mcts-demo: refactor: state 改名为 game

This commit is contained in:
Calcitem 2020-02-03 23:22:18 +08:00
parent 8a4e44c94e
commit ac88c9bdd0
2 changed files with 18 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -69,8 +69,6 @@ void MCTSGame::generateMoves(Stack<move_t, 8> &moves) const
for (int col = 0; col < numCols; ++col) {
if (board[0][col] == playerMarkers[0]) {
@ -335,14 +333,9 @@ string Node::indentString(int indent) const
#if 0
unique_ptr<Node> computeTree(const MCTSGame rootState,
const MCTSOptions options,
mt19937_64::result_type initialSeed)
Node *computeTree(const MCTSGame rootState,
const MCTSOptions options,
mt19937_64::result_type initialSeed)
Node *computeTree(const MCTSGame game,
const MCTSOptions options,
mt19937_64::result_type initialSeed)
mt19937_64 random_engine(initialSeed);
@ -355,10 +348,9 @@ unique_ptr<Node> computeTree(const MCTSGame rootState,
// Will support more players later.
assert(rootState.sideToMove == 1 || rootState.sideToMove == 2);
assert(game.sideToMove == 1 || game.sideToMove == 2);
// auto root = unique_ptr<Node>(new Node(rootState));
Node *root = new Node(rootState);
Node *root = new Node(game);
double start_time = ::omp_get_wtime();
@ -369,31 +361,31 @@ unique_ptr<Node> computeTree(const MCTSGame rootState,
//auto node = root.get();
Node *node = root;
MCTSGame game = rootState;
MCTSGame tempGame = game;
// Select a path through the tree to a leaf node.
while (!node->hasUntriedMoves() && node->hasChildren()) {
node = node->selectChildUCT();
// If we are not already at the final game, expand the
// tree with a new node and move there.
if (node->hasUntriedMoves()) {
auto move = node->getUntriedMove(&random_engine);
node = node->addChild(move, game);
node = node->addChild(move, tempGame);
// We now play randomly until the game ends.
while (game.hasMoves()) {
while (tempGame.hasMoves()) {
// We have now reached a final game. Backpropagate the result
// up the tree to the root node.
while (node != nullptr) {
node = node->parent;
@ -415,14 +407,14 @@ unique_ptr<Node> computeTree(const MCTSGame rootState,
return root;
move_t computeMove(const MCTSGame rootState,
move_t computeMove(const MCTSGame game,
const MCTSOptions options)
// Will support more players later.
assert(rootState.sideToMove == 1 || rootState.sideToMove == 2);
assert(game.sideToMove == 1 || game.sideToMove == 2);
Stack<move_t, 8> moves;
assert(moves.size() > 0);
if (moves.size() == 1) {
return moves[0];
@ -433,33 +425,23 @@ move_t computeMove(const MCTSGame rootState,
// Start all jobs to compute trees.
//vector<future<unique_ptr<Node>>> rootFutures;
future<Node *> rootFutures[THREADS_COUNT];
MCTSOptions jobOptions = options;
jobOptions.verbose = false;
for (int t = 0; t < options.nThreads; ++t) {
#if 0
auto func = [t, &rootState, &jobOptions]() -> unique_ptr<Node> {
return computeTree(rootState, jobOptions, 1012411 * t + 12515);
auto func = [t, &rootState, &jobOptions]() -> Node* {
return computeTree(rootState, jobOptions, 1012411 * t + 12515);
auto func = [t, &game, &jobOptions]() -> Node* {
return computeTree(game, jobOptions, 1012411 * t + 12515);
//rootFutures.push_back(async(launch::async, func));
rootFutures[t] = async(launch::async, func);
// Collect the results.
//vector<unique_ptr<Node>> roots;
Node *roots[THREADS_COUNT] = { nullptr };
for (int t = 0; t < options.nThreads; ++t) {
roots[t] = move(rootFutures[t].get());
@ -469,7 +451,6 @@ move_t computeMove(const MCTSGame rootState,
long long gamesPlayed = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < options.nThreads; ++t) {
//auto root = roots[t].get();
Node *root = roots[t];
gamesPlayed += root->visits;

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@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ private:
double scoreUCT { 0 };
move_t computeMove(const MCTSGame rootState,
move_t computeMove(const MCTSGame game,
const MCTSOptions options = MCTSOptions());