Organized 1.7 minor features into subsections.

This commit is contained in:
Tim Graham 2013-08-27 09:39:56 -04:00
parent 08e7a64369
commit 4f7ed3f2d1
1 changed files with 104 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ database.
Migrations are covered in :doc:`their own documentation</topics/migrations>`,
but a few of the key features are:
* ``syncdb`` has been deprecated and replaced by ``migrate``. Don't worry -
* ``syncdb`` has been deprecated and replaced by ``migrate``. Don't worry -
calls to ``syncdb`` will still work as before.
* A new ``makemigrations`` command provides an easy way to autodetect changes
@ -108,31 +108,8 @@ will be interpreted.
Minor features
* The new :attr:`UploadedFile.content_type_extra
<django.core.files.uploadedfile.UploadedFile.content_type_extra>` attribute
contains extra parameters passed to the ``content-type`` header on a file
* The ``enter`` argument was added to the
:data:`~django.test.signals.setting_changed` signal.
* The :meth:`QuerySet.update_or_create()
<django.db.models.query.QuerySet.update_or_create>` method was added.
* :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.app_label` is no longer required for models
that are defined in a ``models`` package within an app.
* The :meth:`Context.push() <django.template.Context.push>` method now returns
a context manager which automatically calls :meth:`pop()
<django.template.Context.pop>` upon exiting the ``with`` statement.
Additionally, :meth:`push() <django.template.Context.push>` now accepts
parameters that are passed to the ``dict`` constructor used to build the new
context level.
* The :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.Atom1Feed` syndication feed's
``updated`` element now utilizes ``updateddate`` instead of ``pubdate``,
allowing the ``published`` element to be included in the feed (which
relies on ``pubdate``).
* Buttons in :mod:`django.contrib.admin` now use the ``border-radius`` CSS
property for rounded corners rather than GIF background images.
@ -144,27 +121,6 @@ Minor features
* The admin changelist cells now have a ``field-<field_name>`` class in the
HTML to enable style customizations.
* :func:`~django.core.mail.send_mail` now accepts an ``html_message``
parameter for sending a multipart ``text/plain`` and ``text/html`` email.
* The :djadminopt:`--no-color` option for ```` allows you to
disable the colorization of management command output.
* The :mod:`sitemap framework<django.contrib.sitemaps>` now makes use of
:attr:`~django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap.lastmod` to set a ``Last-Modified``
header in the response. This makes it possible for the
:class:`~django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware` to handle
conditional ``GET`` requests for sitemaps which set ``lastmod``.
* You can override the new :meth:`AuthenticationForm.confirm_login_allowed()
<django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm.confirm_login_allowed>` method
to more easily customize the login policy.
* :attr:`Field.choices<django.db.models.Field.choices>` now allows you to
customize the "empty choice" label by including a tuple with an empty string
or ``None`` for the key and the custom label as the value. The default blank
option ``"----------"`` will be omitted in this case.
* The admin's search fields can now be customized per-request thanks to the new
:meth:`django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.get_search_fields` method.
@ -173,10 +129,81 @@ Minor features
customize the value of :attr:`ModelAdmin.fields
* Any ``**kwargs`` passed to
:meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.email_user()` are passed to the
underlying :meth:`~django.core.mail.send_mail()` call.
* The :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.permission_required` decorator can
take a list of permissions as well as a single permission.
* You can override the new :meth:`AuthenticationForm.confirm_login_allowed()
<django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm.confirm_login_allowed>` method
to more easily customize the login policy.
* :func:`django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset` takes an optional
``html_email_template_name`` parameter used to send a multipart HTML email
for password resets.
* The backends for :mod:`django.contrib.messages` that use cookies, will now
follow the :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` and
:setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY` settings.
* The :mod:`sitemap framework<django.contrib.sitemaps>` now makes use of
:attr:`~django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap.lastmod` to set a ``Last-Modified``
header in the response. This makes it possible for the
:class:`~django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware` to handle
conditional ``GET`` requests for sitemaps which set ``lastmod``.
* The :class:`~django.utils.feedgenerator.Atom1Feed` syndication feed's
``updated`` element now utilizes ``updateddate`` instead of ``pubdate``,
allowing the ``published`` element to be included in the feed (which
relies on ``pubdate``).
* :func:`~django.core.mail.send_mail` now accepts an ``html_message``
parameter for sending a multipart ``text/plain`` and ``text/html`` email.
File Uploads
* The new :attr:`UploadedFile.content_type_extra
<django.core.files.uploadedfile.UploadedFile.content_type_extra>` attribute
contains extra parameters passed to the ``content-type`` header on a file
* The new :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS` setting controls
the file system permissions of directories created during file upload, like
:setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS` does for the files themselves.
* The ``<label>`` and ``<input>`` tags rendered by
:class:`~django.forms.RadioSelect` and
:class:`~django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple` when looping over the radio
buttons or checkboxes now include ``for`` and ``id`` attributes, respectively.
Each radio button or checkbox includes an ``id_for_label`` attribute to
output the element's ID.
* :attr:`Field.choices<django.db.models.Field.choices>` now allows you to
customize the "empty choice" label by including a tuple with an empty string
or ``None`` for the key and the custom label as the value. The default blank
option ``"----------"`` will be omitted in this case.
* :class:`~django.forms.MultiValueField` allows optional subfields by setting
the ``require_all_fields`` argument to ``False``. The ``required`` attribute
for each individual field will be respected, and a new ``incomplete``
@ -186,38 +213,47 @@ Minor features
return ``self.cleaned_data``. If it does return a changed dictionary then
that will still be used.
Management Commands
* The :djadminopt:`--no-color` option for ```` allows you to
disable the colorization of management command output.
* The new :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.default_permissions` model
``Meta`` option allows you to customize (or disable) creation of the default
add, change, and delete permissions.
* The :func:`~django.contrib.auth.decorators.permission_required` decorator can
take a list of permissions as well as a single permission.
* The new :setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS` setting controls
the file system permissions of directories created during file upload, like
:setting:`FILE_UPLOAD_PERMISSIONS` does for the files themselves.
* Explicit :class:`~django.db.models.OneToOneField` for
:ref:`multi-table-inheritance` are now discovered in abstract classes.
* The ``<label>`` and ``<input>`` tags rendered by
:class:`~django.forms.RadioSelect` and
:class:`~django.forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple` when looping over the radio
buttons or checkboxes now include ``for`` and ``id`` attributes, respectively.
Each radio button or checkbox includes an ``id_for_label`` attribute to
output the element's ID.
* Any ``**kwargs`` passed to
:meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.email_user()` are passed to the
underlying :meth:`~django.core.mail.send_mail()` call.
* The ``enter`` argument was added to the
:data:`~django.test.signals.setting_changed` signal.
* The :meth:`QuerySet.update_or_create()
<django.db.models.query.QuerySet.update_or_create>` method was added.
* :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.app_label` is no longer required for models
that are defined in a ``models`` package within an app.
* The :meth:`Context.push() <django.template.Context.push>` method now returns
a context manager which automatically calls :meth:`pop()
<django.template.Context.pop>` upon exiting the ``with`` statement.
Additionally, :meth:`push() <django.template.Context.push>` now accepts
parameters that are passed to the ``dict`` constructor used to build the new
context level.
* The :ttag:`widthratio` template tag now accepts an "as" parameter to capture
the result in a variable.
* The backends for :mod:`django.contrib.messages` that use cookies, will now
follow the :setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE` and
:setting:`SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY` settings.
Backwards incompatible changes in 1.7
@ -273,7 +309,7 @@ Miscellaneous
* The :meth:`django.db.models.Model.__eq__` method has changed such that
two ``Model`` instances without primary key values won't be considered
equal (unless they are the same instance).
* The :meth:`django.db.models.Model.__hash__` will now raise ``TypeError``
when called on an instance without a primary key value. This is done to
avoid mutable ``__hash__`` values in containers.