“飞子”(可选)。\n\n摆子阶段\n\n棋盘上有二十四个空点。玩家交替在空位上落子直至手中无子。若一方将自己的三枚棋子排成一排则称为形成一个“三连”便可吃掉对方的棋子然后继续行棋。\n\n某些规则变体规定只能吃掉对方不在“三连”中的子除非对方所有的子都在“三连”之中。\n\n还有些规则变体规定在摆子阶段被吃掉的子所在的空位双方都不能再在上面摆子。 \n\n当双方手中的棋子都摆完后则进入走子阶段。\n\n走子阶段\n\n玩家将自己的棋子移动到相邻的点上。若无子可走则判负。和摆子阶段类似形成“三连”时便可吃掉对方的棋子。当一方的棋子仅剩两枚则败局已定判负。若棋盘上多于三枚棋子但无子可走也会被判负。\n\n飞子阶段\n\n某些规则变体中一旦一方剩三枚棋子时便可“飞”到任意空位上无论该空位是否邻接。\n\n",
"versionInfo": "版本信息",
"eula": "用户协议",
"license": "许可证",