#!/usr/bin/env python """ This module builds HTML documentation for models by introspecting the model unit tests. """ from django.core import meta, template import runtests import inspect, os, re, sys MODEL_DOC_TEMPLATE = """

{{ title }}

{{ blurb }}

Model source code

{{ model_source }}

API reference

{% for model in models %}

{{ model.name }} objects have the following methods:

{% endfor %}

Sample API usage

{{ api_usage }}
""" def make_docs_from_model_tests(output_dir): from django.conf import settings # Manually set INSTALLED_APPS to point to the test app. settings.INSTALLED_APPS = (runtests.APP_NAME,) for model_name in runtests.get_test_models(): mod = meta.get_app(model_name) # Clean up the title and blurb. title, blurb = mod.__doc__.strip().split('\n', 1) blurb = '


' % blurb.strip().replace('\n\n', '

') blurb = re.sub(r'``(.*?)``', '\\1', blurb) api_usage = mod.API_TESTS # Get the source code of the model, without the docstring or the # API_TESTS variable. model_source = inspect.getsource(mod) model_source = model_source.replace(mod.__doc__, '') model_source = model_source.replace(mod.API_TESTS, '') model_source = model_source.replace('""""""\n', '\n') model_source = model_source.replace('API_TESTS = ', '') model_source = model_source.strip() models = [] for m in mod._MODELS: models.append({ 'name': m._meta.object_name, 'methods': [method for method in dir(m) if not method.startswith('_')], }) # Run this through the template system. t = template.Template(MODEL_DOC_TEMPLATE) c = template.Context(locals()) html = t.render(c) file_name = os.path.join(output_dir, 'model_' + model_name + '.html') try: fp = open(file_name, 'w') except IOError: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't write to %s.\n" % file_name) continue else: fp.write(html) fp.close() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys make_docs_from_model_tests(sys.argv[1])