55 lines
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55 lines
2.2 KiB
import subprocess
import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GCPHandler(object):
AUTHENTICATION_COMMAND = "gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=%s"
SET_PROPERTY_PROJECT = "gcloud config set project %s"
MACHINE_STARTING_COMMAND = "gcloud compute instances start %s --zone=%s"
MACHINE_STOPPING_COMMAND = "gcloud compute instances stop %s --zone=%s"
def __init__(self, key_path="../gcp_keys/gcp_key.json", zone="europe-west3-a", project_id="guardicore-22050661"):
self.zone = zone
# pass the key file to gcp
subprocess.call(GCPHandler.get_auth_command(key_path), shell=True)
LOGGER.info("GCP Handler passed key")
# set project
subprocess.call(GCPHandler.get_set_project_command(project_id), shell=True)
LOGGER.info("GCP Handler set project")
LOGGER.info("GCP Handler initialized successfully")
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.error("GCP Handler failed to initialize: %s." % e)
def start_machines(self, machine_list):
Start all the machines in the list.
:param machine_list: A space-separated string with all the machine names. Example:
start_machines(`" ".join(["elastic-3", "mssql-16"])`)
LOGGER.info("Setting up all GCP machines...")
subprocess.call((GCPHandler.MACHINE_STARTING_COMMAND % (machine_list, self.zone)), shell=True)
LOGGER.info("GCP machines successfully started.")
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.error("GCP Handler failed to start GCP machines: %s" % e)
def stop_machines(self, machine_list):
subprocess.call((GCPHandler.MACHINE_STOPPING_COMMAND % (machine_list, self.zone)), shell=True)
LOGGER.info("GCP machines stopped successfully.")
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.error("GCP Handler failed to stop network machines: %s" % e)
def get_auth_command(key_path):
return GCPHandler.AUTHENTICATION_COMMAND % key_path
def get_set_project_command(project):
return GCPHandler.SET_PROPERTY_PROJECT % project