Update intl_*.arb (POEditor.com)

This commit is contained in:
Calcitem 2021-07-18 13:17:08 +08:00
parent 59578dfd27
commit 3caccf1cb1
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: F2F7C29E054CFB80
44 changed files with 7041 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "لون خلفية القائمة", "drawerBackgroundColor": "لون خلفية القائمة",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "لون عنصر تسليط الضوء على القائمة",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "لون خلفية شريط الأدوات الرئيسي",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "لون رمز شريط الأدوات الرئيسي",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "لون خلفية شريط أدوات التنقل",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "لون رمز شريط أدوات التنقل",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "إخفاء شريط الأدوات تلقائيًا",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "موقع شريط الأدوات على الشاشة",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "قمة",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "الأسفل",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "مركز",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "اللون الصامد",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "صورة",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "اختر صورتك",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "ضوء",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "داكن",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "ثيمات",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "الموضوع الحالي",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "حفظ الموضوع",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "الخطوط",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "إظهار الرسم البياني للتحليل",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "تحليل",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "حفظ اللعبة",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "لعبة تحميل",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "وضع الإعداد",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "إظهار التحركات القانونية",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "عرض الخطوة الأخيرة",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "السهام المعرض",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "قطع",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "عرض التحليل",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "الخيوط",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "شارك",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "ساعد في تحسين الترجمة",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "درس تعليمي",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "المطحنة الكلاسيكية",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "مطحنة مختلطة",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "مطحنة سيلان",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "قد يتم كسر المطحنة وإعادة صنعها بشكل متكرر",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "إذا كسر لاعب طاحونة لإنشاء طاحونة جديدة على الفور ، فيمكن لهذا اللاعب إعادة هذه القطعة إلى التقاطع الأصلي في حركته التالية إذا قام بعمل طاحونة جديدة.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "تُعادل اللعبة إذا كان للاعب ثلاث قطع وبعد عشر نقلات لا يزيل أي لاعب قطع الخصم",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "عندما ينخفض اللاعب إلى ثلاث قطع ، ولا يمكن لأي لاعب إزالة قطعة الخصم في غضون عشر نقلات ، تكون اللعبة بمثابة تعادل.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Цвят на фона на менюто", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Цвят на фона на менюто",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Цвят на елемента за подчертаване на менюто",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Основен цвят на фона на лентата с инструменти",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "цвят на иконата на основната лента с инструменти",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Цвят на фона на лентата с инструменти за навигация",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Цвят на иконата на лентата с инструменти за навигация",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Автоматично скриване на лентата с инструменти",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Местоположение на лентата с инструменти на екрана",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Топ",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Дъно",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Център",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Плътен цвят",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Снимка",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Изберете своята снимка",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Светлина",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Dark",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Теми",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Текуща тема",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Запазване на темата",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Шрифтове",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Показване на графиката за анализ",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Анализ",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Запазване на играта",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Зареждане на играта",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Позиция за настройка",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Показване на законни ходове",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Показване на последния ход",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Показване на стрелките",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Парчета",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Показване на анализ",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Нишки",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Включете се",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Помогнете за подобряване на превода",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Учебник",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Класическа мелница",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Смесена мелница",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Цейлонска мелница",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Мелницата може да бъде счупена и преправена многократно",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ако играч счупи мелница, за да създаде веднага нова мелница, той може да премести тази фигура обратно в оригиналния възел в следващия си ход, ако тя създава нова мелница.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Играта е реми, ако един от играчите има три фигури и след десет хода никой от тях не премахне фигурите на противника.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Когато един играч има само три фигури и никой от тях не може да отстрани противникова фигура в рамките на десет хода, играта е реми.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "মেনু পটভূমির রঙ", "drawerBackgroundColor": "মেনু পটভূমির রঙ",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "মেনু হাইলাইট আইটেম রঙ",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "প্রধান সরঞ্জামদণ্ডের পটভূমির রঙ",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "প্রধান সরঞ্জামদণ্ডের আইকন রঙ",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "নেভিগেশন সরঞ্জামদণ্ডের পটভূমির রঙ",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "নেভিগেশন সরঞ্জামদণ্ডের আইকনের রঙ",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে সরঞ্জামদণ্ডটি আড়াল করুন",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "স্ক্রিনে সরঞ্জামদণ্ডের অবস্থান",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "শীর্ষ",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "নীচে",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "কেন্দ্র",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "নিখাদ রং",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "ছবি",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "আপনার ছবি চয়ন করুন",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "আলো",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "গা .়",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "থিমস",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "বর্তমান থিম",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "থিম সংরক্ষণ করুন",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "হরফ",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "বিশ্লেষণ গ্রাফ প্রদর্শন করুন",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "বিশ্লেষণ",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "খেলা সংরক্ষণ",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "লোড গেম",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "সেটআপ পজিশন",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "আইনী পদক্ষেপগুলি দেখান",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "শেষ পদক্ষেপ দেখান",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "তীর দেখান",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "টুকরা",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "বিশ্লেষণ দেখান",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "থ্রেডস",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "জড়িত",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "অনুবাদ উন্নত করতে সহায়তা করুন",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "টিউটোরিয়াল",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "ক্লাসিক মিল",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "মিশ্র মিল",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "সিলন মিল",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "মিলটি নষ্ট হয়ে গেছে এবং বারবার পুনরায় তৈরি করা যেতে পারে",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "যদি কোনও খেলোয়াড় তত্ক্ষণাত্ একটি নতুন মিল তৈরির জন্য কলটি ভেঙে দেয়, এই জাতীয় খেলোয়াড় যদি নতুন মিল তৈরি করে তবে তার পরবর্তী পদক্ষেপে এই জাতীয় টুকরোটি মূল জংশনে ফিরে যেতে পারে।",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "গেমটি টানা যদি কোনও খেলোয়াড়ের তিনটি টুকরা থাকে এবং দশটি চালনার পরে কোনও খেলোয়াড়ই প্রতিপক্ষের টুকরো অপসারণ করে না",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "যখন কোনও খেলোয়াড় তিন টুকরো হয়ে যায় এবং কোনও খেলোয়াড়ই প্রতিপক্ষের টুকরোটিকে দশটি চালের মধ্যে সরিয়ে ফেলতে পারে না, খেলাটি ড্র the",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu background color", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu background color",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Barva zvýraznění položky nabídky",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Barva pozadí hlavního panelu nástrojů",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "barva ikony hlavního panelu nástrojů",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Barva pozadí navigačního panelu nástrojů",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Barva ikony navigačního panelu nástrojů",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automatické skrytí panelu nástrojů",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Umístění panelu nástrojů na obrazovce",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Nahoru",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Spodní část",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Středisko",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Plná barva",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Obrázek",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Vyberte si obrázek",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Světlo",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Dark",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Témata",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuální téma",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Uložit téma",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Písma",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Zobrazit graf analýzy",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analýza",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Uložit hru",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Načtení hry",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Pozice nastavení",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Zobrazit legální pohyby",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Zobrazit poslední tah",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Zobrazit šipky",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Kusy",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Zobrazit analýzu",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Vlákna",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Zapojte se",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Pomozte zlepšit překlad",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Výukový program",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasický mlýn",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Smíšený mlýn",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Cejlonský mlýn",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mlýn může být opakovaně rozbit a znovu vyroben",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Pokud hráč rozbije mlýn, aby okamžitě vytvořil nový mlýn, může takovou figurku v dalším tahu přesunout zpět na původní křižovatku, pokud vytvoří nový mlýn.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Hra je nerozhodná, pokud má hráč tři figurky a po deseti tazích žádný z hráčů neodstraní soupeřovy figurky.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Když hráčům zbývají tři figury a žádný z nich nedokáže odstranit soupeřovu figuru do deseti tahů, hraje se nerozhodně.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu baggrundsfarve", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu baggrundsfarve",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Menuhøjde elementfarve",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Hovedværktøjslinjens baggrundsfarve",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "hovedværktøjslinjens ikonfarve",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigationsværktøjslinjens baggrundsfarve",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigationsværktøjslinjens ikonfarve",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Skjul værktøjslinjen automatisk",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Værktøjslinjens placering på skærmen",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bund",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centrum",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Solid farve",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Billede",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Vælg dit billede",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Lys",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Mørk",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temaer",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuelt tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Gem tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Skrifttyper",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Vis analysegraf",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analyse",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Gem spil",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Indlæs spil",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Opsætningsposition",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Vis juridiske træk",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Vis sidste træk",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Vis pile",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Stykker",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Vis analyse",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Tråde",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Bliv involveret",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Hjælp med at forbedre oversættelsen",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Vejledning",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klassisk mølle",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Blandet mølle",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon Mill",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mølle kan blive brudt og genskabt gentagne gange",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Hvis en spiller bryder en mølle for at oprette en ny mølle med det samme, kan en sådan spiller flytte et sådant stykke tilbage til det oprindelige kryds i sit næste træk, hvis det opretter en ny mølle.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Spillet trækkes, hvis en spiller har tre brikker, og efter ti træk fjerner ingen spiller modstanderens brikker",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Når en spiller er nede i tre stykker, og ingen af spillerne kan fjerne en modstanders stykke inden for ti træk, er spillet uafgjort.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menühintergrundfarbe", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menühintergrundfarbe",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Farbe des Menümarkierungselements",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Hintergrundfarbe der Hauptsymbolleiste",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "Symbolfarbe der Hauptsymbolleiste",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Hintergrundfarbe der Navigationsleiste",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Symbolfarbe der Navigationssymbolleiste",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Symbolleiste automatisch ausblenden",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Position der Symbolleiste auf dem Bildschirm",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "oben",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Unterseite",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Center",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Einfarbig",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Bild",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Wähle dein Bild",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Licht",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Dunkel",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Themen",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuelles Thema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Thema speichern",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Schriftarten",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Analysegrafik anzeigen",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analyse",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Spiel speichern",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Spiel laden",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Aufstellungsposition",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Legale Züge anzeigen",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Letzten Zug anzeigen",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Pfeile zeigen",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Stücke",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Analyse anzeigen",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Themen",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Machen Sie mit",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Helfen Sie mit, die Übersetzung zu verbessern",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Lernprogramm",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klassische Mühle",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Gemischte Mühle",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon-Mühle",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mühle kann wiederholt gebrochen und neu hergestellt werden",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Wenn ein Spieler eine Mühle zerstört, um sofort eine neue Mühle zu bauen, kann dieser Spieler diesen Stein in seinem nächsten Zug zurück zur ursprünglichen Kreuzung bewegen, wenn er eine neue Mühle baut.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Das Spiel ist unentschieden, wenn ein Spieler drei Steine hat und nach zehn Zügen keiner der Spieler die Steine des Gegners entfernt remove",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Wenn ein Spieler nur noch drei Steine übrig hat und keiner der Spieler einen gegnerischen Stein innerhalb von zehn Zügen entfernen kann, ist das Spiel unentschieden.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Χρώμα φόντου μενού", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Χρώμα φόντου μενού",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Χρώμα στοιχείου επισήμανσης μενού",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Χρώμα φόντου κύριας γραμμής εργαλείων",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "χρώμα εικονιδίου κύριας γραμμής εργαλείων",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Χρώμα φόντου στη γραμμή εργαλείων πλοήγησης",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Χρώμα εικονιδίου γραμμής εργαλείων πλοήγησης",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Κρύψτε αυτόματα τη γραμμή εργαλείων",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Τοποθεσία γραμμής εργαλείων στην οθόνη",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Μπλουζα",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Κάτω μέρος",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Κέντρο",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Στερεό χρώμα",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Εικόνα",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Επιλέξτε την εικόνα σας",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Φως",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Σκοτάδι",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Θέματα",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Τρέχον θέμα",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Αποθήκευση θέματος",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Γραμματοσειρές",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Εμφάνιση γραφήματος ανάλυσης",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Ανάλυση",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Αποθήκευση παιχνιδιού",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Φόρτωσε το παιχνίδι",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Θέση εγκατάστασης",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Εμφάνιση νομικών κινήσεων",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Εμφάνιση τελευταίας κίνησης",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Εμφάνιση βελών",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Κομμάτια",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Εμφάνιση ανάλυσης",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Νήματα",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Εμπλέκομαι",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Βοηθήστε στη βελτίωση της μετάφρασης",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Φροντιστήριο",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Κλασικό μύλο",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Μικτός Μύλος",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Μύλος Κεϋλάνης",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Ο μύλος μπορεί να σπάσει και να ξανακατασκευαστεί",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Εάν ένας παίκτης σπάσει ένα μύλο για να δημιουργήσει ένα νέο μύλο αμέσως, ένας τέτοιος παίκτης μπορεί να μετακινήσει ένα τέτοιο κομμάτι πίσω στην αρχική διασταύρωση στην επόμενη κίνηση του, αν κάνει ένα νέο μύλο.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Το παιχνίδι τραβιέται αν ένας παίκτης έχει τρία κομμάτια και μετά από δέκα κινήσεις κανένας παίκτης δεν αφαιρεί τα κομμάτια του αντιπάλου",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Όταν ένας παίκτης είναι κάτω από τρία κομμάτια και κανένας παίκτης δεν μπορεί να αφαιρέσει ένα κομμάτι ενός αντιπάλου μέσα σε δέκα κινήσεις, το παιχνίδι είναι ισοπαλία.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu background color", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu background color",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Menu highlight item color",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Main toolbar background color",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "main toolbar icon color",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigation toolbar background color",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigation toolbar icon color",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automatically hide the toolbar",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Toolbar location on screen",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bottom",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Center",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Solid color",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Picture",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Choose your picture",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Light",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Dark",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Themes",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Current theme",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Save theme",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fonts",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Show analysis graph",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analysis",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Save game",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Load game",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Setup position",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Show legal moves",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Show last move",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Show arrows",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Pieces",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Show analysis",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Threads",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Get Involved",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Help improve translate",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Classic Mill",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Mixed Mill",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon Mill",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Color de fondo del menú", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Color de fondo del menú",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Color del elemento resaltado del menú",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Color de fondo de la barra de herramientas principal",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "color del icono de la barra de herramientas principal",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Color de fondo de la barra de herramientas de navegación",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Color del icono de la barra de herramientas de navegación",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Ocultar automáticamente la barra de herramientas",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Ubicación de la barra de herramientas en la pantalla",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Cima",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Fondo",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centrar",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Color sólido",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Imagen",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Elige tu foto",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Luz",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Oscuro",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temas",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema actual",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Guardar tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fuentes",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Mostrar gráfico de análisis",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Análisis",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Guardar partida",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Cargar juego",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Posición de instalación",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Mostrar movimientos legales",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Mostrar último movimiento",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Mostrar flechas",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Piezas",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Mostrar análisis",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Hilos",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Involucrarse",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Ayuda a mejorar la traducción",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Molino Clásico",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Molino Mixto",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Molino de Ceilán",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "El molino puede romperse y rehacerse repetidamente",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Si un jugador rompe un molino para crear un nuevo molino inmediatamente, dicho jugador puede mover esa pieza de regreso a la unión original en su próximo movimiento si hace un nuevo molino.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "El juego se empata si un jugador tiene tres piezas y después de diez movimientos ninguno de los jugadores quita las piezas del oponente.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Cuando un jugador tiene tres piezas y ninguno de los jugadores puede quitar una pieza del oponente en diez movimientos, el juego es un empate.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menüü taustavärv", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menüü taustavärv",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Izvēlnes izcelšanas vienuma krāsa",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Galvenās rīkjoslas fona krāsa",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "galvenās rīkjoslas ikonas krāsa",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigācijas rīkjoslas fona krāsa",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigācijas rīkjoslas ikonas krāsa",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automātiski paslēpt rīkjoslu",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Rīkjoslas atrašanās vieta ekrānā",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Tops",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Apakšā",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centrs",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Vienkrāsaina",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Bilde",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Izvēlieties savu attēlu",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Gaisma",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Tumšs",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Tēmas",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Pašreizējā tēma",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Saglabāt motīvu",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fonti",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Rādīt analīzes grafiku",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analīze",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Saglabā spēli",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Ielādēt spēli",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Iestatīšanas pozīcija",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Rādīt likumīgus gājienus",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Rādīt pēdējo kustību",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Rādīt bultiņas",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Gabali",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Rādīt analīzi",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Vītnes",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Iesaistīties",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Palīdziet uzlabot tulkošanu",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Apmācība",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Κλασικό μύλο",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Μικτός Μύλος",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Μύλος Κεϋλάνης",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Dzirnavas var būt salauztas un atkārtoti pārtaisītas",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ja spēlētājs pārtrauc dzirnavas, lai nekavējoties izveidotu jaunu dzirnavu, šāds spēlētājs var nākamajā gabalā pārvietot šo gabalu atpakaļ uz sākotnējo krustojumu, ja tas izveido jaunu dzirnavu.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Spēle tiek izlozēta, ja spēlētājam ir trīs figūras un pēc desmit kustībām neviens spēlētājs nenoņem pretinieka figūras",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kad spēlētājs ir nonācis līdz trim figūrām un neviens spēlētājs nevar noņemt pretinieka gabalu desmit gājienu laikā, spēle ir neizšķirta.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "رنگ پس زمینه منو", "drawerBackgroundColor": "رنگ پس زمینه منو",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "رنگ مورد برجسته منو",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "رنگ زمینه اصلی نوار ابزار",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "رنگ نماد نوار ابزار اصلی",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "رنگ زمینه نوار ابزار پیمایش",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "رنگ نماد نوار ابزار پیمایش",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "به طور خودکار نوار ابزار را مخفی کنید",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "مکان نوار ابزار روی صفحه",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "بالا",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "پایین",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "مرکز",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "رنگ جامد",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "تصویر",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "عکس خود را انتخاب کنید",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "سبک",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "تاریک",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "مضامین",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "موضوع فعلی",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "ذخیره موضوع",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "قلم ها",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "نمودار تجزیه و تحلیل را نشان دهید",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "تحلیل و بررسی",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "ذخیره بازی",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "بازی را بارگذاری کنید",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "موقعیت راه اندازی",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "حرکات قانونی را نشان دهید",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "آخرین حرکت را نشان دهید",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "پیکان ها را نشان دهید",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "قطعات",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "تجزیه و تحلیل را نشان دهید",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "موضوعات",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "مشارکت کنید",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "به بهبود ترجمه کمک کنید",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "آموزش",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "آسیاب کلاسیک",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "آسیاب مخلوط",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "آسیاب سیلان",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "آسیاب ممکن است بارها شکسته و دوباره ساخته شود",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "اگر بازیکنی آسیاب را بشکند تا بلافاصله آسیاب جدیدی ایجاد کند ، اگر یک آسیاب جدید ایجاد کند ، در حرکت بعدی خود می تواند چنین قطعه ای را به محل اصلی برگرداند.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "اگر بازیکنی سه قطعه داشته باشد و پس از ده حرکت بازیکنان مهره های حریف را بردارند بازی به تساوی می رسد",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "هنگامی که یک بازیکن به سه قطعه کاهش می یابد و هیچ یک از بازیکنان نمی توانند در طی ده حرکت قطعه حریف را بردارند ، بازی مساوی است.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Valikon taustaväri", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Valikon taustaväri",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Valikon kohokohdan väri",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Päätyökalurivin taustaväri",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "päätyökalurivin kuvakkeen väri",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigointityökalurivin taustaväri",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigointityökalurivin kuvakkeen väri",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Piilota työkalurivi automaattisesti",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Työkalupalkin sijainti näytöllä",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Alkuun",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Pohja",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Keskusta",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Yksivärinen",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Kuva",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Valitse kuvasi",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Kevyt",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Tumma",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Teemat",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Nykyinen teema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Tallenna teema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fontit",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Näytä analyysikaavio",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analyysi",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Tallentaa pelin",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Lataa peli",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Asennusasento",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Näytä lailliset siirrot",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Näytä viimeinen siirto",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Näytä nuolet",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Kappaleita",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Näytä analyysi",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Langat",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Ota mukaan",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Auta parantamaan käännöksiä",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Opetusohjelma",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Classic Mill",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Sekoitettu mylly",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon Mill",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mylly voidaan rikkoa ja tehdä uudelleen toistuvasti",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Jos pelaaja rikkoo myllyn uuden myllyn luomiseksi välittömästi, pelaaja voi siirtää tällaisen kappaleen takaisin alkuperäiseen risteykseen seuraavalla liikkeellään, jos se tekee uuden myllyn.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Peli vedetään, jos pelaajalla on kolme nappulaa ja kymmenen siirron jälkeen kumpikaan pelaaja ei poista vastustajan nappuloita",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kun pelaaja on pudonnut kolmeen nappulaan eikä kumpikaan pelaaja voi poistaa vastustajan nappulaa kymmenen siirron sisällä, peli on tasapeli.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Couleur d'arrière-plan du menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Couleur de l'élément de surbrillance du menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la barre d'outils principale",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "couleur de l'icône de la barre d'outils principale",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Couleur d'arrière-plan de la barre d'outils de navigation",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Couleur de l'icône de la barre d'outils de navigation",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Masquer automatiquement la barre d'outils",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Emplacement de la barre d'outils à l'écran",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Haut",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bas",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centre",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Couleur unie",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Photo",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Choisissez votre image",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Lumière",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Sombre",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Thèmes",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Thème actuel",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Enregistrer le thème",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Polices",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Afficher le graphique d'analyse",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analyse",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Sauvegarder la partie",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Chargement du jeu",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Position d'installation",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Afficher les coups légaux",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Afficher le dernier coup",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Afficher les flèches",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Pièces",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Afficher l'analyse",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Fils",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Être impliqué",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Aidez à améliorer la traduction",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Didacticiel",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Moulin Classique",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Moulin Mixte",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Moulin de Ceylan",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Le moulin peut être cassé et refait à plusieurs reprises",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Si un joueur casse un moulin pour créer un nouveau moulin immédiatement, ce joueur peut déplacer cette pièce vers la jonction d'origine lors de son prochain mouvement s'il fabrique un nouveau moulin.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Le jeu est nul si un joueur a trois pièces et après dix coups aucun joueur ne retire les pièces de l'adversaire",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Lorsqu'un joueur n'a plus que trois pièces et qu'aucun des deux joueurs ne peut retirer la pièce d'un adversaire en dix coups, le jeu est un match nul.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "મેનુ પૃષ્ઠભૂમિ રંગ", "drawerBackgroundColor": "મેનુ પૃષ્ઠભૂમિ રંગ",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "મેનુ પ્રકાશિત આઇટમનો રંગ",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "મુખ્ય ટૂલબાર પૃષ્ઠભૂમિ રંગ",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "મુખ્ય ટૂલબાર ચિહ્ન રંગ",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "નેવિગેશન ટૂલબાર પૃષ્ઠભૂમિ રંગ",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "નેવિગેશન ટૂલબાર આયકન રંગ",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "ટૂલબારને આપમેળે છુપાવો",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "સ્ક્રીન પર ટૂલબાર સ્થાન",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "ટોચ",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "નીચે",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "કેન્દ્ર",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "પાકો રંગ",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "ચિત્ર",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "તમારું ચિત્ર પસંદ કરો",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "પ્રકાશ",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "શ્યામ",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "થીમ્સ",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "વર્તમાન થીમ",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "થીમ સાચવો",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "ફontsન્ટ્સ",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "વિશ્લેષણ ગ્રાફ બતાવો",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "વિશ્લેષણ",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "રમત સાચવો",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "રમત લોડ કરો",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "સેટઅપ પોઝિશન",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "કાનૂની ચાલ બતાવો",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "છેલ્લી ચાલ બતાવો",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "તીર બતાવો",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "ટુકડાઓ",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "વિશ્લેષણ બતાવો",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "થ્રેડો",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "સામેલ કરો",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "ભાષાંતર સુધારવામાં સહાય કરો",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "ટ્યુટોરિયલ",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "ઉત્તમ નમૂનાના મિલ",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "મિશ્રિત મિલ",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "સિલોન મિલ",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "મીલ તૂટી શકે છે અને ફરીથી રિમેડ થઈ શકે છે",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "જો કોઈ ખેલાડી તરત જ નવી મિલ બનાવવા માટે મિલ તોડી નાખે છે, તો આવી ખેલાડી જો નવી મિલ બનાવે છે, તો તે આગળની ચાલમાં આવા ભાગને પાછલા મૂળ જંકશન પર ખસેડી શકે છે.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "રમત દોરવામાં આવે છે જો કોઈ ખેલાડી પાસે ત્રણ ટુકડાઓ હોય અને દસ ચાલ પછી કોઈ પણ ખેલાડી વિરોધીના ટુકડાને દૂર કરે નહીં",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "જ્યારે કોઈ ખેલાડી ત્રણ ટુકડાઓ નીચે હોય, અને કોઈ પણ ખેલાડી દસ ચાલની અંદર વિરોધીનો ભાગ કા .ી શકે નહીં, ત્યારે રમત ડ્રો છે.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "मेनू पृष्ठभूमि रंग", "drawerBackgroundColor": "मेनू पृष्ठभूमि रंग",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "मेनू हाइलाइट आइटम रंग",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "मुख्य टूलबार पृष्ठभूमि रंग",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "मुख्य टूलबार आइकन रंग",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "नेविगेशन टूलबार पृष्ठभूमि का रंग",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "नेविगेशन टूलबार आइकन रंग",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "टूलबार को स्वचालित रूप से छुपाएं",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "स्क्रीन पर टूलबार का स्थान",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "ऊपर",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "तल",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "केन्द्र",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "ठोस रंग",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "चित्र",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "अपनी तस्वीर चुनें",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "रोशनी",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "अंधेरा",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "विषयों",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "वर्तमान विषय",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "विषय सहेजें",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "फोंट्स",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "विश्लेषण ग्राफ दिखाएं",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "विश्लेषण",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "खेल को सेव करें",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "खेल लोड करें",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "सेटअप स्थिति",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "कानूनी कदम दिखाएं",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "अंतिम चाल दिखाएं",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "तीर दिखाएं",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "टुकड़े टुकड़े",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "विश्लेषण दिखाएं",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "धागे",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "उलझना",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "अनुवाद को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करें",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "ट्यूटोरियल",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "क्लासिक मिल",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "मिश्रित मिल",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "सीलोन मिल",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "मिल को तोड़ा जा सकता है और बार-बार बनाया जा सकता है",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "यदि कोई खिलाड़ी तुरंत एक नई मिल बनाने के लिए एक मिल तोड़ता है, तो ऐसा खिलाड़ी अपनी अगली चाल में इस तरह के टुकड़े को मूल जंक्शन पर वापस ले जा सकता है यदि वह एक नई मिल बनाता है।",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "यदि किसी खिलाड़ी के तीन टुकड़े हों और दस चालों के बाद कोई भी खिलाड़ी प्रतिद्वंद्वी के टुकड़ों को नहीं हटाता है तो खेल ड्रा हो जाता है",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "जब एक खिलाड़ी के तीन टुकड़े हो जाते हैं, और कोई भी खिलाड़ी दस चालों के भीतर प्रतिद्वंद्वी के टुकड़े को नहीं हटा सकता है, तो खेल ड्रॉ होता है।",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Boja pozadine izbornika", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Boja pozadine izbornika",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Boja stavke isticanja izbornika",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Boja pozadine glavne alatne trake",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "boja ikone glavne alatne trake",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Boja pozadine navigacijske alatne trake",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Boja ikone navigacijske alatne trake",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automatski sakrij alatnu traku",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Mjesto alatne trake na zaslonu",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Vrh",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Dno",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centar",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Jednobojna",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Slika",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Odaberite svoju sliku",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Svjetlo",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Mračno",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Teme",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Trenutna tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Spremi temu",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Krstionica",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Prikaži grafikon analize",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analiza",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Spremi igru",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Učitaj igru",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Položaj za postavljanje",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Pokažite legalne poteze",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Prikaži posljednji potez",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Pokaži strelice",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Komadići",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Prikaži analizu",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Niti",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Uključiti se",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Pomozite poboljšati prijevod",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Vodič",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasični mlin",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Miješani mlin",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Cejlonski mlin",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mlin se može više puta lomiti i prepravljati",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ako igrač razbije mlin da bi odmah stvorio novi mlin, takav igrač može vratiti svoj komad natrag na izvorni spoj u svom sljedećem potezu ako napravi novi mlin.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Igra se izvlači ako igrač ima tri figure, a nakon deset poteza niti jedan igrač ne uklanja protivničke dijelove",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kada igrač padne na tri komada, a niti jedan igrač ne može ukloniti protivnički komad u roku od deset poteza, igra je neriješena.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "A menü háttérszíne", "drawerBackgroundColor": "A menü háttérszíne",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "A menü kiemelésének színe",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "A fő eszköztár háttérszíne",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "fő eszköztár ikon színe",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "A navigációs eszköztár háttérszíne",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "A navigációs eszköztár ikonjának színe",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Az eszköztár automatikus elrejtése",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Az eszköztár helye a képernyőn",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Felül",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Alsó",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Központ",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Szolid szín",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Kép",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Válassza ki a képét",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Fény",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Sötét",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Témák",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuális téma",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Téma mentése",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Betűtípusok",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Elemzési grafikon megjelenítése",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Elemzés",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Játék mentése",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Játék betöltése",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Beállítási helyzet",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Jogi lépések megjelenítése",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Az utolsó lépés megjelenítése",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Nyilak megjelenítése",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Darabok",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Elemzés megjelenítése",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Szálak",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Részt venni",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Segítsen javítani a fordítást",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Bemutató",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Classic Mill",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Vegyes malom",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceiloni malom",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Lehet, hogy a malom megszakad, és többször átdolgozik",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ha egy játékos megtöri a malmot, hogy azonnal új malmot hozzon létre, akkor az ilyen darabot a következő lépésével visszahelyezheti az eredeti kereszteződésbe, ha új malmot készít.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "A játék sorsolásra kerül, ha egy játékosnak három darabja van, és tíz mozdulat után egyik játékos sem távolítja el az ellenfél darabjait",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Ha egy játékos három darabból áll, és egyik játékos sem tudja eltávolítani az ellenfél darabját tíz mozdulaton belül, akkor a játék döntetlen.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Warna latar belakang menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Warna latar belakang menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Warna item sorotan menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Warna latar belakang bilah alat utama",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "warna ikon bilah alat utama",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Warna latar belakang bilah alat navigasi",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Warna ikon bilah alat navigasi",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Sembunyikan bilah alat secara otomatis",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Lokasi bilah alat di layar",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Puncak",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bawah",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Pusat",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Warna solid",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Gambar",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Pilih gambar Anda",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Cahaya",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Gelap",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Tema",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema saat ini",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Simpan tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "font",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Tampilkan grafik analisis",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analisis",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Simpan permainan",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Muat permainan",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Posisi pengaturan",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Tunjukkan langkah hukum",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Tampilkan gerakan terakhir",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Tampilkan panah",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Potongan",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Tampilkan analisis",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Utas",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Terlibat",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Bantu tingkatkan terjemahan",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Pabrik Klasik",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Pabrik Campuran",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Pabrik Ceylon",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Pabrik mungkin rusak dan dibuat ulang berulang kali",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Jika seorang pemain memecahkan gilingan untuk segera membuat gilingan baru, pemain tersebut dapat memindahkan potongan tersebut kembali ke persimpangan awal pada langkah berikutnya jika pemain tersebut membuat gilingan baru.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Permainan dinyatakan seri jika seorang pemain memiliki tiga buah bidak dan setelah sepuluh gerakan tidak ada pemain yang mengambil bidak lawan",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Ketika seorang pemain turun menjadi tiga bagian, dan tidak ada pemain yang dapat menghapus bagian lawan dalam sepuluh gerakan, permainannya seri.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Colore di sfondo del menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Colore di sfondo del menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Colore voce evidenziazione menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Colore di sfondo della barra degli strumenti principale",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "colore dell'icona della barra degli strumenti principale",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Colore di sfondo della barra di navigazione",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Colore dell'icona della barra degli strumenti di navigazione",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Nascondi automaticamente la barra degli strumenti",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Posizione della barra degli strumenti sullo schermo",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Superiore",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Parte inferiore",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centro",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Tinta unita",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Immagine",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Scegli la tua foto",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Leggero",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Buio",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temi",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema attuale",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Salva tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "caratteri",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Mostra grafico di analisi",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analisi",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Salva il gioco",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Carica gioco",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Posizione di installazione",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Mostra mosse legali",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Mostra l'ultima mossa",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Mostra frecce",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Pezzi",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Mostra analisi",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Discussioni",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Mettersi in gioco",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Aiutaci a migliorare la traduzione",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Mulino Classico",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Mulino Misto",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Mulino di Ceylon",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Il mulino può essere rotto e rifatto ripetutamente",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Se un giocatore rompe un mulino per creare immediatamente un nuovo mulino, tale giocatore può riportare tale pezzo all'incrocio originale nella sua prossima mossa se fa un nuovo mulino.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "La partita è patta se un giocatore ha tre pezzi e dopo dieci mosse nessun giocatore rimuove i pezzi dell'avversario",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Quando un giocatore ha tre pezzi e nessuno dei due giocatori può rimuovere il pezzo di un avversario entro dieci mosse, la partita è patta.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "メニューの背景色", "drawerBackgroundColor": "メニューの背景色",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "メニューのハイライトアイテムの色",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "メインツールバーの背景色",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "メインツールバーアイコンの色",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "ナビゲーションツールバーの背景色",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "ナビゲーションツールバーのアイコンの色",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "ツールバーを自動的に非表示",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "画面上のツールバーの位置",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "上",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "下",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "センター",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "ソリッドカラー",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "画像",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "あなたの写真を選択してください",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "光",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "闇",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "テーマ",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "現在のテーマ",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "テーマを保存",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "フォント",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "分析グラフを表示する",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "分析",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "ゲームを保存する",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "ゲームをロードする",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "セットアップ位置",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "法的な動きを示す",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "最後の動きを表示",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "矢印を表示",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "ピース",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "分析を表示",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "スレッド",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "参加する",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "翻訳の改善にご協力ください",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "チュートリアル",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "クラシックミル",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "混合ミル",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "セイロンミル",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "ミルが壊れて繰り返し作り直される可能性があります",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "プレイヤーがミルを壊してすぐに新しいミルを作成した場合、そのようなプレイヤーは、新しいミルを作成した場合、次の移動でそのようなピースを元のジャンクションに戻すことができます。",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "プレイヤーが3つの駒を持っていて、10回移動した後、どちらのプレイヤーも対戦相手の駒を削除しない場合、ゲームは引き分けになります。",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "プレーヤーが3ピースになり、どちらのプレーヤーも10手以内に相手のピースを取り除くことができない場合、ゲームは引き分けになります。",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "ಮೆನು ಹಿನ್ನೆಲೆ ಬಣ್ಣ", "drawerBackgroundColor": "ಮೆನು ಹಿನ್ನೆಲೆ ಬಣ್ಣ",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "ಮೆನು ಐಟಂ ಬಣ್ಣವನ್ನು ಹೈಲೈಟ್ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "ಮುಖ್ಯ ಟೂಲ್‌ಬಾರ್ ಹಿನ್ನೆಲೆ ಬಣ್ಣ",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "ಮುಖ್ಯ ಟೂಲ್‌ಬಾರ್ ಐಕಾನ್ ಬಣ್ಣ",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "ನ್ಯಾವಿಗೇಷನ್ ಟೂಲ್‌ಬಾರ್ ಹಿನ್ನೆಲೆ ಬಣ್ಣ",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "ನ್ಯಾವಿಗೇಷನ್ ಟೂಲ್‌ಬಾರ್ ಐಕಾನ್ ಬಣ್ಣ",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "ಟೂಲ್‌ಬಾರ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಮರೆಮಾಡಿ",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "ಪರದೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಟೂಲ್‌ಬಾರ್ ಸ್ಥಳ",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "ಟಾಪ್",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "ಕೆಳಗೆ",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "ಕೇಂದ್ರ",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "ಗಾಢ ಬಣ್ಣ",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "ಚಿತ್ರ",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "ಬೆಳಕು",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "ಡಾರ್ಕ್",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "ಥೀಮ್ಗಳು",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಥೀಮ್",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "ಥೀಮ್ ಉಳಿಸಿ",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "ಫಾಂಟ್‌ಗಳು",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಣೆ ಗ್ರಾಫ್ ತೋರಿಸಿ",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಣೆ",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "ಆಟ ಉಳಿಸು",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "ಆಟವನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಿ",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "ಸೆಟಪ್ ಸ್ಥಾನ",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "ಕಾನೂನು ಕ್ರಮಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "ಕೊನೆಯ ನಡೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "ಬಾಣಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "ತುಣುಕುಗಳು",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "ವಿಶ್ಲೇಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಿ",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "ಎಳೆಗಳು",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "ತೊಡಗಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "ಅನುವಾದವನ್ನು ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲು ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡಿ",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "ಟ್ಯುಟೋರಿಯಲ್",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "ಕ್ಲಾಸಿಕ್ ಮಿಲ್",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "ಮಿಶ್ರ ಮಿಲ್",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "ಸಿಲೋನ್ ಮಿಲ್",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "ಗಿರಣಿಯನ್ನು ಮುರಿದು ಪದೇ ಪದೇ ರಿಮೇಕ್ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "ಹೊಸ ಗಿರಣಿಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು ಆಟಗಾರನು ಗಿರಣಿಯನ್ನು ಮುರಿದರೆ, ಅಂತಹ ಆಟಗಾರನು ಹೊಸ ಗಿರಣಿಯನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿದರೆ ಅಂತಹ ತುಣುಕನ್ನು ತನ್ನ ಮುಂದಿನ ನಡೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮೂಲ ಜಂಕ್ಷನ್‌ಗೆ ಹಿಂತಿರುಗಿಸಬಹುದು.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "ಆಟಗಾರನು ಮೂರು ತುಣುಕುಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೆ ಮತ್ತು ಹತ್ತು ಚಲನೆಗಳ ನಂತರ ಯಾವುದೇ ಆಟಗಾರನು ಎದುರಾಳಿಯ ತುಣುಕುಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕದಿದ್ದರೆ ಆಟವನ್ನು ಎಳೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "ಒಬ್ಬ ಆಟಗಾರನು ಮೂರು ತುಣುಕುಗಳಿಗೆ ಇಳಿದಾಗ, ಮತ್ತು ಯಾವುದೇ ಆಟಗಾರನು ಹತ್ತು ಚಲನೆಗಳ ಒಳಗೆ ಎದುರಾಳಿಯ ತುಂಡನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ, ಆಟವು ಡ್ರಾ ಆಗಿದೆ.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "메뉴 배경색", "drawerBackgroundColor": "메뉴 배경색",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "메뉴 하이라이트 항목 색상",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "기본 도구 모음 배경색",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "기본 도구 모음 아이콘 색상",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "탐색 도구 모음 배경색",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "탐색 도구 모음 아이콘 색상",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "도구 모음 자동 숨기기",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "화면의 도구 모음 위치",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "상단",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "바닥",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "센터",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "단색",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "그림",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "사진을 선택하세요",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "빛",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "어두운",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "테마",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "현재 테마",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "테마 저장",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "글꼴",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "분석 그래프 표시",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "분석",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "게임을 저장",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "게임 로드",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "설정 위치",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "합법적인 움직임 표시",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "마지막 이동 표시",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "화살표 표시",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "조각",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "분석 표시",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "스레드",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "참여하다",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "번역 개선에 참여",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "지도 시간",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "클래식 밀",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "혼합 밀",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "실론 밀",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "밀은 부서지고 반복적으로 다시 만들어질 수 있습니다.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "플레이어가 즉시 새 공장을 만들기 위해 공장을 부수는 경우, 그러한 플레이어는 새 공장을 만드는 경우 다음 이동에서 그러한 조각을 원래 접합으로 다시 이동할 수 있습니다.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "플레이어가 3개의 피스를 가지고 있고 10번의 이동 후에 어느 플레이어도 상대방의 피스를 제거하지 않으면 게임이 무승부입니다.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "플레이어의 기물이 세 개로 줄어들고 두 플레이어 모두 10번의 이동 이내에 상대방의 말을 제거할 수 없는 경우 게임은 무승부입니다.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Meniu fono spalva", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Meniu fono spalva",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Meniu paryškinti elemento spalvą",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Pagrindinės įrankių juostos fono spalva",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "pagrindinės įrankių juostos piktogramos spalva",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Naršymo įrankių juostos fono spalva",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Naršymo įrankių juostos piktogramos spalva",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automatiškai slėpti įrankių juostą",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Įrankių juostos vieta ekrane",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Į viršų",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Apačia",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centras",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Vienoda spalva",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Paveikslėlis",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Pasirinkite savo paveikslėlį",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Šviesa",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Tamsu",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temos",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Dabartinė tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Išsaugoti temą",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Šriftai",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Rodyti analizės grafiką",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analizė",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Išsaugoti žaidimą",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Užkrauti žaidimą",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Sąrankos padėtis",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Rodyti teisėtus judesius",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Rodyti paskutinį žingsnį",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Rodyti rodykles",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Pjesės",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Rodyti analizę",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Siūlai",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Įsitraukite",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Padėkite tobulinti vertimą",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Pamoka",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasikinis malūnas",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Mišrus malūnas",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceilono malūnas",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Malūnas gali būti sulaužytas ir pakartotinai perdarytas",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Jei žaidėjas sulaužo malūną ir nedelsdamas sukuria naują malūną, toks žaidėjas gali perkelti tokį kūrinį atgal į pradinę sankryžą kitame savo žingsnyje, jei jis padarys naują malūną.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Žaidimas yra lygus, jei žaidėjas turi tris figūras ir po dešimties judesių nė vienas žaidėjas nepašalina varžovo figūrų",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kai žaidėjas nesiekia trijų dalių ir nė vienas žaidėjas negali pašalinti priešininko figūros per dešimt ėjimų, žaidimas yra lygus.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Izvēlnes fona krāsa", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Izvēlnes fona krāsa",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Izvēlnes izcelšanas vienuma krāsa",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Galvenās rīkjoslas fona krāsa",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "galvenās rīkjoslas ikonas krāsa",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigācijas rīkjoslas fona krāsa",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigācijas rīkjoslas ikonas krāsa",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automātiski paslēpt rīkjoslu",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Rīkjoslas atrašanās vieta ekrānā",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Tops",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Apakšā",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centrs",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Vienkrāsaina",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Bilde",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Izvēlieties savu attēlu",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Gaisma",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Tumšs",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Tēmas",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Pašreizējā tēma",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Saglabāt motīvu",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fonti",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Rādīt analīzes grafiku",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analīze",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Saglabā spēli",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Ielādēt spēli",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Iestatīšanas pozīcija",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Rādīt likumīgus gājienus",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Rādīt pēdējo kustību",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Rādīt bultiņas",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Gabali",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Rādīt analīzi",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Vītnes",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Iesaistīties",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Palīdziet uzlabot tulkošanu",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Apmācība",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Classic Mill",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Jauktās dzirnavas",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceilonas dzirnavas",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Dzirnavas var būt salauztas un atkārtoti pārtaisītas",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ja spēlētājs pārtrauc dzirnavas, lai nekavējoties izveidotu jaunu dzirnavu, šāds spēlētājs var nākamajā gabalā pārvietot šo gabalu atpakaļ uz sākotnējo krustojumu, ja tas izveido jaunu dzirnavu.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Spēle tiek izlozēta, ja spēlētājam ir trīs figūras un pēc desmit kustībām neviens spēlētājs nenoņem pretinieka figūras",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kad spēlētājs ir nonācis līdz trim figūrām un neviens spēlētājs nevar noņemt pretinieka gabalu desmit gājienu laikā, spēle ir neizšķirta.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Боја на позадина во менито", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Боја на позадина во менито",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Боја на обележана мени",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Боја на главната лента со алатки",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "боја на иконата на главната лента со алатки",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Боја на позадина во лентата со алатки за навигација",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Боја на иконата во лентата со алатки за навигација",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Автоматски скријте ја лентата со алатки",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Локација на лентата со алатки на екранот",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Врв",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Дното",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Центар",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Цврста боја",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Слика",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Изберете ја вашата слика",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Светлина",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Темно",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Теми",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Тековна тема",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Зачувај тема",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Фонтови",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Прикажи графикон за анализа",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Анализа",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Зачувај игра",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Играта се вчитува",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Позиција за поставување",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Покажете законски потези",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Покажете го последниот потег",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Покажи стрели",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Парчиња",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Покажи анализа",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Теми",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Вклучете се",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Помогнете да се подобри преводот",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Упатство за употреба",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Класичен мелница",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Мешана воденица",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Мелница за цејлон",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Мелницата може постојано да се крши и да се преработува",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ако играч скрши мелница за да создаде нова мелница веднаш, таквиот плеер може да го премести таквиот дел назад во првобитната клучка во неговиот следен потег, ако направи нов мелница.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Играта се извлекува ако играчот има три парчиња и по десет потези ниту еден играч не ги отстранува противничките парчиња",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Кога играчот е спуштен на три дела, и ниту еден играч не може да отстрани противнички парче во рок од десет потези, играта е нерешена.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Warna latar menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Warna latar menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Warna item highlight menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Warna latar bar alat utama",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "warna ikon bar alat utama",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Warna latar bar alat navigasi",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Warna ikon bar alat navigasi",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Sembunyikan bar alat secara automatik",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Lokasi bar alat di skrin",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Atas",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bawah",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Pusat",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Warna pepejal",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Gambar",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Pilih gambar anda",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Cahaya",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Gelap",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Tema",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema semasa",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Simpan tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fon",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Tunjukkan grafik analisis",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analisis",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Simpan permainan",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Muatkan permainan",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Kedudukan persediaan",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Tunjukkan langkah undang-undang",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Tunjukkan langkah terakhir",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Tunjukkan anak panah",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Kepingan",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Tunjukkan analisis",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Benang",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Melibatkan diri",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Bantu meningkatkan terjemahan",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Kilang Klasik",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Kilang Campuran",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Kilang Ceylon",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Kilang boleh rosak dan dibuat semula berulang kali",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Sekiranya pemain memecahkan kilang untuk membuat kilang baru dengan segera, pemain tersebut dapat menggerakkan sekeping itu kembali ke persimpangan asal pada langkah seterusnya jika ia membuat kilang baru.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Permainan digambar jika pemain mempunyai tiga keping dan setelah sepuluh gerakan tidak ada pemain yang mengeluarkan potongan lawan",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Apabila pemain turun menjadi tiga keping, dan tidak ada pemain yang dapat melepaskan potongan lawan dalam sepuluh gerakan, permainan adalah seri.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Achtergrondkleur menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Achtergrondkleur menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Kleur van menumarkeringen",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Achtergrondkleur hoofdwerkbalk",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "kleur van hoofdwerkbalkpictogram",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Achtergrondkleur van navigatiewerkbalk",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Pictogramkleur navigatiewerkbalk",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "De werkbalk automatisch verbergen",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Locatie van werkbalk op scherm",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bodem",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centrum",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Effen kleur",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Afbeelding",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Kies je foto",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Licht",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Donker",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Thema's",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Huidig thema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Thema opslaan",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Lettertypen",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Analysegrafiek weergeven",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analyse",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Spel opslaan",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Spel laden",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Opstellingspositie:",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Laat legale zetten zien",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Laatste zet tonen",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Pijlen tonen",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Stukken",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Toon analyse",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Draden",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Raak betrokken",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Help de vertaling te verbeteren",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "zelfstudie",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klassieke molen",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Gemengde Molen",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon molen",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "De molen kan herhaaldelijk worden gebroken en opnieuw gemaakt",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Als een speler een molen breekt om onmiddellijk een nieuwe molen te maken, kan zo'n speler zo'n stuk terug verplaatsen naar de oorspronkelijke kruising in zijn volgende zet als hij een nieuwe molen maakt.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Het spel is remise als een speler drie stukken heeft en na tien zetten geen van beide spelers de stukken van de tegenstander verwijdert",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Wanneer een speler nog maar drie stukken heeft en geen van beide spelers kan het stuk van een tegenstander binnen tien zetten verwijderen, is het spel gelijkspel.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menyens bakgrunnsfarge", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menyens bakgrunnsfarge",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Menyhøydepunktfarge",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Hovedverktøylinjens bakgrunnsfarge",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "hovedverktøylinjens ikonfarge",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigasjonsverktøylinjens bakgrunnsfarge",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigasjonsverktøylinjens ikonfarge",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Skjul verktøylinjen automatisk",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Verktøylinjeplassering på skjermen",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Topp",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Bunn",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Senter",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Ensfarget",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Bilde",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Velg bildet ditt",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Lys",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Mørk",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temaer",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuelt tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Lagre tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Skrifttyper",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Vis analysegraf",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analyse",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Lagre spillet",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Last Spill",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Oppsettposisjon",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Vis juridiske grep",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Vis siste trekk",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Vis piler",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Stykker",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Vis analyse",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Tråder",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Bli involvert",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Hjelp med å forbedre oversettelsen",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Opplæringen",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Classic Mill",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Mixed Mill",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon Mill",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Kvernen kan bli ødelagt og omgjort gjentatte ganger",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Hvis en spiller bryter en mølle for å opprette en ny mølle med en gang, kan en slik spiller flytte en slik brikke tilbake til det opprinnelige krysset i sitt neste trekk hvis den lager en ny mølle.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Spillet trekkes hvis en spiller har tre brikker, og etter ti trekk fjerner ingen av spillerne motstanderens brikker",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Når en spiller er nede i tre brikker, og ingen av spillerne kan fjerne en motstanders brikke innen ti trekk, er spillet uavgjort.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Kolor tła menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Kolor tła menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Kolor elementu podświetlenia menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Kolor tła głównego paska narzędzi",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "kolor ikony głównego paska narzędzi",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Kolor tła paska nawigacyjnego",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Kolor ikony paska nawigacyjnego",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automatycznie ukryj pasek narzędzi",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Lokalizacja paska narzędzi na ekranie",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Dolny",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Środek",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Jednolity kolor",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Obrazek",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Wybierz swoje zdjęcie",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Lekki",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Ciemny",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Motywy",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktualny motyw",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Zapisz motyw",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Czcionki",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Pokaż wykres analizy",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analiza",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Zapisz grę",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Wczytaj grę",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Pozycja ustawienia",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Pokaż legalne ruchy",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Pokaż ostatni ruch",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Pokaż strzałki",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Kawałki",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Pokaż analizę",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Wątki",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Zaangażować się",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Pomóż ulepszyć tłumaczenie",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Instruktaż",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasyczny młyn",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Młyn mieszany",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Cejloński młyn",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Młyn może być zepsuty i wielokrotnie przerabiany",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Jeśli gracz rozbije młyn, aby natychmiast stworzyć nowy młyn, taki gracz może przesunąć taki element z powrotem do pierwotnego skrzyżowania w swoim następnym ruchu, jeśli zrobi nowy młyn.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Gra jest remisowana, jeśli gracz ma trzy pionki i po dziesięciu ruchach żaden z graczy nie usuwa pionów przeciwnika",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kiedy gracz ma do trzech pionów i żaden z graczy nie może usunąć pionka przeciwnika w ciągu dziesięciu ruchów, gra kończy się remisem.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Cor de fundo do menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Cor de fundo do menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Cor do item de destaque do menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Cor de fundo da barra de ferramentas principal",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "cor do ícone da barra de ferramentas principal",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Cor de fundo da barra de navegação",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Cor do ícone da barra de ferramentas de navegação",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Ocultar automaticamente a barra de ferramentas",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Localização da barra de ferramentas na tela",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Principal",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Inferior",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centro",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Cor sólida",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Foto",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Escolha sua foto",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Luz",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Escuro",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temas",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema atual",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Salvar tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fontes",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Mostrar gráfico de análise",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Análise",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Salvar jogo",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Carregar jogo",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Posição de configuração",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Mostrar movimentos legais",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Mostrar a última jogada",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Mostrar Setas",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Peças",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Mostrar análise",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Tópicos",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Se envolver",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Ajude a melhorar a tradução",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Moinho Clássico",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Moinho Misto",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon Mill",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "O moinho pode ser quebrado e refeito repetidamente",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Se um jogador quebra um moinho para criar um novo moinho imediatamente, esse jogador pode mover tal peça de volta para a junção original em seu próximo movimento se ele fizer um novo moinho.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "O jogo está empatado se um jogador tiver três peças e após dez jogadas nenhum jogador remove as peças do adversário",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Quando um jogador está com apenas três peças e nenhum dos jogadores consegue remover a peça do oponente em dez movimentos, o jogo termina em empate.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu background color", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menu background color",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Culoarea elementului de evidențiere a meniului",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Culoarea de fundal a barei de instrumente principale",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "culoarea pictogramei barei de instrumente principale",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Culoarea fundalului barei de instrumente de navigare",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Culoarea pictogramei barei de instrumente de navigare",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Ascundeți automat bara de instrumente",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Locația barei de instrumente pe ecran",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Fund",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centru",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Culoare solida",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Imagine",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Alege poza ta",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Ușoară",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Întuneric",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Teme",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema actuală",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Salvați tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Fonturi",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Afișați graficul de analiză",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analiză",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Salveaza jocul",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Incarca jocul",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Poziția de configurare",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Afișați mișcări legale",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Afișează ultima mișcare",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Arată săgețile",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Piese",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Afișați analiza",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Fire",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "A se implica",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Ajutați la îmbunătățirea traducerii",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Moara clasică",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Moară mixtă",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Moara din Ceylon",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Moara poate fi spartă și refăcută în mod repetat",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Dacă un jucător sparge o moară pentru a crea imediat o moară nouă, un astfel de jucător poate muta o astfel de piesă înapoi la joncțiunea originală în următoarea sa mutare, dacă face o moară nouă.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Jocul este extras dacă un jucător are trei piese și după zece mutări niciunul dintre jucători nu elimină piesele adversarului",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Când un jucător are până la trei piese și niciunul dintre jucători nu poate elimina piesa adversarului în decurs de zece mutări, jocul este egal.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Цвет фона меню", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Цвет фона меню",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Цвет выделения пункта меню",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Цвет фона основной панели инструментов",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "цвет значка основной панели инструментов",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Цвет фона панели инструментов навигации",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Цвет значка панели инструментов навигации",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Автоматически скрывать панель инструментов",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Расположение панели инструментов на экране",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Вершина",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Нижний",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Центр",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Сплошной цвет",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Картина",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Выбери свою картинку",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Свет",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Темный",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Темы",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Текущая тема",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Сохранить тему",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Шрифты",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Показать график анализа",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Анализ",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Сохранить игру",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Загрузить игру",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Положение установки",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Показать легальные ходы",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Показать последний ход",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Показать стрелки",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Шт",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Показать анализ",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Потоки",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Увлекаться",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Помогите улучшить перевод",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Руководство",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Классическая мельница",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Смешанная мельница",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Цейлонская мельница",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Мельница может быть многократно сломана и переделана",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Если игрок ломает мельницу, чтобы немедленно создать новую мельницу, такой игрок может переместить такой кусок обратно к исходному соединению своим следующим ходом, если он сделает новую мельницу.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Игра считается ничьей, если у игрока есть три фишки и после десяти ходов ни один из игроков не убирает фишки соперника.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Когда у игрока осталось три фишки, и ни один из игроков не может убрать фишку соперника в течение десяти ходов, игра считается ничьей.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Farba pozadia ponuky", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Farba pozadia ponuky",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Farba položky zvýraznenia ponuky",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Farba pozadia hlavného panela nástrojov",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "farba ikony hlavného panela nástrojov",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Farba pozadia panela navigácie",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Farba ikony panela navigácie",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Automaticky skryť panel s nástrojmi",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Umiestnenie panela s nástrojmi na obrazovke",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Dole",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Stred",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Jednofarebná",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Obrázok",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Vyberte si obrázok",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Svetlo",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Tma",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Témy",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuálna téma",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Uložiť tému",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Písma",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Zobraziť graf analýzy",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analýza",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Uložiť hru",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Načítať hru",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Poloha nastavenia",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Ukážte legálne pohyby",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Zobraziť posledný ťah",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Zobraziť šípky",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Kusy",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Zobraziť analýzu",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Nite",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Zapojte sa",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Pomôžte nám vylepšiť preklad",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Výukový program",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasický mlyn",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Zmiešaný mlyn",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Cejlónsky mlyn",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mlyn môže byť opakovane rozbitý a prerobený",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ak hráč rozbije mlyn a vytvorí nový mlyn okamžite, môže tento hráč pri ďalšom ťahu presunúť taký kúsok späť na pôvodné spojenie, ak urobí nový mlyn.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Hra má remízu, ak má hráč tri figúrky a po desiatich ťahoch ani jeden hráč súperove figúrky neodstráni",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Ak je počet hráčov na tri figúrky a žiadny hráč nedokáže odstrániť súperovu figúrku do desiatich ťahov, hra sa končí remízou.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Barva ozadja menija", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Barva ozadja menija",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Barva elementa v meniju",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Barva ozadja glavne orodne vrstice",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "barva ikone glavne orodne vrstice",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Barva ozadja orodne vrstice za krmarjenje",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Barva ikone v orodni vrstici za krmarjenje",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Samodejno skrij orodno vrstico",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Lokacija orodne vrstice na zaslonu",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Na vrh",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Spodaj",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Center",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Enobarvna",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Slika",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Izberite svojo sliko",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Svetloba",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Temno",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Teme",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Trenutna tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Shrani temo",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Pisave",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Prikaži graf analize",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analiza",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Shranite igro",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Naloži igro",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Položaj za nastavitev",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Pokažite zakonite poteze",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Pokaži zadnjo potezo",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Pokaži puščice",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Kosi",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Prikaži analizo",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Niti",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Sodelujte",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Pomagajte izboljšati prevajanje",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Vadnica",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasični mlin",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Mešani mlin",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Cejlonski mlin",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mlin se lahko večkrat zlomi in predela",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Če igralec razbije mlin, da takoj ustvari nov mlin, lahko tak igralec pri naslednjem premiku tak kos premakne nazaj na prvotni spoj, če naredi nov mlin.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Igra se izžreba, če ima igralec tri figure in po desetih potezah noben igralec ne odstrani nasprotnikovih figur",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Ko je igralec na treh delih in noben igralec ne more odstraniti nasprotnikove figure v desetih potezah, je igra neodločena.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Ngjyra e sfondit të menysë", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Ngjyra e sfondit të menysë",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Ngjyrosni ngjyrën e artikullit në meny",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Ngjyra kryesore e sfondit të shiritit të veglave",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "ngjyra kryesore e ikonës së shiritit të veglave",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Ngjyra e sfondit të shiritit të mjeteve të navigimit",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Ngjyra e ikonës së shiritit të mjeteve të navigimit",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Fshihni automatikisht shiritin e veglave",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Vendndodhja e shiritit të mjeteve në ekran",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Top",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Fund",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Qendra",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Ngjyra e ngurtë",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Foto",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Zgjidhni foton tuaj",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Drita",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "E errët",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temat",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Tema aktuale",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Ruaj temën",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Shkronjat",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Të tregojë grafikun e analizës",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analiza",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Ruaj lojën",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Ngarko lojën",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Pozicioni i konfigurimit",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Trego lëvizjet ligjore",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Shfaq lëvizjen e fundit",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Trego shigjeta",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Copëza",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Trego analizën",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Threads",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Perfshihesh",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Ndihmoni në përmirësimin e përkthimit",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Tutorial",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Mulli klasik",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Mulli i përzier",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Mulliri i Ceilonit",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Mulli mund të thyhet dhe të ribëhet vazhdimisht",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Nëse një lojtar thyen një mulli për të krijuar menjëherë një mulli të ri, një lojtar i tillë mund ta zhvendosë pjesën e tij përsëri në kryqëzimin origjinal në lëvizjen e tij të radhës nëse bën një mulli të ri.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Loja barazohet nëse një lojtar ka tre pjesë dhe pas dhjetë lëvizjeve asnjë lojtar nuk heq pjesët e kundërshtarit",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Kur një lojtar është në tre copa, dhe asnjë lojtar nuk mund të heqë një pjesë të kundërshtarit brenda dhjetë lëvizjeve, loja është një barazim.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Боја позадине менија", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Боја позадине менија",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Боја ставке истицања менија",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Боја позадине главне траке с алаткама",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "боја иконе главне траке са алаткама",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Боја позадине траке са алаткама за навигацију",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Боја иконе траке са алаткама за навигацију",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Аутоматски сакриј траку са алаткама",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Локација траке са алаткама на екрану",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Врх",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Дно",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Центар",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Једнобојну",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Слика",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Изаберите своју слику",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Светлост",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Тамно",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Теме",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Тренутна тема",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Сачувај тему",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Фонтови",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Прикажи графикон анализе",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Анализа",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Сачувај игру",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Учитај игру",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Положај за подешавање",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Покажите легалне потезе",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Прикажи последњи потез",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Прикажи стрелице",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Комада",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Прикажи анализу",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Нити",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Умешати се",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Помозите да се побољша превод",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Приручник",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Цлассиц Милл",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Мешани млин",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Цеилон Милл",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Млин се може више пута ломити и преправљати",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Ако играч разбије млин да би одмах створио нови млин, такав играч може да врати такав комад назад на првобитни спој у свом следећем потезу ако направи нови млин.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Игра се извлачи ако играч има три фигуре, а након десет потеза ниједан играч не уклања противничке фигуре",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Када играч падне на три дела, а ниједан играч не може уклонити противнички комад у року од десет потеза, игра је нерешена.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Meny bakgrundsfärg", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Meny bakgrundsfärg",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Meny markera objektets färg",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Huvudfärg för verktygsfältet",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "huvudverktygsfältets ikonfärg",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigationsverktygsfältets bakgrundsfärg",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigationsverktygsfältets ikonfärg",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Dölj verktygsfältet automatiskt",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Verktygsfältets placering på skärmen",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Topp",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Botten",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Centrum",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Enfärgade",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Bild",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Välj din bild",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Ljus",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Mörk",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Teman",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Aktuellt tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Spara tema",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Typsnitt",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Visa analysdiagram",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Analys",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Spara spelet",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Belastnings spel",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Inställningsposition",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Visa lagliga drag",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Visa sista drag",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Visa pilar",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Bitar",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Visa analys",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Trådar",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Bli involverad",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Hjälp till att förbättra översättningen",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Handledning",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klassisk kvarn",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Blandad kvarn",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Ceylon kvarn",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Kvarnen kan brytas om och göras om upprepade gånger",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Om en spelare bryter en kvarn för att skapa en ny kvarn omedelbart, kan en sådan spelare flytta en sådan bit tillbaka till den ursprungliga korsningen i sitt nästa drag om den gör en ny kvarn.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Spelet dras om en spelare har tre delar och efter tio drag tar ingen spelare bort motståndarens bitar",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "När en spelare är nere i tre delar, och ingen spelare kan ta bort en motståndares bit inom tio drag, är spelet oavgjort.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "మెనూ నేపథ్య రంగు", "drawerBackgroundColor": "మెనూ నేపథ్య రంగు",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "మెను అంశం రంగును హైలైట్ చేస్తుంది",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "ప్రధాన ఉపకరణపట్టీ నేపథ్య రంగు",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "ప్రధాన ఉపకరణపట్టీ చిహ్నం రంగు",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "నావిగేషన్ టూల్ బార్ నేపథ్య రంగు",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "నావిగేషన్ టూల్ బార్ చిహ్నం రంగు",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "ఉపకరణపట్టీని స్వయంచాలకంగా దాచండి",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "తెరపై ఉపకరణపట్టీ స్థానం",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "టాప్",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "దిగువ",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "కేంద్రం",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "ఘన రంగు",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "చిత్రం",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "మీ చిత్రాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "కాంతి",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "చీకటి",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "థీమ్స్",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "ప్రస్తుత థీమ్",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "థీమ్‌ను సేవ్ చేయండి",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "ఫాంట్లు",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "విశ్లేషణ గ్రాఫ్ చూపించు",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "విశ్లేషణ",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "ఆటను సేవ్ చేయండి",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "ఆట లోడ్",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "సెటప్ స్థానం",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "చట్టపరమైన కదలికలను చూపించు",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "చివరి కదలికను చూపించు",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "బాణాలు చూపించు",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "ముక్కలు",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "విశ్లేషణ చూపించు",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "థ్రెడ్లు",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "చేరి చేసుకోగా",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "అనువాదాన్ని మెరుగుపరచడంలో సహాయపడండి",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "ట్యుటోరియల్",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "క్లాసిక్ మిల్",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "మిశ్రమ మిల్లు",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "సిలోన్ మిల్",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "మిల్లు విచ్ఛిన్నమై పదేపదే రీమేక్ చేయవచ్చు",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "ఒక కొత్త మిల్లును సృష్టించడానికి ఒక ఆటగాడు ఒక మిల్లును విచ్ఛిన్నం చేస్తే, అలాంటి ఆటగాడు కొత్త మిల్లును తయారు చేస్తే, ఆ ముక్కను తన తదుపరి కదలికలో అసలు జంక్షన్‌కు తిరిగి తరలించవచ్చు.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "ఒక ఆటగాడికి మూడు ముక్కలు ఉంటే ఆట డ్రా అవుతుంది మరియు పది కదలికల తరువాత ఆటగాడు ప్రత్యర్థి ముక్కలను తొలగించడు",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "ఒక ఆటగాడు మూడు ముక్కలుగా ఉన్నప్పుడు, మరియు ఏ ఆటగాడు పది కదలికలలో ప్రత్యర్థి భాగాన్ని తీసివేయలేడు, ఆట డ్రా.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "สีพื้นหลังของเมนู", "drawerBackgroundColor": "สีพื้นหลังของเมนู",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "สีของรายการไฮไลท์เมนู",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "สีพื้นหลังของแถบเครื่องมือหลัก",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "สีไอคอนแถบเครื่องมือหลัก",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "สีพื้นหลังของแถบเครื่องมือนำทาง",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "สีไอคอนแถบเครื่องมือนำทาง",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "ซ่อนแถบเครื่องมือโดยอัตโนมัติ",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "ตำแหน่งแถบเครื่องมือบนหน้าจอ",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "ท็อป",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "ด้านล่าง",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "ศูนย์",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "สีทึบ",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "ภาพ",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "เลือกรูปภาพของคุณ",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "เบา",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "มืด",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "ธีม",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "ธีมปัจจุบัน",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "บันทึกธีม",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "แบบอักษร",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "แสดงกราฟการวิเคราะห์",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "บทวิเคราะห์",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "บันทึกเกม",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "โหลดเกมส์",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "ตำแหน่งการติดตั้ง",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "แสดงการเคลื่อนไหวทางกฎหมาย",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "แสดงการเคลื่อนไหวล่าสุด",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "แสดงลูกศร",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "ชิ้น",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "แสดงบทวิเคราะห์",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "กระทู้",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้อง",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "ช่วยปรับปรุงการแปล",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "กวดวิชา",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "โรงสีคลาสสิค",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "โรงสีผสม",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "ซีลอนมิลล์",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "โรงสีอาจหักแล้วทำใหม่ซ้ำๆ",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "หากผู้เล่นทำลายโรงโม่เพื่อสร้างโรงสีใหม่ทันที ผู้เล่นดังกล่าวสามารถย้ายชิ้นส่วนดังกล่าวกลับไปที่ทางแยกเดิมในการย้ายครั้งต่อไปหากสร้างโรงสีใหม่",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "เกมจะถูกสุ่มขึ้นถ้าผู้เล่นมีสามชิ้นและหลังจากผ่านไปสิบกระบวนแล้วผู้เล่นจะไม่ถอดชิ้นส่วนของฝ่ายตรงข้าม",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "เมื่อผู้เล่นลดลงเหลือสามชิ้น และผู้เล่นไม่สามารถถอดชิ้นส่วนของฝ่ายตรงข้ามได้ภายในสิบกระบวนท่า เกมจะเสมอกัน",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menü arka plan rengi", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menü arka plan rengi",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Menü vurgulama öğesi rengi",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Ana araç çubuğu arka plan rengi",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "ana araç çubuğu simge rengi",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Gezinme araç çubuğu arka plan rengi",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Gezinme araç çubuğu simge rengi",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Araç çubuğunu otomatik olarak gizle",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Ekrandaki araç çubuğu konumu",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Üst",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Alt",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Merkez",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Koyu renk",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Resim",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Resminizi seçin",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Işık",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "karanlık",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Temalar",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Mevcut tema",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Temayı kaydet",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Yazı Tipleri",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Analiz grafiğini göster",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "analiz",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Oyunu kaydet",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Oyunu yükle",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Kurulum konumu",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Yasal hamleleri göster",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Son hareketi göster",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Okları göster",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "adet",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Analizi göster",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "İş Parçacığı",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Katılın",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Çeviriyi iyileştirmeye yardımcı olun",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "öğretici",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klasik Değirmen",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "karışık değirmen",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Seylan Değirmeni",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Değirmen kırılabilir ve tekrar tekrar yapılabilir",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Bir oyuncu hemen yeni bir değirmen oluşturmak için bir değirmeni kırarsa, bu oyuncu yeni bir değirmen yaparsa bir sonraki hamlesinde bu parçayı orijinal bağlantı noktasına geri taşıyabilir.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Bir oyuncunun üç taşı varsa ve on hamleden sonra hiçbir oyuncu rakibin taşlarını kaldırmazsa oyun berabere biter.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Bir oyuncu üç parçaya düştüğünde ve hiçbir oyuncu on hamle içinde rakibinin taşını çıkaramazsa, oyun berabere olur.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Menyu fon rangi", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Menyu fon rangi",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Menyu element rangini ajratib ko'rsatish",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Asosiy asboblar paneli fon rangi",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "asosiy asboblar paneli piktogramma rangi",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Navigatsiya asboblar panelining fon rangi",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Navigatsiya asboblar paneli piktogramma rangi",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Asboblar panelini avtomatik ravishda yashirish",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Asboblar panelining ekrandagi joylashuvi",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Yuqori",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Pastki",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Markaz",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Qattiq rang",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Rasm",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Rasmingizni tanlang",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Engil",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "To'q",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Mavzular",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Joriy mavzu",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Mavzuni saqlash",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Shriftlar",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Tahlil grafikasini ko'rsatish",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Tahlil",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "O'yinni saqlang",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "O'yinni yuklang",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "O'rnatish pozitsiyasi",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Qonuniy harakatlarni ko'rsating",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Oxirgi harakatni ko'rsating",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Oklarni ko'rsatish",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Parchalar",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Tahlilni ko'rsatish",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Iplar",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Qo'shilmoq",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Tarjimani yaxshilashga yordam bering",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Qo'llanma",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Klassik tegirmon",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Aralash tegirmon",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Seylon tegirmoni",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Tegirmon buzilib, qayta tiklanishi mumkin",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Agar o'yinchi darhol yangi tegirmon yaratish uchun tegirmonni sindirib tashlasa, bunday o'yinchi yangi tegirmon qilsa, keyingi harakatida bunday buyumni asl bog'lanish joyiga qaytarishi mumkin.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Agar o'yinchi uchta bo'lakka ega bo'lsa va o'nta harakatdan so'ng ikkala o'yinchi ham raqib qismlarini olib tashlamasa, o'yin o'tkaziladi",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Agar o'yinchi uchta bo'lakka tushib qolsa va hech bir o'yinchi raqibning qismini o'nta harakat davomida olib tashlay olmasa, o'yin durang bo'ladi.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "Màu nền menu", "drawerBackgroundColor": "Màu nền menu",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "Màu của mục đánh dấu menu",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "Màu nền của thanh công cụ chính",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "màu biểu tượng chính của thanh công cụ",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "Màu nền của thanh công cụ điều hướng",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "Màu biểu tượng thanh công cụ điều hướng",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "Tự động ẩn thanh công cụ",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "Vị trí thanh công cụ trên màn hình",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "Hàng đầu",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "Dưới cùng",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "Trung tâm",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "Màu đồng nhất",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "Hình ảnh",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "Chọn hình ảnh của bạn",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "Ánh sáng",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "Tối",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "Chủ đề",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "Chủ đề hiện tại",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "Lưu chủ đề",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "Phông chữ",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "Hiển thị đồ thị phân tích",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "Phân tích",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "Lưu trò chơi",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "Tải trò chơi",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "Thiết lập vị trí",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "Hiển thị các động thái hợp pháp",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "Hiển thị nước đi cuối cùng",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "Hiển thị mũi tên",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "Miếng",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "Hiển thị phân tích",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "Chủ đề",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "Tham gia",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "Giúp cải thiện bản dịch",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "Hướng dẫn",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "Cối xay cổ điển",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "Nhà máy hỗn hợp",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "Nhà máy Ceylon",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "Cối xay có thể bị hỏng và làm lại nhiều lần",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "Nếu người chơi phá cối xay để tạo cối xay mới ngay lập tức, người chơi đó có thể di chuyển mảnh đó trở lại điểm giao nhau ban đầu trong nước đi tiếp theo của mình nếu nó tạo ra cối xay mới.",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "Trò chơi được rút ra nếu một người chơi có ba quân cờ và sau mười nước đi không người chơi nào loại bỏ quân cờ của đối thủ",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "Khi một người chơi hạ được ba quân cờ và không người chơi nào có thể loại bỏ quân cờ của đối thủ trong vòng mười nước đi, trò chơi sẽ hòa.",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "菜单背景颜色", "drawerBackgroundColor": "菜单背景颜色",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "菜单高亮条目背景色",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "主工具栏背景色",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "主工具栏图标色",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "导航工具栏背景色",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "导航工具栏图标色",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "自动隐藏工具栏",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "工具栏在屏幕上的位置",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "顶部",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "底部",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "中部",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "纯色",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "图片",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "选择图片",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "明亮",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "暗黑",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "主题",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "当前主题",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "保存主题",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "字体",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "显示分析图",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "分析",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "保存游戏",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "加载游戏",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "设置局面",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "显示合法着法",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "显示最后一着",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "显示箭头",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "棋子",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "显示分析",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "线程数",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "参与项目",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "帮助翻译",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "教程",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "经典磨坊",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "混合磨坊",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "锡兰磨坊",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "允许反复连续形成三连",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "如果一方在一着中解除了一个三连并同时形成了一个新的三连,那么允许其在下一步棋把这个棋子再移回前一着的位置,从而反复连续形成三连。",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "一方剩下三个棋子并十步内双方均未吃子则和棋",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "当一方只剩下三颗棋子时,而双方都不能在接下来十步之内吃掉对方的棋子,则判为和棋。",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }

View File

@ -968,5 +968,165 @@
"drawerBackgroundColor": "菜單背景色", "drawerBackgroundColor": "菜單背景色",
"@drawerBackgroundColor": { "@drawerBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Menu background color" "description": "Menu background color"
"drawerHighlightItemColor": "菜單高亮條目背景色",
"@drawerHighlightItemColor": {
"description": "Menu highlight item color"
"mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "主工具欄背景色",
"@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Main toolbar background color"
"mainToolbarIconColor": "主工具欄圖標色",
"@mainToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "main toolbar icon color"
"navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "導航工具欄背景色",
"@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar background color"
"navigationToolbarIconColor": "導航工具欄圖標色",
"@navigationToolbarIconColor": {
"description": "Navigation toolbar icon color"
"autoHideToolbar": "自動隱藏工具欄",
"@autoHideToolbar": {
"description": "Automatically hide the toolbar"
"toolbarLocationOnScreen": "工具欄在屏幕上的位置",
"@toolbarLocationOnScreen": {
"description": "Toolbar location on screen"
"top": "頂部",
"@top": {
"description": "Top"
"bottom": "底部",
"@bottom": {
"description": "Bottom"
"center": "中部",
"@center": {
"description": "Center"
"solidColor": "純色",
"@solidColor": {
"description": "Solid color"
"picture": "圖片",
"@picture": {
"description": "Picture"
"chooseYourPicture": "選擇圖片",
"@chooseYourPicture": {
"description": "Choose your picture"
"light": "明亮",
"@light": {
"description": "Light"
"dark": "暗黑",
"@dark": {
"description": "Dark"
"themes": "主題",
"@themes": {
"description": "Themes"
"currentTheme": "當前主題",
"@currentTheme": {
"description": "Current theme"
"saveTheme": "保存主題",
"@saveTheme": {
"description": "Save theme"
"fonts": "字體",
"@fonts": {
"description": "Fonts"
"showAnalysisGraph": "顯示分析圖",
"@showAnalysisGraph": {
"description": "Show analysis graph"
"analysis": "分析",
"@analysis": {
"description": "Analysis"
"saveGame": "保存遊戲",
"@saveGame": {
"description": "Save game"
"loadGame": "加載遊戲",
"@loadGame": {
"description": "Load game"
"setupPosition": "設定局面",
"@setupPosition": {
"description": "Setup position"
"showLegalMoves": "顯示合法著法",
"@showLegalMoves": {
"description": "Show legal moves"
"showLastMove": "顯示最後一著",
"@showLastMove": {
"description": "Show last move"
"showArrows": "顯示箭頭",
"@showArrows": {
"description": "Show arrows"
"pieces": "棋子",
"@pieces": {
"description": "Pieces"
"showAnalysis": "顯示分析",
"@showAnalysis": {
"description": "Show analysis"
"threads": "線程數",
"@threads": {
"description": "Threads"
"getInvolved": "參與項目",
"@getInvolved": {
"description": "Get Involved"
"helpImproveTranslate": "幫助翻譯",
"@helpImproveTranslate": {
"description": "Help improve translate"
"tutorial": "教程",
"@tutorial": {
"description": "Tutorial"
"classicMill": "經典磨坊",
"@classicMill": {
"description": "Classic Mill"
"mixedMill": "混合磨坊",
"@mixedMill": {
"description": "Mixed Mill"
"ceylonMill": "錫蘭磨坊",
"@ceylonMill": {
"description": "Ceylon Mill"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "允許反复連續形成三連",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": {
"description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly"
"mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "如果一方在一著中解除了一個三連並同時形成了一個新的三連,那麼允許其在下一步棋把這個棋子再移回前一著的位置,從而反复連續形成三連。",
"@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill."
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "一方剩下三個棋子並十步內雙方均未吃子則和棋",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": {
"description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces"
"drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "當一方只剩下三顆棋子時,而雙方都不能在接下來十步之內吃掉對方的棋子,則判為和棋。",
"@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": {
"description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw."
} }
} }