flutter: Support standard notation
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class Config {
static bool developerMode = false;
// Display
static bool standardNotationEnabled = true;
static bool isPieceCountInHandShown = false;
static double boardBorderLineWidth = 2.0;
static double boardInnerLineWidth = 2.0;
@ -86,6 +87,8 @@ class Config {
Config.developerMode = settings['DeveloperMode'] ?? false;
// Display
Config.standardNotationEnabled =
settings['StandardNotationEnabled'] ?? true;
Config.isPieceCountInHandShown =
settings['IsPieceCountInHandShown'] ?? false;
Config.boardBorderLineWidth = settings['BoardBorderLineWidth'] ?? 2;
@ -151,6 +154,7 @@ class Config {
settings['DeveloperMode'] = Config.developerMode;
// Display
settings['StandardNotationEnabled'] = Config.standardNotationEnabled;
settings['IsPieceCountInHandShown'] = Config.isPieceCountInHandShown;
settings['BoardBorderLineWidth'] = Config.boardBorderLineWidth;
settings['BoardInnerLineWidth'] = Config.boardInnerLineWidth;
@ -596,6 +596,10 @@
"@boardInnerLineWidth": {
"description": "Board inner line width"
"standardNotation": "Standard notation",
"@standardNotation": {
"description": "Standard notation"
"restore": "Restore",
"@restore": {
"description": "Restore"
@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
"display": "显示",
"boardBorderLineWidth": "棋盘外框线宽",
"boardInnerLineWidth": "棋盘内部线宽",
"standardNotation": "标准棋谱格式",
"restore": "重置",
"restoreDefaultSettings": "恢复默认设置",
"exitApp": "App 将退出。",
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import 'package:sanmill/common/config.dart';
import 'position.dart';
import 'types.dart';
@ -91,13 +93,39 @@ class GameRecorder {
String buildMoveHistoryText({cols = 2}) {
var moveHistoryText = '';
int k = 1;
String num = "";
for (var i = 0; i < _history.length; i++) {
if (Config.standardNotationEnabled) {
if (k % cols == 1) {
num = "${(k + 1) ~/ 2}. ";
if (k < 9 * cols) {
num = " " + num + " ";
} else {
num = "";
if (i + 1 < _history.length &&
_history[i + 1].type == MoveType.remove) {
moveHistoryText +=
'$num${_history[i].notation}${_history[i + 1].notation} ';
} else {
moveHistoryText += '$num${_history[i].notation} ';
} else {
moveHistoryText += '${i < 9 ? ' ' : ''}${i + 1}. ${_history[i].move} ';
if (Config.standardNotationEnabled) {
if ((k + 1) % cols == 0) moveHistoryText += '\n';
} else {
if ((i + 1) % cols == 0) moveHistoryText += '\n';
if (moveHistoryText.isEmpty) {
moveHistoryText = "";
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ class Move {
// 'move' is the UCI engine's move-string
String? move = "";
// "notation" is Standard Notation
String? notation = "";
MoveType type = MoveType.none;
// Used to restore fen step counter when undoing move
@ -55,6 +58,8 @@ class Move {
from = fromFile = fromRank = fromIndex = invalidMove;
toFile = int.parse(move![2]);
toRank = int.parse(move![4]);
to = makeSquare(toFile, toRank);
notation = "x${squareToNotation[to]}";
//captured = Piece.noPiece;
} else if (move!.length == "(1,2)->(3,4)".length) {
type = MoveType.move;
@ -64,12 +69,16 @@ class Move {
fromIndex = squareToIndex[from] ?? invalidMove;
toFile = int.parse(move![8]);
toRank = int.parse(move![10]);
to = makeSquare(toFile, toRank);
notation = "${squareToNotation[from]}-${squareToNotation[to]}";
removed = Piece.noPiece;
} else if (move!.length == "(1,2)".length) {
type = MoveType.place;
from = fromFile = fromRank = fromIndex = invalidMove;
toFile = int.parse(move![1]);
toRank = int.parse(move![3]);
to = makeSquare(toFile, toRank);
notation = "${squareToNotation[to]}";
removed = Piece.noPiece;
} else if (move == "draw") {
@ -78,7 +87,6 @@ class Move {
to = makeSquare(toFile, toRank);
toIndex = squareToIndex[to] ?? invalidMove;
@ -315,6 +323,48 @@ Map<int, int> squareToIndex = {
31: 0
a b c d e f g
7 X --- X --- X 7
|\ | /|
6 | X - X - X | 6
| |\ | /| |
5 | | X-X-X | | 5
4 X-X-X X-X-X 4
3 | | X-X-X | | 3
| |/ | \| |
2 | X - X - X | 2
|/ | \|
1 X --- X --- X 1
a b c d e f g
Map<int, String> squareToNotation = {
8: "d5",
9: "e5",
10: "e4",
11: "e3",
12: "d3",
13: "c3",
14: "c4",
15: "c5",
16: "d6",
17: "f6",
18: "f4",
19: "f2",
20: "d2",
21: "b2",
22: "b4",
23: "b6",
24: "d7",
25: "g7",
26: "g4",
27: "g1",
28: "d1",
29: "a1",
30: "a4",
31: "a7"
Map<int, int> indexToSquare = squareToIndex.map((k, v) => MapEntry(v, k));
enum GameResult { pending, win, lose, draw, none }
@ -498,4 +498,14 @@ class _GameSettingsPageState extends State<GameSettingsPage> {
setStandardNotationEnabled(bool value) async {
setState(() {
Config.standardNotationEnabled = value;
print("[config] standardNotationEnabled: $value");
@ -249,6 +249,13 @@ class _PersonalizationSettingsPageState
titleString: S.of(context).boardTop,
onTap: setBoardTop,
context: context,
value: Config.standardNotationEnabled,
onChanged: setStandardNotationEnabled,
titleString: S.of(context).standardNotation,
SizedBox(height: AppTheme.sizedBoxHeight),
@ -304,4 +311,14 @@ class _PersonalizationSettingsPageState
setStandardNotationEnabled(bool value) async {
setState(() {
Config.standardNotationEnabled = value;
print("[config] standardNotationEnabled: $value");
Reference in New Issue