2 Rules of Mill
Calcitem edited this page 2021-06-28 23:25:00 +08:00


Nine men's Morris

Each player has 9 pieces differing in color. Alternatively, both will place the pieces (on the intersection or corner points of the board), always trying to get already a "Mill" by proper placing (3 horizontal or vertical pieces one beside the other). The player, who can close a Mill, may take one of the opponent's pieces: "Mill closed" (Any piece may be taken, except those in a closed Mill).

When all pieces had been placed, then moves will be made. Alternatively, as mentioned above, always one piece up to the next intersection or cornet point. To inflict damage to the opponent without running the risk of losing a piece from an open mill at the opponent's next move, one should try to build a double-mill, i.e., a Mill, in which the same move which opens one Mill closed simultaneously another one.

If a player cannot move one of his pieces (is locked up), he has lost the game.

A player who has only 3 pieces left may leap. In other words, he may place his pieces on any desired point. However, if a player has only 2 pieces left, he has lost the game.

See: http://muehlespiel.eu/index.php/muehlespiel/34-spielregeln