magic-removal:Management fixes. Everything works on app labels, and constraints generation is correct for mutually referential models.
git-svn-id: bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,16 +44,16 @@ EMPTY_CHANGELIST_VALUE = '(None)'
ADMIN_PREFIX = "/admin/"
def _get_mod_opts(app_label, module_name):
"Helper function that returns a tuple of (module, opts), raising Http404 if necessary."
mod = models.get_app(app_label)
except ImportError:
raise Http404 # Invalid app or module name. Maybe it's not in INSTALLED_APPS.
opts = mod.Klass._meta
if not opts.admin:
raise Http404 # This object is valid but has no admin interface.
return mod, opts
#def _get_mod_opts(app_label, module_name):
# "Helper function that returns a tuple of (module, opts), raising Http404 if necessary."
# try:
# mod = models.get_app(app_label)
# except ImportError:
# raise Http404 # Invalid app or module name. Maybe it's not in INSTALLED_APPS.
# opts = mod.Klass._meta
# if not opts.admin:
# raise Http404 # This object is valid but has no admin interface.
# return mod, opts
def matches_app(mod, comps):
modcomps = mod.__name__.split('.')[:-1] #HACK: leave off 'models'
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ def find_model(mod, remaining):
raise Http404
def get_app_label(mod):
modcomps = mod.__name__.split('.')
return modcomps[-2]
@ -63,16 +63,18 @@ def _is_valid_dir_name(s):
# type of field as the field to which it points.
get_rel_data_type = lambda f: (f.get_internal_type() == 'AutoField') and 'IntegerField' or f.get_internal_type()
def get_sql_create(mod):
"Returns a list of the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given module."
def get_sql_create(app):
"Returns a list of the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app."
from django.db import backend, get_creation_module, models
data_types = get_creation_module().DATA_TYPES
final_output = []
opts_output = set()
models_output = set()
pending_references = {}
for klass in mod._MODELS:
app_models = models.get_models(app)
for klass in app_models:
opts = klass._meta
table_output = []
for f in opts.fields:
@ -92,14 +94,14 @@ def get_sql_create(mod):
if f.primary_key:
field_output.append('PRIMARY KEY')
if f.rel:
if in opts_output:
if in models_output:
field_output.append('REFERENCES %s (%s)' % \
# We haven't yet created the table to which this field
# is related, so save it for later.
pr = pending_references.setdefault(, []).append((opts, f))
pr = pending_references.setdefault(, []).append((klass, f))
table_output.append(' '.join(field_output))
if opts.order_with_respect_to:
table_output.append('%s %s NULL' % (backend.quote_name('_order'), data_types['IntegerField']))
@ -115,8 +117,9 @@ def get_sql_create(mod):
# Take care of any ALTER TABLE statements to add constraints
# after the fact.
if opts in pending_references:
for rel_opts, f in pending_references[opts]:
if klass in pending_references:
for rel_class, f in pending_references[klass]:
rel_opts = rel_class._meta
r_table = rel_opts.db_table
r_col = f.column
table = opts.db_table
@ -125,13 +128,13 @@ def get_sql_create(mod):
backend.quote_name("%s_referencing_%s_%s" % (r_col, table, col)),
backend.quote_name(r_col), backend.quote_name(table), backend.quote_name(col)))
del pending_references[opts]
del pending_references[klass]
# Keep track of the fact that we've created the table for this model.
# Create the many-to-many join tables.
for klass in mod._MODELS:
for klass in app_models:
opts = klass._meta
for f in opts.many_to_many:
table_output = ['CREATE TABLE %s (' % backend.quote_name(f.get_m2m_db_table(opts))]
@ -152,12 +155,12 @@ def get_sql_create(mod):
return final_output
get_sql_create.help_doc = "Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given model module name(s)."
get_sql_create.help_doc = "Prints the CREATE TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s)."
get_sql_create.args = APP_ARGS
def get_sql_delete(mod):
"Returns a list of the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given module."
from django.db import backend, connection
def get_sql_delete(app):
"Returns a list of the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given app."
from django.db import backend, connection, models
cursor = connection.cursor()
@ -183,7 +186,8 @@ def get_sql_delete(mod):
to_delete = set()
references_to_delete = {}
for klass in mod._MODELS:
app_models = models.get_models(app)
for klass in app_models:
if cursor is not None:
# Check whether the table exists.
@ -195,13 +199,11 @@ def get_sql_delete(mod):
opts = klass._meta
for f in opts.fields:
if f.rel and not in to_delete:
refs = references_to_delete.get(, [])
refs.append( (opts, f) )
references_to_delete[] = refs
references_to_delete.setdefault(, []).append( (klass, f) )
for klass in mod._MODELS:
for klass in app_models:
if cursor is not None:
# Check whether the table exists.
@ -211,18 +213,19 @@ def get_sql_delete(mod):
output.append("DROP TABLE %s;" % backend.quote_name(klass._meta.db_table))
if references_to_delete.has_key(klass._meta):
for opts, f in references_to_delete[klass._meta]:
if references_to_delete.has_key(klass):
for rel_class, f in references_to_delete[klass]:
table = rel_class._meta.db_table
col = f.column
table = opts.db_table
r_table =
r_col =
r_table = klass._meta.db_table
r_col = klass._meta.get_field(f.rel.field_name).column
output.append('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s;' % \
backend.quote_name("%s_referencing_%s_%s" % (col, r_table, r_col))))
del references_to_delete[klass]
# Output DROP TABLE statements for many-to-many tables.
for klass in mod._MODELS:
for klass in app_models:
opts = klass._meta
for f in opts.many_to_many:
@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ def get_sql_delete(mod):
output.append("DROP TABLE %s;" % backend.quote_name(f.get_m2m_db_table(opts)))
app_label = mod._MODELS[0]._meta.app_label
app_label = app_models[0]._meta.app_label
# Delete from packages, auth_permissions, content_types.
output.append("DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s';" % \
@ -259,26 +262,31 @@ def get_sql_delete(mod):
return output[::-1] # Reverse it, to deal with table dependencies.
get_sql_delete.help_doc = "Prints the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given model module name(s)."
get_sql_delete.help_doc = "Prints the DROP TABLE SQL statements for the given app name(s)."
get_sql_delete.args = APP_ARGS
def get_sql_reset(mod):
def get_sql_reset(app):
"Returns a list of the DROP TABLE SQL, then the CREATE TABLE SQL, for the given module."
return get_sql_delete(mod) + get_sql_all(mod)
get_sql_reset.help_doc = "Prints the DROP TABLE SQL, then the CREATE TABLE SQL, for the given model module name(s)."
return get_sql_delete(app) + get_sql_all(app)
get_sql_reset.help_doc = "Prints the DROP TABLE SQL, then the CREATE TABLE SQL, for the given app name(s)."
get_sql_reset.args = APP_ARGS
def get_sql_initial_data(mod):
"Returns a list of the initial INSERT SQL statements for the given module."
def get_sql_initial_data(app):
"Returns a list of the initial INSERT SQL statements for the given app."
from django.conf.settings import DATABASE_ENGINE
from django.db.models import get_models
output = []
app_label = mod._MODELS[0]._meta.app_label
app_models = get_models(app)
app_label = app_models[0]._meta.app_label
app_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mod.__file__), '..', 'sql'))
for klass in mod._MODELS:
app_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(app.__file__), 'sql'))
for klass in app_models:
opts = klass._meta
# Add custom SQL, if it's available.
# FIXME: THis probably needs changing
sql_files = [os.path.join(app_dir, opts.module_name + '.' + DATABASE_ENGINE + '.sql'),
os.path.join(app_dir, opts.module_name + '.sql')]
for sql_file in sql_files:
@ -293,14 +301,15 @@ def get_sql_initial_data(mod):
for codename, name in _get_all_permissions(opts):
output.append(_get_permission_insert(name, codename, opts))
return output
get_sql_initial_data.help_doc = "Prints the initial INSERT SQL statements for the given model module name(s)."
get_sql_initial_data.help_doc = "Prints the initial INSERT SQL statements for the given app name(s)."
get_sql_initial_data.args = APP_ARGS
def get_sql_sequence_reset(mod):
"Returns a list of the SQL statements to reset PostgreSQL sequences for the given module."
def get_sql_sequence_reset(app):
"Returns a list of the SQL statements to reset PostgreSQL sequences for the given app."
from django.db import backend, models
output = []
for klass in mod._MODELS:
for klass in models.get_models(app):
for f in klass._meta.fields:
if isinstance(f, models.AutoField):
output.append("SELECT setval('%s_%s_seq', (SELECT max(%s) FROM %s));" % \
@ -310,14 +319,15 @@ def get_sql_sequence_reset(mod):
output.append("SELECT setval('%s_id_seq', (SELECT max(%s) FROM %s));" % \
(f.get_m2m_db_table(klass._meta), backend.quote_name('id'), f.get_m2m_db_table(klass._meta)))
return output
get_sql_sequence_reset.help_doc = "Prints the SQL statements for resetting PostgreSQL sequences for the given model module name(s)."
get_sql_sequence_reset.help_doc = "Prints the SQL statements for resetting PostgreSQL sequences for the given app name(s)."
get_sql_sequence_reset.args = APP_ARGS
def get_sql_indexes(mod):
"Returns a list of the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given module."
from django.db import backend
def get_sql_indexes(app):
"Returns a list of the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given app."
from django.db import backend, models
output = []
for klass in mod._MODELS:
for klass in models.get_models(app):
for f in klass._meta.fields:
if f.db_index:
unique = f.unique and "UNIQUE " or ""
@ -328,9 +338,9 @@ def get_sql_indexes(mod):
get_sql_indexes.help_doc = "Prints the CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s)."
get_sql_indexes.args = APP_ARGS
def get_sql_all(mod):
"Returns a list of CREATE TABLE SQL and initial-data insert for the given module."
return get_sql_create(mod) + get_sql_initial_data(mod)
def get_sql_all(app):
"Returns a list of CREATE TABLE SQL and initial-data insert for the given app."
return get_sql_create(app) + get_sql_initial_data(app)
get_sql_all.help_doc = "Prints the CREATE TABLE and initial-data SQL statements for the given model module name(s)."
get_sql_all.args = APP_ARGS
@ -343,11 +353,12 @@ def has_no_records(cursor):
return cursor.fetchone() is None
return cursor.rowcount < 1
def database_check(mod):
def database_check(app):
"Checks that everything is properly installed in the database for the given module."
from django.db import backend, connection
from django.db import backend, connection, models
cursor = connection.cursor()
app_label = mod._MODELS[0]._meta.app_label
app_modules = models.get_models(app)
app_label = app_modules[0]._meta.app_label
# Check that the package exists in the database.
cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s = %%s" % \
@ -359,7 +370,7 @@ def database_check(mod):
# Check that the permissions and content types are in the database.
perms_seen = {}
contenttypes_seen = {}
for klass in mod._MODELS:
for klass in app_models:
opts = klass._meta
perms = _get_all_permissions(opts)
@ -408,11 +419,13 @@ def database_check(mod):
database_check.help_doc = "Checks that everything is installed in the database for the given model module name(s) and prints SQL statements if needed."
database_check.args = APP_ARGS
def get_admin_index(mod):
"Returns admin-index template snippet (in list form) for the given module."
def get_admin_index(app):
"Returns admin-index template snippet (in list form) for the given app."
from django.utils.text import capfirst
from django.db.models import get_models
output = []
app_label = mod._MODELS[0]._meta.app_label
app_models = get_models(app)
app_label = app_models[0]._meta.app_label
output.append('{%% if perms.%s %%}' % app_label)
output.append('<div class="module"><h2>%s</h2><table>' % app_label.title())
for klass in mod._MODELS:
@ -427,7 +440,7 @@ def get_admin_index(mod):
output.append('{% endif %}')
return output
get_admin_index.help_doc = "Prints the admin-index template snippet for the given model module name(s)."
get_admin_index.help_doc = "Prints the admin-index template snippet for the given app name(s)."
get_admin_index.args = APP_ARGS
def init():
@ -454,12 +467,13 @@ def init():
init.args = ''
def install(mod):
def install(app):
"Executes the equivalent of 'get_sql_all' in the current database."
from django.db import connection
from cStringIO import StringIO
mod_name = mod.__name__[mod.__name__.rindex('.')+1:]
app_name = app.__name__[app.__name__.rindex('.')+1:]
app_label = app_name.split('.')[-1]
# First, try validating the models.
s = StringIO()
num_errors = get_validation_errors(s)
@ -468,7 +482,7 @@ def install(mod):
sql_list = get_sql_all(mod)
sql_list = get_sql_all(app)
cursor = connection.cursor()
@ -481,20 +495,23 @@ def install(mod):
* The SQL was invalid.
Hint: Look at the output of ' sqlall %s'. That's the SQL this command wasn't able to run.
The full error: %s\n""" % \
(mod_name, mod_name, e))
(app_name, app_label, e))
install.help_doc = "Executes ``sqlall`` for the given model module name(s) in the current database."
install.help_doc = "Executes ``sqlall`` for the given app(s) in the current database."
install.args = APP_ARGS
def installperms(mod):
"Installs any permissions for the given model, if needed."
def installperms(app):
"Installs any permissions for the given app, if needed."
from django.models.auth import Permission
from django.models.core import Package
from django.db.models import get_models
num_added = 0
package = Package.objects.get_object(pk=mod._MODELS[0]._meta.app_label)
for klass in mod._MODELS:
app_models = get_models(app)
app_label = app_models[0]._meta.app_label
package = Package.objects.get_object(pk=app_label)
for klass in app_models:
opts = klass._meta
for codename, name in _get_all_permissions(opts):
@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ from django.db.models.base import Model
from django.db.models.fields import *
from django.db.models.fields.related import *
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db.models.exceptions import FieldDoesNotExist, BadKeywordArguments
from django.db.models.signals import Signals
# Admin stages.
ADD, CHANGE, BOTH = 1, 2, 3
@ -25,8 +26,28 @@ ADD, CHANGE, BOTH = 1, 2, 3
#def get_module(app_label, module_name):
# return __import__('%s.%s.%s' % (MODEL_PREFIX, app_label, module_name), '', '', [''])
#def get_app(app_label):
# return __import__('%s.%s' % (MODEL_PREFIX, app_label), '', '', [''])
def get_models(app):
models = []
get_models_helper(app, models)
return models
def get_models_helper(mod, seen_models):
if hasattr(mod, '_MODELS'):
if hasattr(mod, '__all__'):
for name in mod.__all__:
sub_mod = __import__("%s.%s" % (mod.__name__, name), '','',[''])
get_models_helper(sub_mod, seen_models)
def get_app(app_label):
for app_name in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
comps = app_name.split('.')
if app_label == comps[-1]:
app_models = __import__('%s.models' % app_name , '','',[''])
return app_models
raise ImproperlyConfigured, "App with label %s could not be found" % app_name
class LazyDate:
Reference in New Issue