Windows deployment scripts to python3

This commit is contained in:
VakarisZ 2019-10-02 10:15:53 +03:00
parent df7a43127a
commit 1c880a76d9
3 changed files with 15 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -22,24 +22,20 @@ $SAMBA_64_BINARY_NAME = ""
# Other directories and paths ( most likely you dont need to configure)
$MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR = "\monkey\monkey_island"
$MONKEY_DIR = "\monkey\infection_monkey"
$SAMBA_BINARIES_DIR = Join-Path -Path $MONKEY_DIR -ChildPath "\exploit\sambacry_monkey_runner"
$SAMBA_BINARIES_DIR = Join-Path -Path $MONKEY_DIR -ChildPath "\bin"
$PYTHON_DLL = "C:\Windows\System32\python27.dll"
$MK32_DLL = "mk32.dll"
$MK64_DLL = "mk64.dll"
$TEMP_PYTHON_INSTALLER = ".\python.msi"
$MK32_DLL = ""
$MK64_DLL = ""
$TEMP_PYTHON_INSTALLER = ".\python.exe"
$TEMP_NPM_INSTALLER = "node.msi"
$TEMP_PYWIN32_INSTALLER = "pywin32.exe"
$UPX_FOLDER = "upx394w"
# Other url's
$NPM_URL = ""
$PYWIN32_URL = ""
$UPX_URL = ""
$MK32_DLL_URL = ""
$MK64_DLL_URL = ""
$PYWIN32_URL = ""
$MK32_DLL_URL = ""
$MK64_DLL_URL = ""

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ function Deploy-Windows([String] $monkey_home = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException]
"Downloading python 3 ..."
"Select 'add to PATH' when installing"
Start-Process -Wait $TEMP_PYTHON_INSTALLER -ErrorAction Stop
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine")
@ -60,23 +61,12 @@ function Deploy-Windows([String] $monkey_home = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
# Check if installed correctly
$version = cmd.exe /c '"python" --version 2>&1'
if ( $version -like '* is not recognized*' ) {
"Python is not found in PATH. Add it manually or reinstall python."
"Python is not found in PATH. If you just installed python you need to restart cmd.
Else, add it manually or reinstall python."
# Set python home dir
$PYTHON_PATH = Split-Path -Path (Get-Command python | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source)
# Get vcforpython27 before installing requirements
"Downloading Visual C++ Compiler for Python 3 ..."
Start-Process -Wait $TEMP_VC_FOR_PYTHON27_INSTALLER -ErrorAction Stop
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine")
# Install requirements for island
$islandRequirements = Join-Path -Path $monkey_home -ChildPath $MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR | Join-Path -ChildPath "\requirements.txt" -ErrorAction Stop
"Upgrading pip..."
$output = cmd.exe /c 'python -m pip install --user --upgrade pip 2>&1'
@ -84,8 +74,11 @@ function Deploy-Windows([String] $monkey_home = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
"Make sure pip module is installed and re-run this script."
"Installing python packages for island"
$islandRequirements = Join-Path -Path $monkey_home -ChildPath $MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR | Join-Path -ChildPath "\requirements.txt" -ErrorAction Stop
& python -m pip install --user -r $islandRequirements
# Install requirements for monkey
"Installing python packages for monkey"
$monkeyRequirements = Join-Path -Path $monkey_home -ChildPath $MONKEY_DIR | Join-Path -ChildPath "\requirements_windows.txt"
& python -m pip install --user -r $monkeyRequirements
@ -115,7 +108,6 @@ function Deploy-Windows([String] $monkey_home = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
"Removing zip file"
# Generate ssl certificate
"Generating ssl certificate"
Push-Location -Path (Join-Path -Path $monkey_home -ChildPath $MONKEY_ISLAND_DIR)
@ -167,19 +159,6 @@ function Deploy-Windows([String] $monkey_home = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName,
$binDir = (Join-Path -Path $monkey_home -ChildPath $MONKEY_DIR | Join-Path -ChildPath "\bin")
New-Item -ItemType directory -path $binaries -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Download upx
if(!(Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $binDir -ChildPath "upx.exe") )){
"Downloading upx ..."
$webClient.DownloadFile($UPX_URL, $TEMP_UPX_ZIP)
"Unzipping upx"
Expand-Archive $TEMP_UPX_ZIP -DestinationPath $binDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Move-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $binDir -ChildPath $UPX_FOLDER | Join-Path -ChildPath "upx.exe") -Destination $binDir
# Remove unnecessary files
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force (Join-Path -Path $binDir -ChildPath $UPX_FOLDER)
"Removing zip file"
Remove-Item $TEMP_UPX_ZIP
# Download mimikatz binaries
$mk32_path = Join-Path -Path $binDir -ChildPath $MK32_DLL
if(!(Test-Path -Path $mk32_path )){

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@ -67,17 +67,11 @@ def process_datas(orig_datas):
def get_binaries():
binaries = get_windows_only_binaries() if is_windows() else get_linux_only_binaries()
binaries = [] if is_windows() else get_linux_only_binaries()
binaries += get_sc_binaries()
return binaries
def get_windows_only_binaries():
binaries = []
binaries += get_msvcr()
return binaries
def get_linux_only_binaries():
binaries = []
binaries += get_traceroute_binaries()
@ -92,10 +86,6 @@ def get_sc_binaries():
return [(x, get_bin_file_path(x), 'BINARY') for x in ['', '']]
def get_msvcr():
return [('msvcr100.dll', os.environ['WINDIR'] + '\\system32\\msvcr100.dll', 'BINARY')]
def get_traceroute_binaries():
traceroute_name = 'traceroute32' if is_32_bit() else 'traceroute64'
return [(traceroute_name, get_bin_file_path(traceroute_name), 'BINARY')]