530 lines
22 KiB
530 lines
22 KiB
import time
from pymouse import PyMouse
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import math
import util
import detect
import win32gui
import win32con
import sys
def hand_angle(hand_):
angle_list = []
# ---------------------------- thumb 大拇指角度
angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[2][0]) - int(hand_[3][0])), (int(hand_[2][1]) - int(hand_[3][1]))),
((int(hand_[3][0]) - int(hand_[4][0])), (int(hand_[3][1]) - int(hand_[4][1])))
# ---------------------------- index 食指角度
angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[5][0]) - int(hand_[6][0])), (int(hand_[5][1]) - int(hand_[6][1]))),
((int(hand_[7][0]) - int(hand_[8][0])), (int(hand_[7][1]) - int(hand_[8][1])))
# ---------------------------- middle 中指角度
angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[9][0]) - int(hand_[10][0])), (int(hand_[9][1]) - int(hand_[10][1]))),
((int(hand_[11][0]) - int(hand_[12][0])), (int(hand_[11][1]) - int(hand_[12][1])))
# ---------------------------- ring 无名指角度
angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[13][0]) - int(hand_[14][0])), (int(hand_[13][1]) - int(hand_[14][1]))),
((int(hand_[15][0]) - int(hand_[16][0])), (int(hand_[15][1]) - int(hand_[16][1])))
# ---------------------------- pink 小拇指角度
angle_ = util.Util.vector_2d_angle(
((int(hand_[17][0]) - int(hand_[18][0])), (int(hand_[17][1]) - int(hand_[18][1]))),
((int(hand_[19][0]) - int(hand_[20][0])), (int(hand_[19][1]) - int(hand_[20][1])))
return angle_list
def judge_zero(is_finger_straight):
return not is_finger_straight[1] and not is_finger_straight[2] and \
not is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4]
def judge_two(is_finger_straight):
return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \
not is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4]
def judge_three(is_finger_straight):
return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \
is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4]
def judge_four(is_finger_straight):
return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \
is_finger_straight[3] and is_finger_straight[4]
def judge_five(is_finger_straight):
return is_finger_straight[1] and is_finger_straight[2] and \
is_finger_straight[3] and is_finger_straight[4]
class Identify:
def __init__(self, control_flag, array):
self.rgb_image = None
self.control_flag = control_flag
self.array = array
self.mouse = PyMouse()
self.left_hand_flag = False
self.right_hand_flag = False
self.catch_person_flag = False
self.position_x = 0
self.position_y = 0
self.image = []
self.image_height = 0
self.image_width = 0
self.person_results = []
self.identify_results = []
self.left_hand_points = []
self.right_hand_points = []
self.left_hands = []
self.right_hands = []
self.left_angle_list = []
self.right_angle_list = []
self.is_left_finger_straight = [False, False, False, False, False]
self.is_right_finger_straight = [False, False, False, False, False]
self.is_identify = False
self.last_control_flag = 0
self.page_up_count = 0
self.page_down_count = 0
self.end_count = 0
self.pencil_count = 0
self.step_up = 0
self.step_down = 0
self.last_wrist_point = (0, 0)
self.now_time = 0
self.lase_time = 0
self.flag = 0
self.mp_drawing = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
self.mp_hands = mp.solutions.hands
self.mp_poses = mp.solutions.pose
self.ml_identify = []
self.hands = self.mp_hands.Hands(
self.poses = self.mp_poses.Pose(
self.mp_face = mp.solutions.face_detection
self.face_detection = self.mp_face.FaceDetection(min_detection_confidence=0.5)
def begin(self, over_flag):
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
last_time = 0
self.ml_identify = detect.YOLOV5()
screen_width = self.mouse.screen_size()[0]
time1 = time.time()
x1, y1, x2, y2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
count = 0
while 1:
count += 1
if over_flag.value == 1:
ret, self.image = capture.read()
self.image = cv2.resize(self.image, (320, 240), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# fps = 1 / (self.now_time - self.lase_time)
# self.lase_time = self.now_time
# print("fps = " + str(fps))
# self.ml_identify.infer(image=self.image)
# continue
# self.catch_person_flag = True
# if not self.catch_person_flag:
# self.catch_person_flag = True
if not self.catch_person_flag:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.find_target_person()
# print("no no no no no no no no no no no no no")
# print("in True")
# print(x1, y1, x2, y2)
self.image = self.image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
# self.identify_results = self.hands.process(self.image)
self.is_identify = False
self.left_hand_flag = False
self.right_hand_flag = False
for i in range(5):
self.is_left_finger_straight[i] = False
self.is_right_finger_straight[i] = False
# print("---------------------")
# print(self.left_hand_flag)
# print(self.left_hand_points)
# print(self.right_hand_flag)
# print(self.right_hand_points)
flag = self.judge_control()
if flag:
self.flag = flag
# print("this flag = " + str(flag))
now_time = time.time()
self.array[0] = self.position_x
self.array[1] = self.position_y
self.array[2] = x2 - x1
self.array[3] = y2 - y1
if now_time - last_time < 1:
last_time = now_time
self.catch_person_flag = not self.judge_catch_over()
# print("**************")
# for i in range(5):
# print(self.is_finger_straight[i])
# x = position[0]
# y = position[1]
# control_flag = flag
self.control_flag.value = self.flag
# print("self.v.value = " + str(self.flag))
# print("final_control_flag = " + str(self.flag))
self.flag = 0
WindowName = "Video"
cv2.imshow(WindowName, self.image)
hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, WindowName) # 获取句柄,然后置顶
CVRECT = cv2.getWindowImageRect(WindowName)
win32gui.SetWindowPos(hwnd, win32con.HWND_TOPMOST, screen_width - 320, 0, CVRECT[2], CVRECT[3],
# cv2.imshow("Video", self.image)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
def judge_catch_over(self):
if not self.left_hand_flag:
return False
if not self.right_hand_flag:
return False
if not judge_zero(self.is_left_finger_straight):
return False
if not judge_zero(self.is_right_finger_straight):
return False
if util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[6], self.right_hand_points[6]) / \
util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[5], self.left_hand_points[9]) > 2.5:
return False
return True
def find_points(self):
if self.identify_results.multi_handedness:
for i in range(len(self.identify_results.multi_handedness)):
if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].label == "Left":
left_hand_points = []
for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark:
if self.image_height == 0:
self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape
cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height)
left_hand_points.append((cx, cy))
# self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(
# self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
# if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5:
# self.left_hand_flag = True
# self.is_identify = True
right_hand_points = []
for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark:
if self.image_height == 0:
self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape
cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height)
right_hand_points.append((cx, cy))
# self.is_identify = True
# self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(
# self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
# if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5:
# self.right_hand_flag = True
# self.is_identify = True
def find_target_person(self):
target_scopes = self.ml_identify.infer(image=self.image)
for result in target_scopes:
# cv2.rectangle(self.image, (result[0], result[1]), (result[2], result[3]), (0, 0, 255), 2)
one_person_result = [result, [], []]
for left_hand in self.left_hands:
if util.Util.is_in_rectangle(left_hand[0], result):
one_person_result[1] = left_hand
for right_hand in self.right_hands:
if util.Util.is_in_rectangle(right_hand[0], result):
one_person_result[2] = right_hand
if self.person_results:
person_result = self.find_catch_pose()
if self.catch_person_flag:
return person_result[0]
return 0, 0, 0, 0
return 0, 0, 0, 0
def find_catch_pose(self):
max_distance = 0
max_index = 0
for i in range(len(self.person_results)):
person_result = self.person_results[i]
if not person_result[1]:
if not person_result[2]:
standard_distance = util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][7], person_result[1][8])
if standard_distance == 0:
if util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][4], person_result[2][4]) / standard_distance > 2:
if util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][8], person_result[2][8]) / standard_distance > 1:
distance = util.Util.get_distance(person_result[1][0], person_result[1][8])
if distance > max_distance:
max_distance = distance
max_index = i
self.catch_person_flag = True
return self.person_results[max_index]
def deal_with_image(self):
self.image = cv2.flip(self.image, 1)
self.rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
self.identify_results = self.hands.process(self.rgb_image)
def get_hand_points(self):
if not self.identify_results.multi_handedness:
return 0
for i in range(len(self.identify_results.multi_handedness)):
if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].label == "Left":
for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark:
if self.image_height == 0:
self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape
cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height)
self.left_hand_points.append((cx, cy))
# self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(
# self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5:
self.left_hand_flag = True
self.is_identify = True
for hand_landmarks in self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i].landmark:
if self.image_height == 0:
self.image_height, self.image_width, c = self.image.shape
cx, cy = int(hand_landmarks.x * self.image_width), int(hand_landmarks.y * self.image_height)
self.right_hand_points.append((cx, cy))
# self.is_identify = True
# self.mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(
# self.image, self.identify_results.multi_hand_landmarks[i], self.mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
if self.identify_results.multi_handedness[i].classification[0].score > 0.5:
self.right_hand_flag = True
self.is_identify = True
def judge_finger_straight(self):
if self.is_identify:
if self.left_hand_flag:
self.left_angle_list = hand_angle(hand_=self.left_hand_points)
for i in range(5):
self.is_left_finger_straight[i] = util.Util.is_straight(self.left_angle_list[i])
if self.right_hand_flag:
self.right_angle_list = hand_angle(hand_=self.right_hand_points)
for i in range(5):
self.is_right_finger_straight[i] = util.Util.is_straight(self.right_angle_list[i])
def judge_one(self, is_finger_straight):
if self.left_hand_flag:
self.position_x = self.left_hand_points[8][0]
self.position_y = self.left_hand_points[8][1]
# elif self.right_hand_flag:
# self.position_x = self.right_hand_points[8][0]
# self.position_y = self.right_hand_points[8][1]
return is_finger_straight[1] and not is_finger_straight[2] and \
not is_finger_straight[3] and not is_finger_straight[4]
def judge_step_one(self, is_left):
if is_left:
if judge_five(self.is_left_finger_straight) and self.left_hand_points[8][0] < self.left_hand_points[0][
0] and \
self.left_hand_points[12][0] < self.left_hand_points[0][0] and \
self.left_hand_points[16][0] < self.left_hand_points[0][0] and self.left_hand_points[20][0] < \
return True
if judge_five(self.is_right_finger_straight) and self.right_hand_points[8][0] > self.right_hand_points[0][
0] and \
self.right_hand_points[12][0] > self.right_hand_points[0][0] and \
self.right_hand_points[16][0] > self.right_hand_points[0][0] and self.right_hand_points[20][0] > \
return True
return False
def judge_step_two(self, is_left):
if is_left:
if judge_five(self.is_left_finger_straight) and self.left_hand_points[8][0] > self.left_hand_points[0][
0] and \
self.left_hand_points[12][0] > self.left_hand_points[0][0] and \
self.left_hand_points[16][0] > self.left_hand_points[0][0] and self.left_hand_points[20][0] > \
return True
if judge_five(self.is_right_finger_straight) and self.right_hand_points[8][0] < self.right_hand_points[0][
0] and \
self.right_hand_points[12][0] < self.right_hand_points[0][0] and \
self.right_hand_points[16][0] < self.right_hand_points[0][0] and self.right_hand_points[20][0] < \
return True
return False
def judge_step_three(self):
if self.left_hand_flag:
if self.left_hand_points[20][1] < self.left_hand_points[0][1]:
return True
if self.right_hand_points[20][1] < self.right_hand_points[0][1]:
return True
return False
def judge_page_up(self):
if not self.right_hand_flag:
return False
if self.step_up == 0:
self.lase_time = time.time()
if self.step_up == 0 and self.judge_step_three():
self.step_up = 1
if self.step_up == 1 and self.judge_step_one(False):
self.step_up = 2
elif self.step_up == 2 and self.judge_step_two(False):
self.step_up = 3
# elif self.step_up == 2 and judge_zero(self.is_right_finger_straight):
# self.step_up = 3
# elif self.step_up == 3:
# self.step_up = 0
now_time = time.time()
if now_time - self.lase_time > 3:
self.lase_time = now_time
self.step_up = 0
return False
if self.step_up == 3:
self.lase_time = now_time
self.step_up = 0
return True
return False
def judge_page_down(self):
if not self.left_hand_flag:
return False
if self.step_down == 0:
self.lase_time = time.time()
if self.step_down == 0 and self.judge_step_three():
self.step_down = 1
# print("step = 1")
if self.step_down == 1 and self.judge_step_one(True):
self.step_down = 2
# print("step = 2")
elif self.step_down == 2 and self.judge_step_two(True):
self.step_down = 3
# print("step = 3")
now_time = time.time()
if now_time - self.lase_time > 3:
self.lase_time = now_time
self.step_down = 0
return False
if self.step_down == 3:
self.lase_time = now_time
self.step_down = 0
return True
return False
def judge_end(self):
if not self.left_hand_flag:
self.end_count = 0
return False
if not judge_zero(self.is_left_finger_straight):
self.end_count = 0
return False
self.end_count += 1
if self.end_count > 10:
self.end_count = 0
return True
return False
def judge_system_over(self):
if not self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight):
return False
if not self.judge_one(self.is_right_finger_straight):
return False
standard_distance = util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[7], self.right_hand_points[8])
if standard_distance == 0:
return False
# print(util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[8], self.right_hand_points[8]) / standard_distance)
if util.Util.get_distance(self.left_hand_points[8], self.right_hand_points[8]) / standard_distance < 1:
return True
return False
# def judge_pencil(self):
# if not self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight):
# return False
# if self.right_hand_flag:
# return False
# self.pencil_count += 1
# if self.pencil_count > 5:
# self.pencil_count = 0
def judge_control(self):
if self.is_identify:
# print("len = " + str(len(self.identify_results.multi_handedness)))
# print("left is " + str(self.left_hand_flag))
# print("right is " + str(self.right_hand_flag))
if judge_two(self.is_left_finger_straight):
# print("1")
return 1
elif self.judge_page_up():
# print("2")
return 2
elif self.judge_page_down():
# print("3")
return 3
elif self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight) and not self.right_hand_flag:
# print("4")
return 4
elif self.judge_one(self.is_left_finger_straight) and judge_zero(self.is_right_finger_straight):
# print("5")
return 5
elif self.judge_end():
# print("6")
return 6
elif self.judge_system_over():
# print("7")
return 7
# else:
# # print("other")
# else:
# print("no_hand_points")
return 0
# identify = Identify()
# identify.begin()