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.. _ref-gis-admin:
GeoDjango's admin site
.. module:: django.contrib.gis.admin
:synopsis: GeoDjango's extensions to the admin site.
.. class:: GeoModelAdmin
.. attribute:: default_lon
The default center longitude.
.. attribute:: default_lat
The default center latitude.
.. attribute:: default_zoom
The default zoom level to use. Defaults to 18.
.. attribute:: extra_js
Sequence of URLs to any extra JavaScript to include.
.. attribute:: map_template
Override the template used to generate the JavaScript slippy map.
Default is ``'gis/admin/openlayers.html'``.
.. attribute:: map_width
Width of the map, in pixels. Defaults to 600.
.. attribute:: map_height
Height of the map, in pixels. Defaults to 400.
.. attribute:: openlayers_url
Link to the URL of the OpenLayers JavaScript. Defaults to
.. class:: OSMGeoAdmin
A subclass of :class:`GeoModelAdmin` that uses a spherical mercator projection
with OpenStreetMap street data tiles. See the :ref:`OSMGeoAdmin introduction <osmgeoadmin-intro>`
in the tutorial for a usage example.