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This document describes Infection Monkeys test network, how to deploy and use it.

Getting started
Using islands
Running tests
Machines legend
Nr. 2 Hadoop
Nr. 3 Hadoop
Nr. 4 Elastic
Nr. 5 Elastic
Nr. 6 Sambacry
Nr. 7 Sambacry
Nr. 8 Shellshock
Nr. 9 Tunneling M1
Nr. 10 Tunneling M2
Nr. 11 SSH key steal
Nr. 12 SSH key steal
Nr. 13 RDP grinder
Nr. 14 Mimikatz
Nr. 15 Mimikatz
Nr. 16 MsSQL
Nr. 17 Upgrader
Nr. 18 WebLogic
Nr. 19 WebLogic
Nr. 20 SMB
Nr. 21 Scan
Nr. 22 Scan
Nr. 23 Struts2
Nr. 24 Struts2
Nr. 25 Zerologon
Nr. 3-45 Powershell
Nr. 3-46 Powershell
Nr. 3-47 Powershell
Nr. 3-48 Powershell
Nr. 3-49 Log4j Solr
Nr. 3-50 Log4j Solr
Nr. 3-51 Log4j Tomcat
Nr. 3-52 Log4j Tomcat
Nr. 3-55 Log4j Logstash
Nr. 3-56 Log4j Logstash
Nr. 250 MonkeyIsland
Nr. 251 MonkeyIsland
Network topography


This project builds an intentionally vulnerable network. Make sure not to add production servers to the same network and leave it closed to the public.


MonkeyZoo is a Google Cloud Platform network deployed with terraform. Terraform scripts allows you to quickly setup a network thats full of vulnerable machines to regression test monkeys exploiters, evaluate scanning times in a real-world scenario and many more.

Getting started:


  1. Have terraform installed.
  2. Have a Google Cloud Platform account (upgraded if you want to test whole network at once).

To deploy:

  1. Configure service account for your project:

    a. Create a service account (GCP website -> IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT) and name it “your_name-monkeyZoo-user”

    b. Give these permissions to your service account:

    Compute Engine -> Compute Network Admin and Compute Engine -> Compute Instance Admin (v1) and Compute Engine -> Compute Security Admin and Service Account User


    Project -> Owner

    c. Create and download its Service account key in JSON and place it in monkey_zoo/gcp_keys as gcp_key.json.

  2. Get these permissions in the monkeyZoo project (guardicore-22050661) for your service account (ask monkey developers to add them):

    a. Compute Engine -> Compute image user

  3. Change configurations located in the ../monkey/envs/monkey_zoo/terraform/ file (dont forget to link to your service account key file):

     provider "google" {
     project = "test-000000" // Change to your project id
       region  = "europe-west3" // Change to your desired region or leave default
       zone    = "europe-west3-b" // Change to your desired zone or leave default
       credentials = "${file("../gcp_keys/gcp_key.json")}" // Change to the location and name of the service key.
                                                           // If you followed instruction above leave it as is
     locals {
       resource_prefix = "" // All of the resources will have this prefix.
                            // Only change if you want to have multiple zoo's in the same project
       service_account_email="" // Service account email
       monkeyzoo_project="guardicore-22050661" // Project where monkeyzoo images are kept. Leave as is.
  4. Run terraform init

To deploy the network run:
terraform plan (review the changes it will make on GCP)
terraform apply (creates 2 networks for machines)
terraform apply (adds machines to these networks)

Using islands:

How to get into the islands:

island-linux-250: SSH from GCP

island-windows-251: In GCP/VM instances page click on island-windows-251. Set password for your account and then RDP into the island.

These are most common steps on monkey islands:

For users

Upload the AppImage deployment option and run it in island-linux-250. Or upload the MSI deployment option, install it and run it in island-windows-251. After that use the Monkey as you would on local network.

For developers


To run monkey island from source:
sudo /usr/run\

To run monkey from source:
sudo /usr/run\

To update repository:
git pull /usr/infection_monkey

Update all requirements using deployment script:
1. cd /usr/infection_monkey/deployment_scripts
2. ./ "/usr/infection_monkey" "develop"


To run monkey island from source:
Execute C:\run_monkey_island.bat as administrator

To run monkey from source:
Execute C:\run_monkey.bat as administrator

To update repository:
1. Open cmd as an administrator
2. cd C:\infection_monkey
3. git pull (updates develop branch)

Update all requirements using deployment script:
1. cd C:\infection_monkey\deployment_scripts
2. ./run_script.bat "C:\infection_monkey" "develop"


Nr. 2 Hadoop


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64


Hadoop 2.9.1

Default servers port: 8020
Servers config: Single node cluster
Scan results: Machine exploited using Hadoop exploiter

Nr. 3 Hadoop


OS: Windows 10 x64


Hadoop 2.9.1

Default servers port: 8020
Servers config: Single node cluster
Scan results: Machine exploited using Hadoop exploiter

Nr. 4 Elastic


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64


Elastic 1.4.2

Default servers port: 9200
Servers config: Default
Scan results: Machine exploited using Elastic exploiter
Notes: Quick tutorial on how to add entries (was useful when setting up).

Nr. 5 Elastic


OS: Windows 10 x64


Elastic 1.4.2

Default servers port: 9200
Servers config: Default
Scan results: Machine exploited using Elastic exploiter
Notes: Quick tutorial on how to add entries (was useful when setting up).

Nr. 6 Sambacry


(Not implemented)
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: Samba > 3.5.0 and < 4.6.4, 4.5.10 and 4.4.14
Default servers port: -
Root password: ;^TK`9XN_x^
Servers config:
Scan results: Machine exploited using Sambacry exploiter

Nr. 7 Sambacry


(Not implemented)
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x32
Software: Samba > 3.5.0 and < 4.6.4, 4.5.10 and 4.4.14
Default servers port: -
Root password: *.&A7/W}Rc$
Servers config:
Scan results: Machine exploited using Sambacry exploiter

Nr. 8 Shellshock


OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64
Software: Apache2, bash 4.2.
Default servers port: 80
Scan results: Machine exploited using Shellshock exploiter
Notes: Vulnerable app is under /cgi-bin/test.cgi

Nr. 9 Tunneling M1


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: OpenSSL
Default services port: 22
Root password: `))jU7L(w}
Servers config: Default

Nr. 10 Tunneling M2


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: OpenSSL
Default services port: 22
Root password: 3Q=(Ge(+&w]*
Servers config: Default
Notes: Accessible only through Nr.9

Nr. 11 Tunneling M3


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: OpenSSL
Default services port: 22
Root password: 3Q=(Ge(+&w]*
Servers config: Default
Notes: Accessible only through Nr.10

Nr. 12 Tunneling M4


OS: Windows server 2019 x64
Default services port: 445
Root password: t67TC5ZDmz
Servers config: Default
Notes: Accessible only through Nr.10

Nr. 11 SSH key steal.


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: OpenSSL
Default connection port: 22
Root password: ^NgDvY59~8
Servers config: SSH keys to connect to NR. 11

Nr. 12 SSH key steal.


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: OpenSSL
Default connection port: 22
Root password: u?Sj5@6(-C
Servers config: SSH configured to allow connection from NR.10
Notes: Dont add this machines credentials to exploit configuration.

Nr. 13 RDP grinder


(Not implemented)
OS: Windows 10 x64
Software: -
Default connection port: 3389
Root password: 2}p}aR]&=M
Servers config:

Remote desktop enabled

Admin users credentials:

m0nk3y, 2}p}aR]&=M


Nr. 14 Mimikatz


OS: Windows 10 x64
Software: -
Admin password: Ivrrw5zEzs
Servers config:

Has cached mimikatz-15 RDP credentials

SMB turned on


Nr. 15 Mimikatz


OS: Windows 10 x64
Software: -
Admin password: pAJfG56JX><
Servers config:

Its credentials are cashed at mimikatz-14

SMB turned on

Notes: If you change this machines IP it wont get exploited.

Nr. 16 MsSQL


OS: Windows 10 x64
Software: MSSQL Server
Default service port: 1433
Servers config:

xp_cmdshell feature enabled in MSSQL server

SQL server auth. creds:

m0nk3y : Xk8VDTsC


Enabled SQL server browser service

Enabled remote connections

Changed default password

Nr. 17 Upgrader


(Not implemented)
OS: Windows 10 x64
Default service port: 445
Root password: U??7ppG_
Servers config: Turn on SMB

Nr. 18 WebLogic


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64


Oracle WebLogic server

Default servers port: 7001
Admin domain credentials: weblogic : B74Ot0c4
Servers config: Default

Nr. 19 WebLogic


OS: Windows 10 x64


Oracle WebLogic server

Default servers port: 7001
Admin servers credentials: weblogic : =ThS2d=m(`B
Servers config: Default

Nr. 20 SMB


OS: Windows 10 x64
Software: -
Default services port: 445
Root password: YbS,<tpS.2av
Servers config: SMB turned on

Nr. 21 Scan


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: Apache tomcat 7.0.92
Default servers port: 8080
Servers config: Default
Notes: Used to scan a machine that has no vulnerabilities (to evaluate scanning speed for e.g.)

Nr. 22 Scan


OS: Windows 10 x64
Software: Apache tomcat 7.0.92
Default servers port: 8080
Servers config: Default
Notes: Used to scan a machine that has no vulnerabilities (to evaluate scanning speed for e.g.)

Nr. 23 Struts2


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64



tomcat 9.0.0.M9

Default servers port: 8080
Servers config: Default

Nr. 24 Struts2


OS: Windows 10 x64



tomcat 9.0.0.M9

Default servers port: 8080
Servers config: Default

Nr. 25 ZeroLogon


OS: Server 2016
Default servers port: 135

Nr. 3-45 Powershell


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: WinRM service
Default servers port: -
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: Passw0rd!
User: m0nk3y-user, No Password.

Nr. 3-46 Powershell


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: WinRM service
Default servers port: -
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: Passw0rd!

Nr. 3-47 Powershell


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: WinRM service
Default servers port: -
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: Xk8VDTsC

Nr. 3-48 Powershell


OS: Windows Server 2019 x64
Software: WinRM service
Default servers port: -
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: Passw0rd!

Nr. 3-49 Log4j Solr


OS: Ubuntu 18.04LTS
Software: Apache Solr 8.11.0
Default servers port: 8983
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: m0nk3y

Nr. 3-50 Log4j Solr


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: Apache solr 8.11.0
Default servers port: 8983
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: Passw0rd!

Nr. 3-51 Log4j Tomcat


OS: Ubuntu 18.04LTS
Software: Apache Tomcat 8.0.36
Default servers port: 8080

Nr. 3-52 Log4j Tomcat


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: Apache Tomcat 8.0.36
Default servers port: 8080
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: Tomcat@22

Nr. 3-55 Log4j Logstash


OS: Ubuntu 18.04LTS
Software: Logstash 5.5.0 Java 1.8.0
Default servers port: 9600
Notes: User: logstash

Nr. 3-56 Log4j Logstash


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: Logstash 5.5.0 Java 1.8.0
Default servers port: 9600
Notes: User: m0nk3y, Password: 7;@K"kPTM

Nr. 250 MonkeyIsland


OS: Ubuntu 16.04.05 x64
Software: MonkeyIsland server, git, mongodb etc.
Default servers port: 22, 443
Private key passphrase: -
Notes: Only accessible through GCP

Nr. 251 MonkeyIsland


OS: Windows Server 2016 x64
Software: MonkeyIsland server, git, mongodb etc.
Default servers port: 3389, 443
Private key passphrase: -
Notes: Only accessible through GCP

Network topography: