.. _ref-contrib-formtools-form-preview: ============ Form preview ============ .. module:: django.contrib.formtools :synopsis: Displays an HTML form, forces a preview, then does something with the submission. Django comes with an optional "form preview" application that helps automate the following workflow: "Display an HTML form, force a preview, then do something with the submission." To force a preview of a form submission, all you have to do is write a short Python class. Overview ========= Given a :class:`django.forms.Form` subclass that you define, this application takes care of the following workflow: 1. Displays the form as HTML on a Web page. 2. Validates the form data when it's submitted via POST. a. If it's valid, displays a preview page. b. If it's not valid, redisplays the form with error messages. 3. When the "confirmation" form is submitted from the preview page, calls a hook that you define -- a :meth:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.done()` method that gets passed the valid data. The framework enforces the required preview by passing a shared-secret hash to the preview page via hidden form fields. If somebody tweaks the form parameters on the preview page, the form submission will fail the hash-comparison test. How to use ``FormPreview`` ========================== 1. Point Django at the default FormPreview templates. There are two ways to do this: * Add ``'django.contrib.formtools'`` to your :setting:`INSTALLED_APPS` setting. This will work if your :setting:`TEMPLATE_LOADERS` setting includes the ``app_directories`` template loader (which is the case by default). See the :ref:`template loader docs ` for more. * Otherwise, determine the full filesystem path to the :file:`django/contrib/formtools/templates` directory, and add that directory to your :setting:`TEMPLATE_DIRS` setting. 2. Create a :class:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview` subclass that overrides the :meth:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.done()` method:: from django.contrib.formtools.preview import FormPreview from myapp.models import SomeModel class SomeModelFormPreview(FormPreview): def done(self, request, cleaned_data): # Do something with the cleaned_data, then redirect # to a "success" page. return HttpResponseRedirect('/form/success') This method takes an :class:`~django.http.HttpRequest` object and a dictionary of the form data after it has been validated and cleaned. It should return an :class:`~django.http.HttpResponseRedirect` that is the end result of the form being submitted. 3. Change your URLconf to point to an instance of your :class:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview` subclass:: from myapp.preview import SomeModelFormPreview from myapp.models import SomeModel from django import forms ...and add the following line to the appropriate model in your URLconf:: (r'^post/$', SomeModelFormPreview(SomeModelForm)), where ``SomeModelForm`` is a Form or ModelForm class for the model. 4. Run the Django server and visit :file:`/post/` in your browser. ``FormPreview`` classes ======================= .. class:: FormPreview A :class:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview` class is a simple Python class that represents the preview workflow. :class:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview` classes must subclass ``django.contrib.formtools.preview.FormPreview`` and override the :meth:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.done()` method. They can live anywhere in your codebase. ``FormPreview`` templates ========================= By default, the form is rendered via the template :file:`formtools/form.html`, and the preview page is rendered via the template :file:`formtools.preview.html`. These values can be overridden for a particular form preview by setting :attr:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.preview_template` and :attr:`~django.contrib.formtools.FormPreview.form_template` attributes on the FormPreview subclass. See :file:`django/contrib/formtools/templates` for the default templates.