import os import sha from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseServerError from django.utils import simplejson from uploadhandler import QuotaUploadHandler def file_upload_view(request): """ Check that a file upload can be updated into the POST dictionary without going pear-shaped. """ form_data = request.POST.copy() form_data.update(request.FILES) if isinstance(form_data.get('file_field'), UploadedFile) and isinstance(form_data['name'], unicode): # If a file is posted, the dummy client should only post the file name, # not the full path. if os.path.dirname(form_data['file_field'].file_name) != '': return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('') else: return HttpResponseServerError() def file_upload_view_verify(request): """ Use the sha digest hash to verify the uploaded contents. """ form_data = request.POST.copy() form_data.update(request.FILES) # Check to see if unicode names worked out. if not request.FILES['file_unicode'].file_name.endswith(u'test_\u4e2d\u6587_Orl\xe9ans.jpg'): return HttpResponseServerError() for key, value in form_data.items(): if key.endswith('_hash'): continue if key + '_hash' not in form_data: continue submitted_hash = form_data[key + '_hash'] if isinstance(value, UploadedFile): new_hash = else: new_hash = if new_hash != submitted_hash: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('') def file_upload_echo(request): """ Simple view to echo back info about uploaded files for tests. """ r = dict([(k, f.file_name) for k, f in request.FILES.items()]) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(r)) def file_upload_quota(request): """ Dynamically add in an upload handler. """ request.upload_handlers.insert(0, QuotaUploadHandler()) return file_upload_echo(request) def file_upload_quota_broken(request): """ You can't change handlers after reading FILES; this view shouldn't work. """ response = file_upload_echo(request) request.upload_handlers.insert(0, QuotaUploadHandler()) return response def file_upload_getlist_count(request): """ Check the .getlist() function to ensure we receive the correct number of files. """ file_counts = {} for key in request.FILES.keys(): file_counts[key] = len(request.FILES.getlist(key)) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(file_counts))