110 lines
3.8 KiB
110 lines
3.8 KiB
# Infection Monkey travis.yml. See Travis documentation for information about this file structure.
# If you change this file, you can validate using Travis CI's Build Config Explorer https://config.travis-ci.com/explore
group: travis_latest
language: python
- pip
- directories:
- "$HOME/.npm"
- 3.7
os: linux
# Init server_config.json to default
- cp monkey/monkey_island/cc/server_config.json.default monkey/monkey_island/cc/server_config.json
# Python
- pip freeze
- pip install -r monkey/monkey_island/requirements.txt # for unit tests
- pip install flake8 pytest pytest-cov dlint isort # for next stages
- pip install coverage # for code coverage
- pip install -r monkey/infection_monkey/requirements.txt # for unit tests
- pip install -r monkey/common/cloud/scoutsuite/requirements.txt
- pip install pipdeptree
# Fail builds on possible conflicting dependencies.
- pipdeptree --warn fail
# node + npm + eslint
- node --version
- npm --version
- nvm --version
- nvm install node
- nvm use node
- npm i -g eslint
- node --version
- npm --version
# linuxbrew (for hugo)
- git clone https://github.com/Homebrew/brew ~/.linuxbrew/Homebrew
- mkdir ~/.linuxbrew/bin
- ln -s ~/.linuxbrew/Homebrew/bin/brew ~/.linuxbrew/bin
- eval $(~/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)
# hugo (for documentation)
- brew install hugo
# print hugo version (useful for debugging documentation build errors)
- hugo version
# Check Python code
## Check syntax errors and fail the build if any are found.
- flake8 ./monkey --exclude=monkey/common/cloud/scoutsuite --config=./ci_scripts/flake8_syntax_check.ini
## Warn about linter issues.
### --exit-zero forces Flake8 to use the exit status code 0 even if there are errors, which means this will NOT fail the build.
### The output is redirected to a file.
- flake8 ./monkey --exit-zero --config=./ci_scripts/flake8_linter_check.ini > ./ci_scripts/flake8_warnings.txt
## Display the linter issues
- cat ./ci_scripts/flake8_warnings.txt
## Make sure that we haven't increased the amount of warnings.
- if [ $(tail -n 1 ./ci_scripts/flake8_warnings.txt) -gt $PYTHON_WARNINGS_AMOUNT_UPPER_LIMIT ]; then echo "Too many python linter warnings! Failing this build. Lower the amount of linter errors in this and try again. " && exit 1; fi
## Check import order
- python -m isort ./monkey --settings-file ./ci_scripts/isort.cfg
## Run unit tests and generate coverage data
- cd monkey # This is our source dir
- python -m pytest --cov=. # Have to use `python -m pytest` instead of `pytest` to add "{$builddir}/monkey/monkey" to sys.path.
# Check JS code. The npm install must happen AFTER the flake8 because the node_modules folder will cause a lot of errors.
- cd monkey_island/cc/ui
- npm ci # See https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/ci.html
- eslint ./src --quiet # Test for errors
- eslint ./src --max-warnings $JS_WARNINGS_AMOUNT_UPPER_LIMIT # Test for max warnings
# Build documentation
- hugo --verbose --environment staging
# verify swimm
- wget "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/swimmio.appspot.com/o/Release%2Fv029%2FSwimm_0.2.9_Setup.deb?alt=media&token=774ebd98-cb4e-4615-900c-aada224c1608" -O swimm
- sudo dpkg -i swimm || (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install)
- chmod +x ./swimm
- swimm --version
- swimm verify
# Upload code coverage results to codecov.io, see https://github.com/codecov/codecov-bash for more information
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
slack: # Notify to slack
- infectionmonkey:QaXbsx4g7tHFJW0lhtiBmoAg#ci # room: #ci
on_success: change
on_failure: always
on_success: change
on_failure: always