diff --git a/deployment_scripts/config.ps1 b/deployment_scripts/config.ps1
index 24a8d3322..07be64612 100644
--- a/deployment_scripts/config.ps1
+++ b/deployment_scripts/config.ps1
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ $SAMBA_64_BINARY_NAME = "sc_monkey_runner64.so"
# Other directories and paths ( most likely you dont need to configure)
$MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR = "\monkey\monkey_island"
$MONKEY_DIR = "\monkey\infection_monkey"
-$SAMBA_BINARIES_DIR = Join-Path -Path $MONKEY_DIR -ChildPath "\monkey_utils\sambacry_monkey_runner"
+$SAMBA_BINARIES_DIR = Join-Path -Path $MONKEY_DIR -ChildPath "\exploit\sambacry_monkey_runner"
$PYTHON_DLL = "C:\Windows\System32\python27.dll"
$MK32_DLL = "mk32.dll"
$MK64_DLL = "mk64.dll"
diff --git a/deployment_scripts/deploy_linux.sh b/deployment_scripts/deploy_linux.sh
index 5ce29ac59..4df8ba114 100644
--- a/deployment_scripts/deploy_linux.sh
+++ b/deployment_scripts/deploy_linux.sh
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ python -m pip install --user -r requirements_linux.txt || handle_error
# Build samba
log_message "Building samba binaries"
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
-cd ${monkey_home}/monkey/infection_monkey/monkey_utils/sambacry_monkey_runner
+cd ${monkey_home}/monkey/infection_monkey/exploit/sambacry_monkey_runner
sudo chmod +x ./build.sh || handle_error
diff --git a/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md b/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md
index b792b16f4..a8c0687fc 100644
--- a/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md
+++ b/envs/monkey_zoo/docs/fullDocs.md
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Requirements:
To deploy:
1. Configure service account for your project:
- a. Create a service account and name it “your\_name-monkeyZoo-user”
+ a. Create a service account (GCP website -> IAM -> service accounts) and name it “your\_name-monkeyZoo-user”
b. Give these permissions to your service account:
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ To deploy:
**Project -> Owner**
- c. Download its **Service account key**. Select JSON format.
+ c. Download its **Service account key** in JSON and place it in **/gcp_keys** as **gcp_key.json**.
2. Get these permissions in monkeyZoo project for your service account (ask monkey developers to add them):
a. **Compute Engine -\> Compute image user**
@@ -82,20 +82,30 @@ To deploy:
../monkey/envs/monkey\_zoo/terraform/config.tf file (don’t forget to
link to your service account key file):
- > provider "google" {
- >
- > project = "project-28054666"
- >
- > region = "europe-west3"
- >
- > zone = "europe-west3-b"
- >
- > credentials = "${file("project-92050661-9dae6c5a02fc.json")}"
- >
- > }
- >
- > service\_account\_email="test@project-925243.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
+ provider "google" {
+ project = "test-000000" // Change to your project id
+ region = "europe-west3" // Change to your desired region or leave default
+ zone = "europe-west3-b" // Change to your desired zone or leave default
+ credentials = "${file("../gcp_keys/gcp_key.json")}" // Change to the location and name of the service key.
+ // If you followed instruction above leave it as is
+ }
+ locals {
+ resource_prefix = "" // All of the resources will have this prefix.
+ // Only change if you want to have multiple zoo's in the same project
+ service_account_email="tester-monkeyZoo-user@testproject-000000.iam.gserviceaccount.com" // Service account email
+ monkeyzoo_project="guardicore-22050661" // Project where monkeyzoo images are kept. Leave as is.
+ }
4. Run terraform init
To deploy the network run:
@@ -500,6 +510,42 @@ fullTest.conf is a good config to start, because it covers all machines.
Nr. 11 Tunneling M3 +( |
+(Exploitable) | +
OS: | +Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64 | +
Software: | +OpenSSL | +
Default service’s port: | +22 | +
Root password: | +3Q=(Ge(+&w]* | +
Server’s config: | +Default | +
Notes: | +Accessible only trough Nr.10 | +