diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be8f3e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ مطحنة
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d3750a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Molino
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ef8535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Moulin
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebdde65b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ ミル
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7826190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Mill
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99668956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Moinho
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67812c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/android/app/src/main/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ Мельница
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ar.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ar.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf53b4df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ar.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "ar",
+ "appName": "مطحنة",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "مرحبا",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "نعم",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "لا",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "لعبة",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "ضد الآلة",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "آلات ضد بعضها البعض",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "AI مقابل AI",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "الإنسان مقابل السحابة",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "الإنسان مقابل LAN",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "اختبار عبر LAN",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "يتحرك",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": " التحركات",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "قائمة النقل",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "قائمة النقل",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "لا سجلات",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "نعم",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "يتأكد",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "يلغي",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "حقوق النشر © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "حدد القطعة الخاطئة.",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "ضع قطعك.",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "لا يمكن وضعه هنا.",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "تم وضعه.",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "انزع قطعة.",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "لا يمكن الإزالة.",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "إزالة.",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "حرك قطعة.",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "لا يمكنك وضع قطعتك هنا.",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "لا يمكنك تحريك قطعتك هنا.",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "مطحنة! خذ قطعة خصمك.",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "استمر في أخذ قطعة خصمك.",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "اختر إحدى قطع خصمك.",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "لا يمكنك إزالة قطعة من المطحنة.",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "يمكن أن تتحرك القطعة بمقدار نقطة واحدة.",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "لا يمكنك تحريك قطع خصمك.",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "هناك 3 قطع في خط واحد.",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "حدد قطعتك لنقلها.",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "لديك 3 قطع متبقية.",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "يمكنك الانتقال إلى أي نقطة تريدها.",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": " للانتقال.",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "اللاعب 1 يفوز!",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "اللاعب 2 يفوز!",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "وون",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "ضائع",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "أجهضت",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "إنه تعادل",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "التفكير ...",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "لعبة جديدة",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "لعبة الاستيراد",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "لعبة التصدير",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "اللعبة مستوردة من الحافظة.",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "لا يمكن الاستيراد",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "التحركات والقواعد غير متطابقة.",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "ابدأ التسجيل",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "تسجيل...",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "إيقاف التسجيل",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "إظهار التسجيل",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "لا تسجيل.",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "أرجو الإنتظار...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "إعادة تشغيل اللعبة الحالية؟",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "إعادة تشغيل",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "بدأت اللعبة ، من فضلك ضع",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "جاري التحليل ...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "خطأ",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "معدل الفوز",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "نتيجة",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "اللاعب 1",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "اللاعب 2",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": " عدد القطع أقل من ثلاثة.",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": " استقيل.",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": " لا توجد طريقة للذهاب.",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "اللوحة ممتلئة ، ولا توجد طريقة للذهاب.",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "انتهى الوقت",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "في مرحلة الحركة ، لم تتم إزالة أي قطعة في آخر عدد محدد من الحركات.",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "إنه تعادل لأن اللوحة ممتلئة",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "إنه قرعة بسبب التكرار الثلاثي.",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "انتهت اللعبة! سبب غير معلوم.",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "انتهت اللعبة",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "فزت! تهانينا!",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "تحدي المستوى الأصعب؟\nسيكون المستوى الجديد هو المستوى ",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "أنت تخسر!",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "حلل",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "اسم اللاعب",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "حول",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "إصدار",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "شكرا",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "إعدادات",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "خيارات",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "التفضيلات",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "مستوى الصعوبة",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "وقت التفكير بالذكاء الاصطناعي",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "صعوبة",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "مؤثرات صوتية",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "تشغيل الأصوات في اللعبة",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "حافظ على الصمت عند التراجع",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "نغمة",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "الخطوة الأولى",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "بشر",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "منظمة العفو الدولية",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "البديل",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "إعادة تشغيل اللعبة تلقائيًا عند انتهاء اللعبة",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "التغيير التلقائي الحركة الأولى",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "استقيل منظمة العفو الدولية إذا خسر معظمها",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "حركة عشوائية",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "تعلم نهاية اللعبة",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "كتاب الافتتاح",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "متفرقات",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "قواعد",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "عدد القطع التي يمتلكها كل لاعب",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "كم عدد القطع التي يمتلكها كل لاعب؟",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "رقم القطعة الطائرة",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "إذا تم تمكين الطيران ، عندما يتم تقليل عدد قطع اللاعب إلى عدد قطع معين ، فإن قطعه تكون حرة في الانتقال إلى أي نقطة غير مشغولة ، بدلاً من أن تكون مقيدة بالنقاط المجاورة كما هو الحال في بقية اللعبة.",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "قطع على الأقل",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "خطوط قطرية",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "أضف أربعة خطوط قطرية إلى اللوحة.",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "وضع علامة وتأخير إزالة القطع",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "في مرحلة الوضع ، لن يكون من الممكن وضع نقاط القطع التي تم إزالتها.",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "اللاعب الثاني يتحرك أولاً",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "اللاعب الذي ينتقل إلى المركز الثاني في مرحلة الترتيب يتحرك أولاً في مرحلة الحركة.",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "متعدد الإزالة",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "إذا أغلق اللاعب أكثر من مطحنة في وقت واحد ، فسيكون قادرًا على إزالة عدد المطاحن التي أغلقتها.",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "تدمير المطاحن",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "بشكل افتراضي ، يجب على اللاعبين إزالة أي قطع أخرى أولاً قبل إزالة قطعة من مطحنة مشكلة. قم بتمكين هذا الخيار لتعطيل التحديد.",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "اللاعب الثاني يخسر عندما تكون اللوحة ممتلئة",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "في نهاية مرحلة الترتيب ، عندما تكون اللوحة ممتلئة ، يخسر الجانب الذي يضع اللعبة أولاً ، وإلا فإن اللعبة تكون تعادلًا.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "تخسر عندما لا توجد حركات قانونية",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "سيخسر اللاعب إذا قام خصمه بحظرهم بحيث لا يمكن نقلهم. قم بتغيير الجانب للتحرك إذا تم تعطيل هذا الخيار.",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "طيران",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "إذا كان لدى اللاعب ثلاث أو أربع قطع (قابلة للتكوين) فقط ، فيمكنه تحريك القطعة إلى أي نقطة حرة.",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "حكم N- التحرك",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "يتم تعادُل اللعبة إذا لم تتم إزالة في عدد معين من النقلات من قبل كل لاعب.",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "التراجع",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "الرجاء التحديد",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "ينسخ",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "نسخ محفوظات النقل إلى الحافظة",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "مساعدة",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "تعليق",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "مخرج",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "إعدادات القاعدة",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "اللون",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "لون اللوح",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "لون القطعة",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "لون الخلفية",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "لون خط اللوحة",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "لون اللاعب 1 قطعة",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "لون لاعب 2 قطعة",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "لون الرسالة",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "الذكاء الاصطناعي كسول",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "عرض عدد القطع في متناول اليد",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "عرض الملاحظات على متن الطائرة",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "إظهار شريط التنقل في التاريخ",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "عرض",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "عرض حدود اللوحة",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "عرض الخط الداخلي للوحة",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "عرض القطعة",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "حجم الخط",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "التدوين القياسي",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "يعيد",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "استعادة الإعدادات الافتراضية",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "سيتم الخروج من التطبيق.",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "يجب عليك إغلاق التطبيق على الفور وإعادة فتحه ليصبح ساري المفعول.",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "قطف او يقطف",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "معلومات",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "تلميح",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "لاعب",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "اللاعب 1",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "اللاعب 2",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "كيف ألعب",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "اضغط على أي نقطة متاحة لوضع القطعة.",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "اضغط على قطعة لتحريكها.",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "اضغط على النقطة المتصلة بالقطعة لتحريكها.",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "اضغط على قطعة الخصم لإزالتها.",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "تحتاج إلى إنشاء طاحونة أولاً قبل أن تتمكن من إزالة قطعة.",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "أنت بحاجة للعب مع القطع الخاصة بك.",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "إحصائيات",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "إجمالي الألعاب",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "نتائج",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "لا يمكن إزالته من الطاحونة.",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "غادر",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "سياسة الخصوصية",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "يرجى القراءة بعناية والتأكد من فهمك التام لهذا الأمر والموافقة عليه",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": ". إذا كنت لا توافق على هذه السياسة ، يرجى عدم استخدام هذا التطبيق. استخدام التطبيق يعني قبولك لهذه الشروط.",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": " و",
+ "accept": "قبول",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "الغاء التحميل",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "خيار التراجع",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "من الممكن التراجع عن هذه الخطوة.",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "استرجع",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "يتراجع...",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "منتظر...",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "خطوة للامام",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "استرد كل شيء",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "خطوة إلى الأمام كل شيء",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "تحرك الآن",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "منجز.",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "مطحنة الكراك",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "إذا كان لدى اللاعب قطع فقط في المطاحن ، فلن يتم قفل القطع الموجودة في المطاحن لإزالتها.",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "مدة الرسوم المتحركة",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "لا أحد",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "سمة",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "تهدف اللعبة إلى ترك الخصم بأقل من ثلاث قطع أو عدم وجود حركات قانونية.\n\nيتم رسم اللعبة تلقائيًا في حالة حدوث مركز للمرة الثالثة ، أو إذا لم تتم إزالة في آخر 100 حركة (قابلة للتكوين).\n\nتستمر اللعبة على ثلاث مراحل:\n\n1. وضع القطع على النقاط الشاغرة\n2. تحريك القطع إلى النقاط المجاورة\n3. (مرحلة اختيارية) تحريك القطع إلى أي نقطة شاغرة عندما يتم تخفيض اللاعب إلى ثلاث قطع\n\nوضع\n\nتبدأ اللعبة بلوحة فارغة تتكون من شبكة بأربع وعشرين نقطة. يتناوب اللاعبون على وضع قطعهم على نقاط شاغرة حتى يضع كل لاعب كل القطع على اللوحة. إذا تمكن اللاعب من وضع ثلاث قطع من قطعه في خط مستقيم ، فسيكون لديه \"طاحونة\" ويمكنه إزالة إحدى قطع خصمه من اللوحة.\n\nفي بعض متغيرات القواعد ، يجب على اللاعبين إزالة أي قطع أخرى أولاً قبل إزالة قطعة من طاحونة مشكلة.\n\nفي بعض متغيرات القواعد ، قد لا يتم وضع جميع النقاط التي تمت إزالتها مرة أخرى في مرحلة الوضع.\n\nبمجرد استخدام جميع القطع ، يتناوب اللاعبون على التحرك.\n\nمتحرك\n\nللتحرك ، يقوم اللاعب بتحريك إحدى قطعه على طول خط اللوحة إلى نقطة مجاورة شاغرة. إذا لم يستطع فعل ذلك ، فقد خسر المباراة. كما هو الحال في مرحلة التسديد ، فإن اللاعب الذي يقوم بمحاذاة ثلاث من قطعه على خط لوح لديه مطحنة ويمكنه إزالة إحدى قطع خصمه. أي لاعب يتقلص إلى قطعتين وليس لديه خيار لتشكيل طواحين جديدة ، وبالتالي يخسر اللعبة. يمكن للاعب أيضًا أن يخسر بأكثر من ثلاث قطع إذا قام خصمه بحظرها بحيث لا يمكن نقلها.\n\nطيران\n\nفي بعض المتغيرات من القواعد ، بمجرد أن يتبقى للاعب ثلاث قطع فقط ، قد \"تطير\" قطعه أو \"تقفز\" أو \"تقفز\" إلى أي نقاط شاغرة ، وليس فقط النقاط المجاورة.",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "معلومات الإصدار",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "EULA",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "رخصة",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "مصدر الرمز",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "إشعارات الطرف الثالث",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "نسخة التطبيق",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "جنرال لواء",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "متقدم",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "وضع",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "متحرك",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "إزالة",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "اللعبة فوق الشرط",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "أسلوب لعب الذكاء الاصطناعي",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "مبني للمجهول",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "نفذ الوقت",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "إضفاء الطابع الشخصي",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "للمطورين",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "وضع المطور",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "ارسم من التجربة الإنسانية",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "ضع في اعتبارك إمكانية تحريك القطع",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "قطعة العد",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "فى اليد",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "صعد على متنها",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "إزاحة المجلس من الأعلى",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "لم يحن دور منظمة العفو الدولية.",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "الذكاء الاصطناعي لا يفكر.",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "حركات إعادة التشغيل التلقائي",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "في نهاية قائمة النقل.",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "انقر مرة أخرى للمغادرة.",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "متغيرات البيئة",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "أكثر",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "هذه ميزة تجريبية.",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "التجارب",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "تراخيص مفتوحة المصدر",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "لغة",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "اللغة الافتراضية",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_es.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_es.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d2ff2af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_es.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "es",
+ "appName": "Molino",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "Bienvenido",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "Sí",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "No",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "Juego",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "Humanos contra IA",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "Humanos contra humanos",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "IA contra IA",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "Humanos contra la nube",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "Humanos vs. LAN",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "Prueba a través de LAN",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "Mover",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": " Mueve",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "Lista de movimientos",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "Lista de movimientos",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "No hay registro",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "Confirmar",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "Seleccione la pieza equivocada.",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "Coloque sus piezas.",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "No se puede colocar aquí.",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "Colocada.",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "Retire una pieza.",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "No se puede quitar.",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "Retirada.",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "Mover una pieza.",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "No puedes colocar tu pieza aquí.",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "No puedes mover tu pieza aquí.",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "¡Molino! Tome la pieza de su oponente.",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "Continúe tomando la pieza de su oponente.",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "Seleccione una de las piezas de su oponente.",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "No puedes quitar una pieza de un molino.",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "Una pieza puede moverse 1 punto.",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "No puedes mover las piezas de tu oponente.",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "Hay 3 piezas en una línea.",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "Selecciona tu pieza para moverla.",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "Te quedan 3 piezas.",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "Puedes moverte a cualquier punto que quieras",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": " para mover.",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "¡El jugador 1 gana!",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "¡Jugador 2 gana!",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "Ganado",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "Perdido",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "Abortado",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "Es un empate",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "Pensando...",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "Nuevo juego",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "Importar juego",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "Exportar juego",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "Juego importado desde el portapapeles.",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "No se puede importar",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "Los movimientos y las reglas no coinciden.",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "Comenzar a grabar",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "Grabando...",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "Detener la grabación",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "Mostrar grabación",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "No hay grabación.",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "Por favor, espere...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "¿Reiniciar el juego actual?",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "Reiniciar",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "Juego iniciado, por favor coloque",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "Analizando...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "Error",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "Tasa de ganancia",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "Puntuación",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "Jugador 1",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "Jugador 2",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": " El número de piezas es inferior a tres.",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": " renuncia.",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": " no hay manera de ir.",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "El tablero está lleno, no hay manera de ir.",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "Tiempo terminado",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "En la fase de movimiento, no se ha retirado ninguna pieza en el último número específico de movimientos.",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "Es un Empate porque el tablero está lleno",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "Es un Empate debido a la triple repetición.",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "Se acabó el juego Razón desconocida.",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "Se acabó el juego",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "Has ganado. ¡Enhorabuena!",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "¿Desafío de un nivel más difícil?\nEl nuevo nivel será el nivel ",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "¡Pierdes!",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "Analizar",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "Nombre del jugador",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "Acerca de",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "Versión",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "Gracias",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "Ajustes",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "Opciones",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "Preferencias",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "Nivel de dificultad",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "Tiempo de reflexión de la IA",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "Dificultad",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "Efectos de sonido",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "Reproducir sonidos en el juego",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "Mantener el silencio al retroceder",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "Tono",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "Primer movimiento",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "Humano",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "Alternar",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "Reinicio automático del juego al terminar la partida",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "Cambiar automáticamente el primer movimiento",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "Renuncia de la IA si la mayoría pierde",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "Movimiento aleatorio",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "Aprender el final de la partida",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "Libro de aperturas",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "Varios",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "Reglas",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "El número de piezas que tiene cada jugador",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "¿Cuántas piezas tiene cada jugador?",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "El número de la pieza voladora",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "Si la opción de volar está activada, cuando un jugador se reduce a un número específico de piezas, sus piezas son libres de moverse a cualquier punto desocupado, en lugar de estar restringidas a puntos adyacentes como en el resto del juego.",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "Piezas al menos",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "Líneas diagonales",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "Añade cuatro líneas diagonales al tablero.",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "Marcar y retrasar la retirada de piezas",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "En la fase de colocación, los puntos de las piezas retiradas ya no se podrán colocar.",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "El segundo jugador mueve primero",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "El jugador que mueve en segundo lugar en la fase de colocación mueve primero en la fase de movimiento.",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "Multi-removimiento",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "Si una jugadora cierra más de un molino a la vez, podrá eliminar el número de molinos que haya cerrado.",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "Destruir molinos",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "Por defecto, los jugadores deben eliminar primero cualquier otra pieza antes de eliminar una pieza de un molino formado. Activa esta opción para desactivar la limitación.",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "El segundo jugador pierde cuando el tablero está lleno",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "Al final de la fase de colocación, cuando el tablero está lleno, el bando que coloque primero pierde la partida, de lo contrario, la partida es un empate.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "Pierde cuando no hay movimientos legales",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "El jugador perderá si su oponente lo bloquea de manera que no pueda moverse. Cambia de bando para mover si esta opción está desactivada.",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "Volar",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "Si a un jugador le quedan sólo tres o cuatro piezas (configurables), puede mover la pieza a cualquier punto libre.",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "Regla de N movimientos",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "La partida se empata si no ha habido ninguna retirada en un número determinado de movimientos por parte de cada jugador.",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "Retroceso",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "Seleccione",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "Copiar",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "El historial de movimientos se copia en el portapapeles",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "Ayuda",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "Comentarios",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "Salir de",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "Configuración de la regla",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "Color",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "Color del tablero",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "Color de la pieza",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "Color del fondo",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "Color de la línea del tablero",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "Color de la pieza del jugador 1",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "Color de la pieza del jugador 2",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "Color del mensaje",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "La IA es perezosa",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "Mostrar el número de piezas en la mano",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "Mostrar anotaciones en el tablero",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "Mostrar la barra de navegación del historial",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "Mostrar",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "Anchura del borde del tablero",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "Ancho de la línea interior del tablero",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "Ancho de la pieza",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "Tamaño de la fuente",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "Notación WMD",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "Restaurar",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "Restaurar la configuración por defecto",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "La aplicación saldrá.",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "Tienes que cerrar inmediatamente y volver a abrir la aplicación para que tenga efecto.",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "Seleccione",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "Información",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "Sugerencia",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "jugador",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "Jugador 1",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "Jugador 2",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "Cómo se juega",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "Toca en cualquier punto disponible para colocar la pieza.",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "Pulse sobre una pieza para moverla.",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "Pulse sobre un punto conectado a una pieza para moverla.",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "Toque en la pieza del oponente para eliminarla.",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "Para poder eliminar una pieza es necesario crear un molino.",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "Tienes que jugar con tus piezas.",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "Estadísticas",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "Total de partidas",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "Resultados",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "No se puede eliminar del molino.",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "izquierda",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "Política de privacidad",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "Por favor, lea atentamente y asegúrese de que entiende y está de acuerdo con esto ",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": ". Si no está de acuerdo con esta Política, por favor no utilice esta App. El uso de la App implica que usted acepta estos términos.",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": " y ",
+ "accept": "Aceptar",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "Deshacer",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "Opción de deshacer",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "Es posible deshacer un movimiento.",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "Retroceder",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "Retirar...",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "Esperar...",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "Avanzar",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "Retroceder todo",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "Dar un paso adelante todo",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "Mover ahora",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "Hecho.",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "Molino de grietas",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "Si un jugador sólo tiene piezas en molinos, las piezas en los molinos no se bloquearán para ser retiradas.",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "Duración de la animación",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "Ninguna",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "Tema",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "El objetivo del juego es dejar al adversario con menos de tres piezas o sin movimientos legales.\n\nLa partida se empata automáticamente si se produce una posición por tercera vez, o si no se ha realizado ninguna retirada en los últimos 100 movimientos (configurables).\n\nEl juego se desarrolla en tres fases:\n\n1. Colocación de las piezas en los puntos vacíos\n2. Mover las piezas a los puntos adyacentes\n3. (fase opcional) Mover las piezas a cualquier punto vacante cuando el jugador se ha quedado con tres piezas\n\nColocación de\n\nEl juego comienza con un tablero vacío, que consiste en una cuadrícula con veinticuatro puntos. Los jugadores se turnan para colocar sus piezas en los puntos vacíos hasta que cada jugador haya colocado todas las piezas en el tablero. Si un jugador puede colocar tres de sus piezas en línea recta, tiene un \"molino\" y puede eliminar una de las piezas de su oponente del tablero.\n\nEn algunas variantes de reglas, los jugadores deben eliminar primero cualquier otra pieza antes de eliminar una pieza de un molino formado.\n\nEn algunas variantes de reglas, todos los puntos de las piezas retiradas no pueden volver a colocarse en la fase de colocación.\n\nUna vez que se han utilizado todas las piezas, los jugadores se turnan para mover.\n\nMoviendo\n\nPara mover, un jugador mueve una de sus piezas a lo largo de una línea del tablero hasta un punto adyacente libre. Si no puede hacerlo, ha perdido la partida. Al igual que en la fase de colocación, un jugador que alinea tres de sus piezas en una línea del tablero tiene un molino y puede eliminar una de las piezas de su oponente. Cualquier jugador se reduce a dos piezas y no tiene opción de formar nuevos molinos, por lo que pierde la partida. Un jugador también puede perder con más de tres piezas si su oponente las bloquea para que no puedan ser movidas.\n\nVolando\n\nEn algunas variantes de las reglas, una vez que a un jugador le quedan sólo tres piezas, sus piezas pueden \"\"volar\"\", \"\"saltar\"\" o \"\"brincar\"\" a cualquier punto vacante, no sólo a los adyacentes.",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "Información sobre la versión",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "EULA",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "Licencia",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "Código fuente",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "Avisos de terceros",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "Versión de la aplicación",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "General",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "Avanzado",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "Colocación de",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "Mover",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "Eliminación de",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "Condición de fin de juego",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "Estilo de juego de la IA",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "Pasivo",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "Tiempo de espera",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "Personalización",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "Para desarrolladores",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "Modo desarrollador",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "Basarse en la experiencia humana",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "Considerar la movilidad de las piezas",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "Recuento de piezas",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "en la mano",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "en el tablero",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "Desplazamiento del tablero desde la parte superior",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "No es el turno de la IA.",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "La IA no está pensando.",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "Repetición automática de movimientos",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "Al final de la lista de movimientos.",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "Vuelve a tocar para salir.",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "Variables de entorno",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "Más",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "Esta es una función experimental.",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "Experimentos",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "Licencias de código abierto",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "Idioma",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "Idioma por defecto",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_fr.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_fr.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8ba6f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_fr.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "fr",
+ "appName": "Moulin",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "Bienvenue",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "Oui",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "Non",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "Jeu",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "L'homme contre l'IA",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "Humain contre humain",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "IA contre IA",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "Humain Vs Cloud",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "Humain Vs LAN",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "Test via LAN",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "Déplacements",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": " Déplacements",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "Liste de mouvements",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "Liste des mouvements",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "Pas d'enregistrement",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "Confirmer",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "Annuler",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "Sélectionnez la mauvaise pièce.",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "Placez vos pièces.",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "Impossible de la placer ici.",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "Placé.",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "Retirez une pièce.",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "Impossible de la retirer.",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "Retiré.",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "Déplacer une pièce.",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "Vous ne pouvez pas placer votre pièce ici.",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer votre pièce ici.",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "Mill ! Prenez la pièce de votre adversaire.",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "Continuez à prendre la pièce de votre adversaire.",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "Sélectionnez une des pièces de votre adversaire.",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "Vous ne pouvez pas retirer une pièce d'un moulin.",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "Une pièce peut se déplacer de 1 point.",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer les pièces de votre adversaire.",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "Il y a 3 pièces en ligne.",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "Sélectionnez votre pièce à déplacer.",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "Il vous reste 3 pièces.",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "Vous pouvez vous déplacer vers le point de votre choix.",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": " pour bouger.",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "Le joueur 1 gagne !",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "Le joueur 2 gagne !",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "Gagné",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "Perdu",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "Avorté",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "C'est un match nul",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "Penser...",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "Nouveau jeu",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "Importer un jeu",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "Exporter une partie",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "Jeu importé du presse-papiers.",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "Impossible d'importer",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "Les déplacements et les règles ne correspondent pas.",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "Démarrer l'enregistrement",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "Enregistrement...",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "Arrêter l'enregistrement",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "Afficher l'enregistrement",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "Pas d'enregistrement.",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "Veuillez patienter...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "Redémarrer la partie en cours ?",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "Redémarrer",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "Jeu commencé, veuillez placer",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "Analyse ...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "Erreur",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "Taux de victoire",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "Score",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "Joueur 1",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "Joueur 2",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": " Le nombre de pièces est inférieur à trois.",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": " démissionner.",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": " Il n'y a pas moyen de partir.",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "L'échiquier est plein, il n'y a pas moyen d'y aller.",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "Temps écoulé",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "Dans la phase de déplacement, aucune pièce n'a été retirée au cours du dernier nombre spécifique de coups.",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "C'est un match nul parce que l'échiquier est plein.",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "C'est un match nul à cause de la triple répétition.",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "Game Over ! Raison inconnue.",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "Fin de la partie",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "Vous avez gagné ! Félicitations !",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "Défier un niveau plus difficile ?\nLe nouveau niveau sera le niveau ",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "Vous avez perdu !",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "Analyser",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "Nom du joueur",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "À propos de",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "Version",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "Merci",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "Paramètres",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "Options",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "Préférences",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "Niveau de difficulté",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "Temps de réflexion de l'IA",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "Difficulté",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "Effets sonores",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "Jouer des sons dans le jeu",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "Garder le silence lors de la reprise",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "Tonalité",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "Premier mouvement",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "Humain",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "IA",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "Alternate",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "Redémarrage automatique du jeu lorsque la partie est terminée",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "Changement automatique du premier coup",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "IA démissionne si la plupart perdent",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "Coup aléatoire",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "Apprendre la fin de partie",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "Livre d'ouverture",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "Divers",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "Règles",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "Le nombre de pièces dont dispose chaque joueur",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "Combien de pièces possède chaque joueur ?",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "Le numéro de la pièce volante",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "Si l'option Voler est activée, lorsqu'un joueur est réduit à un nombre spécifique de pièces, ses pièces sont libres de se déplacer vers n'importe quel point inoccupé, au lieu d'être limitées aux points adjacents comme dans le reste du jeu.",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "Pièces au minimum",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "Lignes diagonales",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "Ajoutez quatre lignes diagonales au plateau.",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "Marquer et retarder le retrait des pièces",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "Lors de la phase de placement, les points des pièces retirées ne pourront plus être placés.",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "Le deuxième joueur se déplace en premier",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "Le joueur qui se déplace en second lors de la phase de placement se déplace en premier lors de la phase de déplacement.",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "Déplacement multiple",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "Si un joueur ferme plus d'un moulin à la fois, il pourra retirer le nombre de moulins qu'il a fermés.",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "Détruire les moulins",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "Par défaut, les joueurs doivent d'abord retirer toute autre pièce avant de retirer une pièce d'un moulin formé. Activez cette option pour désactiver cette limitation.",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "Le deuxième joueur perd lorsque le plateau est plein.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "À la fin de la phase de placement, lorsque le plateau est plein, le camp qui a placé le premier perd la partie, sinon, la partie est nulle.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "Perdre en l'absence de mouvements légaux",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "Le joueur perd si son adversaire le bloque de sorte qu'il ne peut pas le déplacer. Changez de côté pour bouger si cette option est désactivée.",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "Voler",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "Si un joueur n'a plus que trois ou quatre pièces (configurable), il peut déplacer la pièce vers n'importe quel point libre.",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "Règle du N-move",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "La partie est nulle s'il n'y a pas eu de déplacement dans un nombre spécifique de coups par chaque joueur.",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "Retour en arrière",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "Veuillez sélectionner",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "Copier",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "L'historique des coups est copié dans le presse-papiers",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "Aide",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "Feed-back",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "Quitter",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "Paramètres des règles",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "Couleur",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "Couleur du plateau",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "Couleur des pièces",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "Couleur du fond",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "Couleur de la ligne du plateau",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "Couleur de la pièce du joueur 1",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "Couleur de la pièce du joueur 2",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "Couleur du message",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "L'IA est paresseuse",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "Afficher le nombre de pièces en main",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "Afficher les notations sur le plateau",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "Afficher la barre d'outils de navigation de l'historique",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "Afficher",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "Largeur du bord de l'échiquier",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "Largeur de la ligne intérieure de l'échiquier",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "Largeur des pièces",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "Taille de la police",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "Notation WMD",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "Restaurer",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "Restaurer les paramètres par défaut",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "L'application se ferme.",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "Vous devez fermer immédiatement et rouvrir l'application pour qu'elle prenne effet.",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "Choisissez",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "Info",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "Indice",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "joueur",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "Joueur 1",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "Joueur 2",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "Comment jouer",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "Tapez sur n'importe quel point disponible pour placer la pièce.",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "Tapez sur une pièce pour la déplacer.",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "Tapez sur un point connecté à une pièce pour la déplacer.",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "Tapez sur une pièce de l'adversaire pour la retirer.",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "Vous devez d'abord créer un moulin avant de pouvoir retirer une pièce.",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "Vous devez jouer avec vos pièces.",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "Statistiques",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "Total des parties",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "Résultats",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "Impossible de retirer une pièce du moulin.",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "gauche",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "Politique de confidentialité",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "Veuillez lire attentivement et vous assurer que vous comprenez et acceptez cette politique de confidentialité. ",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": ". Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec cette politique, veuillez ne pas utiliser cette application. L'utilisation de l'App implique que vous acceptez ces conditions.",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": " et ",
+ "accept": "Accepter",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "Annuler",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "Option d'annulation",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "Il est possible d'annuler un déplacement.",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "Reprendre",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "Reprendre...",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "Attendre...",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "Avancer",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "Reprendre tout",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "Avancer tous",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "Bouger maintenant",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "C'est fait.",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "Moulin à fissures",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "Si un joueur n'a que des pièces dans des moulins, les pièces dans les moulins ne se verrouilleront pas pour être retirées.",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "Durée de l'animation",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "Aucune",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "Thème",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "Le jeu vise à laisser l'adversaire avec moins de trois pièces ou aucun coup légal.\n\nLa partie est automatiquement nulle si une position se produit pour la troisième fois, ou si aucun retrait n'a été effectué au cours des 100 derniers coups (configurables).\n\nLe jeu se déroule en trois phases :\n\n1. Placer les pièces sur les points vacants\n2. Déplacement des pièces vers les points adjacents\n3. (phase optionnelle) Déplacement des pièces vers n'importe quel point vacant lorsque le joueur a été réduit à trois pièces.\n\nPlacer\n\nLe jeu commence avec un plateau vide, qui consiste en une grille de vingt-quatre points. Les joueurs placent à tour de rôle leurs pièces sur les points vacants jusqu'à ce que chaque joueur ait placé toutes ses pièces sur le plateau. Si un joueur peut placer trois de ses pièces en ligne droite, il a un \"moulin\" et peut retirer une des pièces de son adversaire du plateau.\n\nDans certaines variantes des règles, les joueurs doivent d'abord retirer toutes les autres pièces avant de retirer une pièce d'un moulin formé.\n\nDans certaines variantes des règles, tous les points des pièces retirées ne peuvent pas être replacés lors de la phase de placement.\n\nUne fois que toutes les pièces ont été utilisées, les joueurs se déplacent à tour de rôle.\n\nDéplacement\n\nPour se déplacer, un joueur déplace une de ses pièces le long d'une ligne du plateau jusqu'à un point adjacent vacant. S'il ne peut pas le faire, il a perdu la partie. Comme dans la phase de placement, un joueur qui aligne trois de ses pièces sur une ligne du plateau dispose d'un moulin et peut retirer une des pièces de son adversaire. Tout joueur réduit à deux pièces et n'a pas la possibilité de former de nouveaux moulins, et perd donc la partie. Un joueur peut également perdre avec plus de trois pièces si son adversaire les bloque de manière à ce qu'elles ne puissent pas être déplacées.\n\nVoler\n\nDans certaines variantes des règles, lorsqu'un joueur n'a plus que trois pièces, ses pièces peuvent \" voler \", \" sauter \" ou \" bondir \" vers n'importe quel point vacant, et pas seulement vers des points adjacents.",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "Infos sur la version",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "CLUF",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "Licence",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "Code source",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "Avis de tiers",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "Version de l'application",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "Général",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "Avancé",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "Placer",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "Déplacer",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "Suppression",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "Condition de fin de partie",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "Style de jeu de l'IA",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "Passif",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "Temps mort",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "Personnalisation",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "Pour les développeurs",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "Mode développeur",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "S'inspirer de l'expérience humaine",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "Tenir compte de la mobilité des pièces",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "Nombre de pièces",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "en main",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "sur l'échiquier",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "Décalage de l'échiquier par rapport au sommet",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "Ce n'est pas le tour de l'IA.",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "L'IA ne réfléchit pas.",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "Répétition automatique des coups",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "A la fin de la liste des mouvements.",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "Tapez à nouveau pour quitter.",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "Variables d'environnement",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "Plus de",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "Il s'agit d'une fonctionnalité expérimentale.",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "Expériences",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "Licences open source",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "Langue",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "Langue par défaut",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fac47ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ja.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "ja",
+ "appName": "ミル",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "ようこそ、ご利用ください。",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "はい。",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "いいえ",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "ゲーム",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "チャレンジマシン",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "2人のプレーヤー",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "マシン対マシン",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "チャレンジクラウド",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "ネットワークマッチメイキング",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "ネットワークテスト",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "ムーブ",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": "ムーブ",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "ゲームを表示する",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "ゲーム",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "ムーブなし",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "確認",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "キャンセル",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "ディスクの選択ミス",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "落としてください。",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "ここに着地できない",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "すでに落ちている",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "ピースを食べてください",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "これは取れませんね。",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "食べること。",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "行ってください。",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "ここで遊ぶことはできません。",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "ここでは動かないでください。",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "3枚続けて、食べてください。",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "引き続き、ディスクをお持ちください。",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "相手の駒を選んでください",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "トリプレットで駒を取ることはできません",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "隣接する空きマスに移動してください",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "相手のディスクを動かすことはできません",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "3つのピースが並ぶ",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "移動させたい作品を選択してください。",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "残りは3枚です。",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "何もない広場にも飛べる",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": "移動",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "先手必勝",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "クイーンの動きが勝つ",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "勝利",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "ロース",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "休憩",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "ドロー",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "相手が考えているのは...。",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "新しいゲームの開始",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "輸入ゲーム",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "ゲームのエクスポート",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "ゲームがクリップボードからインポートされている",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "インポートできない",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "動きとルールが一致しない",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "録音開始",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "録音中ですが...。",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "録音停止",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "再生録音",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "再生できない",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "お待ちください...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "再起動?",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "もう一度始めてください。",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "ゲームを開始します。 プレイしてください。",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "ポジションを分析しています...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "エラーです。",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "勝利率",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "スコア",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "ファーストハンド",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "女王の側",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": "残り3枚以下です。",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": "負けを認めた。",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": "出口はない。",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "盤面がいっぱいで出口がない。",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "タイムアウトが成立する。",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "ルールで定められた手の数以内にディスクを取らずに、手番で複数回連続して手を打った場合はドローとなります。",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "ドローは、ボードがいっぱいになり、出口がない場合に与えられます。",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "ポジションドローを3回繰り返します。",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "理由は不明ですが、ゲームは終了しました",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "ゲームオーバー。",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "優勝おめでとうございます。",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "その後の難易度アップは?\nアップグレード後の難易度は",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "あなたの負けです。",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "分析",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "プレーヤーの名前",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "について",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "バージョン",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "謝辞",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "設定",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "オプション",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "ゲーム設定",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "難易度",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "機械思考の時間",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "ゲームの難易度",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "サウンド",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "移動時に音を出す",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "後悔しているときはミュートにする",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "サウンドエフェクトの再生",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "優先順位",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "人間",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "マシン",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "オルタネート",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "ゲーム終了時に自動的にゲームを再起動する",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "ゲーム開始時に自動的に手を交換する",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "マシンが明らかに不利な場合は自動的に譲歩する",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "マシンのランダムな動き",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "自己学習型ゲームバンク",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "開設ライブラリーの利用",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "その他",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "ルール",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "ピース数",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "各プレイヤーが持っているディスクの枚数を設定します。",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "何枚目のディスクが飛ぶか",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "フライングが許可されている場合、プレイヤーが何枚のディスクを残しているかがフライングになります。",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "数枚以下のディスクロス",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "対角線",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "盤面に4本の斜めのラインを追加します。",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "禁断のポイント",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "振り子の段階では、食べたディスクはマークされ、とりあえずは取り出さない。 両方のプレイヤーがディスクを配置した後、一様にマークされたディスクをすべて取り除き、移動フェイズに移ります。",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "ディスクが振られた後に最初に動く",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "スイングフェイズで先にスイングしたプレーヤーが、ムーブフェイズで先にムーブします。",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "複数枚のディスクの取り込み",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "同時に複数のトリプレットが形成された場合、相手はトリプレットが形成された数だけディスクを食べることができます。",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "トリプレットからピースを取ることは可能です。",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "デフォルトでは、相手のディスクがすべてトリプレットになっていないと、トリプレットを取ることはできません。 このオプションをオンにすると、この制限が解除されます。",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "盤面がいっぱいになると、最初にディスクを置いた人が負けになります。",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "12枚のディスクの場合、ディスクフェイズの終了時にボードが満杯で、どちらのプレイヤーもディスクを取っていない場合、最初のプレイヤーはドローではなく負けとなります。",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "逃げ場がないときの負け",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "ムーブフェーズでは、相手の動きに合わせて切り替えるのではなく、逃げ場がなくなった時点で負けとなります。",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "フライングディスク",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "一方の側が3枚または4枚(設定可能)のディスクを残している場合、その側はボード上の任意の空のマスにディスクを移動することができます。",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "N-ステップルール",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "ディスクが取られなかった場合に、引き分けが成立する連続した手の数を指定します。",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "ロールバック",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "選択してください",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "コピー",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "ゲームがクリップボードにコピーされました",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "ヘルプ",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "質問のフィードバック",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "ログアウト",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "ルール設定",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "カラー",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "ボードカラー",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "ピースカラー",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "背景色",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "ラインカラー",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "テンポ側のポーンの色",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "クイーンズサイドピースの色",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "キューメッセージの色",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "マシンがリードしている時の怠慢",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "手元に残っている枚数を表示",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "盤面の端に座標を表示",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "移動ナビゲーションツールバーの表示",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "ショー",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "ボードの外枠の線幅",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "ボード内のラインの幅",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "ピースサイズ",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "文字サイズ",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "標準的なゲーム形式",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "リセット",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "デフォルトの設定に戻す",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "アプリが終了します。",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "デフォルトの設定を有効にするには、すぐにアプリを終了して再起動する必要があります。",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "セレクト",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "インフォメーション",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "チップ",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "プレーヤー",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "初手側",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "バックハンド側",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "遊び方の説明",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "盤面の交点をクリックしてピースを配置します。",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "移動させたいピースを選択します。",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "この作品に隣接するポイントをクリックすると、作品が移動します。",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "相手の駒をクリックすると、その駒を取ることができます。",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "相手の駒を捕獲するためには、トリプレットを形成する必要があります。",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "自分の駒を動かす必要があります。",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "統計情報",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "ディスクの枚数",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "結果",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "トリプレットのディスクは食べられません。",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "残存",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "プライバシーポリシー",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "User Agreement と \"Privacy Policy \"の条項を注意深く読み、完全に理解することが重要です。",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": "お客様に提供するサービスを向上させるために、お客様の明示的な承認に基づいて、お客様のデバイスモデル、診断データ、電子メールアドレスなどの情報を取得することがありますが、これらの情報はお客様が拒否またはキャンセルする権利を有します。 診断データの送信を依頼するたびに、事前にポップアップでお客様の明示的な同意を求めます。",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": "を読むことができます。",
+ "accept": "をご覧ください。 同意いただける場合は、「同意する」をクリックしていただくと、当社のサービスの提供が開始されます。",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "そして",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "コンセント",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "悔い改め",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "悔い改め",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "後悔しないために",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "戻る",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "リトリート",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "お待ちください。",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "一歩前進",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "最後に戻る。",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "最後までお楽しみください。",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "すぐに動く。",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "できました。",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "三つ子の全員を連れて行くことは許されない",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "相手のディスクがすべてトリプレットになっている場合、自分もディスクを取ることができません。",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "動画の再生時間",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "ストレート・チェスは、相手のディスクを3枚以下にすることを目的とした、非常に古いマインド・ゲームです。\n\nポジションを3回繰り返すか、100回の連続した動き(設定可能)の中で食われたディスクがないと、引き分けになります。\n\nゲームは3つのフェーズで構成されています。\n\n1.空いているマスにディスクを置く。\n2.隣接する空のマスに駒を移動させる。\n3.残りのピースが3つになったら、「飛ぶ」ことができます(任意)。\n\n振り子の位相\n\n盤面には24個の空のマスがあります。 手持ちの駒がなくなるまで、空いているマスに交互に駒を置いていきます。 一方のプレイヤーが自分の3つの駒を並べると「トリプレット」と呼ばれ、相手の駒を捕獲して動きを続けることができます。\n\nこのルールの中には、相手のディスクがすべて「トリプレット」に入っている場合を除き、「トリプレット」に入っていない相手のディスクのみをキャプチャーすることができると定めているものもあります。\n\n他のルールバリエーションでは、移動フェイズの間、どちらのプレイヤーも捕獲されたディスクがある空のマスにディスクを移動することはできないと規定されています。\n\n両プレイヤーがディスクを手札に配置し終わったら、移動フェイズに移ります。\n\nムーブフェーズ\n\nプレイヤーは、自分のディスクを隣接するポイントに移動させます。 移動するディスクがない場合は、損失が発生します。 ムーブフェーズと同様に、「トリプル」が形成されると、相手のディスクが捕獲されます。 片方のプレイヤーのディスクが2枚しか残っていない場合、ゲームは終了し、そのプレイヤーの負けとなります。 また、ボード上に3枚以上のディスクがあっても、移動できるディスクが残っていない場合も負けとなります。\n\nフライング・ディスク・フェーズ\n\n一部のルールでは、ディスクが3枚になった時点で、隣接しているかどうかに関わらず、空いている任意のマスに「飛ぶ」ことができます。\n",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "バージョン情報",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "利用規約",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "ライセンス",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "ソースコード",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "サードパーティーステートメント",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "アプリケーションのバージョン",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "一般",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "アドバンスド",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "振り子",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "Go",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "食べる",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "終盤の条件",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "マシンのプレースタイル",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "負の受動性",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "タイムアウト",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "外観設定",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "開発オプション",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "デベロッパーモード",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "人間の経験を借りる",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "ピース活動の強化を検討",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "ピース数",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "手には",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "ボード上",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "盤面と上端の間隔",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "コンピュータが動くのではなく",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "コンピューターは考えていない",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "オートリプレイ。",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "ボトムにあります。",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "もう一度returnを押してアプリケーションを終了する",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "環境変数",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "さらに",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "これはまだ実験的な機能です。",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "実験の特徴",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "オープンソースライセンス",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "表示言語",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "デフォルト言語",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ko.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ko.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30f53b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ko.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "ko",
+ "appName": "Mill",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "어서 오십시오",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "예",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "아니",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "경기",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "인간-기계 전투",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "2 인 전투",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "기계 전투",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "클라우드에 도전",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "온라인 배틀",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "네트워크 테스트",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "움직임",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": "단계",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "체스 기록보기",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "체스 기록",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "아직 트릭이 없습니다",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "확인",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "확인",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "취소",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "저작권 © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "잘못된 아이",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "정착하십시오",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "여기에 떨어질 수 없어",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "이미 정착",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "먹어 줘",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "이거 먹을 수 없어",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "먹다",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "제발 가줘",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "여기에 떨어지지 마십시오",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "여기로 이동할 수 없습니다.",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "세 아들을 연속해서 먹어주세요",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "계속 먹어주세요",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "상대방의 말을 선택하세요",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "세 게임 체인에서 폰을 먹을 수 없습니다.",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "인접한 공석으로 걸어주세요.",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "상대방의 말을 움직일 수 없습니다.",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "한 줄에 세 개의 체스 조각",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "이동할 자신의 폰을 선택하세요",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "3 개만 남음",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "모든 공석으로 날아갈 수 있음",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": "체스를하다",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "플레이어 1이 승리합니다!",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "플레이어 2가 승리합니다!",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "승리",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "부정",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "일시 정지",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "무승부",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "다른 사람이 ...",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "새로운 라운드 시작",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "게임 가져 오기",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "게임 내보내기",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "게임 기록을 클립 보드에서 가져 왔습니다",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "가져올 수 없습니다",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "이동이 게임 규칙과 일치하지 않습니다.",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "녹음 시작",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "녹음...",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "녹음 중지",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "재생 녹음",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "재생 안함",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "잠시만 기다려주세요 ...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "다시 시작?",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "재시작",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "게임이 시작됩니다.",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "상황 분석 중 ...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "오류",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "승률",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "점수",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "첫 손",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "백 핸드",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": "남은 조각이 3 개 미만입니다.",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": "주다.",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": "갈 길이 없습니다.",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "체스 판이 꽉 차서 갈 길이 없었습니다.",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "초과 근무는 부정적입니다.",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "이동 단계에서 규칙에 지정된 단계 수 내에 샷이 없으면 연속 된 여러 단계에 대해 동점이됩니다.",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "체스 판이 꽉 차서 갈 길이없고, 동점이됩니다.",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "위치를 반복하고 세 번 그립니다.",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "게임이 끝났습니다. 이유를 알 수 없습니다!",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "게임 끝",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "우승을 축하합니다",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "앞으로 난이도가 높아질까요?\n증가 된 난이도는",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "당신은진다",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "분석",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "선수 이름",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "의 위에",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "버전",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "감사",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "설정",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "옵션",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "게임 설정",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "난이도",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "기계 사고 시간",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "게임 난이도",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "소리",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "체스를 할 때 소리 재생",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "게임 후회할 때 음소거 유지",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "신속한 사운드",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "선",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "인류",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "기계",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "번갈아",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "게임 종료시 자동으로 다시 시작",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "시작시 손 자동 교환",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "기계가 분명히 열등 할 때 자동으로 패배를 인정",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "무작위 기계 이동",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "엔드 게임 라이브러리자가 학습",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "여는 라이브러리 사용",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "다른",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "체스 규칙",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "체스 말의 수",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "두 플레이어가 소유 한 폰 수를 설정합니다.",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "얼마나 많은 아이들이 날 수 있습니까?",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "날아 다니는 말이 허용되면 플레이어는 한쪽에 말이 많이 남아있을 때 날 수 있습니다.",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "몇 조각 미만, 게임에서 패배",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "삭감",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "보드에 4 개의 슬래시를 추가합니다.",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "금지 점",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "스윙 스테이지에서는 먹은 조각이 표시되며 당분간 제거되지 않습니다. 양측이 체스 말을 배치 한 후, 그들은 통합되어 표시된 모든 체스 말을 제거하고 이동 단계에 들어갑니다.",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "백 스윙",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "스윙 스테이지에서 먼저 스윙하는 파티가 스윙 스테이지에서 먼저 이동합니다.",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "더 먹어",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "동시에 여러 개의 트라이어드가 형성되면 여러 개의 트라이어드가 형성되어 서로의 자녀를 먹을 수 있습니다.",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "세 번째 연속 아들을 먹을 수 있습니다",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "기본적으로 상대방의 모든 자녀가 세 번째 대회에 참가하지 않는 한 세 번의 대회에서 자녀를 먹을 수 없습니다. 이 제한을 제거하려면이 옵션을 켜십시오.",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "보드가 가득 차면",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "12 피스 체스의 경우, 스윙 스테이지가 끝날 때 보드가 가득 차고 어느 플레이어도 피스를 가지고 있지 않으면 첫 번째 플레이어가 무승부 대신 패배합니다.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "갈 길이 없을 때 패배",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "이동 단계에서는 갈 길이 없을 때 상대를 향하여 이동을 계속하는 대신 체스를 잃습니다.",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "Feizi",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "한 파티에 의해 3 개 또는 4 개의 (구성 가능한) 체스 말이 남아있을 때,이 파티는 그 말을 체스 판의 빈 위치로 이동할 수 있습니다.",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "N 단계 규칙",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "샷이 없을 때 동점으로 판단 할 연속 단계 수를 지정합니다.",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "롤백",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "선택하세요",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "부",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "게임 기록이 클립 보드에 복사되었습니다.",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "도움",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "피드백",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "그만두 다",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "규칙 설정",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "색깔",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "바둑판 색상",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "체스 조각 색상",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "배경색",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "선 색상",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "첫 번째 무버의 색상",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "뒤 체스 말의 색상",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "프롬프트 메시지 색상",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "기계가 선도 할 때의 게으름",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "손에 남아있는 조각의 수를 보여주세요",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "보드 가장자리에 좌표 표시",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "이동 탐색 도구 모음 표시",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "디스플레이",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "바둑판 프레임 선 너비",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "체스 판 내부의 선 너비",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "조각 크기",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "글꼴 크기",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "표준 게임 기록 형식",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "초기화",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "기본 설정 복원",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "앱이 종료됩니다.",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "기본 구성을 적용하려면 프로그램을 즉시 종료하고 다시 열어야합니다.",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "고르다",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "정보",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "신속한",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "플레이어",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "첫 손",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "백 핸드",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "게임 방법",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "체스 말을 놓으려면 보드의 교차점을 클릭하십시오.",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "이동하려는 조각을 선택하십시오.",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "조각을 이동하려면이 조각에 인접한 지점을 클릭하십시오.",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "상대방의 말 중 하나를 클릭하여 조각을 가져옵니다.",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "상대방의 말을 가져 가기 전에 먼저 3 경기를 구성해야합니다.",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "자신의 폰을 가져 가야합니다.",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "통계",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "디스크 수",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "결과",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "당신은 Sanlian의 아들을 먹을 수 없습니다.",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "남은",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "개인 정보 정책",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "다음을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않는 \"사용자 계약\"및 \"개인 정보 보호 정책\"의 조건을주의 깊게 읽고 완전히 이해하십시오.\n당사가 귀하에게 제공하는 서비스를 개선하기 위해 귀하의 명시 적 승인에 따라 당사는 귀하의 장치 모델, 진단 데이터, 이메일 주소 등과 같은 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다. 귀하는 승인을 거부하거나 취소 할 권리가 있습니다. 진단 데이터 전송을 요청할 때마다 팝업 창을 통해 귀하의 명시 적 동의를 얻습니다.\n당신은 읽을 수있다 \"",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": "\"더 알아보기. 동의하면 \"동의\"를 클릭하여 서비스 수락을 시작하십시오.",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": "\"와\"",
+ "accept": "동의하다",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "후회 체스",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "후회 체스",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "후회 허용",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "물러서",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "롤백",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "기다려주세요",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "한 걸음 앞으로",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "끝으로 돌아 가기",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "끝으로 이동",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "지금 체스 플레이",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "수행하다",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "세 개를 연속으로 먹을 수 없습니다.",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "상대방의 아들이 모두 세 번째 회사에 있으면 아들을 먹을 수 없습니다.",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "애니메이션 기간",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "아니",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "테마",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "Mill는 매우 오래된 지적 게임으로, 게임의 목표는 남은 조각이 3 개 미만으로 상대방을 먹게하는 것입니다.\n\n위치가 세 번 반복되거나 100 번 연속 이동 (구성 가능)에 비트가 없으면 무승부가됩니다.\n\n게임은 세 단계로 나뉩니다.\n\n1. 빈 자리에서 스윙;\n2. 체스 말을 인접한 빈 위치로 이동합니다.\n3. 체스 말이 3 개 밖에 남지 않았을 때, \"말을 날릴 수 있습니다\"(선택 사항).\n\n스윙 스테이지\n\n체스 판에는 24 개의 빈 자리가 있습니다. 플레이어는 손에 자녀가 없을 때까지 자녀를 빈 위치에 번갈아 가며 놓습니다. 한 파티가 자신의 말을 3 개 연속으로 배열하면 \"쓰리 컴\"을 형성하고 상대방의 말을 캡처 한 다음 체스를 계속할 수 있다고합니다.\n\n특정 규칙 변형은 \"3 중대\"에 속하지 않은 상대의 아들 만 먹을 수 있다고 규정하고 있습니다.\n\n진자 단계에서는 어느 쪽도 먹은 아이가있는 빈 공간에서 스윙 할 수없는 몇 가지 규칙 변형이 있습니다.\n\n양손의 체스 말이 끝나면 이동 단계로 들어갑니다.\n\n워킹 스테이지\n\n플레이어는 자신의 폰을 인접한 지점으로 이동합니다. 갈 아이가 없으면 잃을 것입니다. 진자 스테이지와 유사하게 \"3 경기\"를 구성 할 때 상대방의 말을 캡처 할 수 있습니다. 한쪽에 폰이 두 개만 남아있는 경우 패배가 결정되고 게임은 패배로 선언됩니다. 체스 판에 3 개 이상의 말이 있지만 이동할 말이 없으면 패배자로 선언됩니다.\n\n발가락 단계\n\n규칙의 일부 변형에서, 파티에 3 개의 조각이 남아 있으면 빈 위치가 인접했는지 여부에 관계없이 빈 위치로 \"날아갈\"수 있습니다.",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "버전 정보",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "사용자 동의",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "특허",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "소스 코드",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "제 3 자 선언",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "앱 버전",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "전통적인",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "많은",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "흔들리는 추",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "보행",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "아이를 먹어",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "최종 조건",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "기계의 체스 스타일",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "수동태",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "시간 초과",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "모양 설정",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "개발자 옵션",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "개발자 모드",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "인간의 경험을 바탕으로",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "체스 말의 능력 향상을 고려하십시오",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "체스 말의 수",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "손에",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "체스 판에서",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "보드와 상단 가장자리 사이의 거리",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "이제 컴퓨터가 체스를 할 차례가 아닙니다.",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "컴퓨터는 생각하지 않습니다",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "자동 재생",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "끝이다",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "애플리케이션을 종료하려면 리턴 키를 다시 누르십시오.",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "환경 변수",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "더",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "이것은 아직 실험적인 기능입니다.",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "실험적 기능",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "오픈 소스 라이선스",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "표시 언어",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "기본 언어",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_pt.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_pt.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7b50b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_pt.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "pt",
+ "appName": "Moinho",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "Bem-vindo",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "Sim",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "Não",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "Jogo",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "Humano Vs AI",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "Humanos Vs Humanos",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "AI Vs AI",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "Nuvem humana Vs",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "Humanos Vs LAN",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "Teste via LAN",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "Mudança",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": " Mudanças",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "Lista de mudanças",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "Lista de mudanças",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "Sem registo",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "Confirme",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "Seleccionar a peça errada.",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "Coloque as suas peças.",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "Não é possível colocá-la aqui.",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "Colocadas.",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "Retirar uma peça.",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "Não é possível remover.",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "Removido.",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "Mover uma peça.",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "Não é possível colocar a sua peça aqui.",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "Não pode mover a sua peça aqui.",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "Moinho! Leva a peça do teu adversário.",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "Continua a levar a peça do teu adversário.",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "Seleccione uma das peças do seu oponente.",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "Não podes retirar uma peça de um moinho.",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "Uma peça pode mover 1 ponto.",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "Não pode deslocar as peças do seu oponente.",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "Há 3 peças numa linha.",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "Seleccione a sua peça a mover.",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "Ainda tem 3 peças.",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "Pode deslocar-se para qualquer ponto que desejar.",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": " para se deslocar.",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "O jogador 1 ganha!",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "O jogador 2 ganha!",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "Ganhou",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "Perdido",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "Abortado",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "É um sorteio",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "A pensar...",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "Novo jogo",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "Jogo de importação",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "Jogo de exportação",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "Jogo importado da prancheta.",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "Não pode ser importado",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "Os movimentos e as regras não coincidem.",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "Iniciar gravação",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "Gravação...",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "Parar a gravação",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "Mostrar gravação",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "Sem gravação.",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "Por favor aguarde...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "Reiniciar o jogo actual?",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "Reiniciar",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "O jogo começou, por favor coloque",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "Analisar ...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "Erro",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "Taxa de vitória",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "Pontuação",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "Jogador 1",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "Jogador 2",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": " A contagem das peças é inferior a três.",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": " demitir-se.",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": " não é maneira de ir.",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "O tabuleiro está cheio, não há maneira de ir.",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "O tempo acabou.",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "Na fase de movimento, nenhuma peça foi removida no último número específico de movimentos.",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "É um sorteio porque o tabuleiro está cheio",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "É um sorteio devido a uma repetição tripla.",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "O jogo acabou! Razão desconhecida.",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "Fim do jogo",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "Ganhaste! Parabéns!",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "Desafiar com mais força?\nO novo nível será Nível ",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "Perdeu!",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "Analisar",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "Nome do jogador",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "Sobre",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "Versão",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "Obrigado",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "Definições",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "Opções",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "Preferências",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "Nível de dificuldade",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "Tempo de reflexão da IA",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "Dificuldade",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "Efeitos sonoros",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "Reproduzir sons no jogo",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "Mantenha-se mudo ao retirar",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "Tom",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "Primeiro passo",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "Humano",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "AI",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "Suplente",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "Jogo de reinício automático quando o jogo termina",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "Primeira mudança automática",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "AI Renunciar se a Maioria Perder",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "Movimento aleatório",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "Aprender Endgame",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "Livro de abertura",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "Diversos",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "Regras",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "O número de peças que cada jogador tem",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "Quantas peças é que cada jogador tem?",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "O número da peça voadora",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "Se o Flying estiver habilitado, quando um jogador é reduzido a uma contagem específica de peças, as suas peças são livres de se deslocar para qualquer ponto desocupado, em vez de ficarem restritas a pontos adjacentes como no resto do jogo.",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "Peças no mínimo",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "Linhas diagonais",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "Acrescentar quatro linhas diagonais ao quadro.",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "Marcar e atrasar a remoção das peças",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "Na fase de colocação, os pontos das peças removidas deixarão de poder ser colocados.",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "O segundo jogador move-se primeiro",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "O jogador que se move em segundo lugar na fase de colocação, move-se primeiro na fase de movimentação.",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "Multi-remove",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "Se um jogador fechar mais do que um moinho ao mesmo tempo, poderá remover o número de moinhos que fechou.",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "Destruir moinhos",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "Por defeito, os jogadores devem remover primeiro quaisquer outras peças antes de removerem uma peça de um moinho formado. Habilitar esta opção para desactivar a limitação.",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "O segundo jogador perde quando o tabuleiro está cheio",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "No final da fase de colocação, quando o tabuleiro está cheio, o lado que coloca primeiro perde o jogo, caso contrário, o jogo é um empate.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "Perde quando não há jogadas legais",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "O jogador perderá se o seu adversário os bloquear para que não possam ser movidos. Mude de lado para se mover se esta opção for desactivada.",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "Voar",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "Se um jogador tiver apenas três ou quatro peças (configuráveis) restantes, pode mover a peça para qualquer ponto livre.",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "Regra de N-move",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "O jogo é sorteado se não tiver havido remoção num número específico de jogadas por cada jogador.",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "Rollback",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "Por favor seleccione",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "Cópia",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "Histórico de movimento copiado para a prancheta",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "Ajuda",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "Feedback",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "Saída",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "Definições de regras",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "Cor",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "Cor do quadro",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "Cor da peça",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "Cor de fundo",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "Cor da linha de cartão",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "Cor do jogador 1 peça",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "Cor do jogador 2 peças",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "Cor da mensagem",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "A IA é preguiçosa",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "Mostrar a contagem das peças na mão",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "Mostrar notações a bordo",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "Mostrar histórico barra de ferramentas de navegação",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "Mostrar",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "Largura da linha de fronteira da placa",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "Largura da linha interior da placa",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "Largura da peça",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "Tamanho de letra",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "Notação WMD",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "Restaurar",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "Restaurar as configurações por defeito",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "O aplicativo irá sair.",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "Tem de fechar imediatamente e reabrir a aplicação para ter efeito.",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "Escolher",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "Informação",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "Dica",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "jogador",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "Jogador 1",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "Jogador 2",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "Como jogar",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "Toque em qualquer ponto disponível para colocar a peça.",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "Tocar numa peça para a mover.",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "Tocar num ponto ligado à peça para a mover.",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "Tocar na peça única do adversário para a remover.",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "É necessário criar primeiro um moinho antes de se poder remover uma peça.",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "Precisa de jogar com as suas peças.",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "Estatísticas",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "Jogos totais",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "Resultados",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "Não pode ser retirado do moinho.",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "esquerda",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "Política de Privacidade",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "Por favor, leia com atenção e certifique-se de que compreende e concorda plenamente com isto ",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": ". Se não concordar com esta Política, por favor não utilize esta aplicação. A utilização da App implica que aceita estes termos.",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": " e ",
+ "accept": "Aceitar",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "Desfazer",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "Opção de desfazer",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "É possível desfazer uma jogada.",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "Retirar",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "Retomada...",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "À espera...",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "Passo em frente",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "Recuperar tudo",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "Passo em frente todos",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "Mexa-se agora",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "Feito.",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "Crack-mill",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "Se um jogador só tiver peças nos moinhos, as peças nos moinhos não se fecham para remover.",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "Duração da animação",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "Nenhum",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "Tema",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "O jogo visa deixar o adversário com menos de três peças ou sem movimentos legais.\n\nO jogo é automaticamente sorteado se uma posição ocorrer pela terceira vez, ou se não tiver sido feita nenhuma remoção nas últimas 100 jogadas (configuráveis).\n\nO jogo prossegue em três fases:\n\n1. Colocação das peças em pontos vagos\n2. Peças em movimento para pontos adjacentes\n3. (fase opcional) Mover peças para qualquer ponto vago quando o jogador tiver sido reduzido a três peças\n\nColocação\n\nO jogo começa com um tabuleiro vazio, que consiste numa grelha com vinte e quatro pontos. Os jogadores revezam-se colocando as suas peças em pontos vagos até que cada jogador tenha colocado todas as peças no tabuleiro. Se um jogador conseguir colocar três das suas peças numa linha recta, tem um \"moinho\" e pode remover uma das peças do seu adversário do tabuleiro.\n\nEm algumas variantes de regras, os jogadores devem remover primeiro quaisquer outras peças antes de removerem uma peça de um moinho formado.\n\nEm algumas variantes de regras, todos os pontos das peças removidas não podem ser novamente colocados na fase de colocação.\n\nUma vez que todas as peças tenham sido utilizadas, os jogadores revezam-se em movimento.\n\nMovendo-se\n\nPara se mover, um jogador move uma das suas peças ao longo de uma linha de tabuleiro para um ponto adjacente vago. Se não o conseguir fazer, perdeu o jogo. Tal como na fase de colocação, um jogador que alinha três das suas peças numa linha de tabuleiro tem um moinho e pode remover uma das peças do seu adversário. Qualquer jogador reduz para duas peças e não tem opção de formar novos moinhos, e assim perde o jogo. Um jogador também pode perder com mais de três peças se o seu oponente as bloquear para que não possam ser movidas.\n\nVoar\n\nEm algumas variantes das regras, uma vez que um jogador só tenha mais três peças, as suas peças podem \"voar\", \"saltar\", ou \"saltar\" para quaisquer pontos vagos, e não apenas para os pontos adjacentes.",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "Informação sobre a versão",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "EULA",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "Licença",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "Código fonte",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "Avisos de terceiros",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "Versão do aplicativo",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "Geral",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "Avançado",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "Colocação",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "Mudança",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "Remoção",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "Condição de jogo sobre condição",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "O estilo de jogo da IA",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "Passivo",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "Desconto de tempo",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "Personalização",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "Para programadores",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "Modo desenvolvedor",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "Aproveite a experiência humana",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "Considerar a mobilidade das peças",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "Contagem das peças",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "em mãos",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "a bordo",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "Compensação do quadro a partir do topo",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "Não é a vez da IA.",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "A IA não está a pensar.",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "Jogadas de repetição automática",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "No final da lista de mudanças.",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "Bater novamente para sair.",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "Variáveis ambientais",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "Mais",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "Esta é uma característica experimental.",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "Experiências",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "Licenças de código aberto",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "Idioma",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "Língua por defeito",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ru.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ru.arb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f101f8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_ru.arb
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+ "@@locale": "ru",
+ "appName": "Мельница",
+ "@appName": {
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "welcome": "Добро пожаловать",
+ "@welcome": {
+ "description": "Welcome"
+ },
+ "yes": "Да",
+ "@yes": {
+ "description": "Yes"
+ },
+ "no": "Нет",
+ "@no": {
+ "description": "No"
+ },
+ "game": "Игра",
+ "@game": {
+ "description": "Game"
+ },
+ "humanVsAi": "Человек против ИИ",
+ "@humanVsAi": {
+ "description": "Human Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsHuman": "Человек против человека",
+ "@humanVsHuman": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Human"
+ },
+ "aiVsAi": "ИИ против ИИ",
+ "@aiVsAi": {
+ "description": "AI Vs AI"
+ },
+ "humanVsCloud": "Человек против облака",
+ "@humanVsCloud": {
+ "description": "Human Vs Cloud"
+ },
+ "humanVsLAN": "Человек против локальной сети",
+ "@humanVsLAN": {
+ "description": "Human Vs LAN"
+ },
+ "testViaLAN": "Тестирование через локальную сеть",
+ "@testViaLAN": {
+ "description": "Test Via LAN"
+ },
+ "move": "Перемещение",
+ "@move": {
+ "description": "Move"
+ },
+ "moves": " Переезды",
+ "@moves": {
+ "description": " Moves"
+ },
+ "showMoveList": "Список перемещений",
+ "@showMoveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "moveList": "Список перемещений",
+ "@moveList": {
+ "description": "Move list"
+ },
+ "noGameRecord": "Нет записи",
+ "@noGameRecord": {
+ "description": "No record"
+ },
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "@ok": {
+ "description": "OK"
+ },
+ "confirm": "Подтвердить",
+ "@confirm": {
+ "description": "Confirm"
+ },
+ "cancel": "Отменить",
+ "@cancel": {
+ "description": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
+ "@copyright": {
+ "description": "Copyright"
+ },
+ "tipSelectWrong": "Выберите неправильную фигуру.",
+ "@tipSelectWrong": {
+ "description": "Select the wrong piece."
+ },
+ "tipPlace": "Разместите свои части.",
+ "@tipPlace": {
+ "description": "Place your pieces."
+ },
+ "tipBanPlace": "Невозможно разместить здесь.",
+ "@tipBanPlace": {
+ "description": "Cannot place it here."
+ },
+ "tipPlaced": "Размещено.",
+ "@tipPlaced": {
+ "description": "Placed."
+ },
+ "tipRemove": "Удалите фигуру.",
+ "@tipRemove": {
+ "description": "Remove a piece."
+ },
+ "tipBanRemove": "Невозможно удалить.",
+ "@tipBanRemove": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove."
+ },
+ "tipRemoved": "Удалено.",
+ "@tipRemoved": {
+ "description": "Removed."
+ },
+ "tipMove": "Переместить фигуру.",
+ "@tipMove": {
+ "description": "Move a piece."
+ },
+ "tipCannotPlace": "Вы не можете поместить свою фигуру сюда.",
+ "@tipCannotPlace": {
+ "description": "You can't place your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMove": "Вы не можете переместить свою фигуру сюда.",
+ "@tipCannotMove": {
+ "description": "You can't move your piece here."
+ },
+ "tipMill": "Мельница! Возьмите фигуру противника.",
+ "@tipMill": {
+ "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipContinueMill": "Продолжайте брать фигуру противника.",
+ "@tipContinueMill": {
+ "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
+ },
+ "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "Выберите одну из фигур противника.",
+ "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
+ "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "Вы не можете убрать фигуру с мельницы.",
+ "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
+ "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "Фигура может переместиться на 1 очко.",
+ "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
+ "description": "A piece can move 1 point."
+ },
+ "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "Вы не можете передвигать фигуры противника.",
+ "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
+ "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
+ },
+ "tipThreePiecesInLine": "В линии стоят 3 фигуры.",
+ "@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
+ "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
+ },
+ "tipSelectPieceToMove": "Выберите свою фигуру для перемещения.",
+ "@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
+ "description": "Select your piece to move."
+ },
+ "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "У вас осталось 3 фигуры.",
+ "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
+ "description": "You have 3 pieces left."
+ },
+ "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "Вы можете переместиться в любую точку.",
+ "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
+ "description": "You can move to any point you like."
+ },
+ "tipToMove": " переместиться.",
+ "@tipToMove": {
+ "description": " to move."
+ },
+ "whiteWin": "Игрок 1 побеждает!",
+ "@whiteWin": {
+ "description": "Player 1 wins!"
+ },
+ "blackWin": "Игрок 2 победил!",
+ "@blackWin": {
+ "description": "Player 2 wins!"
+ },
+ "won": "Выиграл",
+ "@won": {
+ "description": "Won"
+ },
+ "lost": "Проиграл",
+ "@lost": {
+ "description": "Lost"
+ },
+ "aborted": "Прервано",
+ "@aborted": {
+ "description": "Aborted"
+ },
+ "draw": "Ничья",
+ "@draw": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw!"
+ },
+ "thinking": "Размышления...",
+ "@thinking": {
+ "description": "Thinking..."
+ },
+ "newGame": "Новая игра",
+ "@newGame": {
+ "description": "New game"
+ },
+ "importGame": "Импорт игры",
+ "@importGame": {
+ "description": "Import game"
+ },
+ "exportGame": "Экспорт игры",
+ "@exportGame": {
+ "description": "Export game"
+ },
+ "gameImported": "Игра импортирована из буфера обмена.",
+ "@gameImported": {
+ "description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
+ },
+ "cannotImport": "Невозможно импортировать",
+ "@cannotImport": {
+ "description": "Cannot import"
+ },
+ "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "Движения и правила не совпадают.",
+ "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
+ "description": "Rules and moves do not match."
+ },
+ "startRecording": "Начать запись",
+ "@startRecording": {
+ "description": "Start recording"
+ },
+ "recording": "Запись...",
+ "@recording": {
+ "description": "Recording..."
+ },
+ "stopRecording": "Остановить запись",
+ "@stopRecording": {
+ "description": "Stop recording"
+ },
+ "showRecording": "Показать запись",
+ "@showRecording": {
+ "description": "Show recording"
+ },
+ "noRecording": "Запись не ведется.",
+ "@noRecording": {
+ "description": "No recording."
+ },
+ "pleaseWait": "Пожалуйста, подождите...",
+ "@pleaseWait": {
+ "description": "Please wait..."
+ },
+ "restartGame": "Перезапустить текущую игру?",
+ "@restartGame": {
+ "description": "Restart current game?"
+ },
+ "restart": "Перезапустить",
+ "@restart": {
+ "description": "Restart"
+ },
+ "gameStarted": "Игра началась, пожалуйста, поместите",
+ "@gameStarted": {
+ "description": "Game started, please place"
+ },
+ "analyzing": "Анализ ...",
+ "@analyzing": {
+ "description": "Analyzing ..."
+ },
+ "error": "Ошибка",
+ "@error": {
+ "description": "Error"
+ },
+ "winRate": "Победа",
+ "@winRate": {
+ "description": "Win Rate"
+ },
+ "score": "Очки",
+ "@score": {
+ "description": "Score"
+ },
+ "white": "Игрок 1",
+ "@white": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "black": "Игрок 2",
+ "@black": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "loseReasonlessThanThree": " количество фигур меньше трех.",
+ "@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
+ "description": " piece count is less than three."
+ },
+ "loseReasonResign": " отставка.",
+ "@loseReasonResign": {
+ "description": " resign."
+ },
+ "loseReasonNoWay": " нет возможности ходить.",
+ "@loseReasonNoWay": {
+ "description": " is no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "Доска заполнена, выход невозможен.",
+ "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "The board is full, no way to go."
+ },
+ "loseReasonTimeOver": "Время истекло",
+ "@loseReasonTimeOver": {
+ "description": "Time Over"
+ },
+ "drawReasonRule50": "В фазе перемещения ни одна фигура не была убрана за последнее определенное количество ходов.",
+ "@drawReasonRule50": {
+ "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
+ },
+ "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "Ничья, потому что доска заполнена",
+ "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
+ },
+ "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "Ничья из-за трехкратного повторения.",
+ "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
+ "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
+ },
+ "gameOverUnknownReason": "Игра окончена! Неизвестная причина.",
+ "@gameOverUnknownReason": {
+ "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
+ },
+ "gameOver": "Игра окончена",
+ "@gameOver": {
+ "description": "Game Over"
+ },
+ "youWin": "Вы выиграли! Поздравляем!",
+ "@youWin": {
+ "description": "You win! Congratulations!"
+ },
+ "challengeHarderLevel": "Вызовите более сложный уровень?\nНовым уровнем будет уровень ",
+ "@challengeHarderLevel": {
+ "description": "Challenge harder level?"
+ },
+ "youLose": "Вы проиграли!",
+ "@youLose": {
+ "description": "You Lose!"
+ },
+ "analyze": "Проанализируйте",
+ "@analyze": {
+ "description": "Analyze"
+ },
+ "playerName": "Имя игрока",
+ "@playerName": {
+ "description": "Player Name"
+ },
+ "about": "О сайте",
+ "@about": {
+ "description": "About"
+ },
+ "version": "Версия",
+ "@version": {
+ "description": "Version"
+ },
+ "thanks": "Спасибо",
+ "@thanks": {
+ "description": "Thanks"
+ },
+ "settings": "Настройки",
+ "@settings": {
+ "description": "Settings"
+ },
+ "options": "Параметры",
+ "@options": {
+ "description": "Options"
+ },
+ "preferences": "Предпочтения",
+ "@preferences": {
+ "description": "Preferences"
+ },
+ "skillLevel": "Уровень сложности",
+ "@skillLevel": {
+ "description": "Difficulty level"
+ },
+ "moveTime": "Время обдумывания ИИ",
+ "@moveTime": {
+ "description": "AI thinking time"
+ },
+ "difficulty": "Сложность",
+ "@difficulty": {
+ "description": "Difficulty"
+ },
+ "playSounds": "Звуковые эффекты",
+ "@playSounds": {
+ "description": "Sound effects"
+ },
+ "playSoundsInTheGame": "Воспроизведение звуков в игре",
+ "@playSoundsInTheGame": {
+ "description": "Play sounds in the game"
+ },
+ "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "Отключайте звук при возвращении назад",
+ "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
+ "description": "Keep mute when taking back"
+ },
+ "tone": "Тон",
+ "@tone": {
+ "description": "Tone"
+ },
+ "whoMovesFirst": "Первый ход",
+ "@whoMovesFirst": {
+ "description": "First move"
+ },
+ "human": "Человек",
+ "@human": {
+ "description": "Human"
+ },
+ "ai": "ИИ",
+ "@ai": {
+ "description": "AI"
+ },
+ "alternate": "Альтернативный",
+ "@alternate": {
+ "description": "Alternate"
+ },
+ "isAutoRestart": "Автоперезапуск игры при завершении игры",
+ "@isAutoRestart": {
+ "description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
+ },
+ "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "Автоматическая смена первого хода",
+ "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
+ "description": "Auto Change First Move"
+ },
+ "resignIfMostLose": "ИИ уходит в отставку, если большинство проиграло",
+ "@resignIfMostLose": {
+ "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
+ },
+ "shufflingEnabled": "Случайный ход",
+ "@shufflingEnabled": {
+ "description": "Random move"
+ },
+ "learnEndgame": "Изучить эндшпиль",
+ "@learnEndgame": {
+ "description": "Learn Endgame"
+ },
+ "openingBook": "Книга открытия",
+ "@openingBook": {
+ "description": "Opening Book"
+ },
+ "misc": "Разное",
+ "@misc": {
+ "description": "Miscellaneous"
+ },
+ "rules": "Правила",
+ "@rules": {
+ "description": "Rules"
+ },
+ "piecesCount": "Количество фигур у каждого игрока",
+ "@piecesCount": {
+ "description": "The number of pieces each player has"
+ },
+ "piecesCount_Detail": "Сколько фигур у каждого игрока?",
+ "@piecesCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount": "Номер летающей фигуры",
+ "@flyPieceCount": {
+ "description": "The number of the flying piece"
+ },
+ "flyPieceCount_Detail": "Если функция \"Полет\" включена, когда игрок уменьшает количество фигур до определенного значения, его фигуры могут свободно перемещаться в любую незанятую точку, а не ограничиваться соседними точками, как в остальной части игры.",
+ "@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
+ "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
+ },
+ "piecesAtLeastCount": "Наименьшее количество фигур",
+ "@piecesAtLeastCount": {
+ "description": "Pieces At Least"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines": "Диагональные линии",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines": {
+ "description": "Diagonal lines"
+ },
+ "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "Добавьте на доску четыре диагональные линии.",
+ "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
+ "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations": "Пометить и отложить удаление фигур",
+ "@hasBannedLocations": {
+ "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
+ },
+ "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "В фазе расстановки точки удаленных фигур больше не могут быть расставлены.",
+ "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
+ "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst": "Второй игрок ходит первым",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
+ "description": "The second player moves first"
+ },
+ "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "Игрок, который ходит вторым в фазе расстановки, ходит первым в фазе перемещения.",
+ "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple": "Мульти-перемещение",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple": {
+ "description": "Multi-remove"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "Если игрок закрывает более одной мельницы одновременно, он может удалить то количество мельниц, которое он закрыл.",
+ "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "Уничтожить мельницы",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
+ "description": "Destroy mills"
+ },
+ "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "По умолчанию игроки должны сначала удалить все другие фигуры, прежде чем удалить фигуру из сформированной мельницы. Включите эту опцию, чтобы отключить ограничение.",
+ "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
+ "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "Второй игрок проигрывает, когда доска заполнена",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
+ "description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
+ },
+ "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "В конце фазы расстановки, когда доска заполнена, сторона, которая расставляет первой, проигрывает игру, в противном случае - ничья.",
+ "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
+ "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "Проигрыш при отсутствии законных ходов",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
+ "description": "Lose when no legal moves"
+ },
+ "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "Игрок проиграет, если его противник заблокирует его так, что его нельзя будет передвинуть. Смените сторону для хода, если эта опция отключена.",
+ "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
+ "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
+ },
+ "mayFly": "Летающий",
+ "@mayFly": {
+ "description": "Flying"
+ },
+ "mayFly_Detail": "Если у игрока осталось только три или четыре (настраиваемые) фигуры, он может переместить фигуру в любую свободную точку.",
+ "@mayFly_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
+ },
+ "nMoveRule": "Правило N ходов",
+ "@nMoveRule": {
+ "description": "N-move rule"
+ },
+ "nMoveRule_Detail": "Партия сводится к ничьей, если за определенное количество ходов каждый игрок не сделал ни одного удаления.",
+ "@nMoveRule_Detail": {
+ "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
+ },
+ "rollback": "Откат",
+ "@rollback": {
+ "description": "Rollback"
+ },
+ "pleaseSelect": "Пожалуйста, выберите",
+ "@pleaseSelect": {
+ "description": "Please select"
+ },
+ "copy": "Копировать",
+ "@copy": {
+ "description": "Copy"
+ },
+ "moveHistoryCopied": "История ходов копируется в буфер обмена",
+ "@moveHistoryCopied": {
+ "description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
+ },
+ "help": "Помощь",
+ "@help": {
+ "description": "Help"
+ },
+ "feedback": "Обратная связь",
+ "@feedback": {
+ "description": "Feedback"
+ },
+ "exit": "Выйти",
+ "@exit": {
+ "description": "Exit"
+ },
+ "ruleSettings": "Настройки правил",
+ "@ruleSettings": {
+ "description": "Rule Settings"
+ },
+ "color": "Цвет",
+ "@color": {
+ "description": "Color"
+ },
+ "boardColor": "Цвет доски",
+ "@boardColor": {
+ "description": "Board color"
+ },
+ "pieceColor": "Цвет фигуры",
+ "@pieceColor": {
+ "description": "Piece color"
+ },
+ "backgroundColor": "Цвет фона",
+ "@backgroundColor": {
+ "description": "Background color"
+ },
+ "lineColor": "Цвет линии доски",
+ "@lineColor": {
+ "description": "Board line color"
+ },
+ "whitePieceColor": "Цвет фигуры игрока 1",
+ "@whitePieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 1 piece color"
+ },
+ "blackPieceColor": "Цвет фигуры игрока 2",
+ "@blackPieceColor": {
+ "description": "Player 2 piece color"
+ },
+ "messageColor": "Цвет сообщения",
+ "@messageColor": {
+ "description": "Message color"
+ },
+ "aiIsLazy": "ИИ ленится",
+ "@aiIsLazy": {
+ "description": "AI is Lazy"
+ },
+ "isPieceCountInHandShown": "Показать количество фигур в руке",
+ "@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
+ "description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
+ },
+ "isNotationsShown": "Показать обозначения на доске",
+ "@isNotationsShown": {
+ "description": "Show notations on board"
+ },
+ "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "Показать панель навигации по истории",
+ "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
+ "description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
+ },
+ "display": "Отображать",
+ "@display": {
+ "description": "Display"
+ },
+ "boardBorderLineWidth": "Ширина границы доски",
+ "@boardBorderLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board borderline width"
+ },
+ "boardInnerLineWidth": "Ширина внутренней линии доски",
+ "@boardInnerLineWidth": {
+ "description": "Board inner line width"
+ },
+ "pieceWidth": "Ширина фрагмента",
+ "@pieceWidth": {
+ "description": "Piece width"
+ },
+ "fontSize": "Размер шрифта",
+ "@fontSize": {
+ "description": "Font size"
+ },
+ "standardNotation": "Условные обозначения WMD",
+ "@standardNotation": {
+ "description": "Standard notation"
+ },
+ "restore": "Восстановить",
+ "@restore": {
+ "description": "Restore"
+ },
+ "restoreDefaultSettings": "Восстановить настройки по умолчанию",
+ "@restoreDefaultSettings": {
+ "description": "Restore Default Settings"
+ },
+ "exitApp": "Приложение выйдет.",
+ "@exitApp": {
+ "description": "The app will exit."
+ },
+ "exitAppManually": "Для вступления в силу необходимо немедленно закрыть и снова открыть приложение.",
+ "@exitAppManually": {
+ "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
+ },
+ "pick": "Выбрать",
+ "@pick": {
+ "description": "Pick "
+ },
+ "info": "Информация",
+ "@info": {
+ "description": "Info"
+ },
+ "hint": "Подсказка",
+ "@hint": {
+ "description": "Hint"
+ },
+ "player": "игрок",
+ "@player": {
+ "description": "player"
+ },
+ "player1": "Игрок 1",
+ "@player1": {
+ "description": "Player 1"
+ },
+ "player2": "Игрок 2",
+ "@player2": {
+ "description": "Player 2"
+ },
+ "howToPlay": "Как играть",
+ "@howToPlay": {
+ "description": "How to play"
+ },
+ "toPlacePiece": "Нажмите на любую доступную точку, чтобы поместить фигуру.",
+ "@toPlacePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
+ },
+ "toSelectPiece": "Нажмите на фигуру, чтобы переместить ее.",
+ "@toSelectPiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toMovePiece": "Нажмите на точку, связанную с фигурой, чтобы переместить ее.",
+ "@toMovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
+ },
+ "toRemovePiece": "Нажмите на одну фигуру противника, чтобы удалить ее.",
+ "@toRemovePiece": {
+ "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
+ },
+ "needToCreateMillFirst": "Прежде чем убрать фигуру, необходимо создать мельницу.",
+ "@needToCreateMillFirst": {
+ "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
+ },
+ "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "Вам нужно играть своими фигурами.",
+ "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
+ "description": "You need to play with your pieces."
+ },
+ "statistics": "Статистика",
+ "@statistics": {
+ "description": "Statistics"
+ },
+ "totalGames": "Всего игр",
+ "@totalGames": {
+ "description": "Total games"
+ },
+ "results": "Результаты",
+ "@results": {
+ "description": "Results"
+ },
+ "cannotRemoveFromMill": "Невозможно удалить фигуру из мельницы.",
+ "@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
+ "description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
+ },
+ "left": "слева",
+ "@left": {
+ "description": "left"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy": "Политика конфиденциальности",
+ "@privacyPolicy": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "Пожалуйста, прочитайте внимательно и убедитесь, что вы полностью понимаете и согласны с этим ",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
+ },
+ "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": ". Если вы не согласны с данной Политикой, пожалуйста, не используйте данное Приложение. Использование Приложения подразумевает, что вы принимаете эти условия.",
+ "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
+ "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
+ },
+ "and": " и ",
+ "accept": "Принять",
+ "@accept": {
+ "description": "Accept"
+ },
+ "undo": "Отменить",
+ "@undo": {
+ "description": "Undo"
+ },
+ "undoOption": "Опция отмены",
+ "@undoOption": {
+ "description": "Undo option"
+ },
+ "undoOption_Detail": "Можно отменить перемещение.",
+ "@undoOption_Detail": {
+ "description": "It is possible to undo a move."
+ },
+ "takeBack": "Возврат назад",
+ "@takeBack": {
+ "description": "Take back"
+ },
+ "takingBack": "Принять назад...",
+ "@takingBack": {
+ "description": "Taking back..."
+ },
+ "waiting": "Ожидание...",
+ "@waiting": {
+ "description": "Waiting..."
+ },
+ "stepForward": "Шаг вперед",
+ "@stepForward": {
+ "description": "Step forward"
+ },
+ "takeBackAll": "Вернуть все назад",
+ "@takeBackAll": {
+ "description": "Take back all"
+ },
+ "stepForwardAll": "Шаг вперед все",
+ "@stepForwardAll": {
+ "description": "Step forward all"
+ },
+ "moveNow": "Двигайся сейчас",
+ "@moveNow": {
+ "description": "Move now"
+ },
+ "done": "Готово.",
+ "@done": {
+ "description": "Done."
+ },
+ "crackMill": "Crack-mill",
+ "@crackMill": {
+ "description": "Crack-mill"
+ },
+ "crackMill_Detail": "Если у игрока есть только фигуры в мельницах, фигуры в мельницах не будут блокироваться для удаления.",
+ "@crackMill_Detail": {
+ "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
+ },
+ "animationDuration": "Продолжительность анимации",
+ "@animationDuration": {
+ "description": "Animation duration"
+ },
+ "none": "Нет",
+ "@none": {
+ "description": "None"
+ },
+ "theme": "Тема",
+ "@theme": {
+ "description": "Theme"
+ },
+ "helpContent": "Цель игры - оставить противника с менее чем тремя фигурами или без законных ходов.\n\nИгра автоматически завершается, если позиция возникает в третий раз, или если за последние 100 (настраиваемых) ходов не было сделано ни одного удаления.\n\nИгра проходит в три этапа:\n\n1. Размещение фигур на свободных точках\n2. Перемещение фигур на соседние точки\n3. (необязательная фаза) Перемещение фигур на любую свободную точку, когда игрок сократился до трех фигур.\n\nРазмещение\n\nИгра начинается с пустой доски, которая состоит из сетки с двадцатью четырьмя точками. Игроки по очереди ставят свои фигуры на свободные точки, пока каждый игрок не расставит все фигуры на доске. Если игроку удается поставить три свои фигуры на прямую линию, он получает \"мельницу\" и может убрать с доски одну из фигур противника.\n\nВ некоторых вариантах правил, прежде чем убрать фигуру из сформированной мельницы, игроки должны сначала убрать все другие фигуры.\n\nВ некоторых вариантах правил, все точки удаленных фигур не могут быть размещены снова в фазе размещения.\n\nПосле того как все фигуры использованы, игроки по очереди перемещаются.\n\nПеремещение\n\nЧтобы переместиться, игрок перемещает одну из своих фигур вдоль линии доски на свободную соседнюю точку. Если он не может этого сделать, он проиграл партию. Как и в фазе размещения, игрок, выровнявший три свои фигуры на линии доски, имеет мельницу и может убрать одну из фигур противника. Любой игрок уменьшается до двух фигур и не имеет возможности сформировать новые мельницы, а значит, проигрывает игру. Игрок может проиграть и с более чем тремя фигурами, если его противник блокирует их так, что они не могут быть перемещены.\n\nЛетающий\n\nВ некоторых вариантах правил, когда у игрока остается только три фигуры, его фигуры могут \"летать\", \"прыгать\" или \"скакать\" на любые свободные точки, не только соседние.",
+ "@helpContent": {
+ "description": "Help Content"
+ },
+ "versionInfo": "Информация о версии",
+ "@versionInfo": {
+ "description": "Version info"
+ },
+ "eula": "EULA",
+ "@eula": {
+ "description": "EULA"
+ },
+ "license": "Лицензия",
+ "@license": {
+ "description": "License"
+ },
+ "sourceCode": "Исходный код",
+ "@sourceCode": {
+ "description": "Source code"
+ },
+ "thirdPartyNotices": "Уведомления сторонних разработчиков",
+ "@thirdPartyNotices": {
+ "description": "Third-party notices"
+ },
+ "appVersion": "Версия приложения",
+ "@appVersion": {
+ "description": "App Version"
+ },
+ "general": "Общие",
+ "@general": {
+ "description": "General"
+ },
+ "advanced": "Дополнительно",
+ "@advanced": {
+ "description": "Advanced"
+ },
+ "placing": "Размещение",
+ "@placing": {
+ "description": "Placing"
+ },
+ "moving": "Перемещение",
+ "@moving": {
+ "description": "Moving"
+ },
+ "removing": "Удаление",
+ "@removing": {
+ "description": "Removing"
+ },
+ "gameOverCondition": "Условие завершения игры",
+ "@gameOverCondition": {
+ "description": "Game over condition"
+ },
+ "aisPlayStyle": "Игровой стиль искусственного интеллекта",
+ "@aisPlayStyle": {
+ "description": "AI's playstyle"
+ },
+ "passive": "Пассивный",
+ "@passive": {
+ "description": "Passive"
+ },
+ "timeout": "Таймаут",
+ "@timeout": {
+ "description": "Timeout"
+ },
+ "personalization": "Персонализация",
+ "@personalization": {
+ "description": "Personalization"
+ },
+ "forDevelopers": "Для разработчиков",
+ "@forDevelopers": {
+ "description": "For developers"
+ },
+ "developerMode": "Режим разработчика",
+ "@developerMode": {
+ "description": "Developer mode"
+ },
+ "drawOnHumanExperience": "Опирайтесь на человеческий опыт",
+ "@drawOnHumanExperience": {
+ "description": "Draw on the human experience"
+ },
+ "considerMobility": "Учитывайте мобильность частей",
+ "@considerMobility": {
+ "description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
+ },
+ "pieceCount": "Подсчет деталей",
+ "@pieceCount": {
+ "description": "Piece count"
+ },
+ "inHand": "в руке",
+ "@inHand": {
+ "description": "in hand"
+ },
+ "onBoard": "на доске",
+ "@onBoard": {
+ "description": "on board"
+ },
+ "boardTop": "Смещение доски от вершины",
+ "@boardTop": {
+ "description": "Board offset from the top"
+ },
+ "notAIsTurn": "Сейчас не ход ИИ.",
+ "@notAIsTurn": {
+ "description": "It is not the AI's turn."
+ },
+ "aiIsNotThinking": "ИИ не думает.",
+ "@aiIsNotThinking": {
+ "description": "AI is not thinking."
+ },
+ "autoReplay": "Автоматическое повторение ходов",
+ "@autoReplay": {
+ "description": "Auto re-play moves"
+ },
+ "atEnd": "В конце списка ходов.",
+ "@atEnd": {
+ "description": "At the end of the move list."
+ },
+ "tapBackAgainToLeave": "Нажмите назад еще раз, чтобы выйти.",
+ "@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
+ "description": "Tap back again to leave."
+ },
+ "environmentVariables": "Переменные окружения",
+ "@environmentVariables": {
+ "description": "Environment variables"
+ },
+ "more": "Больше",
+ "@more": {
+ "description": "More"
+ },
+ "experimental": "Это экспериментальная функция.",
+ "@experimental": {
+ "description": "This is an experimental feature."
+ },
+ "experiments": "Эксперименты",
+ "@experiments": {
+ "description": "Experiments"
+ },
+ "ossLicenses": "Лицензии с открытым исходным кодом",
+ "@ossLicenses": {
+ "description": "Open source licenses"
+ },
+ "language": "Язык",
+ "@language": {
+ "description": "Languages"
+ },
+ "defaultLanguage": "Язык по умолчанию",
+ "@defaultLanguage": {
+ "description": "Default language"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart
index 33ec4bd1..34cc2410 100644
--- a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart
@@ -23,43 +23,78 @@ import 'package:sanmill/common/config.dart';
final supportedLocales = [
const Locale('en', ''),
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'ar',
+ ),
const Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: 'cs',
const Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: 'de',
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'es',
+ ),
const Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: 'fa',
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'fr',
+ ),
const Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: 'hu',
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'ja',
+ ),
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'ko',
+ ),
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'pt',
+ ),
const Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: 'ro',
+ const Locale.fromSubtags(
+ languageCode: 'ru',
+ ),
const Locale.fromSubtags(
languageCode: 'zh',
Map languageCodeToName = {
+ "ar": "عربى",
"cs": "Čeština",
"de": "Deutsch",
"en": "English",
+ "es": "Español",
"fa": "فارسی",
+ "fr": "Français",
"hu": "Magyar",
+ "ja": "日本語",
+ "ko": "한국어",
+ "pt": "Português",
"ro": "Română",
+ "ru": "Pусский",
"zh": "简体中文",
Map languageCodeToStrings = {
+ "ar": ArabicStrings(),
"cs": CzechStrings(),
"de": GermanStrings(),
"en": EnglishStrings(),
+ "es": SpanishStrings(),
"fa": FarsiStrings(),
+ "fr": FrenchStrings(),
"hu": HungarianStrings(),
+ "ja": JapaneseStrings(),
+ "ko": KoreanStrings(),
+ "pt": PortugueseStrings(),
"ro": RomanianStrings(),
+ "ru": RussianStrings(),
"zh": ChineseStrings(),
@@ -68,6 +103,12 @@ abstract class Strings {
String get tapBackAgainToLeave;
+/// ar
+class ArabicStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'انقر مرة أخرى للمغادرة.';
/// cs
class CzechStrings extends Strings {
@@ -86,6 +127,12 @@ class EnglishStrings extends Strings {
String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Tap back again to leave.';
+/// es
+class SpanishStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Vuelve a tocar para salir.';
/// fa
class FarsiStrings extends Strings {
@@ -93,6 +140,12 @@ class FarsiStrings extends Strings {
'برای خروج از برنامه ، دوباره روی دکمه برگشت ضربه بزنید.';
+/// fr
+class FrenchStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Tapez à nouveau pour quitter.';
/// hu
class HungarianStrings extends Strings {
@@ -100,12 +153,36 @@ class HungarianStrings extends Strings {
'A kilépéshez kattintson ismételten a Vissza gombra.';
+/// ja
+class JapaneseStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'もう一度returnを押してアプリケーションを終了する';
+/// ko
+class KoreanStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => '애플리케이션을 종료하려면 리턴 키를 다시 누르십시오.';
+/// pt
+class PortugueseStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Bater novamente para sair.';
/// ro
class RomanianStrings extends Strings {
String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Atingeți din nou pentru a pleca.';
+/// ru
+class RussianStrings extends Strings {
+ @override
+ String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Нажмите назад еще раз, чтобы выйти.';
/// zh
class ChineseStrings extends Strings {
diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/widgets/personalization_settings_page.dart b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/widgets/personalization_settings_page.dart
index 968fc0b4..4cc803d3 100644
--- a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/widgets/personalization_settings_page.dart
+++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/widgets/personalization_settings_page.dart
@@ -480,77 +480,143 @@ class _PersonalizationSettingsPageState
- showModalBottomSheet(
+ showDialog(
context: context,
- builder: (BuildContext context) => Column(
- mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
- children: [
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(S.of(context).defaultLanguage),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "Default",
- onChanged: callback,
+ builder: (BuildContext context) {
+ return AlertDialog(
+ scrollable: true,
+ content: StatefulBuilder(
+ builder: (BuildContext context, StateSetter setState) {
+ return Column(
+ mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
+ children: [
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(S.of(context).defaultLanguage),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "Default",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["ar"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "ar",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["cs"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "cs",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["de"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "de",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["en"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "en",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["es"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "es",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["fa"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "fa",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["fr"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "fr",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["hu"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "hu",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["ja"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "ja",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["ko"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "ko",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["pt"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "pt",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["ro"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "ro",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["ru"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "ru",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ RadioListTile(
+ activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
+ title: Text(languageCodeToName["zh"]!),
+ groupValue: Config.languageCode,
+ value: "zh",
+ onChanged: callback,
+ ),
+ ListItemDivider(),
+ ],
+ );
+ },
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["cs"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "cs",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["de"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "de",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["en"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "en",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["fa"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "fa",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["hu"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "hu",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["ro"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "ro",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- RadioListTile(
- activeColor: AppTheme.switchListTileActiveColor,
- title: Text(languageCodeToName["zh"]!),
- groupValue: Config.languageCode,
- value: "zh",
- onChanged: callback,
- ),
- ListItemDivider(),
- ],
- ),
+ );
+ },