- [Adding and editing content](#adding-and-editing-content)
- [Add a new page](#add-a-new-page)
- [Editing an existing page](#editing-an-existing-page)
- [Building the content](#building-the-content)
- [Serve the documentation locally](#serve-the-documentation-locally)
- [Build the content for deployment](#build-the-content-for-deployment)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [`Error: Unable to locate config file or config directory. Perhaps you need to create a new site.`](#error-unable-to-locate-config-file-or-config-directory-perhaps-you-need-to-create-a-new-site)
- [`failed to extract shortcode: template for shortcode "children" not found` or theme doesn't seem right?](#failed-to-extract-shortcode-template-for-shortcode-children-not-found-or-theme-doesnt-seem-right)
The most important directory is `/content`. This is the directory which contains the content files. [Read this to understand how pages are organized in that folder](https://themes.gohugo.io//theme/hugo-theme-learn/en/cont/pages/).
In this directory you should place images, `css` files, `js` files and other static content the site should serve. To access that static content in a page, use something similar to this:
This is the theme we're using. It's a submodule (to get it you need to run `git submodule update`). It's our own fork of the [learn](https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-theme-learn/) theme. If you want to make changes to the theme itself, or pull updates from the upstream, you'll do it here.
This directory includes custom [HTML partials](https://gohugo.io/templates/partials/), custom [shortcodes](https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/) and content templates. It's best not to mess with the existing stuff here too much, but rather add new things.
You'll have to [install `hugo`](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/), a text editor that's good for markdown (`vscode` and `vim` are good options) and `git`.
Run `hugo new folder/page.md`. Optionally add `--kind chapter` if creating a new chapter page. For example, `hugo new usage/getting-started.md` created the Getting Started page.
Edit the markdown file(s). [Here's a markdown cheatsheet](https://themes.gohugo.io//theme/hugo-theme-learn/en/cont/markdown/). If you want to add images, add them to the `static/images` folder and refer to them by name.
Run `hugo server -D`. The server will be available locally at `http://localhost:1313/`. You can change the content/theme and the site will refresh automatically to reflect your changes.
Run `hugo --environment staging` or `hugo --environment production`. This will create a static site in the `public` directory. This directory should be ignored by `git` - **make sure you don't add and commit it by mistake!**
#### Troubleshooting
##### `Error: Unable to locate config file or config directory. Perhaps you need to create a new site.`