import time from pymouse import PyMouse import cv2 import mediapipe as mp import math import util import detect import win32gui import win32con import sys def hand_angle(hand_): ''' 获取对应手相关向量的二维角度,根据角度确定手势 ''' angle_list = [] # ---------------------------- thumb 大拇指角度 angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle( ((int(hand_[2][0]) - int(hand_[3][0])), (int(hand_[2][1]) - int(hand_[3][1]))), ((int(hand_[3][0]) - int(hand_[4][0])), (int(hand_[3][1]) - int(hand_[4][1]))) ) angle_list.append(angle_) # ---------------------------- index 食指角度 angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle( ((int(hand_[5][0]) - int(hand_[6][0])), (int(hand_[5][1]) - int(hand_[6][1]))), ((int(hand_[7][0]) - int(hand_[8][0])), (int(hand_[7][1]) - int(hand_[8][1]))) ) angle_list.append(angle_) # ---------------------------- middle 中指角度 angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle( ((int(hand_[9][0]) - int(hand_[10][0])), (int(hand_[9][1]) - int(hand_[10][1]))), ((int(hand_[11][0]) - int(hand_[12][0])), (int(hand_[11][1]) - int(hand_[12][1]))) ) angle_list.append(angle_) # ---------------------------- ring 无名指角度 angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle( ((int(hand_[13][0]) - int(hand_[14][0])), (int(hand_[13][1]) - int(hand_[14][1]))), ((int(hand_[15][0]) - int(hand_[16][0])), (int(hand_[15][1]) - int(hand_[16][1]))) ) angle_list.append(angle_) # ---------------------------- pink 小拇指角度 angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle( ((int(hand_[17][0]) - int(hand_[18][0])), (int(hand_[17][1]) - int(hand_[18][1]))), ((int(hand_[19][0]) - int(hand_[20][0])), (int(hand_[19][1]) - int(hand_[20][1]))) ) angle_list.append(angle_) return angle_list def judge_zero(is_finger_straight): return not is_finger_straight[1] and not is_finger_straight[2] and \ not is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4] def judge_two(is_finger_straight): return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \ not is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4] def judge_three(is_finger_straight): return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \ is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4] def judge_four(is_finger_straight): return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \ is_finger_straight[3] and is_finger_straight[4] def judge_five(is_finger_straight): return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \ is_finger_straight[3] and is_finger_straight[4] class Identify: def __init__(self, control_flag, array): self.rgb_image = None self.control_flag = control_flag self.array = array self.mouse = PyMouse() self.left_hand_flag = False self.right_hand_flag = False self.catch_person_flag = False self.position_x = 0 self.position_y = 0 self.image = [] self.image_height = 0 self.image_width = 0 self.person_results = [] self.identify_results = [] self.left_hand_points = [] self.right_hand_points = [] self.left_hands = [] self.right_hands = [] self.left_angle_list = [] self.right_angle_list = [] self.is_left_finger_straight = [False, False, False, False, False] self.is_right_finger_straight = [False, False, False, False, False] self.is_identify = False self.last_control_flag = 0 self.page_up_count = 0 self.page_down_count = 0 self.end_count = 0 self.pencil_count = 0 self.step_up = 0 self.step_down = 0 self.last_wrist_point = (0, 0) self.now_time = 0 self.lase_time = 0 self.flag = 0 self.mp_drawing = self.mp_hands = self.mp_poses = self.ml_identify = [] self.hands = self.mp_hands.Hands( static_image_mode=False, max_num_hands=2, min_detection_confidence=0.75, min_tracking_confidence=0.75) self.poses = self.mp_poses.Pose( min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5) self.mp_face = self.face_detection = self.mp_face.FaceDetection(min_detection_confidence=0.5) def begin(self, over_flag): capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) last_time = 0 self.ml_identify = detect.YOLOV5() screen_width = self.mouse.screen_size()[0] time1 = time.time() x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0 count = 0 while 1: count += 1 if over_flag.value == 1: sys.exit(0) ret, self.image = self.image = cv2.resize(self.image, (320, 240), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # fps = 1 / (self.now_time - self.lase_time) # self.lase_time = self.now_time # print("fps = " + str(fps)) # self.ml_identify.infer(image=self.image) # continue # self.catch_person_flag = True # if not self.catch_person_flag: # self.catch_person_flag = True if not self.catch_person_flag: self.person_results.clear() self.left_hands.clear() self.right_hands.clear() self.deal_with_image() self.find_points() x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.find_target_person() # print("no no no no no no no no no no no no no") else: # print("in True") # print(x1, y1, x2, y2) self.deal_with_image() self.image = self.image[y1:y2, x1:x2] # self.identify_results = self.hands.process(self.image) self.is_identify = False self.left_hand_flag = False self.right_hand_flag = False for i in range(5): self.is_left_finger_straight[i] = False self.is_right_finger_straight[i] = False self.left_hand_points.clear() self.right_hand_points.clear() self.get_hand_points() # print("---------------------") # print(self.left_hand_flag) # print(self.left_hand_points) # print(self.right_hand_flag) # print(self.right_hand_points) self.judge_finger_straight() flag = self.judge_control() if flag: self.flag = flag # print("this flag = " + str(flag)) now_time = time.time() self.array[0] = self.position_x self.array[1] = self.position_y self.array[2] = x2 - x1 self.array[3] = y2 - y1 if now_time - last_time < 1: continue last_time = now_time self.catch_person_flag = not self.judge_catch_over() # print("**************") # for i in range(5): # print(self.is_finger_straight[i]) # x = position[0] # y = position[1] # control_flag = flag self.control_flag.value = self.flag # print("self.v.value = " + str(self.flag)) # print("final_control_flag = " + str(self.flag)) self.flag = 0 cv2.namedWindow("Video") WindowName = "Video" cv2.imshow(WindowName, self.image) hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, WindowName) # 获取句柄,然后置顶 CVRECT = cv2.getWindowImageRect(WindowName) win32gui.SetWindowPos(hwnd, win32con.HWND_TOPMOST, screen_width - 320, 0, CVRECT[2], CVRECT[3], win32con.SWP_SHOWWINDOW) # cv2.imshow("Video", self.image) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() def judge_catch_over(self): if not self.left_hand_flag: return False if not self.right_hand_flag: return False if not judge_zero(self.is_left_finger_straight): return False if not judge_zero(self.is_right_finger_straight): return False if util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[6], self.right_hand_points[6]) / \ util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[5], self.left_hand_points[9]) > 2.5: return False return True def find_points(self): if self.identify_results.multi_handedness: for i in range(len(self.identify_results.multi_handedness)): if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].label == "Left": left_hand_points = [] for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark: if self.image_height == 0: self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height) left_hand_points.append((cx, cy)) # self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( # self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) # if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5: # self.left_hand_flag = True # self.is_identify = True self.left_hands.append(left_hand_points) else: right_hand_points = [] for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark: if self.image_height == 0: self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height) right_hand_points.append((cx, cy)) # self.is_identify = True # self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( # self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) # if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5: # self.right_hand_flag = True # self.is_identify = True self.right_hands.append(right_hand_points) def find_target_person(self): target_scopes = self.ml_identify.infer(image=self.image) for result in target_scopes: # cv2.rectangle(self.image, (result[0], result[1]), (result[2], result[3]), (0, 0, 255), 2) one_person_result = [result, [], []] for left_hand in self.left_hands: if util.Util.is_in_rectangle(left_hand[0], result): one_person_result[1] = left_hand break for right_hand in self.right_hands: if util.Util.is_in_rectangle(right_hand[0], result): one_person_result[2] = right_hand break self.person_results.append(one_person_result) if self.person_results: person_result = self.find_catch_pose() if self.catch_person_flag: return person_result[0] else: return 0, 0, 0, 0 else: return 0, 0, 0, 0 def find_catch_pose(self): max_distance = 0 max_index = 0 for i in range(len(self.person_results)): person_result = self.person_results[i] if not person_result[1]: continue if not person_result[2]: continue standard_distance = util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][7], person_result[1][8]) if standard_distance == 0: continue if util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][4], person_result[2][4]) / standard_distance > 2: continue if util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][8], person_result[2][8]) / standard_distance > 1: continue distance = util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][0], person_result[1][8]) if distance > max_distance: max_distance = distance max_index = i self.catch_person_flag = True return self.person_results[max_index] def deal_with_image(self): self.image = cv2.flip(self.image, 1) self.rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) self.identify_results = self.hands.process(self.rgb_image) def get_hand_points(self): if not self.identify_results.multi_handedness: return 0 for i in range(len(self.identify_results.multi_handedness)): if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].label == "Left": for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark: if self.image_height == 0: self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height) self.left_hand_points.append((cx, cy)) # self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( # self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5: self.left_hand_flag = True self.is_identify = True else: for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark: if self.image_height == 0: self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height) self.right_hand_points.append((cx, cy)) # self.is_identify = True # self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks( # self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS) if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5: self.right_hand_flag = True self.is_identify = True def judge_finger_straight(self): if self.is_identify: if self.left_hand_flag: self.left_angle_list = hand_angle(hand_=self.left_hand_points) for i in range(5): self.is_left_finger_straight[i] = util.Util.is_straight(self.left_angle_list[i]) if self.right_hand_flag: self.right_angle_list = hand_angle(hand_=self.right_hand_points) for i in range(5): self.is_right_finger_straight[i] = util.Util.is_straight(self.right_angle_list[i]) def judge_one(self, is_finger_straight): if self.left_hand_flag: self.position_x = self.left_hand_points[8][0] self.position_y = self.left_hand_points[8][1] # elif self.right_hand_flag: # self.position_x = self.right_hand_points[8][0] # self.position_y = self.right_hand_points[8][1] return is_finger_straight[1] and not is_finger_straight[2] and \ not is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4] def judge_step_one(self, is_left): if is_left: if judge_five(self.is_left_finger_straight) and self.left_hand_points[8][0] < self.left_hand_points[0][ 0] and \ self.left_hand_points[12][0] < self.left_hand_points[0][0] and \ self.left_hand_points[16][0] < self.left_hand_points[0][0] and self.left_hand_points[20][0] < \ self.left_hand_points[0][0]: return True else: if judge_five(self.is_right_finger_straight) and self.right_hand_points[8][0] > self.right_hand_points[0][ 0] and \ self.right_hand_points[12][0] > self.right_hand_points[0][0] and \ self.right_hand_points[16][0] > self.right_hand_points[0][0] and self.right_hand_points[20][0] > \ self.right_hand_points[0][0]: return True return False def judge_step_two(self, is_left): if is_left: if judge_five(self.is_left_finger_straight) and self.left_hand_points[8][0] > self.left_hand_points[0][ 0] and \ self.left_hand_points[12][0] > self.left_hand_points[0][0] and \ self.left_hand_points[16][0] > self.left_hand_points[0][0] and self.left_hand_points[20][0] > \ self.left_hand_points[0][0]: return True else: if judge_five(self.is_right_finger_straight) and self.right_hand_points[8][0] < self.right_hand_points[0][ 0] and \ self.right_hand_points[12][0] < self.right_hand_points[0][0] and \ self.right_hand_points[16][0] < self.right_hand_points[0][0] and self.right_hand_points[20][0] < \ self.right_hand_points[0][0]: return True return False def judge_step_three(self): if self.left_hand_flag: if self.left_hand_points[20][1] < self.left_hand_points[0][1]: return True else: if self.right_hand_points[20][1] < self.right_hand_points[0][1]: return True return False def judge_page_up(self): if not self.right_hand_flag: return False if self.step_up == 0: self.lase_time = time.time() if self.step_up == 0 and self.judge_step_three(): self.step_up = 1 if self.step_up == 1 and self.judge_step_one(False): self.step_up = 2 elif self.step_up == 2 and self.judge_step_two(False): self.step_up = 3 # elif self.step_up == 2 and judge_zero(self.is_right_finger_straight): # self.step_up = 3 # elif self.step_up == 3: # self.step_up = 0 now_time = time.time() if now_time - self.lase_time > 3: self.lase_time = now_time self.step_up = 0 return False else: if self.step_up == 3: self.lase_time = now_time self.step_up = 0 return True return False def judge_page_down(self): if not self.left_hand_flag: return False if self.step_down == 0: self.lase_time = time.time() if self.step_down == 0 and self.judge_step_three(): self.step_down = 1 # print("step = 1") if self.step_down == 1 and self.judge_step_one(True): self.step_down = 2 # print("step = 2") elif self.step_down == 2 and self.judge_step_two(True): self.step_down = 3 # print("step = 3") now_time = time.time() if now_time - self.lase_time > 3: self.lase_time = now_time self.step_down = 0 return False else: if self.step_down == 3: self.lase_time = now_time self.step_down = 0 return True return False def judge_end(self): if not self.left_hand_flag: self.end_count = 0 return False if not judge_zero(self.is_left_finger_straight): self.end_count = 0 return False self.end_count += 1 if self.end_count > 10: self.end_count = 0 return True return False def judge_system_over(self): if not self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight): return False if not self.judge_one(self.is_right_finger_straight): return False standard_distance = util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[7], self.right_hand_points[8]) if standard_distance == 0: return False # print(util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[8], self.right_hand_points[8]) / standard_distance) if util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[8], self.right_hand_points[8]) / standard_distance < 1: return True return False # def judge_pencil(self): # if not self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight): # return False # if self.right_hand_flag: # return False # self.pencil_count += 1 # if self.pencil_count > 5: # self.pencil_count = 0 def judge_control(self): if self.is_identify: # print("len = " + str(len(self.identify_results.multi_handedness))) # print("left is " + str(self.left_hand_flag)) # print("right is " + str(self.right_hand_flag)) if judge_two(self.is_left_finger_straight): # print("1") return 1 elif self.judge_page_up(): # print("2") return 2 elif self.judge_page_down(): # print("3") return 3 elif self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight) and not self.right_hand_flag: # print("4") return 4 elif self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight) and judge_zero(self.is_right_finger_straight): # print("5") return 5 elif self.judge_end(): # print("6") return 6 elif self.judge_system_over(): # print("7") return 7 # else: # # print("other") # else: # print("no_hand_points") return 0 # # identify = Identify() # identify.begin()