.. _topics-forms-index: ================== Working with forms ================== .. admonition:: About this document This document provides an introduction to Django's form handling features. For a more detailed look at the forms API, see :ref:`ref-forms-api`. For documentation of the available field types, see :ref:`ref-forms-fields`. .. highlightlang:: html+django ``django.forms`` is Django's form-handling library. While it is possible to process form submissions just using Django's :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` class, using the form library takes care of a number of common form-related tasks. Using it, you can: 1. Display an HTML form with automatically generated form widgets. 2. Checking submitted data against a set of validation rules. 3. Redisplaying a form in the case of validation errors. 4. Converting submitted form data to the relevant Python data types. Overview ======== The library deals with these concepts: .. glossary:: Widget A class that corresponds to an HTML form widget, e.g. ```` or ``