Island: Remove 32bit manual run options
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ const getContents = (props) => {
const osTypes = {
[OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_64]: 'Windows 64bit',
[OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_32]: 'Windows 32bit',
[OS_TYPES.LINUX_64]: 'Linux 64bit',
[OS_TYPES.LINUX_32]: 'Linux 32bit'
[OS_TYPES.LINUX_64]: 'Linux 64bit'
const [osType, setOsType] = useState(OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_64);
@ -48,11 +46,11 @@ const getContents = (props) => {
function generateCommands() {
if (osType === OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_64 || osType === OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_32) {
return [{type: 'Powershell', command: GenerateLocalWindowsPowershell(selectedIp, osType, customUsername)}]
if (osType === OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_64) {
return [{type: 'Powershell', command: GenerateLocalWindowsPowershell(selectedIp, customUsername)}]
} else {
return [{type: 'CURL', command: GenerateLocalLinuxCurl(selectedIp, osType, customUsername)},
{type: 'WGET', command: GenerateLocalLinuxWget(selectedIp, osType, customUsername)}]
return [{type: 'CURL', command: GenerateLocalLinuxCurl(selectedIp, customUsername)},
{type: 'WGET', command: GenerateLocalLinuxWget(selectedIp, customUsername)}]
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import AuthComponent from '../../AuthComponent';
import {faLaptopCode} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons/faLaptopCode';
import InlineSelection from '../../ui-components/inline-selection/InlineSelection';
import {cloneDeep} from 'lodash';
import {faCloud, faExpandArrowsAlt} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import {faExpandArrowsAlt} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import RunOnIslandButton from './RunOnIslandButton';
import AWSRunButton from './RunOnAWS/AWSRunButton';
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
import {OS_TYPES} from '../utils/OsTypes';
export default function generateLocalLinuxCurl(ip, osType, username) {
let bitText = osType === OS_TYPES.LINUX_32 ? '32' : '64';
let command = `curl https://${ip}:5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-linux-${bitText} -k `
+ `-o monkey-linux-${bitText}; `
+ `chmod +x monkey-linux-${bitText}; `
+ `./monkey-linux-${bitText} m0nk3y -s ${ip}:5000;`;
export default function generateLocalLinuxCurl(ip, username) {
let command = `curl https://${ip}:5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-linux-64 -k `
+ `-o monkey-linux-64; `
+ `chmod +x monkey-linux-64; `
+ `./monkey-linux-64 m0nk3y -s ${ip}:5000;`;
if (username != '') {
command = `su - ${username} -c "${command}"`;
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
import {OS_TYPES} from '../utils/OsTypes';
export default function generateLocalLinuxWget(ip, osType, username) {
let bitText = osType === OS_TYPES.LINUX_32 ? '32' : '64';
export default function generateLocalLinuxWget(ip, username) {
let command = `wget --no-check-certificate https://${ip}:5000/api/monkey/download/`
+ `monkey-linux-${bitText}; `
+ `chmod +x monkey-linux-${bitText}; `
+ `./monkey-linux-${bitText} m0nk3y -s ${ip}:5000`;
+ `monkey-linux-64; `
+ `chmod +x monkey-linux-64; `
+ `./monkey-linux-64 m0nk3y -s ${ip}:5000`;
if (username != '') {
command = `su - ${username} -c "${command}"`;
@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
import {OS_TYPES} from '../utils/OsTypes';
function getAgentDownloadCommand(ip, osType) {
let bitText = osType === OS_TYPES.WINDOWS_32 ? '32' : '64';
function getAgentDownloadCommand(ip) {
return `$execCmd = @"\r\n`
+ `[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {\`$true};`
+ `(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://${ip}:5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-windows-${bitText}.exe',`
+ `(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://${ip}:5000/api/monkey/download/monkey-windows-64.exe',`
+ `"""$env:TEMP\\monkey.exe""");Start-Process -FilePath '$env:TEMP\\monkey.exe' -ArgumentList 'm0nk3y -s ${ip}:5000';`
+ `\r\n"@; \r\n`
+ `Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList $execCmd`;
export default function generateLocalWindowsPowershell(ip, osType, username) {
let command = getAgentDownloadCommand(ip, osType)
export default function generateLocalWindowsPowershell(ip, username) {
let command = getAgentDownloadCommand(ip)
if (username !== '') {
command += ` -Credential ${username}`;
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
export const OS_TYPES = {
WINDOWS_32: 'win32',
WINDOWS_64: 'win64',
LINUX_32: 'linux32',
LINUX_64: 'linux64'
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function aggregateMultipleResultsPba(results) {
function modifyProcessListCollectionResult(result) {
result[0] = "Found " + Object.keys(result[0]).length.toString() + " running processes";
result[0] = 'Found ' + Object.keys(result[0]).length.toString() + ' running processes';
// check for pbas with multiple results and aggregate their results
Reference in New Issue