From be38b097c1b121ff9feac001fe8299fde2129028 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Calcitem Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 02:40:20 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add Swiss German translation (WIP) --- src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_de_ch.arb | 1132 ++++++++++++++++++++ src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart | 10 + 2 files changed, 1142 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_de_ch.arb diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_de_ch.arb b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_de_ch.arb new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1b9e8b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/intl_de_ch.arb @@ -0,0 +1,1132 @@ +{ + "@@locale": "de_CH", + "appName": "Mühli", + "@appName": { + "description": "The app name" + }, + "welcome": "Härzlech Wiukomme", + "@welcome": { + "description": "Welcome" + }, + "yes": "Jo", + "@yes": { + "description": "Yes" + }, + "no": "Nei", + "@no": { + "description": "No" + }, + "game": "Spiu", + "@game": { + "description": "Game" + }, + "humanVsAi": "Mönsch gäge Computer", + "@humanVsAi": { + "description": "Human Vs AI" + }, + "humanVsHuman": "Mönsch gäge Mönsch", + "@humanVsHuman": { + "description": "Human Vs Human" + }, + "aiVsAi": "Computer gäge Computer", + "@aiVsAi": { + "description": "AI Vs AI" + }, + "humanVsCloud": "Mönsch gäge Cloud", + "@humanVsCloud": { + "description": "Human Vs Cloud" + }, + "humanVsLAN": "Mönsch gäge LAN", + "@humanVsLAN": { + "description": "Human Vs LAN" + }, + "testViaLAN": "Test übr LAN", + "@testViaLAN": { + "description": "Test Via LAN" + }, + "move": "Ziehe", + "@move": { + "description": "Move" + }, + "moves": " Zieht", + "@moves": { + "description": " Moves" + }, + "showMoveList": "Zuglischte", + "@showMoveList": { + "description": "Move list" + }, + "moveList": "Zuglischte", + "@moveList": { + "description": "Move list" + }, + "noGameRecord": "Ke Rekord", + "@noGameRecord": { + "description": "No record" + }, + "ok": "OK", + "@ok": { + "description": "OK" + }, + "confirm": "Bestätige", + "@confirm": { + "description": "Confirm" + }, + "cancel": "Abbräche", + "@cancel": { + "description": "Cancel" + }, + "copyright": "Copyright © 2021 Calcitem Studio", + "@copyright": { + "description": "Copyright" + }, + "tipSelectWrong": "Fausch Stei usgwäut.", + "@tipSelectWrong": { + "description": "Select the wrong piece." + }, + "tipPlace": "Setz di Stei.", + "@tipPlace": { + "description": "Place your pieces." + }, + "tipBanPlace": "Hie chasch du nid setze.", + "@tipBanPlace": { + "description": "Cannot place it here." + }, + "tipPlaced": "Platziert.", + "@tipPlaced": { + "description": "Placed." + }, + "tipRemove": "Nimm e Stei wäg.", + "@tipRemove": { + "description": "Remove a piece." + }, + "tipBanRemove": "Chame nid wägnäh.", + "@tipBanRemove": { + "description": "Cannot remove." + }, + "tipRemoved": "Wäggnoh.", + "@tipRemoved": { + "description": "Removed." + }, + "tipMove": "Zieh e Stei.", + "@tipMove": { + "description": "Move a piece." + }, + "tipCannotPlace": "Du chasch di Stei nid dohie setze.", + "@tipCannotPlace": { + "description": "You can't place your piece here." + }, + "tipCannotMove": "Du chasch di Stei nid dohi zieh.", + "@tipCannotMove": { + "description": "You can't move your piece here." + }, + "tipMill": "Mühli! Nimm e gägnerische Stei.", + "@tipMill": { + "description": "Mill! Take your opponent's piece." + }, + "tipContinueMill": "Nimm nomou e gägnerische Stei.", + "@tipContinueMill": { + "description": "Continue to take your opponent's piece." + }, + "tipSelectOpponentsPiece": "Wäuh e gägnerische Stei.", + "@tipSelectOpponentsPiece": { + "description": "Select one of your opponent's pieces." + }, + "tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": "Du chasch e Stei us dr Mühli näh.", + "@tipCannotRemovePieceFromMill": { + "description": "You cannot remove a piece from a mill." + }, + "tipCanMoveOnePoint": "E Stei cha nur 1 Fäud wit zoge wärde.", + "@tipCanMoveOnePoint": { + "description": "A piece can move 1 point." + }, + "tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": "Du chasch e gägnerische Stei näh.", + "@tipCannotMoveOpponentsPieces": { + "description": "You can't move your opponent's pieces." + }, + "tipThreePiecesInLine": "Es si 3 Steine ire Reihe.", + "@tipThreePiecesInLine": { + "description": "There are 3 pieces in a line." + }, + "tipSelectPieceToMove": "Wäuh e Stei zum zieh.", + "@tipSelectPieceToMove": { + "description": "Select your piece to move." + }, + "tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": "Du hesch no 3 Steine übrig.", + "@tipHaveThreePiecesLeft": { + "description": "You have 3 pieces left." + }, + "tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": "Du chasch ah jedi beliebigi Position springe.", + "@tipCanMoveToAnyPoint": { + "description": "You can move to any point you like." + }, + "tipToMove": " isch am Zug.", + "@tipToMove": { + "description": " to move." + }, + "whiteWin": "Spieler 1 gwünnt!", + "@whiteWin": { + "description": "Player 1 wins!" + }, + "blackWin": "Spieler 2 gwünnt!", + "@blackWin": { + "description": "Player 2 wins!" + }, + "won": "Gwunne", + "@won": { + "description": "Won" + }, + "lost": "Verlore", + "@lost": { + "description": "Lost" + }, + "aborted": "Abbroche", + "@aborted": { + "description": "Aborted" + }, + "draw": "Unentschide", + "@draw": { + "description": "It is a Draw!" + }, + "thinking": "Dänke noche..", + "@thinking": { + "description": "Thinking..." + }, + "newGame": "Nöis Spiu", + "@newGame": { + "description": "New game" + }, + "importGame": "Spiu importiere", + "@importGame": { + "description": "Import game" + }, + "exportGame": "Spiu exportiere", + "@exportGame": { + "description": "Export game" + }, + "gameImported": "Spiu us dr Zwischeablag importiert.", + "@gameImported": { + "description": "Game imported from the clipboard." + }, + "cannotImport": "Cha nid importiert wärde.", + "@cannotImport": { + "description": "Cannot import" + }, + "movesAndRulesNotMatch": "Regle und Zug stimme nid überih.", + "@movesAndRulesNotMatch": { + "description": "Rules and moves do not match." + }, + "startRecording": "Starte Ufnahm", + "@startRecording": { + "description": "Start recording" + }, + "recording": "Ufzeichnig..", + "@recording": { + "description": "Recording..." + }, + "stopRecording": "Ufhöre ufznäh", + "@stopRecording": { + "description": "Stop recording" + }, + "showRecording": "Ufnahm ahzeige", + "@showRecording": { + "description": "Show recording" + }, + "noRecording": "Ke Ufnahm.", + "@noRecording": { + "description": "No recording." + }, + "pleaseWait": "Bitte warte..", + "@pleaseWait": { + "description": "Please wait..." + }, + "restartGame": "Spiu neu ahfoh?", + "@restartGame": { + "description": "Restart current game?" + }, + "restart": "Nöistart", + "@restart": { + "description": "Restart" + }, + "gameStarted": "Spiu gstartet, bitte Stei platziere", + "@gameStarted": { + "description": "Game started, please place" + }, + "analyzing": "Analüsiere..", + "@analyzing": { + "description": "Analyzing ..." + }, + "error": "Fähler", + "@error": { + "description": "Error" + }, + "winRate": "Gwünnquote", + "@winRate": { + "description": "Win Rate" + }, + "score": "Pünkt", + "@score": { + "description": "Score" + }, + "white": "Spieler 1", + "@white": { + "description": "Player 1" + }, + "black": "Spieler 2", + "@black": { + "description": "Player 2" + }, + "loseReasonlessThanThree": " het weniger aus 3 Steine.", + "@loseReasonlessThanThree": { + "description": " piece count is less than three." + }, + "loseReasonResign": " git uf.", + "@loseReasonResign": { + "description": " resign." + }, + "loseReasonNoWay": " cha nüm zieh.", + "@loseReasonNoWay": { + "description": " is no way to go." + }, + "loseReasonBoardIsFull": "zBrätt isch vou.", + "@loseReasonBoardIsFull": { + "description": "The board is full, no way to go." + }, + "loseReasonTimeOver": "Zit isch ume.", + "@loseReasonTimeOver": { + "description": "Time Over" + }, + "drawReasonRule50": "I dr Bewegigsphase isch i de letschde bestimmte Ahzauh Züg ke Stei empfärnt worde.", + "@drawReasonRule50": { + "description": "In the moving phase, no piece has been removed in the last specific number of moves." + }, + "drawReasonBoardIsFull": "Unentschide wiu zBrätt vou isch.", + "@drawReasonBoardIsFull": { + "description": "It is a Draw because the board is full" + }, + "drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": "Unentschide wäge drümou Wiederhout.", + "@drawReasonThreefoldRepetition": { + "description": "It is a Draw because of threefold repetition." + }, + "gameOverUnknownReason": "Spiu verbi! Wägemne umbekannte Grund.", + "@gameOverUnknownReason": { + "description": "Game Over! Unknown reason." + }, + "gameOver": "Spiu verbi", + "@gameOver": { + "description": "Game Over" + }, + "youWin": "Gratuliere, du hesch gwunnä!", + "@youWin": { + "description": "You win! Congratulations!" + }, + "challengeHarderLevel": "E schwäreri Stufe probiere? Neui Stufe:", + "@challengeHarderLevel": { + "description": "Challenge harder level?" + }, + "youLose": "Du hesch verlore!", + "@youLose": { + "description": "You Lose!" + }, + "analyze": "Analüsiere", + "@analyze": { + "description": "Analyze" + }, + "playerName": "Spielername", + "@playerName": { + "description": "Player Name" + }, + "about": "Übr", + "@about": { + "description": "About" + }, + "version": "Version", + "@version": { + "description": "Version" + }, + "thanks": "Danksägige", + "@thanks": { + "description": "Thanks" + }, + "settings": "Ihstellige", + "@settings": { + "description": "Settings" + }, + "options": "Optione", + "@options": { + "description": "Options" + }, + "preferences": "Ihstellige", + "@preferences": { + "description": "Preferences" + }, + "skillLevel": "Schwierigkeitsstufe", + "@skillLevel": { + "description": "Difficulty level" + }, + "moveTime": "Bedänkzit Computer", + "@moveTime": { + "description": "AI thinking time" + }, + "difficulty": "Schwierigkeit", + "@difficulty": { + "description": "Difficulty" + }, + "playSounds": "Tön", + "@playSounds": { + "description": "Sound effects" + }, + "playSoundsInTheGame": "Tön bim spiele abspiele", + "@playSoundsInTheGame": { + "description": "Play sounds in the game" + }, + "keepMuteWhenTakingBack": "Bim Zrügnäh stumm blibe", + "@keepMuteWhenTakingBack": { + "description": "Keep mute when taking back" + }, + "tone": "Ton", + "@tone": { + "description": "Tone" + }, + "whoMovesFirst": "Erschti Zug", + "@whoMovesFirst": { + "description": "First move" + }, + "human": "Mönsch", + "@human": { + "description": "Human" + }, + "ai": "Computer gäge Computer", + "@ai": { + "description": "AI" + }, + "alternate": "Abwächslend", + "@alternate": { + "description": "Alternate" + }, + "isAutoRestart": "Nach Spiuändi outomatisch neustarte", + "@isAutoRestart": { + "description": "Auto-restart game when game over" + }, + "isAutoChangeFirstMove": "Dr erscht Zug outomatisch ändere", + "@isAutoChangeFirstMove": { + "description": "Auto Change First Move" + }, + "resignIfMostLose": "Computer tritt zrüg, we die meischte verlüre", + "@resignIfMostLose": { + "description": "AI Resign if Most Lose" + }, + "shufflingEnabled": "Zuefauszüg", + "@shufflingEnabled": { + "description": "Random move" + }, + "learnEndgame": "Ändspiu lerne", + "@learnEndgame": { + "description": "Learn Endgame" + }, + "openingBook": "Eröffnigsbuech", + "@openingBook": { + "description": "Opening Book" + }, + "misc": "Verschidenigs", + "@misc": { + "description": "Miscellaneous" + }, + "rules": "Regle und Zug stimme nid überih.", + "@rules": { + "description": "Rules" + }, + "piecesCount": "Ahzauh Steine für jede Spieler", + "@piecesCount": { + "description": "The number of pieces each player has" + }, + "piecesCount_Detail": "Wieviu Steine für jede Spieler?", + "@piecesCount_Detail": { + "description": "How many pieces does each player have?" + }, + "flyPieceCount": "Ahzauh flügende Steine", + "@flyPieceCount": { + "description": "The number of the flying piece" + }, + "flyPieceCount_Detail": "Wenn flüge aktiviert isch und e Spieler uf e bestimmti Steizauh reduziert wird, chöi sini Steine frei zu jedem unbesetzte Punkt bewegt wärde. Anstatt wie süsch im Spiu zum Nochberspunkt.", + "@flyPieceCount_Detail": { + "description": "If Flying is enabled, when a player is reduced to a specific piece count, her pieces are free to move to any unoccupied point, instead of being restricted to adjacent points as in the rest of the game." + }, + "piecesAtLeastCount": "Steine mindistens", + "@piecesAtLeastCount": { + "description": "Pieces At Least" + }, + "hasDiagonalLines": "Diagonali Linie", + "@hasDiagonalLines": { + "description": "Diagonal lines" + }, + "hasDiagonalLines_Detail": "Vier diagonali Linie zum Brätt hinzuefüege.", + "@hasDiagonalLines_Detail": { + "description": "Add four diagonal lines to the board." + }, + "hasBannedLocations": "Pünkt vo entfärnte Steine sperre", + "@hasBannedLocations": { + "description": "Mark and delay removing pieces" + }, + "hasBannedLocations_Detail": "I dr Setzphase chöi kenni Steine uf Pünkt vo entfärnte Steine gsetzt wärde.", + "@hasBannedLocations_Detail": { + "description": "In the placing phase, the points of removed pieces will no longer be able to be placed unless the moving phase is entered." + }, + "isDefenderMoveFirst": "Dr zwöit Spieler zieht zerscht", + "@isDefenderMoveFirst": { + "description": "The second player moves first" + }, + "isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": "Dr i dr Setzphase zwöiti Spieler zieht i dr Zugphase zerscht.", + "@isDefenderMoveFirst_Detail": { + "description": "The player who moves second in the placing phase moves first in the moving phase." + }, + "mayRemoveMultiple": "Mehrfaches Entfärne", + "@mayRemoveMultiple": { + "description": "Multi-remove" + }, + "mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": "", + "@mayRemoveMultiple_Detail": { + "description": "If a player closes more than one mill at once, she will be able to remove the number of mills she closed." + }, + "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": "", + "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways": { + "description": "Destroy mills" + }, + "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": "", + "@mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail": { + "description": "mayRemoveFromMillsAlways_Detail" + }, + "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": "", + "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull": { + "description": "The second player loses when the board is full" + }, + "isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": "", + "@isWhiteLoseButNotDrawWhenBoardFull_Detail": { + "description": "At the end of the placing phase, when the board is full, the side that places first loses the game, otherwise, the game is a draw." + }, + "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": "", + "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay": { + "description": "Lose when no legal moves" + }, + "isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": "", + "@isLoseButNotChangeSideWhenNoWay_Detail": { + "description": "The player will lose if his opponent blocks them so that they cannot be moved. Change side to move if this option is disabled." + }, + "mayFly": "Flüge", + "@mayFly": { + "description": "Flying" + }, + "mayFly_Detail": "Wenn dr Spieler no drü Steine het, darf e Stei am beliebige Ort zoge wärde.", + "@mayFly_Detail": { + "description": "If a player has only three or four (configurable) pieces left, she can move the piece to any free point." + }, + "nMoveRule": "", + "@nMoveRule": { + "description": "N-move rule" + }, + "nMoveRule_Detail": "", + "@nMoveRule_Detail": { + "description": "The game is drawn if there has been no removal in a specific number of moves by each player." + }, + "rollback": "", + "@rollback": { + "description": "Rollback" + }, + "pleaseSelect": "Bitte uswähle", + "@pleaseSelect": { + "description": "Please select" + }, + "copy": "Kopiere", + "@copy": { + "description": "Copy" + }, + "moveHistoryCopied": "Zugverlouf i dr Zwüscheablag kopiert", + "@moveHistoryCopied": { + "description": "Move history copied to clipboard" + }, + "help": "Hiuf", + "@help": { + "description": "Help" + }, + "feedback": "Feedback", + "@feedback": { + "description": "Feedback" + }, + "exit": "Beände", + "@exit": { + "description": "Exit" + }, + "ruleSettings": "Regle und Zug stimme nid überih.", + "@ruleSettings": { + "description": "Rule Settings" + }, + "color": "Farbe", + "@color": { + "description": "Color" + }, + "boardColor": "Brättfarb", + "@boardColor": { + "description": "Board color" + }, + "pieceColor": "Steifarb", + "@pieceColor": { + "description": "Piece color" + }, + "backgroundColor": "Hingergrundfarb", + "@backgroundColor": { + "description": "Background color" + }, + "lineColor": "Liniefarb", + "@lineColor": { + "description": "Board line color" + }, + "whitePieceColor": "Steifarb Spieler 1", + "@whitePieceColor": { + "description": "Player 1 piece color" + }, + "blackPieceColor": "Steifarb Spieler 2", + "@blackPieceColor": { + "description": "Player 2 piece color" + }, + "messageColor": "Nachrichtefarb", + "@messageColor": { + "description": "Message color" + }, + "aiIsLazy": "Computer isch fuuh", + "@aiIsLazy": { + "description": "AI is Lazy" + }, + "isPieceCountInHandShown": "Ahzauh a Steine uf dr Hang ahzeige", + "@isPieceCountInHandShown": { + "description": "Show count of pieces in hand" + }, + "isNotationsShown": "Notize ufem Brätt ahzeige", + "@isNotationsShown": { + "description": "Show notations on board" + }, + "isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": "Symboulischte für dVerloufsnavigation ahzeige", + "@isHistoryNavigationToolbarShown": { + "description": "Show history navigation toolbar" + }, + "display": "Darstöuig", + "@display": { + "description": "Display" + }, + "boardBorderLineWidth": "Liniebreiti Spiubrättrand", + "@boardBorderLineWidth": { + "description": "Board borderline width" + }, + "boardInnerLineWidth": "Inneri Liniebreiti vom Spiubrätt", + "@boardInnerLineWidth": { + "description": "Board inner line width" + }, + "pieceWidth": "Steigrössi", + "@pieceWidth": { + "description": "Piece width" + }, + "fontSize": "Schriftgrössi", + "@fontSize": { + "description": "Font size" + }, + "standardNotation": "", + "@standardNotation": { + "description": "Standard notation" + }, + "restore": "Widrhärstöue", + "@restore": { + "description": "Restore" + }, + "restoreDefaultSettings": "Standardihstöuige widrhärstöue", + "@restoreDefaultSettings": { + "description": "Restore Default Settings" + }, + "exitApp": "dApp wird beändet.", + "@exitApp": { + "description": "The app will exit." + }, + "exitAppManually": "Du muesch dApp sofort beände u neustarte, um dIhstellige chasch benutze", + "@exitAppManually": { + "description": "You have to close immediately and reopen the app to take effect." + }, + "pick": "Näh", + "@pick": { + "description": "Pick " + }, + "info": "Info", + "@info": { + "description": "Info" + }, + "hint": "Hiwiis", + "@hint": { + "description": "Hint" + }, + "player": "Spieler", + "@player": { + "description": "player" + }, + "player1": "Spieler 1", + "@player1": { + "description": "Player 1" + }, + "player2": "Spieler 2", + "@player2": { + "description": "Player 2" + }, + "howToPlay": "Spiuahleitig", + "@howToPlay": { + "description": "How to play" + }, + "toPlacePiece": "", + "@toPlacePiece": { + "description": "Tap on any available point to place the piece." + }, + "toSelectPiece": "", + "@toSelectPiece": { + "description": "Tap on a piece to move it." + }, + "toMovePiece": "", + "@toMovePiece": { + "description": "Tap on point connected to piece to move it." + }, + "toRemovePiece": "", + "@toRemovePiece": { + "description": "Tap on the opponent's one piece to remove." + }, + "needToCreateMillFirst": "", + "@needToCreateMillFirst": { + "description": "You need to create a mill first before you can remove a piece." + }, + "needToPlayWithOwnPieces": "", + "@needToPlayWithOwnPieces": { + "description": "You need to play with your pieces." + }, + "statistics": "Statistike", + "@statistics": { + "description": "Statistics" + }, + "totalGames": "Gsamtzauh Spiu", + "@totalGames": { + "description": "Total games" + }, + "results": "Ergäbniss", + "@results": { + "description": "Results" + }, + "cannotRemoveFromMill": "Cha nid us ener Mühli entfärnt wärde.", + "@cannotRemoveFromMill": { + "description": "Cannot remove from the mill." + }, + "left": "links", + "@left": { + "description": "left" + }, + "privacyPolicy": "Dateschutzerklärig", + "@privacyPolicy": { + "description": "Privacy Policy" + }, + "privacyPolicy_Detail_1": "", + "@privacyPolicy_Detail_1": { + "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 1" + }, + "privacyPolicy_Detail_2": "", + "@privacyPolicy_Detail_2": { + "description": "Privacy Policy Detail 2" + }, + "and": " u", + "accept": "Akzeptiere", + "@accept": { + "description": "Accept" + }, + "undo": "Rückgängig", + "@undo": { + "description": "Undo" + }, + "undoOption": "Rückgängig", + "@undoOption": { + "description": "Undo option" + }, + "undoOption_Detail": "Es isch müglech, e Zug rückgängig zmache.", + "@undoOption_Detail": { + "description": "It is possible to undo a move." + }, + "takeBack": "Zrugnäh", + "@takeBack": { + "description": "Take back" + }, + "takingBack": "Zrügnäh..", + "@takingBack": { + "description": "Taking back..." + }, + "waiting": "Warte..", + "@waiting": { + "description": "Waiting..." + }, + "stepForward": "Schritt füre", + "@stepForward": { + "description": "Step forward" + }, + "takeBackAll": "Aues zrugnäh", + "@takeBackAll": { + "description": "Take back all" + }, + "stepForwardAll": "Aues widrhole", + "@stepForwardAll": { + "description": "Step forward all" + }, + "moveNow": "Itz zieh", + "@moveNow": { + "description": "Move now" + }, + "done": "Fertig.", + "@done": { + "description": "Done." + }, + "crackMill": "Crack-Mühli", + "@crackMill": { + "description": "Crack-mill" + }, + "crackMill_Detail": "", + "@crackMill_Detail": { + "description": "If a player has only pieces in mills, the pieces in the mills will not lock to remove." + }, + "animationDuration": "Animationsdur", + "@animationDuration": { + "description": "Animation duration" + }, + "none": "Nüd", + "@none": { + "description": "None" + }, + "theme": "Thema", + "@theme": { + "description": "Theme" + }, + "helpContent": "", + "@helpContent": { + "description": "Help Content" + }, + "versionInfo": "Versionsinformatione", + "@versionInfo": { + "description": "Version info" + }, + "eula": "EULA", + "@eula": { + "description": "EULA" + }, + "license": "Lizänz", + "@license": { + "description": "License" + }, + "sourceCode": "Queucode", + "@sourceCode": { + "description": "Source code" + }, + "thirdPartyNotices": "Drittahbieterhiwis", + "@thirdPartyNotices": { + "description": "Third-party notices" + }, + "appVersion": "App-Version", + "@appVersion": { + "description": "App Version" + }, + "general": "Genereu", + "@general": { + "description": "General" + }, + "advanced": "Fortgschritte", + "@advanced": { + "description": "Advanced" + }, + "placing": "Setze", + "@placing": { + "description": "Placing" + }, + "moving": "Bewege", + "@moving": { + "description": "Moving" + }, + "removing": "Entfärne", + "@removing": { + "description": "Removing" + }, + "gameOverCondition": "Spiubedienige", + "@gameOverCondition": { + "description": "Game over condition" + }, + "aisPlayStyle": "Spiustiu vom Computer", + "@aisPlayStyle": { + "description": "AI's playstyle" + }, + "passive": "Passiv", + "@passive": { + "description": "Passive" + }, + "timeout": "Zitlimit", + "@timeout": { + "description": "Timeout" + }, + "personalization": "Personalisierige", + "@personalization": { + "description": "Personalization" + }, + "forDevelopers": "Für Entwickler", + "@forDevelopers": { + "description": "For developers" + }, + "developerMode": "Entwicklermodus", + "@developerMode": { + "description": "Developer mode" + }, + "drawOnHumanExperience": "Uf Mönschlechi Erfahrige zrüggrife", + "@drawOnHumanExperience": { + "description": "Draw on the human experience" + }, + "considerMobility": "", + "@considerMobility": { + "description": "Consider mobility of pieces" + }, + "pieceCount": "Ahzauh Steine für jede Spieler", + "@pieceCount": { + "description": "Piece count" + }, + "inHand": "i dr Hang", + "@inHand": { + "description": "in hand" + }, + "onBoard": "ufem Spiubrätt", + "@onBoard": { + "description": "on board" + }, + "boardTop": "Abstang Spiubrätt vo obe", + "@boardTop": { + "description": "Board offset from the top" + }, + "notAIsTurn": "Dr Computer isch nid am Zug.", + "@notAIsTurn": { + "description": "It is not the AI's turn." + }, + "aiIsNotThinking": "Computer dänkt nid.", + "@aiIsNotThinking": { + "description": "AI is not thinking." + }, + "autoReplay": "Spiuzüg outomatisch widrhole", + "@autoReplay": { + "description": "Auto re-play moves" + }, + "atEnd": "Am Ändi vor Spiuzuglischte.", + "@atEnd": { + "description": "At the end of the move list." + }, + "tapBackAgainToLeave": "Nomou drücke um zbeände.", + "@tapBackAgainToLeave": { + "description": "Tap back again to leave." + }, + "environmentVariables": "Umgäbigsvariable", + "@environmentVariables": { + "description": "Environment variables" + }, + "more": "Meh", + "@more": { + "description": "More" + }, + "experimental": "Das isch e experimentäui Funktion.", + "@experimental": { + "description": "This is an experimental feature." + }, + "experiments": "", + "@experiments": { + "description": "Experiments" + }, + "ossLicenses": "Open Source Lizänze", + "@ossLicenses": { + "description": "Open source licenses" + }, + "language": "Sproch", + "@language": { + "description": "Languages" + }, + "defaultLanguage": "Standardsproch", + "@defaultLanguage": { + "description": "Default language" + }, + "mayMoveInPlacingPhase": "", + "@mayMoveInPlacingPhase": { + "description": "The pieces can move in the placing phase" + }, + "mayMoveInPlacingPhase_Detail": "", + "@mayMoveInPlacingPhase_Detail": { + "description": "There are no distinct placing and moving phases, i.e. the players can decide at every move whether they want to place a piece on the board or move one of their pieces (as long as they have remaining pieces to place)." + }, + "drawerColor": "", + "@drawerColor": { + "description": "Menu color" + }, + "drawerTextColor": "", + "@drawerTextColor": { + "description": "Menu text color" + }, + "drawerBackgroundColor": "", + "@drawerBackgroundColor": { + "description": "Menu background color" + }, + "drawerHighlightItemColor": "", + "@drawerHighlightItemColor": { + "description": "Menu highlight item color" + }, + "mainToolbarBackgroundColor": "", + "@mainToolbarBackgroundColor": { + "description": "Main toolbar background color" + }, + "mainToolbarIconColor": "", + "@mainToolbarIconColor": { + "description": "main toolbar icon color" + }, + "navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": "", + "@navigationToolbarBackgroundColor": { + "description": "Navigation toolbar background color" + }, + "navigationToolbarIconColor": "", + "@navigationToolbarIconColor": { + "description": "Navigation toolbar icon color" + }, + "autoHideToolbar": "", + "@autoHideToolbar": { + "description": "Automatically hide the toolbar" + }, + "toolbarLocationOnScreen": "", + "@toolbarLocationOnScreen": { + "description": "Toolbar location on screen" + }, + "top": "Obe", + "@top": { + "description": "Top" + }, + "bottom": "Ungersite", + "@bottom": { + "description": "Bottom" + }, + "center": "Mitti", + "@center": { + "description": "Center" + }, + "solidColor": "Eifarbig", + "@solidColor": { + "description": "Solid color" + }, + "picture": "Biud", + "@picture": { + "description": "Picture" + }, + "chooseYourPicture": "Wäuh dis Biud", + "@chooseYourPicture": { + "description": "Choose your picture" + }, + "light": "Häu", + "@light": { + "description": "Light" + }, + "dark": "Dunku", + "@dark": { + "description": "Dark" + }, + "themes": "Themene", + "@themes": { + "description": "Themes" + }, + "currentTheme": "Itzigs Thema", + "@currentTheme": { + "description": "Current theme" + }, + "saveTheme": "Thema Spichere", + "@saveTheme": { + "description": "Save theme" + }, + "fonts": "Schriftarte", + "@fonts": { + "description": "Fonts" + }, + "showAnalysisGraph": "Analüsegrafik ahzeige", + "@showAnalysisGraph": { + "description": "Show analysis graph" + }, + "analysis": "Analüsegrafik ahzeige", + "@analysis": { + "description": "Analysis" + }, + "saveGame": "Spiu spichere", + "@saveGame": { + "description": "Save game" + }, + "loadGame": "Spiu lade", + "@loadGame": { + "description": "Load game" + }, + "setupPosition": "Ufsteuigsposition", + "@setupPosition": { + "description": "Setup position" + }, + "showLegalMoves": "Legaui Züg ahzeige", + "@showLegalMoves": { + "description": "Show legal moves" + }, + "showLastMove": "Letscht Zug ahzeige", + "@showLastMove": { + "description": "Show last move" + }, + "showArrows": "Pfile ahzeige", + "@showArrows": { + "description": "Show arrows" + }, + "pieces": "Stück", + "@pieces": { + "description": "Pieces" + }, + "showAnalysis": "Analüse ahzeige", + "@showAnalysis": { + "description": "Show analysis" + }, + "threads": "Theme", + "@threads": { + "description": "Threads" + }, + "getInvolved": "Mach doch mit", + "@getInvolved": { + "description": "Get Involved" + }, + "helpImproveTranslate": "Hiuf doch mit, um dÜbersetzig zverbessere", + "@helpImproveTranslate": { + "description": "Help improve translate" + }, + "tutorial": "Ihfüerig", + "@tutorial": { + "description": "Tutorial" + }, + "classicMill": "Klassisches Mühli", + "@classicMill": { + "description": "Classic Mill" + }, + "mixedMill": "Gmischtes Mühli", + "@mixedMill": { + "description": "Mixed Mill" + }, + "ceylonMill": "Ceylon-Mühli", + "@ceylonMill": { + "description": "Ceylon Mill" + }, + "mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": "", + "@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly": { + "description": "Mill may be broken and remade repeatedly" + }, + "mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": "", + "@mayBreakAndRemakeMillRepeatedly_Detail": { + "description": "If a player breaks a mill to create a new mill immediately, such player can move such piece back to the original junction in his next move if it makes a new mill." + }, + "drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": "", + "@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft": { + "description": "The game is drawn if a player has three pieces and after ten moves neither player removes the opponent's pieces" + }, + "drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": "", + "@drawIfNoRemovalWithinTenMovesWhenThreeLeft_Detail": { + "description": "When a player is down to three pieces, and neither player can remove an opponent's piece within ten moves, the game is a draw." + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart index faa7decd..727c9e03 100644 --- a/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart +++ b/src/ui/flutter_app/lib/l10n/resources.dart @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Map languageCodeToStrings = { "cs": CzechStrings(), "da": DanishStrings(), "de": GermanStrings(), + "de_CH": SwissGermanStrings(), "el": GreekStrings(), "en": EnglishStrings(), "es": SpanishStrings(), @@ -132,6 +133,15 @@ class GermanStrings extends Strings { String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Nochmal drücken um zu Beenden.'; } +/// de-ch +class SwissGermanStrings extends Strings { + @override + String get languageName => 'Schweizerdeutsch'; + + @override + String get tapBackAgainToLeave => 'Nochmal drücken um zu Beenden.'; +} + /// el class GreekStrings extends Strings { @override