VakarisZ 6fe93cd81b Addressed some CR comments and improved README's and firewall rules a bit 2020-03-18 11:49:33 +02:00
aws_keys Added monkey maker env that's responsible for monkey building islands 2019-12-13 17:07:31 +02:00
terraform Updated AMI of windows maker, updated windows_2008_r2 ami 2020-01-20 16:37:53 +02:00 Addressed some CR comments and improved README's and firewall rules a bit 2020-03-18 11:49:33 +02:00

Monkey maker


Monkey maker is an environment on AWS that is designed for monkey binary building. This environment is deployed using terraform scripts located in this directory.


To setup you need to put accessKeys file into ./aws_keys directory.

Contents of accessKeys file should be as follows:

aws_access_key_id = <...>
aws_secret_access_key = <...>

Also review ./terraform/ file.

Launch the environment by going into terraform folder and running

terraform init
terraform apply


To login to windows use Administrator: %HwuzI!Uzsyfa=cB*XaQ6xxHqopfj)h) credentials

You'll find docker files in /home/ubuntu/docker_envs/linux/...

To build docker image for 32 bit linux:

cd /home/ubuntu/docker_envs/linux/py3-32
sudo docker build -t builder32 .

To build docker image for 64 bit linux:

cd /home/ubuntu/docker_envs/linux/py3-64
sudo docker build -t builder64 .

To build 32 bit monkey binary:

cd /home/ubuntu/monkey_folder/monkey
sudo docker run -v "$(pwd):/src" builder32 -c "export SRCDIR=/src/infection_monkey && /"

To build 64 bit monkey binary:

cd /home/ubuntu/monkey_folder/monkey
sudo docker run -v "$(pwd):/src" builder64 -c "export SRCDIR=/src/infection_monkey && /"