Add Traditional Chinese translation.
Known Issue: Can choose only in the language menu.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
"@@locale": "zh_Hant",
"appName": "直棋",
"@appName": {
"description": "The app name"
"welcome": "歡迎使用",
"@welcome": {
"description": "Welcome"
"yes": "是",
"@yes": {
"description": "Yes"
"no": "否",
"@no": {
"description": "No"
"game": "遊戲",
"@game": {
"description": "Game"
"humanVsAi": "人機對戰",
"@humanVsAi": {
"description": "Human Vs AI"
"humanVsHuman": "雙人對戰",
"@humanVsHuman": {
"description": "Human Vs Human"
"aiVsAi": "機器對戰",
"@aiVsAi": {
"description": "AI Vs AI"
"humanVsCloud": "挑戰雲端",
"@humanVsCloud": {
"description": "Human Vs Cloud"
"humanVsLAN": "聯網對戰",
"@humanVsLAN": {
"description": "Human Vs LAN"
"testViaLAN": "聯網測試",
"@testViaLAN": {
"description": "Test Via LAN"
"move": "著法",
"@move": {
"description": "Move"
"moves": "步",
"@moves": {
"description": " Moves"
"showMoveList": "顯示棋譜",
"@showMoveList": {
"description": "Move list"
"moveList": "棋譜",
"@moveList": {
"description": "Move list"
"noGameRecord": "暫無著法",
"@noGameRecord": {
"description": "No record"
"ok": "好的",
"@ok": {
"description": "OK"
"confirm": "確認",
"@confirm": {
"description": "Confirm"
"cancel": "取消",
"@cancel": {
"description": "Cancel"
"copyright": "版權所有 © 2021 Calcitem Studio",
"@copyright": {
"description": "Copyright"
"tipSelectWrong": "選擇的子不對",
"@tipSelectWrong": {
"description": "Select the wrong piece."
"tipPlace": "請落子",
"@tipPlace": {
"description": "Place your pieces."
"tipBanPlace": "不能落在此處",
"@tipBanPlace": {
"description": "Cannot place it here."
"tipPlaced": "已落子",
"@tipPlaced": {
"description": "Placed."
"tipRemove": "請吃子",
"@tipRemove": {
"description": "Remove a piece."
"tipBanRemove": "不能吃這顆子",
"@tipBanRemove": {
"description": "Cannot remove."
"tipRemoved": "已吃子",
"@tipRemoved": {
"description": "Removed."
"tipMove": "請走子",
"@tipMove": {
"description": "Move a piece."
"tipCannotPlace": "不可在此處落子",
"@tipCannotPlace": {
"description": "You can't place your piece here."
"tipCannotMove": "不可移到此處",
"@tipCannotMove": {
"description": "You can't move your piece here."
"tipMill": "三子連珠 請吃子",
"@tipMill": {
"description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece."
"tipContinueMill": "請繼續吃子",
"@tipContinueMill": {
"description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece."
"tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "請選擇對方的棋子",
"@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": {
"description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces."
"tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "不能吃三連中的棋子",
"@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": {
"description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill."
"tipCanMoveOnePoint": "請走到相鄰空位",
"@tipCanMoveOnePoint": {
"description": "A piece can move 1 point."
"tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "不能移動對方的棋子",
"@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": {
"description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces."
"tipThreePiecesInLine": "三顆棋子排成一線",
"@tipThreePiecesInLine": {
"description": "There are 3 pieces in a line."
"tipSelectPieceToMove": "請選擇要移動的己方棋子",
"@tipSelectPieceToMove": {
"description": "Select your piece to move."
"tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "只剩下3顆棋子了",
"@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": {
"description": "You have 3 pieces left."
"tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "可飛子到任意空位",
"@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": {
"description": "You can move to any point you like."
"tipToMove": "行棋",
"@tipToMove": {
"description": " to move."
"whiteWin": "先手方勝",
"@whiteWin": {
"description": "Player 1 wins!"
"blackWin": "後手方勝",
"@blackWin": {
"description": "Player 2 wins!"
"won": "勝",
"@won": {
"description": "Won"
"lost": "負",
"@lost": {
"description": "Lost"
"aborted": "中斷",
"@aborted": {
"description": "Aborted"
"draw": "和棋",
"@draw": {
"description": "It is a Draw!"
"thinking": "對方思考中...",
"@thinking": {
"description": "Thinking..."
"newGame": "開始新局",
"@newGame": {
"description": "New game"
"importGame": "導入棋局",
"@importGame": {
"description": "Import game"
"exportGame": "匯出棋局",
"@exportGame": {
"description": "Export game"
"gameImported": "棋譜已從剪貼簿導入",
"@gameImported": {
"description": "Game imported from the clipboard."
"cannotImport": "無法導入",
"@cannotImport": {
"description": "Cannot import"
"movesAndRulesNotMatch": "著法和棋規不匹配",
"@movesAndRulesNotMatch": {
"description": "Rules and moves do not match."
"startRecording": "開始錄製",
"@startRecording": {
"description": "Start recording"
"recording": "錄製中...",
"@recording": {
"description": "Recording..."
"stopRecording": "停止錄製",
"@stopRecording": {
"description": "Stop recording"
"showRecording": "重播錄製",
"@showRecording": {
"description": "Show recording"
"noRecording": "沒有可重播的",
"@noRecording": {
"description": "No recording."
"pleaseWait": "請稍候...",
"@pleaseWait": {
"description": "Please wait..."
"restartGame": "重新開局?",
"@restartGame": {
"description": "Restart current game?"
"restart": "重開局",
"@restart": {
"description": "Restart"
"gameStarted": "遊戲開始 請落子",
"@gameStarted": {
"description": "Game started, please place"
"analyzing": "正在分析局面...",
"@analyzing": {
"description": "Analyzing ..."
"error": "錯誤",
"@error": {
"description": "Error"
"winRate": "勝率",
"@winRate": {
"description": "Win Rate"
"score": "比分",
"@score": {
"description": "Score"
"white": "先手方",
"@white": {
"description": "Player 1"
"black": "後手方",
"@black": {
"description": "Player 2"
"loseReasonlessThanThree": "剩餘棋子少於3枚。",
"@loseReasonlessThanThree": {
"description": " piece count is less than three."
"loseReasonResign": "認輸了。",
"@loseReasonResign": {
"description": " resign."
"loseReasonNoWay": "無路可走。",
"@loseReasonNoWay": {
"description": " is no way to go."
"loseReasonBoardIsFull": "因棋盤擺滿而無路可走。",
"@loseReasonBoardIsFull": {
"description": "The board is full, no way to go."
"loseReasonTimeOver": "超時判負。",
"@loseReasonTimeOver": {
"description": "Time Over"
"drawReasonRule50": "走子階段連續多步在規則指定的步數內未吃子,判和。",
"@drawReasonRule50": {
"description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves."
"drawReasonBoardIsFull": "棋盤擺滿,無路可走,判和。",
"@drawReasonBoardIsFull": {
"description": "It is a Draw because the board is full"
"drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "三次重複局面和。",
"@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": {
"description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition."
"gameOverUnknownReason": "遊戲結束,原因未知!",
"@gameOverUnknownReason": {
"description": "Game Over! Unknown reason."
"gameOver": "遊戲結束",
"@gameOver": {
"description": "Game Over"
"youWin": "恭喜你贏了",
"@youWin": {
"description": "You win! Congratulations!"
"challengeHarderLevel": "後續提升難度嗎?\n提升後的難度等級將為",
"@challengeHarderLevel": {
"description": "Challenge harder level?"
"youLose": "你輸了",
"@youLose": {
"description": "You Lose!"
"analyze": "分析",
"@analyze": {
"description": "Analyze"
"playerName": "棋手姓名",
"@playerName": {
"description": "Player Name"
"about": "關於",
"@about": {
"description": "About"
"version": "版本",
"@version": {
"description": "Version"
"thanks": "致謝",
"@thanks": {
"description": "Thanks"
"settings": "設定",
"@settings": {
"description": "Settings"
"options": "選項",
"@options": {
"description": "Options"
"preferences": "遊戲設定",
"@preferences": {
"description": "Preferences"
"skillLevel": "難度等級",
"@skillLevel": {
"description": "Difficulty level"
"moveTime": "機器思考時間",
"@moveTime": {
"description": "AI thinking time"
"difficulty": "遊戲難度",
"@difficulty": {
"description": "Difficulty"
"playSounds": "聲音",
"@playSounds": {
"description": "Sound effects"
"playSoundsInTheGame": "行棋時播放聲音",
"@playSoundsInTheGame": {
"description": "Play sounds in the game"
"keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "悔棋時保持靜音",
"@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": {
"description": "Keep mute when taking back"
"tone": "提示音效",
"@tone": {
"description": "Tone"
"whoMovesFirst": "先手",
"@whoMovesFirst": {
"description": "First move"
"human": "人類",
"@human": {
"description": "Human"
"ai": "機器",
"@ai": {
"description": "AI"
"alternate": "交替",
"@alternate": {
"description": "Alternate"
"isAutoRestart": "棋局結束時自動重新開局",
"@isAutoRestart": {
"description": "Auto-restart game when game over"
"isAutoChangeFirstMove": "開局時自動交換先後手",
"@isAutoChangeFirstMove": {
"description": "Auto Change First Move"
"resignIfMostLose": "機器明顯劣勢時自動認輸",
"@resignIfMostLose": {
"description": "AI Resign if Most Lose"
"shufflingEnabled": "機器隨機走子",
"@shufflingEnabled": {
"description": "Random move"
"learnEndgame": "殘局庫自學習",
"@learnEndgame": {
"description": "Learn Endgame"
"openingBook": "使用開局庫",
"@openingBook": {
"description": "Opening Book"
"misc": "其他",
"@misc": {
"description": "Miscellaneous"
"rules": "棋規",
"@rules": {
"description": "Rules"
"piecesCount": "棋子數",
"@piecesCount": {
"description": "The number of pieces each player has"
"piecesCount_Detail": "設定對弈雙方分別擁有的棋子數。",
"@piecesCount_Detail": {
"description": "How many pieces does each player have?"
"flyPieceCount": "剩餘多少子可飛子",
"@flyPieceCount": {
"description": "The number of the flying piece"
"flyPieceCount_Detail": "如允許飛子,則當一方剩餘多少枚棋子時可以飛棋。",
"@flyPieceCount_Detail": {
"description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game."
"piecesAtLeastCount": "少於幾個子則輸棋",
"@piecesAtLeastCount": {
"description": "Pieces At Least"
"hasDiagonalLines": "斜線",
"@hasDiagonalLines": {
"description": "Diagonal lines"
"hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "在棋盤上增加四條斜線。",
"@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": {
"description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board."
"hasBannedLocations": "禁點",
"@hasBannedLocations": {
"description": "Mark and delay removing pieces"
"hasBannedLocations_Detail": "擺子階段,被吃的子都被標記起來,暫不移除。雙方擺完棋子後,再統一將被標記的棋子全部移除,然後進入走子階段。",
"@hasBannedLocations_Detail": {
"description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered."
"isDefenderMoveFirst": "後擺子的先走子",
"@isDefenderMoveFirst": {
"description": "The second player moves first"
"isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "在擺子階段先擺子的一方,在走子階段先走子。",
"@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": {
"description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase."
"mayRemoveMultiple": "吃多子",
"@mayRemoveMultiple": {
"description": "Multi-remove"
"mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "若同時形成多個三連,則形成幾個三連就能吃對方幾個子。",
"@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": {
"description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed."
"mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "允許吃三連中的子",
"@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": {
"description": "Destroy mills"
"mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "預設情況下,不能吃三連中的子,除非對方所有子都在三連中。打開此選項可解除此限制。",
"@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": {
"description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail"
"isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "當棋盤擺滿時先擺子的輸棋",
"@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": {
"description": "The second player loses when the board is full"
"isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "對於十二子棋,在擺子階段的最後,若棋盤擺滿而雙方均未吃子,則先手方輸棋,而非和棋。",
"@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": {
"description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw."
"isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "當無路可走時輸棋",
"@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": {
"description": "Lose when no legal moves"
"isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "走子階段,當無路可走時輸棋,而非轉為由對方繼續走子。",
"@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": {
"description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled."
"mayFly": "飛子",
"@mayFly": {
"description": "Flying"
"mayFly_Detail": "當一方剩餘三或四枚(可配置)棋子時,此方可將棋子移動到棋盤任意空位上。",
"@mayFly_Detail": {
"description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point."
"nMoveRule": "N步規則",
"@nMoveRule": {
"description": "N-move rule"
"nMoveRule_Detail": "指定當連續多少步中沒有吃子時判為和局。",
"@nMoveRule_Detail": {
"description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player."
"rollback": "選擇",
"@rollback": {
"description": "Rollback"
"pleaseSelect": "請選擇",
"@pleaseSelect": {
"description": "Please select"
"copy": "複製",
"@copy": {
"description": "Copy"
"moveHistoryCopied": "棋譜已複製到剪貼簿",
"@moveHistoryCopied": {
"description": "Move history copied to clipboard"
"help": "幫助",
"@help": {
"description": "Help"
"feedback": "問題回饋",
"@feedback": {
"description": "Feedback"
"exit": "退出",
"@exit": {
"description": "Exit"
"ruleSettings": "規則設定",
"@ruleSettings": {
"description": "Rule Settings"
"color": "顏色",
"@color": {
"description": "Color"
"boardColor": "棋盤顏色",
"@boardColor": {
"description": "Board color"
"pieceColor": "棋子顏色",
"@pieceColor": {
"description": "Piece color"
"backgroundColor": "背景顏色",
"@backgroundColor": {
"description": "Background color"
"lineColor": "線條顏色",
"@lineColor": {
"description": "Board line color"
"whitePieceColor": "先手方棋子顏色",
"@whitePieceColor": {
"description": "Player 1 piece color"
"blackPieceColor": "後手方棋子顏色",
"@blackPieceColor": {
"description": "Player 2 piece color"
"messageColor": "提示訊息顏色",
"@messageColor": {
"description": "Message color"
"aiIsLazy": "機器領先時放鬆",
"@aiIsLazy": {
"description": "AI is Lazy"
"isPieceCountInHandShown": "顯示手中剩餘棋子數",
"@isPieceCountInHandShown": {
"description": "Show count of pieces in hand"
"isNotationsShown": "棋盤邊緣顯示座標",
"@isNotationsShown": {
"description": "Show notations on board"
"isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "顯示著法導航工具列",
"@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": {
"description": "Show history navigation toolbar"
"display": "顯示",
"@display": {
"description": "Display"
"boardBorderLineWidth": "棋盤外框線寬",
"@boardBorderLineWidth": {
"description": "Board borderline width"
"boardInnerLineWidth": "棋盤內部線寬",
"@boardInnerLineWidth": {
"description": "Board inner line width"
"pieceWidth": "棋子大小",
"@pieceWidth": {
"description": "Piece width"
"fontSize": "字體大小",
"@fontSize": {
"description": "Font size"
"standardNotation": "標準棋譜格式",
"@standardNotation": {
"description": "Standard notation"
"restore": "重設",
"@restore": {
"description": "Restore"
"restoreDefaultSettings": "恢復默認設定",
"@restoreDefaultSettings": {
"description": "Restore Default Settings"
"exitApp": "App 將退出。",
"@exitApp": {
"description": "The app will exit."
"exitAppManually": "您需要立即退出並重新打開本程式才能使預設設定生效。",
"@exitAppManually": {
"description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect."
"pick": "選擇",
"@pick": {
"description": "Pick "
"info": "訊息",
"@info": {
"description": "Info"
"hint": "提示",
"@hint": {
"description": "Hint"
"player": "玩家",
"@player": {
"description": "player"
"player1": "先手方",
"@player1": {
"description": "Player 1"
"player2": "後手方",
"@player2": {
"description": "Player 2"
"howToPlay": "玩法說明",
"@howToPlay": {
"description": "How to play"
"toPlacePiece": "點擊棋盤上的交叉點放置棋子。",
"@toPlacePiece": {
"description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece."
"toSelectPiece": "請選擇自己要移動的棋子。",
"@toSelectPiece": {
"description": "Tap on a piece to move it."
"toMovePiece": "點擊和此棋子相鄰的點以移動棋子。",
"@toMovePiece": {
"description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it."
"toRemovePiece": "點擊對方的一顆棋子以吃子。",
"@toRemovePiece": {
"description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove."
"needToCreateMillFirst": "您需要先形成三連,才能吃掉對方的棋子。",
"@needToCreateMillFirst": {
"description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece."
"needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "您需要走自己的棋子。",
"@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": {
"description": "You need to play with your pieces."
"statistics": "統計",
"@statistics": {
"description": "Statistics"
"totalGames": "盤數",
"@totalGames": {
"description": "Total games"
"results": "結果",
"@results": {
"description": "Results"
"cannotRemoveFromMill": "不能吃三連中的子。",
"@cannotRemoveFromMill": {
"description": "Cannot remove from the mill."
"left": "剩餘",
"@left": {
"description": "left"
"privacyPolicy": "隱私政策",
"@privacyPolicy": {
"description": "Privacy Policy"
"privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "請您務必審慎閱讀、充分理解《使用者協議》和《隱私政策》各條款,包括但不限於:\n為了改善我們向您提供的服務,基於您的明示授權,我們可能會獲取您的設備型號、診斷資料、電子郵寄地址等資訊,您有權拒絕或取消授權。我們將在每次請求發送診斷資料前,通過彈窗形式征得您的明示同意。\n您可閱讀《",
"@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": {
"description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1"
"privacyPolicy_Detail_2": "》瞭解詳細資訊。如您同意,請點擊“同意”開始接受我們的服務。",
"@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": {
"description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2"
"and": "》和《",
"accept": "同意",
"@accept": {
"description": "Accept"
"undo": "悔棋",
"@undo": {
"description": "Undo"
"undoOption": "悔棋",
"@undoOption": {
"description": "Undo option"
"undoOption_Detail": "允許悔棋",
"@undoOption_Detail": {
"description": "It is possible to undo a move."
"takeBack": "回退一步",
"@takeBack": {
"description": "Take back"
"takingBack": "回退中",
"@takingBack": {
"description": "Taking back..."
"waiting": "請稍等",
"@waiting": {
"description": "Waiting..."
"stepForward": "前進一步",
"@stepForward": {
"description": "Step forward"
"takeBackAll": "回退到底",
"@takeBackAll": {
"description": "Take back all"
"stepForwardAll": "前進到底",
"@stepForwardAll": {
"description": "Step forward all"
"moveNow": "立即行棋",
"@moveNow": {
"description": "Move now"
"done": "完成",
"@done": {
"description": "Done."
"crackMill": "不允許吃全三連",
"@crackMill": {
"description": "Crack-mill"
"crackMill_Detail": "若對方所有的子都在三連中, 也不允許吃子。",
"@crackMill_Detail": {
"description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove."
"animationDuration": "動畫持續時長",
"@animationDuration": {
"description": "Animation duration"
"none": "無",
"@none": {
"description": "None"
"theme": "主題",
"@theme": {
"description": "Theme"
"helpContent": "直棋是一個非常古老的智力遊戲,現已流傳到中國各地,演變出“棋三”、“三棋”、“三三棋”、“打三棋”、“成三棋”、“下連”等多個變種。\n\n遊戲目標為讓對手被吃得僅剩不到三枚棋子。\n\n三次重複局面,或連續百步(可配置)內無吃子,則和棋。 \n\n遊戲分三階段:\n\n1. 在空位上擺子;\n2. 將棋子移動到相鄰空位;\n3. 當只剩三枚棋子時,可“飛子”(可選)。\n\n擺子階段\n\n棋盤上有二十四個空點。玩家交替在空位上落子,直至手中無子。若一方將自己的三枚棋子排成一排,則稱為形成一個“三連”,便可吃掉對方的棋子,然後繼續行棋。\n\n某些規則變體規定,只能吃掉對方不在“三連”中的子,除非對方所有的子都在“三連”之中。\n\n還有些規則變體規定,在擺子階段,被吃掉的子所在的空位,雙方都不能再在上面擺子。 \n\n當雙方手中的棋子都擺完後,則進入走子階段。\n\n走子階段\n\n玩家將自己的棋子移動到相鄰的點上。若無子可走,則判負。和擺子階段類似,形成“三連”時便可吃掉對方的棋子。當一方的棋子僅剩兩枚,則敗局已定,判負。若棋盤上多於三枚棋子,但無子可走,也會被判負。\n\n飛子階段\n\n某些規則變體中,一旦一方剩三枚棋子時,便可“飛”到任意空位上,無論該空位是否鄰接。\n",
"@helpContent": {
"description": "Help Content"
"versionInfo": "版本資訊",
"@versionInfo": {
"description": "Version info"
"eula": "使用者協定",
"@eula": {
"description": "EULA"
"license": "許可證",
"@license": {
"description": "License"
"sourceCode": "原始程式碼",
"@sourceCode": {
"description": "Source code"
"thirdPartyNotices": "協力廠商聲明",
"@thirdPartyNotices": {
"description": "Third-party notices"
"appVersion": "應用版本",
"@appVersion": {
"description": "App Version"
"general": "常規",
"@general": {
"description": "General"
"advanced": "高級",
"@advanced": {
"description": "Advanced"
"placing": "擺子",
"@placing": {
"description": "Placing"
"moving": "走子",
"@moving": {
"description": "Moving"
"removing": "吃子",
"@removing": {
"description": "Removing"
"gameOverCondition": "終局條件",
"@gameOverCondition": {
"description": "Game over condition"
"aisPlayStyle": "機器的棋風",
"@aisPlayStyle": {
"description": "AI's playstyle"
"passive": "消極被動",
"@passive": {
"description": "Passive"
"timeout": "超時",
"@timeout": {
"description": "Timeout"
"personalization": "外觀設定",
"@personalization": {
"description": "Personalization"
"forDevelopers": "開發者選項",
"@forDevelopers": {
"description": "For developers"
"developerMode": "開發者模式",
"@developerMode": {
"description": "Developer mode"
"drawOnHumanExperience": "借鑒人類經驗",
"@drawOnHumanExperience": {
"description": "Draw on the human experience"
"considerMobility": "增強棋子活動能力",
"@considerMobility": {
"description": "Consider mobility of pieces"
"pieceCount": "棋子數",
"@pieceCount": {
"description": "Piece count"
"inHand": "手上",
"@inHand": {
"description": "in hand"
"onBoard": "棋盤上",
"@onBoard": {
"description": "on board"
"boardTop": "棋盤和上邊緣的間距",
"@boardTop": {
"description": "Board offset from the top"
"notAIsTurn": "現在不是輪到電腦行棋",
"@notAIsTurn": {
"description": "It is not the AI's turn."
"aiIsNotThinking": "電腦並非正在思考中",
"@aiIsNotThinking": {
"description": "AI is not thinking."
"autoReplay": "自動重播",
"@autoReplay": {
"description": "Auto re-play moves"
"atEnd": "已經到底了",
"@atEnd": {
"description": "At the end of the move list."
"tapBackAgainToLeave": "再次按 Back 鍵退出",
"@tapBackAgainToLeave": {
"description": "Tap back again to leave."
"environmentVariables": "環境變數",
"@environmentVariables": {
"description": "Environment variables"
"more": "更多",
"@more": {
"description": "More"
"experimental": "此仍屬實驗性功能。",
"@experimental": {
"description": "This is an experimental feature."
"experiments": "實驗性功能",
"@experiments": {
"description": "Experiments"
"ossLicenses": "開放原始程式碼許可",
"@ossLicenses": {
"description": "Open source licenses"
"language": "顯示語言",
"@language": {
"description": "Languages"
"defaultLanguage": "預設語言",
"@defaultLanguage": {
"description": "Default language"
"mayMoveInPlacingPhase": "可以在擺子階段走子",
"@mayMoveInPlacingPhase": {
"description": "The pieces can move in the placing phase"
"mayMoveInPlacingPhase_Detail": "擺子階段和走子階段無嚴格界限。即,玩家可以在每一步棋中決定是要擺子還是走子 (只要還有剩餘的棋子可以擺子)。",
"@mayMoveInPlacingPhase_Detail": {
"description": "There are no distinct placing and moving phases, i.e. the players can decide at every move whether they want to place a piece on the board or move one of their pieces (as long as they have remaining pieces to place)."
@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ Map<String, Strings> languageCodeToStrings = {
"th": ThaiStrings(),
"tr": TurkishStrings(),
"zh": ChineseStrings(),
"zh_Hant": TraditionalChineseStrings(),
/// Interface strings
@ -428,6 +429,15 @@ class ChineseStrings extends Strings {
String get tapBackAgainToLeave => '再次按返回键退出应用';
/// zh-Hant
class TraditionalChineseStrings extends Strings {
String get languageName => '繁體中文';
String get tapBackAgainToLeave => '再次按 Back 鍵退出';
final supportedLocales = [
for (var i in languageCodeToStrings.keys) Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: i),
Reference in New Issue