magic-removal: Restored manipulators to code from trunk, removing the unfinished stuff
git-svn-id: bcc190cf-cafb-0310-a4f2-bffc1f526a37
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ def add_stage(request, app_label, model_name, show_delete=False, form_url='', po
if not request.user.has_perm(app_label + '.' + opts.get_add_permission()):
raise PermissionDenied
manipulator = model.AddManipulator()
if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
@ -204,23 +205,11 @@ def add_stage(request, app_label, model_name, show_delete=False, form_url='', po
if opts.has_field_type(models.FileField):
#save a copy of the data to use for errors later.
data = new_data.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
#update the manipulator with the effects of previous commands.
#get the errors on the updated shape of the manipulator
#HACK - validators should not work on POSTED data directly...
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(data)
if request.POST.has_key("command"):
command_name = request.POST.get("command")
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
elif errors:
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
new_object = manipulator.save_from_update()
if not errors:
new_object =
pk_value = new_object._get_pk_val()
LogEntry.objects.log_action(, opts.get_content_type_id(), pk_value, str(new_object), ADDITION)
msg = _('The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully.') % {'name': opts.verbose_name, 'obj': new_object}
@ -268,8 +257,10 @@ add_stage = staff_member_required(add_stage)
def change_stage(request, app_label, model_name, object_id):
model = get_model(app_label, model_name)
opts = model._meta
if not request.user.has_perm(app_label + '.' + opts.get_change_permission()):
raise PermissionDenied
if request.POST and request.POST.has_key("_saveasnew"):
return add_stage(request, app_label, model_name, form_url='../../add/')
@ -280,28 +271,15 @@ def change_stage(request, app_label, model_name, object_id):
if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
if opts.has_field_type(models.FileField):
#save a copy of the data to use for errors later.
data = new_data.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
#update the manipulator with the effects of previous commands.
#get the errors on the updated shape of the manipulator
#HACK - validators should not work on POSTED data directly...
if request.POST.has_key("command"):
command_name = request.POST.get("command")
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(data)
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(data)
if errors:
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
new_object = manipulator.save_from_update()
if not errors:
new_object =
pk_value = new_object._get_pk_val()
# Construct the change message.
@ -336,6 +314,16 @@ def change_stage(request, app_label, model_name, object_id):
# Populate new_data with a "flattened" version of the current data.
new_data = manipulator.flatten_data()
# TODO: do this in flatten_data...
# If the object has ordered objects on its admin page, get the existing
# order and flatten it into a comma-separated list of IDs.
id_order_list = []
for rel_obj in opts.get_ordered_objects():
id_order_list.extend(getattr(manipulator.original_object, 'get_%s_order' % rel_obj.object_name.lower())())
if id_order_list:
new_data['order_'] = ','.join(map(str, id_order_list))
errors = {}
# Populate the FormWrapper.
@ -343,6 +331,15 @@ def change_stage(request, app_label, model_name, object_id):
form.original = manipulator.original_object
form.order_objects = []
#TODO Should be done in flatten_data / FormWrapper construction
for related in opts.get_followed_related_objects():
wrt = related.opts.order_with_respect_to
if wrt and wrt.rel and == opts:
func = getattr(manipulator.original_object, 'get_%s_list' %
orig_list = func()
c = template.RequestContext(request, {
'title': _('Change %s') % opts.verbose_name,
'form': form,
@ -192,12 +192,6 @@ class Field(object):
field_objs = self.get_manipulator_field_objs()
return (field_objs, params)
def get_fields_and_manipulators(self, opts, manipulator, follow):
change = manipulator.change
rel = manipulator.name_prefix != ''
name_prefix = manipulator.name_prefix
return (self.get_manipulator_fields(opts, manipulator, change, name_prefix, rel, follow), None)
def get_manipulator_fields(self, opts, manipulator, change, name_prefix='', rel=False, follow=True):
Returns a list of forms.FormField instances for this field. It
@ -227,19 +221,6 @@ class Field(object):
# are a special case.
params['is_required'] = not self.blank and not self.primary_key
# If this field is in a related context, check whether any other fields
# in the related object have core=True. If so, add a validator --
# RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven -- to this FormField.
#if rel and not self.blank and not isinstance(self, AutoField) and not isinstance(self, FileField):
# First, get the core fields, if any.
# core_field_names = []
# for f in opts.fields:
# if f.core and f != self:
# core_field_names.extend(f.get_manipulator_field_names(name_prefix))
# Now, if there are any, add the validator to this FormField.
# if core_field_names:
# params['validator_list'].append(validators.RequiredIfOtherFieldsGiven(core_field_names, gettext_lazy("This field is required.")))
# BooleanFields (CheckboxFields) are a special case. They don't take
# is_required or validator_list.
if isinstance(self, BooleanField):
@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ import types
def add_manipulators(sender):
cls = sender
cls.add_to_class('AddManipulator', ModelAddManipulator)
cls.add_to_class('ChangeManipulator', ModelChangeManipulator)
cls.add_to_class('AddManipulator', AutomaticAddManipulator)
cls.add_to_class('ChangeManipulator', AutomaticChangeManipulator)
dispatcher.connect(add_manipulators, signal=signals.class_prepared)
class ManipulatorDescriptor(object):
# This class provides the functionality that makes the default model
# manipulators (AddManipulator and ChangeManipulator) available via the
# model class.
def __init__(self, name, base):
|||| = None # Cache of the manipulator class.
|||| = name
@ -36,28 +39,7 @@ class ManipulatorDescriptor(object):
class Naming(object):
def __init__(self, name_parts):
self.name_parts = name_parts
def _get_dotted_name(self):
if len(self.name_parts) == 0:
return ""
return ".".join(self.name_parts) + "."
dotted_name = property(_get_dotted_name)
name_prefix = dotted_name
def _get_name(self):
if len(self.name_parts) == 0:
return ""
name = property(_get_name)
class AutomaticManipulator(forms.Manipulator, Naming):
class AutomaticManipulator(forms.Manipulator):
def _prepare(cls, model):
cls.model = model
cls.manager = model._default_manager
@ -77,390 +59,217 @@ class AutomaticManipulator(forms.Manipulator, Naming):
setattr(other_cls, name, ManipulatorDescriptor(name, cls))
contribute_to_class = classmethod(contribute_to_class)
def __init__(self, original_object=None, follow=None, name_parts=()):
Naming.__init__(self, name_parts)
if name_parts == ():
self.follow = self.model._meta.get_follow(follow)
self.follow = follow
self.fields_, self.children = [], {}
self.original_object = original_object
for f in self.opts.get_data_holders(self.follow):
def __init__(self, follow=None):
self.follow = self.opts.get_follow(follow)
self.fields = []
for f in self.opts.fields + self.opts.many_to_many:
if self.follow.get(, False):
self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(self.opts, self, self.change))
# Add fields for related objects.
for f in self.opts.get_all_related_objects():
if self.follow.get(, False):
fol = self.follow[]
fields,manipulators = f.get_fields_and_manipulators(self.opts, self, follow=fol)
self.fields.extend(f.get_manipulator_fields(self.opts, self, self.change, fol))
if fields != None:
if manipulators != None:
self.children[f] = manipulators
self.needs_deletion = False
self.ignore_errors = False
# Add field for ordering.
if self.change and self.opts.get_ordered_objects():
def get_fields(self):
if self.needs_deletion:
return []
return self.fields_
#l = list(self.fields_)
#for child_manips in self.children.values():
# for manip in child_manips:
# if manip:
# l.extend(manip.fields)
#return l
fields = property(get_fields)
def get_validation_errors(self, new_data):
"Returns dictionary mapping field_names to error-message lists"
if self.needs_deletion or self.ignore_errors:
return {}
errors = super(AutomaticManipulator, self).get_validation_errors(new_data)
for manips in self.children.values():
return errors
def do_html2python(self, new_data):
super(AutomaticManipulator, self).do_html2python(new_data)
for child in self.children.values():
def get_original_value(self, field):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_new_object(self, expanded_data, overrides=None):
def save(self, new_data):
# TODO: big cleanup when core fields go -> use recursive manipulators.
from django.utils.datastructures import DotExpandedDict
params = {}
overrides = overrides or {}
for f in self.opts.fields:
over = overrides.get(f, None)
if over:
param = over
# Fields with auto_now_add should keep their original value in the change stage.
auto_now_add = self.change and getattr(f, 'auto_now_add', False)
if self.follow.get(, None) and not auto_now_add:
param = f.get_manipulator_new_data(expanded_data)
param = f.get_manipulator_new_data(new_data)
param = self.get_original_value(f)
if self.change:
param = getattr(self.original_object, f.attname)
param = f.get_default()
params[f.attname] = param
if self.change:
params[] = self.obj_key
return self.model(**params)
def _fill_data(self, expanded_data):
if self.needs_deletion:
raise BadCommand, "Filling %s with %r when it needs deletion" % (self, expanded_data)
self.original_object = self.get_new_object(expanded_data)
# TODO: many_to_many
for related, manips in self.children.items():
child_data = MultiValueDict(expanded_data.get(related.var_name, MultiValueDict()) )
# First, save the basic object itself.
new_object = self.model(**params)
def update(self, new_data):
expanded_data = dot_expand(new_data, MultiValueDict)
# Deal with the effects of previous commands
# Now that the object's been saved, save any uploaded files.
for f in self.opts.fields:
if isinstance(f, FileField):
f.save_file(new_data, new_object, self.change and self.original_object or None, self.change, rel=False)
def save_from_update(self, parent_key=None):
if self.needs_deletion:
if self.original_object != None:
# TODO: many to many
if not hasattr(self, 'obj_key'):
self.obj_key = self.original_object._get_pk_val()
# Calculate which primary fields have changed.
if self.change:
self.fields_added, self.fields_changed, self.fields_deleted = [], [], []
for f in self.opts.fields:
if not f.primary_key and str(getattr(self.original_object, f.attname)) != str(getattr(new_object, f.attname)):
for related, manips in self.children.items():
# Save many-to-many objects. Example: Poll.set_sites()
for f in self.opts.many_to_many:
if self.follow.get(, None):
if not f.rel.edit_inline:
if f.rel.raw_id_admin:
new_vals = new_data.get(, ())
new_vals = new_data.getlist(
was_changed = getattr(new_object, 'set_%s' %
if self.change and was_changed:
return self.original_object
expanded_data = DotExpandedDict(dict(new_data))
# Save many-to-one objects. Example: Add the Choice objects for a Poll.
for related in self.opts.get_all_related_objects():
# Create obj_list, which is a DotExpandedDict such as this:
# [('0', {'id': ['940'], 'choice': ['This is the first choice']}),
# ('1', {'id': ['941'], 'choice': ['This is the second choice']}),
# ('2', {'id': [''], 'choice': ['']})]
child_follow = self.follow.get(, None)
def do_command(self, command):
# Do this command
command_parts = command.split('.')
if child_follow:
obj_list = expanded_data[related.var_name].items()
obj_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[0]), int(y[0])))
def _do_command_expanded(self, command_parts):
# For each related item...
for _, rel_new_data in obj_list:
params = {}
# Keep track of which core=True fields were provided.
# If all core fields were given, the related object will be saved.
# If none of the core fields were given, the object will be deleted.
# If some, but not all, of the fields were given, the validator would
# have caught that.
all_cores_given, all_cores_blank = True, True
# Get a reference to the old object. We'll use it to compare the
# old to the new, to see which fields have changed.
old_rel_obj = None
if self.change:
if rel_new_data[][0]:
part = command_parts.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise BadCommand, "Not enough parts in command"
if part == "delete":
self.needs_deletion = True
# must be the name of a child manipulator collection
child_manips = None
for rel,manips in self.children.items():
if rel.var_name == part:
child_manips = manips
if child_manips == None:
raise BadCommand, "'%s': unknown manipulator collection name." % (part,)
old_rel_obj = getattr(self.original_object, 'get_%s' % related.get_method_name_part() )(**{'%s__exact' % rel_new_data[][0]})
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
def save(self, new_data):
return self.original_object
for f in related.opts.fields:
if f.core and not isinstance(f, FileField) and f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True) in (None, ''):
all_cores_given = False
elif f.core and not isinstance(f, FileField) and f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True) not in (None, ''):
all_cores_blank = False
# If this field isn't editable, give it the same value it had
# previously, according to the given ID. If the ID wasn't
# given, use a default value. FileFields are also a special
# case, because they'll be dealt with later.
# def _save_expanded(self, expanded_data, overrides = None):
# add, change, opts, klass = self.add, self.change, self.opts, self.model
# new_object = self.get_new_object(expanded_data, overrides)
# # First, save the basic object itself.
# # Save the key for use in creating new related objects.
# if not hasattr(self, 'obj_key'):
# self.obj_key = getattr(new_object,
# # Now that the object's been saved, save any uploaded files.
# for f in opts.fields:
# if isinstance(f, FileField):
# f.save_file(new_data, new_object, change and self.original_object or None, change)
# # Calculate which primary fields have changed.
# # for f in opts.fields:
# # if not f.primary_key and str(getattr(self.original_object, f.attname)) != str(getattr(new_object, f.attname)):
# # self.fields_changed.append(f.verbose_name)
# # Save many-to-many objects. Example: Poll.set_sites()
# for f in opts.many_to_many:
# if self.follow.get(, None):
# if not f.rel.edit_inline:
# if f.rel.raw_id_admin:
# new_vals = new_data.get(, ())
# else:
# new_vals = new_data.getlist(
# was_changed = getattr(new_object, 'set_%s' %
# if change and was_changed:
# self.fields_changed.append(f.verbose_name)
# # Save inline edited objects
# self._fill_related_objects(expanded_data, SaveHelper)
# return new_object
# # Save the order, if applicable.
# #if change and opts.get_ordered_objects():
# # order = new_data['order_'] and map(int, new_data['order_'].split(',')) or []
# # for rel_opts in opts.get_ordered_objects():
# # getattr(new_object, 'set_%s_order' % rel_opts.object_name.lower())(order)
if f == related.field:
param = getattr(new_object, related.field.rel.field_name)
elif (not self.change) and isinstance(f, AutoField):
param = None
elif self.change and (isinstance(f, FileField) or not child_follow.get(, None)):
if old_rel_obj:
param = getattr(old_rel_obj, f.column)
param = f.get_default()
param = f.get_manipulator_new_data(rel_new_data, rel=True)
if param != None:
params[f.attname] = param
# Related links are a special case, because we have to
# manually set the "content_type_id" and "object_id" fields.
if self.opts.has_related_links and related.opts.module_name == 'relatedlinks':
contenttypes_mod = get_module('core', 'contenttypes')
params['content_type_id'] = contenttypes_mod.get_object(package__label__exact=self.opts.app_label, python_module_name__exact=self.opts.module_name).id
params['object_id'] =
# Create the related item.
new_rel_obj = related.opts.get_model_module().Klass(**params)
# If all the core fields were provided (non-empty), save the item.
if all_cores_given:
# Save any uploaded files.
for f in related.opts.fields:
if child_follow.get(, None):
if isinstance(f, FileField) and rel_new_data.get(, False):
f.save_file(rel_new_data, new_rel_obj, self.change and old_rel_obj or None, old_rel_obj is not None, rel=True)
# Calculate whether any fields have changed.
if self.change:
if not old_rel_obj: # This object didn't exist before.
self.fields_added.append('%s "%s"' % (related.opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
for f in related.opts.fields:
if not f.primary_key and f != related.field and str(getattr(old_rel_obj, f.attname)) != str(getattr(new_rel_obj, f.attname)):
self.fields_changed.append('%s for %s "%s"' % (f.verbose_name, related.opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
# Save many-to-many objects.
for f in related.opts.many_to_many:
if child_follow.get(, None) and not f.rel.edit_inline:
was_changed = getattr(new_rel_obj, 'set_%s' %[f.attname])
if self.change and was_changed:
self.fields_changed.append('%s for %s "%s"' % (f.verbose_name, related.opts.verbose_name, new_rel_obj))
# If, in the change stage, all of the core fields were blank and
# the primary key (ID) was provided, delete the item.
if self.change and all_cores_blank and old_rel_obj:
self.fields_deleted.append('%s "%s"' % (related.opts.verbose_name, old_rel_obj))
# Save the order, if applicable.
if self.change and self.opts.get_ordered_objects():
order = new_data['order_'] and map(int, new_data['order_'].split(',')) or []
for rel_opts in self.opts.get_ordered_objects():
getattr(new_object, 'set_%s_order' % rel_opts.object_name.lower())(order)
return new_object
def get_related_objects(self):
return self.opts.get_followed_related_objects(self.follow)
def flatten_data(self):
new_data = {}
for f in self.opts.fields + self.opts.many_to_many:
fol = self.follow.get(, None)
if fol:
new_data.update(f.flatten_data(fol, self.original_object))
for rel, child_manips in self.children.items():
child_data = child_manips.flatten_data()
prefix = self.name_prefix
new_data = dict([(prefix + k, v) for k,v in new_data.items()])
obj = self.change and self.original_object or None
for f in self.opts.get_data_holders(self.follow):
fol = self.follow.get(
new_data.update(f.flatten_data(fol, obj))
return new_data
class ModelAddManipulator(AutomaticManipulator):
class AutomaticAddManipulator(AutomaticManipulator):
change = False
add = True
def __init__(self, follow=None, name_parts=()):
super(ModelAddManipulator, self).__init__(follow=follow, name_parts=name_parts)
def get_original_value(self, field):
return field.get_default()
def __repr__(self):
return "<Automatic AddManipulator '%s' for %s>" % (self.name_prefix, self.model.__name__)
class ModelChangeManipulator(AutomaticManipulator):
class AutomaticChangeManipulator(AutomaticManipulator):
change = True
add = False
def __init__(self, obj_key=None, follow=None, name_parts=()):
assert obj_key is not None, "ChangeManipulator.__init__() must be passed obj_key parameter."
opts = self.model._meta
if isinstance(obj_key, self.model):
original_object = obj_key
self.obj_key = original_object._get_pk_val()
def __init__(self, obj_key, follow=None):
self.obj_key = obj_key
original_object = self.manager.get_object(pk=obj_key)
self.original_object = self.manager.get_object(pk=obj_key)
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# If the object doesn't exist, this might be a manipulator for a
# one-to-one related object that hasn't created its subobject yet.
# For example, this might be a Restaurant for a Place that doesn't
# yet have restaurant information.
if opts.one_to_one_field:
if self.opts.one_to_one_field:
# Sanity check -- Make sure the "parent" object exists.
# For example, make sure the Place exists for the Restaurant.
# Let the ObjectDoesNotExist exception propogate up.
lookup_kwargs = opts.one_to_one_field.rel.limit_choices_to
lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % opts.one_to_one_field.rel.field_name] = obj_key
null =**lookup_kwargs)
params = dict([(f.attname, f.get_default()) for f in opts.fields])
params[] = obj_key
original_object = opts.get_model_module().Klass(**params)
lookup_kwargs = self.opts.one_to_one_field.rel.limit_choices_to
lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % self.opts.one_to_one_field.rel.field_name] = obj_key
_ =**lookup_kwargs)
params = dict([(f.attname, f.get_default()) for f in self.opts.fields])
params[] = obj_key
self.original_object = self.opts.get_model_module().Klass(**params)
# Save the obj_key even though we already have it, in case it's
# currently a string and needs to be an integer.
self.obj_key = original_object._get_pk_val()
super(ModelChangeManipulator, self).__init__(original_object=original_object, follow=follow, name_parts=name_parts)
#self.original_object = original_object
#if self.opts.get_ordered_objects():
# self.fields.append(formfields.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(field_name="order_"))
self.fields_added, self.fields_changed, self.fields_deleted = [], [], []
def get_original_value(self, field):
return getattr(self.original_object, field.attname)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Automatic ChangeManipulator '%s' for %s:%r >" % (self.name_prefix, self.model.__name__, self.obj_key)
class ManipulatorCollection(list, Naming):
def __init__(self, model, follow, name_parts=()):
Naming.__init__(self, name_parts)
self.model = model
self.follow = follow
def _get_list(self):
return self.model._default_manager.get_list()
def _load(self):
man_class = self.model.ChangeManipulator
for i,obj in enumerate(self._get_list()):
self.append(man_class(obj, self.follow, self.name_parts + (str(i),)))
def _save_child(self, manip, parent_key):
def save_from_update(self, parent_key=None):
for manip in self:
if manip:
self._save_child(manip, parent_key)
def _fill_data(self, expanded_data):
for index,manip in enumerate(self):
obj_data = expanded_data.get(str(index), None)
expanded_data.pop(str(index), None)
if manip:
if obj_data != None:
#the object has new data
#the object was not in the data
manip.needs_deletion = True
if expanded_data:
# There are new objects in the data
items = [(int(k), v) for k, v in expanded_data.items()]
items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
for index, obj_data in items:
child_manip = self.add_child(index)
#HACK: this data will not have been converted to python form yet.
def _do_command_expanded(self, command_parts):
# The next part could be an index of a manipulator,
# or it could be a command on the collection.
index_part = command_parts.pop(0)
except IndexError:
raise BadCommand, "Not enough parts in command"
index = int(index_part)
manip = self[index]
except IndexError:
raise BadCommand, "No %s manipulator found for index %s in command." % (part, index)
if manip == None:
raise BadCommand, "No %s manipulator found for index %s in command." % (part, index)
except ValueError:
command_name = index_part
# Must be a command on the collection. Possible commands:
# add.
# TODO: page.forward, page.back, page.n, swap.n.m
if command_name == "add":
child_manip = self.add_child()
# Don't show validation stuff for things just added.
child_manip.ignore_errors = True
elif command_name == "swap":
order_field = self.model._meta.order_with_respect_to
if not order_field:
raise BadCommand, "Swap command recieved on unordered ManipulatorCollection"
manip1 = self[int(command_parts.pop(0))]
manip2 = self[int(command_parts.pop(0))]
if manip1 == None or manip2 == None:
raise BadCommand, "Attempt to swap a deleted manipulator"
except ValueError, IndexError:
raise BadCommand, "Could not find manipulators for swap command"
# Set the ordering field value on the objects in the manipulators.
# This will make sure they are put in a different when rendered on the form.
# The indices in this collection will stay the same.
temp = getattr(manip1.original_object, order_field.attname)
setattr(manip1.original_object, order_field.attname,
getattr(manip2.original_object, order_field.attname))
setattr(manip2.original_object, order_field.attname, temp)
raise BadCommand, "%s, unknown command" % (command_name)
def add_child(self, index = None):
man_class = self.model.AddManipulator
if index == None:
index = len(self)
# Make sure that we are going to put this in the right index, by prefilling with Nones.
for i in range(len(self), index + 1):
prefix = '%s%s.' % (self.name_prefix, index )
child_manip = man_class(self.follow, self.name_parts + (str(index),))
self[index] = child_manip
return child_manip
def flatten_data(self):
new_data = {}
for manip in self:
if manip:
manip_data = manip.flatten_data()
return new_data
def get_validation_errors(self, new_data):
"Returns dictionary mapping field_names to error-message lists"
errors = {}
for manip in self:
if manip:
return errors
def do_html2python(self, new_data):
for manip in self:
if manip:
super(AutomaticChangeManipulator, self).__init__(follow=follow)
def manipulator_validator_unique_together(field_name_list, opts, self, field_data, all_data):
from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToOne
@ -1,24 +1,3 @@
from django.db.models.manipulators import ManipulatorCollection
class RelatedManipulatorCollection(ManipulatorCollection):
def __init__(self, related, parent_name_parts, instance, follow):
name_parts = parent_name_parts + (related.var_name,)
self.instance = instance
self.related = related
super(RelatedManipulatorCollection, self).__init__(related.model, follow, name_parts)
def _save_child(self, manip, parent_key):
setattr(manip.original_object, self.related.field.attname, parent_key)
super(RelatedManipulatorCollection, self)._save_child(manip, parent_key)
def _get_list(self):
if self.instance != None:
meth_name = 'get_%s_list' % self.related.get_method_name_part()
list = getattr(self.instance, meth_name)()
list = []
return list
class BoundRelatedObject(object):
def __init__(self, related_object, field_mapping, original):
self.relation = related_object
@ -95,14 +74,6 @@ class RelatedObject(object):
def __repr__(self):
return "<RelatedObject: %s related to %s>" % (,
def get_fields_and_manipulators(self, opts, manipulator, follow):
return ([], self.get_manipulators(manipulator, follow))
def get_manipulators(self, parent_manipulator, follow):
name_parts = parent_manipulator.name_parts
obj = parent_manipulator.original_object
return RelatedManipulatorCollection(self, name_parts, obj, follow)
def bind(self, field_mapping, original, bound_related_object_class=BoundRelatedObject):
return bound_related_object_class(self, field_mapping, original)
Reference in New Issue